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Agribusiness management skills for agricultural smallholders in Africa

par Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
Technical University of Munich - Master of science Agrarmanagement 2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.5 Methodological Approach

Prior to the analysis, the consultants prepared the collected Data in Excel, covering the economic calculations for each of the agricultural products in both the current and improved cases.

For the analysis methods, Ishikawa Cause and Effect Diagram and a Comparative analysis, are going to be used in order to highlight the efficiency of the given solutions.

To begin with, the Ishikawa Cause and Effect Diagram is a problem-solving tool for the farm business. This tool in the form of fish-shaped diagram (figure 5), suitable for monitoring the production techniques, farm management and economic skills. To construct this diagram, there are 8 main sections to identify the risks that could cause a problem at the farm level:

· Man: collaborators and actors in a farm like the farmer and his/ her workers

· Machine: means of production and the equipment used in agricultural enterprises

· Material: components that go into the development of the final product like seeds and fertilizer.

· Medium: Risks in a farm environment

· Method: the techniques, procedures, or operating modes

· Means of finance: Available financial services

· Management: strategic and Administrative management of operations

· Market: Obtaining market information and planning sales


Figure 5 Ichikawa Diagram (Ishikawa 1990)

For the comparative analysis, 5 performance criteria relevant for analysis and planning at the farm level were assessed. These 5 criteria are: Productivity, Profitability, Stability, Diversity and Sustainability.

First of all, Productivity is the parameter of suitability of the activity in an agricultural environment and an indicator of resource which use efficiency and performance management. This was interpreted showing the effect of adopting GAP on crop yields and measure the increase on Production.

Second, concerning Profitability, tables deducting the change of Input Quantity, prices and Gross Margin in both cases have been established. These Tables show the impact over time of improvement management and production techniques on profit.

Thus, the choice of the main product of the training was explained and was determined if this product was the one with the highest profit. Furthermore, the return per euro invested, the unit cost, labor productivity and capital productivity have been calculated and interpreted.

Third, stability, which is the absence of fluctuations in product cost (labor unit and Input cost), yield and product price from one year to another. Stability of both scenarios is evaluated by measuring the coefficient of variation.

Forth, diversification, and to evaluate this parameter (diversity), the Simpson's Diversity index (DI) is an appropriate method to express the level of household income diversity. Finally, the depreciation of the Mini-pivot, the Farm Net Actual Returns and the Farm Net Sustainable Returns were Calculated. Then, the Household Revenue per day and per member is determined, in order to evaluate the place of smallholder farmers' incomes in relation to the poverty line.


4 Result Analysis

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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