II-1\ Informational cascades
II-2\ The prospect theory
II-3\ Investor sentiment by Ljungqvist, Nanda and Singh
(2004) ..............................45
II-4\ The use of Grey Market Data
II-5\ The use of market conditions to value investor's
sentiment ..............................49
II-6\ Discount on closed-end funds as proxy for investor
sentiment ......................51
II-7\ Other proxies and empirical results
Section 3- The model and empirical
implications ................................................55
I- The model and explanatory variables
I-1\ The model
I-2\ The explanatory variables
I-2-1\ Informational Asymmetry Theory
I-2-2\ Theory asserting informational symmetry and IPO market
efficiency .............60
I-2-3\ Investor sentiment and Behavioral approach
II- Data Description
III- Empirical implications and analysis