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Analysis of microfinance performance and development of informal institutions in Cameroon

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Brice Gaétan DJAMAMAN
Amity University (India) - Master of Finance and Control 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

III.6.1- Determinants of a profitable institution

Generally speaking, for an institution to be profitable over one period, its resources

should at least cover its expenditure. Profitability may be reached according to two pathways: One is to reduce expenditure, more precisely the transaction costs; the other consists in enlarging output by increasing the interest rate on credits.

III.6.1.1- Reducing transaction costs

A transaction will take place through a process of identification, meeting and negotiation

between the partners that are concerned (Howitt, 1985). Thus it generates costs, which should be specified according to their nature and origin (Diamond, 1987).

Poor population is a very risky population related to high transaction costs. Being given that MFIs cannot elucidate all information on their customers, they try to minimize their default

11 Comité d'Echanges, de Réflexion et d'Information sur les Systèmes d'Epargne.


Analysis of microfinances' performance and development of informal institutions in Cameroon

By Djamaman Brice Gaétan

risk. On the one hand, they adopt innovating strategies such as close collection of refunding, constitution of interdependent groups, literacy programs, management training of the customers and monitoring: All these elements generate high operation costs. In addition,

MFIs grant weak amount loans because they do not distinguish good from bad customers, especially as regards start-up businesses. To these costs of failure are added then administrative costs. Most typical and serious errors often concern recruitment and staff management policy: Some MFIs increase progressively the number of agents with the increase of customers and the opening of local agencies, without evaluating beforehand short and medium term profitability of their operations (Lelart, 2006). The reduction of transaction costs is one of the surest and effective means enabling to build self-reliant, viable and efficient institutions. To cut costs to the minimum, especially ex-ante costs, the technique of proximity is generally used by the lenders and very often, the literature is restricted to defend this recourse.

Reaching poor customers who never had recourse to formal banking services requires more interaction with the customers and more time from the staff of the financial institution, which implies additional costs. Costs of time use constitute the transaction costs for the MFI. They are ex-ante, as regards costs of research of the funds to be lent, information retrieval on the borrower, negotiation on the terms of contract, evaluation of the borrowers and the project, design and registration of contracts, costs of personnel, expenses for training both the staff and the customers, transportation and communication in order to meet poor population; these primary transaction costs are mostly of legal nature. In addition, costs are ex-post, as regards the operation of contracts, costs of administration, monitoring and control of the execution of agreements, in order to take care of the contractual clauses, provisions, depreciation as well as the costs of missed opportunities because of the agreements such as adjustment costs to correct initial agreement or to establish another better agreement. These various non-financial costs are transaction costs supported by the MFI and may be gathered in three large headings. (Box 1).

Box 1: Transaction costs

TC = OE + LP + DE

TC = Transaction Costs

OE = Operating Expenses (expenses for personnel + other administrative expenses + other operating expenses)

LP = Loss Provisions (variable expenses)

DE = Depreciation of Equipments (operating expenses or fixed overheads)


Analysis of microfinances' performance and development of informal institutions in Cameroon

By Djamaman Brice Gaétan

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Soit réservé sans ostentation pour éviter de t'attirer l'incompréhension haineuse des ignorants"   Pythagore