The study findings were discussed in accordance with the
objectives and research questions of the study. This research therefore intended to demonstrate the
role of SSF scheme in enhancing socio-economic development in Rwanda.
Based on the information presented above, the Social Security
Fund of RWANDA has immensely played roles to the positive trends in
socio-economic performance of Rwanda. However, the role of social security in
economic development depends on how the system is designed and investment
planning and regulation.
By using different methods and techniques to verify the roles
played by the SSFR in enhancing social economic Development of Rwanda, the
researchers realized that due to the fact that SSFR benefits trends in
increasing in positive way, SSFR pays the retirees at the time of retirement.
The researcher find also that SSFR before investing has the guide to follow
that that, money invested should give a high return on investment. SSFR invest
in different dimensions like commercial mortgage, security bonds, Real Estate
and Land Management.
Apart the benefits received by the pensioners, enhancing the
socio-economic development of the Country, SSFR participate in different social
responsibilities and contribute to the welfare of the population. The
contributed amount in social responsibilities of the SSFR is 96m Rfw. From Real
estate projects SSFR created job in several dimension and the researcher
discover that 2.368 have created to unemployed.
1. SSFR should revise the current law governing benefits and
thereby calculates benefits with interests instead of dumping the money in
the coffers which is not for the benefit of the contributor
2. To contribute to the national development, SSFR should
design project that aligns with the middle income earners;
3. SSFR should give advance to pensioners in order to start
project at their energetic time.
4. Government should reinforce measures for total adhesion to
pension schemes for all workers in formal sector, for self employed and for
workers in informal sector in organized groups: mandatory adhesion to the First
Pillar (defined benefit scheme), and Second Pillar (Provident Fund) for all
workers in formal sector; mandatory adhesion with choice between Provident Fund
and any legally authorized Private pension Scheme for Self-Employed and workers
in organized groups;
5. Government should reinforce measures for total adhesion
for Occupational Hazards; Maternity leave and Sickness leave for all workers in
formal sector;
6. The Government shall merge SSFR and RAMA (eventually MMI
and the Mutuelle de
Santé) under one national umbrella body: the
RWANDA Social Security Board (RSSB)
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