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Role of social security fund scheme in enhancing the socio-economic development of Rwanda.( Télécharger le fichier original )par Rusibana CLAUDE RUSIBANA Kampala international university - MBA 2009 |
To achieve the objectives that have been set, the researcher has the following questions1. How are the SSFR's benefits of the retirees handled at time of retired or death which come early? 2. What are some of the methods of investing the contributions to boast socio-economic development? 3. What impact does the SSFR in economic status has on individual members? The study made use of secondary data from SSFR Annual reports for periods of 2003-2008, policies with accordance to the social security scheme. The study show that the role of SSF toward the socio economic development of Rwanda is due to the factors that SSFR invest reserves in many dimensions like investment in portfolio, investment in land, investment in mortgage and in different Real Estate projects, and provide benefits to old age in their period of retirement and continue to survive even though they don't earning any income. This social development is measured by the health, education, agriculture and livestock. It is recommended here that SSFR should revise the current law governing benefits and thereby calculates benefits with interests instead of dumping the money in the coffers which is not for the benefit of the contributor, SSFR should design project that aligns with the middle income earners; SSFR should give advance to pensioners in order to start project at their energetic time. Government should reinforce measures for total adhesion to pension schemes for all workers in formal sector, and in informal sector, The Government shall merge SSFR and RAMA (eventually MMI and the Mutuelle de Santé) under one national umbrella body: the RWANDA Social Security Board (RSSB) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSMMI : Military Medical Insurance MBA : Master of Business Administration SSFR : Social Security Fund of RWANDA MINECOFIN : Ministry of Finances and Economic planning CEO : Chief Executive officer VAT : Value Added Tax TPR : Pays as you earn % : Percentage FRW : Rwandan Francs UTC : Union Trade Center USA : United State of America SONARWA : National Insurance Company of RWANDA B.K : Bank of Kigali RWANDATEL: RWANDA Telecommunication SA : Anonymous Society SARL : Society on limited Responsibilities MGs : Millennium Goals HIV : Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS : Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome RAMA : La RWANDAise d'Assurance Maladie EDPRS : Economic Development Poverty Reduction Strategies GDP : Gross Domestic Product R.F.TZ : RWANDA Free Trade Zone R.F.I : RWANDA Foreign investment. Company PFP : Provident Fund» Pillar RSSB : RWANDA Social Security Board LIST OF TABLESTable 4.1: Age characteristic of respondents 26 Table 4.2: Level of education for respondents 27 Table 4.3: Occupation characteristics of the respondents 27 Table 4.4: Analysis of beneficiaries affiliated in SSFR 28 Table 4.5: Awareness of importance of SSFR 29 Table 4.6: Analysis of benefits paid on time..................................................................................27 Table 4.7: Analysis of SSFR benefits alocation 30 Table 8. Awareness Of Importance Of SSFR 36 Table 9. Analysis On Benefits To Be Paid On Time 37 Table 10. Analysis Of SSFR Benefits Allocation 38 Table 11. Analysis Of SSFR Toward The Social Development Of RWANDA 40 Table 12. Analysis Of What SSFR Contribute To The Social 40 Table 13. SSFR Social Corporate Responsibilities 41 Table 14. SSFR»S Projects Job Creation 43 Table 15: SSFR Contribution In Fiscal Collections In Rfw 44 Table 16: SSFR Shareholding As At 31st May 2009 44 |