Quantitative data analysis
Since data was edited before leaving the respondents, the
analysis of data aimed at showing respondents the importance of identifying the
contribution of SSF to the socio-economic development of RWANDA. In addition,
data collected was coded, tabulated and the coded data was broken down into
appropriate summary statistics and involved statistical presentation. In other
words, during data analysis, primary data gathered from the survey was reduced
into frequency distributions and tabulations.
Qualitative data analysis
An important characteristic of the qualitative approach is
that it seeks to provide a holistic view of the situation within an
organization. Individual or organizational behavior is perceived not as the
outcome of a finite set of discrete variables but rather as a lived experience
of a social setting. By using an individual centered research methodology, it
was hoped that the research would be able to examine the process that had been
at work in the lived experience, and to pin point causes of the change that
occurred. The idiographic approach provides a better understanding of
organizational behavior particularly where the research is made by intensive
study of a few beneficiaries interacting in real organization. The qualitative
approach is based on the view that one can only understand the social world by
first obtaining first-hand knowledge of the subject under investigation. It
emphasized the analysis of the subjective accounts which one generates by
getting inside situations.
Therefore in order to get inside and gain first-hand knowledge
of the perceptions of the respondents to gather their views though a well
structured interview and codify their responses in order to come up with a
thorough interpretation.
Ethical considerations
Extreme confidentiality had to be promised and it was only
promising secrecy that the respondents agreed to answer the questionnaires and
be interviewed. This imposition of confidentiality, albeit necessary, affects
the results of the interviews in findings of the study. In this research the
respondents were assured that their opinions and outcomes of the interviews are
for academic purposes.
limitation of the study
The study was conducted at the Headquarter of SSFR to analyze
the contribution of the SSFR to the economic development of RWANDA because of
the SSFR's headquarter is the responsible of investment and portfolio
management and decision maker. The period of study is from 2003-2008.
The researcher after gathering opinions from different
informants who are beneficiaries of benefits in SSFR; they were visited for a
thorough analysis. Information collected from different pensioners in the
social security fund of RWANDA was tabulated in their raw form. These data are
presented under various headings which constitute the different areas of the
researcher. An appropriate interpretation had been then carried out coupled
with supporting arguments; other views from other researchers were used to
support or discuss the findings. It was done in accordance with the three
objectives and research questions that guided the study which was to analyze
benefits paid to old age and survivors eligible in the period of retirement,
towards their well being, to analyse the contributions of the SSFR towards the
socio-economic development of RWANDA, and suggest some modifications on the law
regarding the pension in RWANDA in order to contribute to the well being of the
beneficiaries in particular and the socio-economic of RWANDA in general. An
investigation was done and findings are shown below with their respective