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Conception et développement d'un outil information pour la gestion de l'aménagement paysager au sein de la communauté urbaine de Yaoundé(C.U.Y)

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Jean Simon BAMAL ba LIHEP
Université de Yaoundé - Ingénieur Agronome 0000

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Landscaping holds an important place in urban areas. In the case of Yaoundé Urban Council, the department in charge of Landscaping is Parks and Gardens. Town planning and adjustment will always keep warning the managers and will also generate a lot of data that needs to be well managed. These data come from tangible and intangible materials and services such as contracts, parks and gardens built up and maintenance, equipments acquisition and allocation. The landscaping is essentially carried out by service providers. It becomes very difficult to manage such activity without a database for continuous follow up and management. So in this situation, landscaping has some complexity and difficulty in management if it is not assisted by a database which can allow equilibrium between time and decision taking and in others also planning of activities to avoid overflow in management. Computerization of management system remains the main solution in this case to improve management of landscaping. Computerising the management system will therefore provide to users real time data on technical administrative and geographical information, as map or statistical data.

The aim objective of this study is to implement Geographic Information System characteristic of landscaping made by Yaoundé Urban Council.

After a survey and understanding the functioning of landscaping of Yaoundé urban council, modelling of its functioning has been designed accordingly to the MERISE methodology. Computerised tools such as computer and software Microsoft Access and MapInfo Professional has been used to implement cartographic database.

This was to make sure, that the expected results are relevant and address the functioning system of Parks and Gardens Department. The following models were held: communication conceptual model (CCM); treatment conceptual model (TCM); data conceptual model (DCM); data logic model (DLM); data physical model (DPM).

Data physical model (DPM) was implemented as Access Database. Access Database tables were structured according to MapInfo Database table's structures to allow a better connexion between both software tables. This connexion is supported by DBMS MapInfo tools. Some data carried out in the field was integrated in Database to simulate the functioning system. Data was integrated according to the structures the table. Data expected was got by requests SQL which ask Database of system to present data needed. These data was presented by mapping in MapInfo software or table way in Access software.

Keys word: Information; Information system; Database; MERISE; Modelling; DBMS connexion; MapInfo; Management; Landscaping.


Je voudrais remercier ici :

· Mon superviseur académique Dr BERINYUY Joseph pour sa disponibilité, ses remarques et pour l'encadrement apporté au long des trois années d'études au sein du Département de Génie Rural.

· M. NJILA Roger Co - superviseur académique pour son objectivité et ses remarques. Il a accepté de sacrifier une partie de son précieux temps pour suivre ce travail.

· M. ONANA OWONA Clément Serge encadreur professionnel de stage pour avoir accepté de m'encadrer pendant six mois de stage au sein du service des parcs et jardins de la Communauté Urbaine de Yaoundé.

· M. DELI Jacob pour son assistance dans cette étude.

· Tous les enseignants de la Faculté d'Agronomie et des Sciences Agricole, du Département de Génie Rural pour l'encadrement durant ces années d'études.

· Tout le personnel du Service des parcs et jardins pour le chaleureux accueil.

· Les parents LIHEP Jean et NGO NGOS Marthe Odette pour leur affection, pour tous les efforts et sacrifices faits.

· Toute la grande famille LIHEP frères et soeurs pour leur soutien.

· Le compagnon de toujours TEFOUET TONLIO Patrick.

· Tous les amis de la Faculté d'Agronomie et des Sciences Agricoles (FASA) et sans oublier la grande famille CEBAMB de DSCHANG. Je vous serai éternellement reconnaissant.

· A tous ceux qui, de près ou de loin m'ont apporté un quelconque soutien, j'exprime ici ma sincère reconnaissance.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote