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Poetry and Its Valuating Subject: How Much Knowledge of Art can Aesthetic Experience Yield( Télécharger le fichier original )par Tan Shi Wei National Junior College Singapore - 2008 |
CONCLUSIONUnderlined in the fact that aesthetic experience is only obtainable when given a work to which we may respond to, aesthetic experience cannot be independent of what a poem attempts to express through its content. It follows as shown that the way we understand a poem cannot be overlooked when validating knowledge claims about aesthetic experience. While the formalist account discussed is not without its downsides, it is highly useful in marginalizing the disparity of responses and interpretations we may arrive at for the same poem. This carefully sidesteps the subjective nature of aesthetic responses and allows us discuss the validity of knowledge claims based on the characteristics of aesthetic experience alone. It is worth noting that while we have seen that no rigorous justifications seems applicable, the approach undertaken in justifying knowledge claims about aesthetic experience relies heavily on widely accepted beliefs, and through Richard Eldridge's words, "through arriving at a more transparent, shared culture, in which [the understanding of art] is clearer than it is now", and this should be realised in «the hope of agreement"10(*). BIBLIOGRAPHYBooks Eldridge, R. Beyond representation: Philosophy and poetic imagination Eldridge, R. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art Timothy G. McCarthy and Sean C. Stidd. Wittgenstein in America Habermas, J. Reason and the Rationalisation of Society Danto, Arthur C. Embodied Meanings: Critical Essays and Aesthetic Meditations Wainwright, J. Poetry: The Basics Papers, Articles and Internet Resources Strayer, J. «What is the nature of Aesthetic Experience» Lundquist, B. «Wittgenstein and Aesthetics: What is the Language of Art?» LaMarque, P. «Poetry and Private Language» Harnad, S. «Affect and Cognition in Art: Form versus Content» Kulken, J. «Exclusively for Everyone: On the Value of Aesthetic Experience» Phillips, B. «Poetry and the Problem of Taste» Roeffaers, H. «Aesthetic Experience and Verbal Art» Gladdys Westbrook Church. «The Significance of Louise Rosenblatt on the Field of Teaching Literature» Hauptli's Lecture Supplement Introducing Epistemology http://www.fiu.edu/~hauptli/IntroductiontoEpistemology.html Aesthetics of R.G.Collingwood http://www.seop.leeds.ac.uk/entries/collingwood-aesthetics/ Aesthetics of John Dewey http://www.iep.utm.edu/d/dewey.htm Voice, Tone, Ambiguity http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~rmasiell/219/assign7.html Robert Frost «Fire and Ice» http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/frost/fireice.htm * 10 Richard Eldridge, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art |