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Diagnostic des équipements d'approvisionnement en eau potable et évaluation des ressources en eau de bamendjo

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Dschang-Cameroun - Master I en Approvisionnement en Eau Potable et Maintenance des Ouvrages Hydrauliques 2013

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


The Group Bamendjo an area of ??about 17 km2, is located in the district of Mbouda, South Department Bamboutos in the Western Region.

From 19 to 28 March 2014, a study for the completion of diagnostic equipment procurement and evaluation of water resources potential of Bamendjo was conducted in this Group. The methodology adopted was to make a preparation of data collection in the field, identifying the type of water points and their detection, diagnosis of water points, the household surveys, the sampling some water samples and their analysis and also the realization of the mapping.

At diagnosis, Bamendjo Group has 13 water points including 10 equipped in 31% of the total area of ??the village, 05 of whom are non-functional. Boreholes and wells Bamendjo are usually equipped with hand pumps brand INDIA MARK II and protective equipment items are almost nonexistent. There is no Management Committee of Water Points whereas currently the standard of hygiene around 62% of water points is considered good. As regards the technical diagnostic of water points, the causes of non-functionality of the works cited by users are: the drying up of water points, breaking the chains, sagging and lack of equipment on water points. On average, you should browse around 1 Km to access the water, where the consumption of water of questionable quality by the people. The analysis of water samples from sources shows that the organoleptic point of view, water sources is generally good while the drilling is very rich in iron.

At the evaluation of water resources, if all existing water points are functional, the amount mobilized total water is about 253 m3 per day. With regard to the comparison between the total domestic water needs and the amount mobilized in the community water points currently operated total water, the latter can satisfy 39% of current domestic needs and only 11% of them to 2035. However, sources alone can satisfy until 2020, vital needs.

Faced with this situation, awareness manifested by concrete actions in order to redesign and implement water points producing good water quality with increased participation of residents is therefore imperative.



Nous vivons sur la planète bleue. L'eau joue un rôle déterminant dans la vie des êtres humains, des animaux et des plantes. Mais seulement la plus petite partie, 0,3% des réserves globales en eau, sont utilisables comme eau potable et c'est justement cette petite partie qui est en danger. Les scientifiques attirent notre attention sur l'augmentation inquiétante de la pollution des réserves d'eau potable. Une réorientation radicale concernant notre environnement est donc nécessaire de toute urgence. Au Cameroun, l'eau non polluée devient de plus en plus rare, et ce particulièrement en zone rurale. Nous avons l'exemple de la pénurie d'eau observée à Mbouda en 2009. Si la commune regorge d'un potentiel énorme en ressource hydrique, son exploitation reste insuffisante, et les problèmes liés à l'accès à l'eau potable restent préoccupants : maîtrise de la ressource, mise en oeuvre des infrastructures hydrauliques et gestion des points d'eau.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il existe une chose plus puissante que toutes les armées du monde, c'est une idée dont l'heure est venue"   Victor Hugo