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"the impact of women entrepreneurs on economic development of rwanda" case study of women entrepreneur in expo 2010 organized by rwanda private sector federation.( Télécharger le fichier original )par Pacifique HIRWA Universite Nationale du Rwanda - A0 2010 |
REFERENCES1. Anne de bruin.2003.Entrepreneurship: new perspective in global age,Burlington, ashgate publishing company,USA. 2. Anshuja Tiwari sanjay Tiwari.2007.women entrepreneurship and Economic development,1st ed, New delhi, Sarup & sons. 3. Dr.C. Rajenda kumar.2008.Research methodology, New delhi, APH Publishing Corporation. 4. Donald F.Kuratko.2004.Entrepreneurship: theory, process and practice, Mason, cengage learning, Inc. 5. Fidelis Ezeala-harrison.1996.Economic development: theory and policy applications, Westport, Greenwood publishing group, Inc. 6. Julie R.Weeks.2001.Women's entrepreneurship in Latino America, New York, Main stop publication. 7. Grinnell and Williams (1990), Research in Social Wor,.1st Ed, USA, A primer peacock publishers, Inc. 8. Paul D. Reynolds , Michael Hay and William D.bygrave.2000. Global entrepreneurship monitor, London business school. 9. Hisrich, PhD, Robert D., Michael P. Peters, PhD and Dean A. Shepherd, PhD.2005. Entrepreneurship. 6 ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. 10. Lucia Quachey.2005.Millenium development goals and African women entrepreneurs, leiden, Netherlands. 11. Kristen Gibson.2009. business dictionary, USA, Emerald publishing limited. 12. UNIFEM.2005.Progress of the world's women, New York. 13. OECD.2004.promoting entrepreneurship and innovative SMEs in a global economy: Towards a more responsible and inclusive Globalisation, Istanbul,Turkey. 14. William bygrave & Andrew zacharakis.2008.Entrepreneurship, 2nd ed, new jersey, Wiley & sons.inc. 15. William G.Cochran.1977.sampling teqniques,3rd ed, New York, Wiley & sons.inc. 16. World Bank. 2008. Voices of women entrepreneurs in Kenya, Texas, IFC,Washington DC. 17. World Bank. 2007. Voices of women entrepreneurs in Tanzania, Texas, IFC,Washington DC. 18. World Bank. 2008. Voices of women entrepreneurs in Rwanda, Texas, IFC,Washington DC. WEBSITES 1. Susanne E, Jabert.2000.Women entrepreneurs in the global Economy. Retrieved June 18.2010.From http://www.cipe.org/programs/women/pdf/jalbert.pdf. 2. South Africa women entrepreneurs special report 2005.Retrieved 4 july.2010. from http://www.dti.gov.za/sawen/SAWENreport2.pdf. 3. Household survey for entrepreneurship 2005.Retrived August 16 july.2010.from http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/file38261.pdf. 4. Dr. suryani motik .2000.. Significant roles of women entrepreneurs in economic development .Retrieved 20 May.2010. from http://www.apecwln.org/wpcontent/uploads/2000%20WLN%20-%20Suryani%20Motik%20-%20Roles%20of%20Women%20Entrepreneurs%20in%20Economic%20Development.pdf APPENDICESQUESTIONNAIRE ON WOMEN ENTERPRENEURS IN EXPO 2010 AT RWANDA PRIVATE SECTOR FEDERATION GIKONDO FROM 26TH/AUGUST TO 8TH/SEPTEMBER 2010. PART I. DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 1. How old are you? 2. What is your education background? a) Primary education b) Secondary education c) University education If university what course did you follow.................. 3. What is your marital status? a) Single b) Married c) Separated d) Divorced 6 e) Widowed 4. How many dependents How many children 5. What kind of business is this? a) Manufacturing b) Trade c) Services d) Other specify.......... PART II. ECONOMIC INFORMATION 6. Do you have a personal bank account? a) Yes b) No
7. Which sources of finance have you used to provide funds for your business? f) Micro Finance Institutions g) Other specify............ 8. What reasons make you engage in the entrepreneurship? a) Unemployed or lost my job b) Too little income and need income c) Self boss d) No education background e) Other reason specify................ 9. Do you contribute money from your business towards household expenditure? a) Yes b) No c) If yes, how much did/do you contribute for family expenses every month
10. What changes in the quality of life would you say have come about as a result of having the business? a) Construct a house b) Buy a car c) Education fees for my family d) Mutual Health insurance for my family e) Recreation and leisure time f) Other specify 11. What do you think is your contribution to economic development of Rwanda? a) I pay much Taxes b) I participate in decision making at local level c) Other specify........................................... 12. What was your employment situation immediately before you became entrepreneur? a) Already owned a different business b) Already a part-owner of a different business c) Working full-time as an employee d) Working part-time as an employee e) Unemployed, f) Looking after the home or family g) In education/training h) Other specify.................... 13. Excluding yourself, how many people work for your main business? Please includeeveryone who works for the business whether on a full-time or a part-time basis and regardless of whether or not they receive a salary or wage from the business? Number: 14. How long have you been operating this business? Number of years 15. What are your long-term plans for your business? a) Continue/expand present business/innovation b) Change to another line of business c) Leave and take up wage employment d) Pass the business onto someone else in my family g) Other specify........ 16. Which one of the following is your largest market? b) Regional or provincial markets 17. Are you a member of any associations of women entrepreneurs Yes No a) If yes which one......................................... b) What services have you obtained from it/them a) Trainings and consultation b) Assistance in marketing Product c) Access to information d) Loan and working capital e) Access to business advisory services 18. How much was the approximate value of cash and equipment when the business started and how much is it now?
19. What are the challenges do you face in your business?