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Gestion des espaces verts municipaux et leurs apports dans le développement durable des communes de Yaoundé 2 et 3

par Hubert Aristide Manga Mvondo
Université de Yaoundé 1 - Master en géographie 2023

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This study focuses on the management of municipal green spaces and their contributions to the sustainable development of the municipalities of Yaoundé 2 and 3. It analyzes the problem of centralized management of these green spaces by the urban community of Yaoundé (CUY). This centralized management leads to certain problems related to the development, the aesthetics and pollution of the municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 2 and 3. The main objective of the study is to study the management of the municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 2 and 3 to determine whether it contributes to the promotion of sustainable development of the two municipalities. From there, three specific objectives were formulated: to study the management of the municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 2 and 3 in order to determine whether it contributes to the promotion of the sustainable development of the two municipalities; determine the conditions for the creation and development of the municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 2 and 3 in order to establish whether their establishment partially compensates for the extension of buildings and infrastructures to the detriment of the natural forest of the municipalities studied; Analyze the logics of actors and their management strategies and adaptations in the promotion of sustainable development through the municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 2 and 3; Present the implications of the management and services provided by the municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 2 and 3 by the CUY.

The methodology for collecting the data consisted of conducting semi-structured interviews at the CUY Gardens and Green Spaces Directorate, conducting interviews with users in the EVMY, and administering survey questionnaires; Botanical surveys were carried out on two municipal green spaces in two municipalities: the Holy Anastasia Wood (3.4 ha) (Yaoundé 2) and the annex of the Charles Atangana Wood (1ha) (cemetery side) and diachronic analyses were also performed on three dates (1990, 2000 and 2020).

Diachronic analyses show a regression of the afforestation rate of -35.92% for an annual average rate of expansion of -1.55% for the municipality of Yaoundé 3 and over the same period, there is also a regression of the afforestation rate of -52.25% in the municipality of Yaoundé 2. These regressions are the consequences of the very strong extension of the built and the infrastructures which represent respectively 97,64% and 180.65% for the municipalities of Yaoundé 2 and 3. The calculation of the green space/inhabitant ratios revealed that the municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 2 provide a ratio of 1.35m² of green space per inhabitant. On the other hand, the municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 3 provide a ratio of 1.5m² of green space per capita. These ratios are well below the one recommended by UN-Habitat (minimum 9m² of green space/ inhabitant). Based on the threshold of at least 800m² of wooded space per 1000hbts recommended by the Cameroon Forest Law of 1994, the municipalities of Yaoundé 2 and 3 provide respectively 618.6m² and 742.6m² of wooded space/ 1000hbts. Which is close to the recommended threshold. The shortcomings in municipal green spaces of Yaoundé implement adaptation strategies of direct actors (CUY) and indirect (visitors/ users) that are not without consequences on the attraction of municipal green spaces of the two municipalities. However, the study demonstrated the contributions on sustainable development in Yaoundé 2 and 3 of these green spaces. However, decentralized management (applied management) could allow a more rational, equitable and sustainable management of municipal green spaces of Yaoundé 2 and 3.

Keywords: municipal green spaces, Yaoundé 2, Yaoundé 3, sustainable development, Applied Management

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'imagination est plus importante que le savoir"   Albert Einstein