4. The aid-growth relationship
In order to make cross-country studies feasible, it was
necessary to choose some kind of «common denominator» able to reflect
the general efficiency of aid despite de diversity of its objectives. The
aid-growth relationship is incontestably the most common relationship used in
the literature to measure the macroeconomic effectiveness of foreign aid.
Concretely, in the regressions, positive and significant coefficients on the
aid variable is interpreted as evidence that aid was effective in enhancing
growth. As Quibria (2004, p17-18) expresses: «Although poverty reduction
has been accepted as the overriding objective of international development
assistance, this concern has not found adequate reflection in the current
research: paradoxically, much of the current research effort has been couched
in terms of economic growth rather than poverty reduction.» In fact, this
«second best» indicator of efficiency is essentially motivated by the
poor availability of data in most developing countries4. It can also
be explained by the unfortunate tendency among economist to consider growth and
poverty reduction to be synonymous. The following statements of Easterly (2003,
p34) reflect this misunderstanding: «the aid bureaucracies [these days]
define their final objective as «poverty reduction, [which is] today's
more politically correct name for `growth'.»
Nevertheless, this decision to consider the efficiency of aid
only in terms of its ability to enhance national growth entails important
limitations. Restricting the evaluation of aid effectiveness to its impact on
national growth means that we make somehow the underlying assumption that
economic growth benefits to the targeted people, namely the inferior social
classes. In other words, we make the well known hypothesis that growth
«trickles down» to the poor. In the late nineties, different studies
found a positive relationship between growth and poverty reduction5.
Some kind of consensus emerged then about the positive contribution of growth
to poverty decline. But, this hypothesis is not equally valid
everywhere6. As Rodrik
4 The reliability of such a statistic may be deeply questioned,
as we know the importance of informal activities in developing economies.
5 We refer to Dollar and Kraay (2000) and Gallup, Radelet and
Warner (1999) for the concept of relative poverty, whereas Ravallion (2000) and
Collier and Dollar (2001, 2002) analyze the impact of growth on absolute
poverty. They all come to the conclusion that growth is «good for the
6 This is especially the case in some countries where economic
growth is mainly fed by the exploitation of natural resources. (e.g. the well
known «oil curse»)
(2000, p1) writes: «the poverty-reduction payoff from
growth depends in part on the specific circumstances and policies in each
country.» Furthermore, if the majority of authors agree on the idea that
growth increases small revenues, the extent of this gain is still subject to
fierce debate. In many cases inequalities appear to widen with economic
growth7. So, if growth has been accompanied by an improvement in
Gini coefficients in countries like Taiwan, Bangladesh and Egypt, it may also
worsen social inequalities in others such as Chile, China, and Poland. This
argument leads us to the discussion about the different concepts of absolute,
relative and even subjective poverty. It cannot unconditionally be said that
one kind of poverty should be targeted rather than the others in order to
improve people's welfare. For statistical ease, «absolute poverty» is
usually preferred by economists. It does not mean that it is the best indicator
of (dis)satisfaction. On the other hand, is increasing inequality necessarily
detrimental if it at the same time everyone has a higher income? At least, this
question requires careful thought.
In addition, looking at this aid-growth relation to estimate
its ability to reach its objectives may lead to other limitations. As we will
see later there exist many kinds of assistance and some categories of aid may
not target economic growth at all. We find it particularly frustrating to limit
the assessment of support to fields like human rights, cultural emancipation,
gender equity or nature protection to there impact on growth. In comparison, it
is a bit like restricting the benefits of scientific research to its marketable
Finally, even if the analysis is limited to economic
variables, one can wonder if it is appropriate to limit the concept of
development to economic growth. It is a frequent mistake in the economic
literature to confuse economic growth, development and welfare8.
What is the contribution of economic growth to development when human
indicators are pointing in the opposite direction? This important issue wanders
from the purpose of our work. It is nevertheless important to remain critical
when we narrow the scope of an analysis for technical reasons.
Despite all these arguments that reduce seriously the
explanatory power of the aid-growth relation, the overwhelming majority of
attempts to measure global aid effectiveness have been couched in terms of
impact on growth. As Amprou and Chauvet (2004, p45) say, the real
7 See for instance De Janvry and Sadoulet (2000) for the case of
Latin America
8 We refer to Cassiers and Delain (2006)
issue of foreign aid is poverty reduction. But very few
econometric studies departed from the aid-growth relationship to analyse the
real effectiveness of aid. This has given birth to a fierce and apparently
inconclusive debate that deserves some critical analysis. For this reason, we
will stick to this aid-growth relationship as well. In the following, we should
keep in mind the previous limitations to interpret cautiously what we mean by
«aid effectiveness».