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Landfill sites selection for municipal solid waste using multi criteria evaluation techniques. Case of Rusizi town, Rwanda

( Télécharger le fichier original )
National university of Rwanda - Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Geo-Information Science 2013

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

5.1. General Conclusion

Locating suitable sites for any purpose (for example industrial, landfills, and road construction or Infrastructure development among others) is always a major challenge faced by both the government and the private sector due to NIMBY attitudes among the communities. Landfill site selection results are usually faced with NIMBY syndrome in every country, because people are concerned about their property. So in site selection, the problem is not to find sites which cause no opposition, but the goal is to find sites which should lead to minimum conflicts as a result of waste disposal.

The main objective of this research was to identify/ show different suitable landfill sites for municipal solid waste in Rusizi town. Three specific objectives have been formulated in order to achieve the main objective. The specific objectives are: to assess the current situation of waste generation and management in Rusizi town, to determine different criteria for selecting a landfill site in Rusizi town, and to determine suitable site (s) for landfill for waste dumping.

To respond to these specific objectives, multi source data and methods were used. These included the review of government rules and regulations regarding landfill sites selection, secondary data and primary data collected from the field. Several input data were also integrated in this analysis. These included Airport, Digital Elevation Model, rivers, slope, Kivu Lake, wetland, roads, schools, hospitals, markets and forests.

Objective 1: To assess the current situation of waste generation and management in Rusizi town

To respond this specific objective, the field study was conducted in Rusizi District and it was found out that about 26 tons of municipal solid waste are generated per day and a small part of it is deposited in open dumping landfill site located in Ruganda Cell, Kamembe Sector, in Rusizi Town given that 50% of the population relies on compost pits while 40% of ordinary households on the farms.


Objective 2: To assess the suitability of the current landfill sites.


To achieve this specific objective, the necessary criteria including regulations and constraints were gathered through literature review. Regulations and constraints gathered from literature review were complemented by field study that found out that Ruganda open dumping site was not suitable for landfill site given that it did not fulfill the environmental, political, economic, hydrologic, topographical and geologic criteria. Furthermore, it is located in a forest.

Objective 3: To determine suitable site(s) for landfill for waste dumping

To achieve this objective, GIS analysis was conducted with respect to slope, roads network, rivers, Kivu Lake, wetlands, forest, schools, healthy facilities, markets and airport, 131 suitable landfill sites were produced. With reference to REMA regulations regarding to suitable landfill size, 05 best landfill sites with more than 02 ha were identified in Rusizi town where 04 suitable landfill sites were identified in Mururu Sector and 01 suitable landfill site was identified in Gihundwe Sector.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Le doute est le commencement de la sagesse"   Aristote