4.3.6 Analysis of the
challenges faced by women entrepreneurs
The contribution of women entrepreneurs on the development of
Rwanda is important as indicated previously but they are many challenges that
hinder their development. In these part women entrepreneurs highlighted their
challenges and show how they tried to solve this challenges as indicated in the
table below.
Figure 4.7:
Challenges faced by women entrepreneurs

Source: Primary data
The Figure: 4.7 above indicate 38.3% of women entrepreneurs
stated that the big challenge they are facing is lack of market. Some women
entrepreneur said they had specific customers from abroad not at local level
and permanent customers and sometimes when they get a market the payment at
time become difficult some said it is caused by poor marketing system; 21% of
women entrepreneurs stated the lack of trainings as their big challenges. Women
entrepreneurs indicate they need trainings in communication skills, management
skills and technical skills and specific trainings regarding their particular
business; 15% of women entrepreneurs stated lack of raw material as a challenge
for them. This challenge was indicated by women entrepreneur in manufacturing
sector who has small factory since they use raw material from abroad and they
pay it at high cost; 8.3% of women entrepreneurs stated high taxes as a
challenge for their performance. Many women entrepreneurs mentioned high taxes
as a big challenge but they said it is an obligation no needs to consider it as
a challenge one stated that her small factory pay 70% that's for big company
not for a business which operates in art and handicraft sector; 6.7% of women
entrepreneurs stated location as a challenge for their development. A location
which is far from infrastructure facilities was mentioned by some women
entrepreneurs; 5% of women entrepreneurs stated that they don't face any
challenge in their activities; 3.3% of women entrepreneurs stated the lack of
adequate technology in their activity. As mentioned by women entrepreneur many
of them don't use computer and internet to market their products; 1.7% of women
entrepreneurs stated they faced discrimination in property ownership since her
business was imitated by another and nothing has been done to protect her
property right.
The challenges quoted hinder the performance of women
entrepreneurs who responded at the questionnaire.