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The use of english modals by first-year students of the department of anglophone studies

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Moussa Ouattara
Université de Ouagadougou - Maîtrise 2009

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


We analyzed first the identification cards of the 64 testees to classify them into repeaters and newcomers groups. Then we analyzed the test of the 62 newcomers by starting with the recognition of the meaning of modals. We assumed that it would be easier for the students to recognize the meaning of modals than to produce them. So we wanted to move from the simple elements to the complex ones.

We dealt with the identification cards, the recognition of the meaning of modals and the production of the meanings of modals separately in order to categorize them for a statistical analysis. Powell and Connaway (2004:232) says that statistical analysis can indicate how many persons, objects, scores, or whatever achieved each value (or fell into each category) for every variable that was measured. These calculations known as frequency distributions were usually reported in tables. The reported elements were followed by some comments or interpretations. The results are presented in the following chapter.


In this chapter we shall present the different results we got from the data we collected. We shall present first the identification items; then, the tests properly; and finally, some probable sources of misuses and misunderstandings.


Among the 80 papers we gave to students only 64 did the exercises and gave the papers back. We may think that those who brought the papers home were not able to do the tests. There are not different from those who refused to take the papers though the exercises had been explained. Among the 1,135 students that compose the class only 64 accepted to try our test. They represent 5.63 % of the class. The percentage is low, that tends to show that students avoid modals. That is the reason why they use them rarely in the compound of the university; thence, the difficulties to have natural data with them.

When we analyzed the identification citems, we discovered that there were 49 boys, including 2 repeaters; and 15 girls, all newcomers. Repeaters did not take profusely the test because they may have thought that they already knew the modals; which is not obvious as a test on them needs to be done to know if they do better than newcomers in modals.

As we were not concerned with the use of modals by repeaters or with a comparative

study between repeaters and newcomers, we did not analyze the papers of the 2 repeaters.

If we consider the participation of boys and that of girls we remark that boys participated

more than girls. In fact, the rate of participation of boys, regarding their number in the class, is 7.31% while that of girls is 3.22 % since the class is composed of 670 boys and 465 girls. In this regard, we might think that girls are more reluctant to be tested on modals than boys; that is, girls avoid modals more than boys do. This can explain why girls did not want to react to modals when we were attempting to have natural data of the use of modals by first year students. We did not analyze the data separately because we did not want to do a comparative study between boys and girls performances. We made a common analysis of data.


In this section we shall present the different results we got from the data collected. We shall present first the recognition of the meaning of modals, then the production of modals and ultimately we shall draw some conclusions and verify our hypothesis.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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