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Consumer sales and guarantees in europe

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par David Guitton
University of Exeter - LLM in International Business Law 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

A. European Union

_Green Paper on Consumer Goods and After-Sales Services, 15 November 1993, COM (93) 509 final

_Communication de la Commission au Conseil et au Parlement europeen concernant le droit europeen des contrats, Commission europeenne, COM (2001) 398 final

_Consumer policy strategy 2002-2006, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM (2002)

_Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis, 8 February 2007, COM (2006) 744 final

_Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights, (including the Explanatory Memorandum), COM (2008) 614/3 Frequently Asked Question on the Proposed Consumer Rights Directive, Memo, 8 October 2008, MEMO/08/609

_An Ambitious Consumer Rights Directive: Boosting Consumers' protection and helping businesses, V. Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Speech pronounced during the European Consumer Day 2010 in Madrid, 15 March 2010

B. United-Kingdom

_Sale and Supply of Goods, Report, the Law Commission (No 160) and the Scottish Law Commission (No 104), 1987

_Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission (No 188) and the Scottish Law Commission (No 139) _EU Consumer Rights Directive: getting it right, House of Lords, European Union

(18 th

Committee Report of Session 2008-09)

C. France

_Projet de loi relatif à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur
au consommateur et à la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux - Exposé

général, Sénat, available on this website: 2 77 1 . htm l

_Projet de loi relatif à la garantie de la conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur et à la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux, Sénat, Document n° 358, 16 June 2004

_Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005-136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR: JUSX05000050 _Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009

IV. Public reports

_BERR Review, Consultation on EU Proposals for a Consumer Rights Directive, November 2008

_Davidson Review Ð Implementation of EU Legislation, Final Report, November 2006, Better Regulation Executive (BRE)

_Focus Group Research on Consumer Detriment, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by FDS International, S. Link, S. Gibson and W. Ullstein, January 2006, OFT826

_The Psychology of Consumer Detriment Ð A Conceptual Review, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by P. Lunt, L. Miller, J. Krting, J. Ungemah, January 2006, OFT792

_The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 Ð A Brief Introduction, Department of Trade and Industry Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate

_A Trader's Guide: The Law Relating to the Supply of Goods and Services, Department of Trade and Industry, April 2005

V. Articles

_Apercu de droit compare sur la transposition de la directive 1999/4/CE sur la garantie dans la vente de sommation , P. Ancel, Revue des 1 er

biens con

de contrats,

juillet 2005, n° 3 page 881 _Approche critique du vocabulaire juridique europeen: l'harmonisation totale, A. Thieriet-Duquesne et Th. Riehm, Petites affiches, 27 avril 2009, n° 83, page 9 _Buyer's Right to Withhold Performance and Termination of Contract in A Comparative Study Under English Law, Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980, Iranian and Shi'ah Law , M. Jafarzadeh, Published on the website of the Institute of International Commercial Law _Clauses abusives et garanties des Consommateurs: la Proposition de Directive relative aux Droits des Consommateurs et la portee de 'l'harmonisation complete', S. Whittaker

_La communautarisation des sources du droit Ð De l'harmonisation maximale, J. Rochfeld, Revue des contrats, 1er janvier 2009, n°1, page 11 _Competition Between National Legal Systems: A Contribution of Economic Analysis to Comparative Law, A. Ogus

_Conformité des Biens - Transposition de la Directive 99/44 - Ordonnance n°2005- 1 36 du 17 Février 2005 relative à la Garantie de Conformité du Bien au Contrat Due par le Vendeur au Consommateur, A-M Leroyer, RTD Civ. 2005, page 483


_Conformité et garantie légale, M. Bruschi , revue des contrats, 1juillet 2005, n° 3, page 710

_Consumer contracts, Practical Law Company, found on this website:

_Consumers guarantees, Practical Law Company, found on this website:

_Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Consumer Focus Response, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission _Consumers remedies when buying goods or services, Practical Law Company, found on this website: _Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos _Contract: sale of goods - buyer's remedies, S. Foster and N. McKay, Coventry law Journal, 2007

_La corrélation Çdroit européen È et Èdroit des contratsÈ (A propos de la proposition de directive relative aux droits des consommateurs), J-S Berge, Revue des contrats, 1er avril 2009, n° 2, page 697

_Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights', H-W. Micklitz and N. Reich

_ Cure and Retender Revisited, W. C. H. Ervine, Journal of Business Lawn, 2006 _De la Transposition de la Directive du 25 Mai 1999 à la Réforme du Code Civil, O. Tournafond, Dalloz 2002, Chronique page 2883

_De quelques enseignements à tirer de la transposition de la directive CE du 25 mai


1999, Revue des contrats , Ph. Brun, 1 juillet 2005, n° 3, page 940 _La directive du 25 mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation: transposer pas oser 1 er


n'est Y-M. Serinet, revue des contrats, juillet

2005, n° 3, page 955 _Directive sur la protection des consommateurs : négociations en cours, S. Lavric

Les droits de l'acheteur dans la directive du 25 mai 1999 relative à la vente:


actualité d'un texte communautaire à la veille de sa transposition, G. Pignarre, Petites affiches, 27 octobre 2004, n° 215, page 5 _The Economics of Harmonization: The Case of Contract Law, G. Wagner _The EC Consumer Sales Directive: A lot still to do, C. Twigg-Flesner, Canterbury Law Review 113, 2001

_Erreur, non -conformité, vice cache: état des questions à l'heure de la transposition de la directive du 25 mai 1999, V. R. Family, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, Avril 2002, chronique page 4

_The European Community's Competence to Pursue the Harmonisation of Contract Law - An Empirical Contribution to the Debate, S. Vogunauer and S. Weatherill in «The Harmonisation of European Contract Law» _European Private Law: A Plea for a Spontaneous Legal Order, Jan M. Smits _Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits

_Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders

_The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03

_Garantie de la conformité d'un bien au contrat: la directive du 25 mai 1999 enfin transposée!, C. Rondey, Recueil Dalloz 2005, page 562 _Garantie de Conformité des Meubles Vendus aux Consommateurs - Garantie Légale de Conformité - Garantie Commerciale, L. Leveneur, LexisNexis, Fascicule 1060

_La garantie de Conformité - Variations Francaises Autour de la Préservation des _Particularités Nationales et de l'Intégration Communautaire, S. Pimont, RTD Com. 2006, page 261

_Garantie légale contre les vices cachés Ð Domaine de la garantie, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 10 : Vente

_Garantie légale contre les vices cachés Ð Domaine de la garantie, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

_Garantie légale contre les vices cachés Ð Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30 : Vente

_Garantie légale contre les vices cachés Ð Régime de la garantie Ð Parties à la garantie Ð Action en garantie et délai pour agir, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 40: Vente

_Garantie légale contre les vices cachés Ð Régime de la garantie Ð Résultats de l'action en garantie Ð Moyens de défense du vendeur, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 50 : Vente

_Garantie légale contre les vices cachés Ð Clauses relatives à la garantie, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 60 : Vente

_Harmonisation of Remedies for Lack of Conformity in Consumer Contracts Ð A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis on the European Commission's Proposal for A Directive on Consumer Rights , Ch. Svanholm

_The impact in the U.K. of the E.U. Directive on the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees (part 1 and 2), J. Hamilton and J. Williams (International Company and Commercial Law Review)

_Implementation of the Directive 1999/44/EC on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees in the United Kingdom, J. Jirkal _«It will be the biggest change to consumer rights for 20 years!», P. Shears, Journal of Business Law, 2000

_La grande réforme du droit des obligations en Allemagne, M. Schley, Recueil Dalloz 2002, page 1738

_Law Commissions want to keep UK consumers' refund right, Out-Law News, 10 October 2008

_Naissance d'un droit commun communautaire de la consommation, C. Aubert De


Vincelles, Revue des contrats, 1avril 2009, n°2, page 578 _Un nouveau droit applicable à la vente de biens de consommations, B. Fages, RDLC 205/5, page 5

_Le nouveau droit de la garantie de conformité dans la vente au consommateur, D. Mainguy, JCP E, 2005, 630

_La Nouvelle Garantie de Conformité des Consommateurs - Commentaire de l'Ordonnance n°2005-136 du 17 Février 2005 Transposant en Droit Français la Directive du 25 Mai 1999, O. Tournafond

_Une nouvelle garantie pour l'acheteur: la garantie de conformité, J. Calais-Auloy, RTD Civ. 2005, page 701

_Obligation de délivrance - Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente _L'ordonnance du 17 février 2005 sur la garantie de conformité: aux regrets


s'ajoutent les regrets , D. Mainguy, Revue des contrats, 1juillet 2005, n°3, page 947

_The proposed Consumer Rights Directive Ð less haste, more thought?, Ch. Twigg- F les ne r and D. Metcalfe

_The Proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights: Scope, Relationship with National General Contract Law and Relationship with other Community Legislation, 9 October 2009

_Propos dissidents sur la transposition de la directive du 25 mai 1999 sur certains aspects de la vente et des garanties des biens de consommation, D. Mainguy, La Semaine Juridique Edition Générale, n° 48, 27 Novembre 2002, I, 183 _La proposition de Directive Relative aux Droits des Consommateurs et la Construction d'un Etat Européen des Contrats, C. Castets-Renard

_A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures, C. Tiebout _Quel domaine assigner à la loi de transposition de la Directive Européenne sur la vente, G. Viney, JCP 2002, I, 158

_Quelle transposition pour la directive du 25 mai 1999 sur la garantie dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Paisant and L. Leveneur, JCP 2002, I, page 135 _Regards Dubitatifs sur l'Effectivité des Remèdes Offerts au Consommateur en Cas de Défaut de Conformité de la Chose Vendue", L. Gaudin, Recueil Dalloz 2008, page 631

_Au retard s'ajoute les regrets, B. Fages, RLDC, 2004/10, page 5 _Remedies for Non-Performance: the Revised German Law of Obligation, Viewed _Against the Background of the Principles of European Contract Law, R. Zimmermann, Edinburgh Law Review, 2002 _Retour sur la transposition de la directive du 25 mai 1999, G. Viney, Dalloz 2002, Chronique page 3162

_Review of the Consumer Acquis: Towards Maximum Harmonization?, V. Mak

_The Right to Reject, G. Dehn and R. Cranston, Journal of Business Law, 1990 _Sale of goods: arrangements for repairs, Practical Law Company, found on this website:

_Sale of Goods - Remedy of Rejection - How Quickly is the Right Lost? S. Hedley, Cambridge Law Journal, 2001

_Sale of Goods and Supply of Services, LexisNexis, Volume 40 _The Sales and Supply of Goods to Consumer Regulations, Ch. Willet, M. Morgan-Taylor and A. Naidoo (Westlaw)

_Specific Performance - A regular Remedy for Consumers? D. R. Harris, Law Quarterly Review, 2003

_Towards a Maximum Harmonzation of Consumer Contract Law, M. Faure _Transposition de la Directive du 25 Mai 1999 : la parole est à la défense, D. Mazeaud, Dalloz 2003, page 6

_Transposition de la Directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur la vente et la garantie des Biens _de Consommation: Quel Code pour le Droit Européen de la Vente?, J. Raynard _Transposition de la Directive de 1999 sur la Garantie des Consommateurs - Article de Foi ou Réalisme Législatif, O. Tournafond, Dalloz 2003, chronique page 427 _Transposition de la Directive sur la vente: ne pas manquer une occasion de progres, P. Jourdain, Recueil Dalloz 2003, page 4 _La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Paisant, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, aoüt 2005, étude 8

_The Uneasy Case for Harmonizing Consumer Law, R. Van Den Bergh _Les vices cachés dans la vente ; responsabilités et garanties , P. Langlet, La revue experts, n° 28, Octobre 1995

_What is to be done about Sale of Goods?, M. Bridge, Law Quarterly Review, 2003

VI. Books

_Review of the European Consumer Acquis, M. B. M. Loos (European Law Publishers)

_EC Consumer Law Compendium - The Consumer Acquis and its transposition in the Member States, H. Schulte-Nlke, Ch. Twigg-Flesner and M. Ebers, European Law Publishers

_Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited

_Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract law, Howells, Gerainst/Schulze, Reiner

VII. Websites

1 An Ambitious Consumer Rights Directive: Boosting Consumers' protection and helping businesses, V. Reding, Vice--President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Speech pronounced during the European Consumer Day 2010 in Madrid, 15 March 2010

2 Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

3 See in particular Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis, Commission of the European Communities, COM (2006) 744 final and Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Consumer Rights (Explanatory Memorandum), Commission of the European Communities, COM (2008) 614/3

4 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights, 8 October 2008, COM(2008) 614/3

5 For an example of an in--depth analysis of the Proposal, see Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos

6 Directive 85/577/EEC of 20 December 1985 to protect the consumer in respect of contracts negotiated away from business premises; Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts; Directive 97/7/EC of 20 May 1997on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts; Directive 99/44/EC of 26 May 1999 on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees

7 This point is for instance acknowledged by the Department of Trade and Industry Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate in The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 - A Brief Introduction, page 3

8 See also The Psychology of Consumer Detriment - A Conceptual Review, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by P. Lunt, L. Miller, J. Körting, J. Ungemah, January 2006, OFT792

9 See in particular Focus Group Research on Consumer Detriment, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by FDS International, S. Link, S. Gibson and W. Ullstein, January 2006, OFT826, page 46

10 See in particular: Focus Group Research on Consumer Detriment, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by FDS International, S. Link, S. Gibson and W. Ullstein, January 2006, OFT826; The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 - A Brief Introduction, Department of Trade and Industry Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate; The Psychology of Consumer Detriment - A Conceptual Review, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by P. Lunt, L. Miller, J. Körting, J. Ungemah, January 2006, OFT792

11 See for instance: Focus Group Research on Consumer Detriment, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by FDS International, S. Link, S. Gibson and W. Ullstein, January 2006, OFT826; The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 - A Brief Introduction, Department of Trade and Industry Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate

12 The EC Consumer Sales Directive: A lot still to do, C. Twigg--Flesner, Canterbury Law Review 113, 2001

13 Green Paper on Consumer Goods and After--Sales Services, 15 November 1993, COM(93) 509 final

14 The Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

15 Aperçu de droit comparé sur la transposition de la directive 1999/44/CE sur la garantie dans la vente de biens de consommation, P. Ancel, Revue des contrats, 1er juillet 2005, n° 3, page 881

16 La grande réforme du droit des obligations en Allemagne, M. Schley and CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre,
Recueil Dalloz 2002, page 1738 ; Remedies for Non--Performance: the Revised German Law of Obligation,

Viewed Against the Background of the Principles of European Contract Law, R. Zimmermann, Edinburgh Law Review, 2002

17 Aperçu de droit comparé sur la transposition de la directive 1999/44/CE sur la garantie dans la vente de biens de consommation, P. Ancel, Revue des contrats, 1er juillet 2005, n° 3, page 881

18 La Communautarisation des sources du droit - De l'harmonisation maximale, J. Rochfeld, Revue des contrats, 1er janvier 2009, n° 1, page 11

19 Davidson Review - Implementation of EU Legislation, Final Report, November 2006, Better Regulation Executive (BRE), page 37

20 Harmonisation of Remedies for Lack of Conformity in Consumer Contracts - A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis on the European Commission's Proposal for A Directive on Consumer Rights, Ch. Svanholm, page 24

21 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Consumer Rights (Explanatory Memorandum), Commission of the European Communities, COM (2008) 614/3

22 Garantie de Conformité des Meubles Vendus aux Consommateurs -- Garantie Légale de Conformité -- Garantie Commerciale, L. Leveneur, LexisNexis, Fascicule 1060

23 Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee; The EC Consumer Sales Directive: A lot still to do, C. Twigg-- F l es ne r, Canterbury Law Review 113, 2001

24 La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Pa isa nt, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, août 2005, étude 8

25 Les droits de l'acheteur dans la directive du 25 mai 1999 relative à la vente: actualité d'un texte communautaire à la veille de sa transposition, G. Pignarre, Petites affiches, 27 octobre 2004, n° 215, page 5; see also Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR : JUSX05000050

26 Article 8(2) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

27 Article 8 of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

28 See EC Consumer Law Compendium -- The Consumer Acquis and its transposition in the Member States, H. Schulte--Nölke, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and M. Ebers, European Law Publishers

29 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 41

30 Article 2(1) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

31 Article 2(2) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

32 The EC Consumer Sales Directive: A lot still to do, C. Twigg--Flesner, Canterbury Law Review 113, 2001

33 Article 2(4) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

3 4 Article 2(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

35 Article 3(1) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

36 Article 5(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

37 Article 5(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

38 Article 5(1) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

39 Article 5(2) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

40 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 41

41 Article 3 of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

42 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 36

43 Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 18

44 Article 3(2) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

45 Article 3(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

46 Article 3(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

47 Article 3(3) and 3(4) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

48 Article 3(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

49 Article 3(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

50 The EC Consumer Sales Directive: A lot still to do, C. Twigg--Flesner, Canterbury Law Review 113, 2001

51 Article 3(5) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

52 Article 3(6) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

53 For an overview of all difficulties pertaining to the resolution of the contract in France, see Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

54 Article 3(5) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

55 Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 19

56 In the UK, no debate surrounded the transposition of the Directive - see Les droits de l'acheteur dans la directive du 25 mai 1999 relative à la vente: actualité d'un texte communautaire à la veille de sa transposition, G . Pignarre, Petites affiches, 27 octobre 2004, n° 215, page 5

57 Quel domaine assigner à la loi de transposition de la Directive Européenne sur la vente, G. Viney, JCP 2002, I, 158 ; Retour sur la transposition de la directive du 25 mai 1999, G. Viney, Dalloz 2002, Chronique page 3162; Transposition de la Directive du 25 Mai 1999 : la parole est à la défense, D. Mazeaud, Dalloz 2003, page 6; Transposition de la directive sur la vente : ne pas manquer une occasion de progrès, P. Jourdain, Recueil Dalloz 2003, page 4

58 Erreur, non--conformité, vice cache: état des questions à l'heure de la transposition de la directive du 25 mai 1999, V. R. Family, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, Avril 2002, chronique page 4; Quelle transposition pour la directive du 25 mai 1999 sur la garantie dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Paisant and L. Leveneur, JCP 2002, I, page 135; De la Transposition de la Directive du 25 Mai 1999 à la Réforme du Code Civil, O . Tournafond, Dalloz 2002, Chronique page 2883; Transposition de la Directive de 1999 sur la Garantie des Consommateurs -- Article de Foi ou Réalisme Législatif ?, O. Tournafond, Dalloz 2007, chronique page 427

59 ECJ, 1 July 2004, Case C--311--03, Commission v. France; see also Projet de loi relatif à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur et à la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux - Exposé général, Sénat, available on this website:

60 Projet de loi relatif à la garantie de la conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur et à la responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux, Sénat, Document n° 358, 16 June 2004

61 Ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 Février 2005 relative à la garantie de la conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur

62 Article L. 211--13 of the Consumer Code : "Les dispositions de la présente section ne privent pas l'acheteur du droit d'exercer l'action résultant des vices rédhibitoires telle qu'elle résulte des articles 1641 à 1649 du code civil ou toute autre action de nature contractuelle ou extracontractuelle qui lui est reconnue par la loi"

63 Article 1603 of the Civil Code: « Il [le vendeur] a deux obligations principales, celle de délivrer et celle de garantir la chose qu'il vend

64 See for instance: Transposition de la Directive du 25 Mai 1999 : la parole est à la défense, D. Mazeaud, Dalloz 2003, page 6; Transposition de la directive sur la vente : ne pas manquer une occasion de progrès, P. Jourdain, Recueil Dalloz 2003, page 4

65 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

66 L'ordonnance du 17 février 2005 sur la garantie de conformité : aux regrets s'ajoutent les regrets, D. Mainguy, Revue des contrats, 1er juillet 2005, n°3, page 947; Une nouvelle garantie pour l'acheteur: la garantie de conformité, J. Calais--Auloy, RTD Civ. 2005, page 701; Transposition de la directive sur la vente : ne pas manquer une occasion de progrès, P. Jourdain, Recueil Dalloz 2003, page 4

67 Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR : JUSX05000050

68 La garantie de Conformité -- Variations Françaises Autour de la Préservation des Particularités Nationales et de l'Intégration Communautaire, S. Pimont, RTD Com. 2006, page 261

69 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 27 mars 1990, n° 87--20.084

70 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

71 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 1st December 1997

72 L'obligation de délivrance dans la vente de meubles corporels, M. Alter, thèse, LGDJ, 1972; Conformité et garantie dans la vente d'objets mobiliers corporels, P. le Tourneau, RTD Com. 1980, page 231; Droit de la responsabilité et des contrats, P. le Tourneau, Dalloz, 2004/2005, n° 5995 and n° 5999; all quoted by S. Pimont in La garantie de Conformité -- Variations Françaises Autour de la Préservation des Particularités Nationales et de l'Intégration Communautaire, RTD Com. 2006, page 261

73 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Domaine de la garantie, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

74 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Domaine de la garantie, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente; for a n example of a latent defect considered as non--conformity by favour for the buyer, see: Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 5 November 1985, Bulletin Civil 1985, I, n° 287 where a defect affecting the wheel of a motorcycle caused an accident

75 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 20 March 1989, Bulletin civile I, n° 140: « l'obligation de délivrance ne consiste pas seulement à livrer ce qui a été convenu, mais à mettre à la disposition de l'acheteur une chose qui corresponde en tout point au but par lui recherché»

76 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Domaine de la garantie, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20: Vente; see for instance : Cour de cassation, Troisième Chambre civile, 27 mars 1991, Dalloz 1992, Jurisprudence, page 95

77 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre Civile, 5 May 1993, Dalloz 1993, Jurisprudence page 506

78 Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR : JUSX05000050

79 Loi n° 2008--561 of 17 June 2010

80 Cour de cassation, Troisième Chambre civile, 26 June 2002, n° 00--12.023, Bulletin Civil 2002, III, n° 148

81 Article 2224 of the Civil Code: «Les actions personnelles ou mobilières se prescrivent par cinq ans à compter du jour où le titulaire d'un droit a connu ou aurait dû connaître les faits lui permettant de l'exercer »

82 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

83 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

84 Article 2232 of the Civil code states: "Le report du point de départ, la suspension ou l'interruption de la prescription ne peut avoir pour effet de porter le délai de la prescription extinctive au--delà de vingt ans à compter du jour de la naissance du droit"

85 Article 1315 of the Civil Code ; for an application, see Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 5 November 2009, n° 08--20.705

86 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 19 March 1996, Bulletin civile 1996, I, n° 147

87 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 27 April 1966, Bulletin civil 1966, III, n° 206

88 La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Pa isa nt, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, août 2005, étude 8

89 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 12 February 1980, Bulletin civil 1980, IV, n° 80

90 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 1 March 2005, n° 03--19.296, Bulletin Civil 2005, IV, n° 42

91 Garantie de Conformité des Meubles Vendus aux Consommateurs -- Garantie Légale de Conformité -- Garantie Commerciale, L. Leveneur, LexisNexis, Fascicule 1060; Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 3 January 1995; Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 26 June 2001

92 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

93 See for instance : Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 15 November 1988, n° 87--12.239

94 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

95 Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR : JUSX05000050

96 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

97 See in particular The Psychology of Consumer Detriment - A Conceptual Review, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by P. Lunt, L. Miller, J. Körting, J. Ungemah, January 2006, OFT792

98 The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 - A Brief Introduction, page 3

99 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

100 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

101 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

102 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

103 Article 1611 of the Civil Code

104 Article 1131 of the Civil Code

105 Article 1612 of the Civil Code: "Le vendeur n'est pas tenu de délivrer la chose, si l'acheteur n'en paye pas le prix, et que le vendeur ne lui ait pas accordé un délai pour le paiement"

106 Cour de cassation, Troisième Chambre civile, 17 January 1990, Bulletin civile 1990, III, n° 25

107 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 5 October 1993, Bulletin civile 1993, IV, n° 313, page 225

108 See for instance: Cour de cassation, Troisième Chambre civil, 11 May 2005, n° 03--21.136, Bulletin Civil 2005, III, n° 103

109 Article 1 of the Loi n° 91--650 of 9 July 1991

110 Article 33 of the Law n°91--650 of 9 July 1991: « Tout juge peut, même d'office, ordonner une astreinte pour assurer l'exécution de sa décision »

111 Article 1144 of the Civil Code

112 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

113 For a denying of such right, see Cour de cassation, Troisième Chambre civile, 29 January 2003, n° 01--02.759, Bulletin civil 2003, III, n° 23 ; for a decision granting such remedy, see Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 25 March 1997, Bulletin civil 1997, I, n° 111

114 See for instance : Cour d'Appel de Lyon, Première Chambre, 2 November 2000, n° 1997/03052

115 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

116 Article 1610 of the Civil Code: « Si le vendeur manque à faire la délivrance dans le temps convenu entre les parties, l'acquéreur pourra, à son choix, demander la résolution de la vente, ou sa mise en possession, si le retard ne vient que du fait du vendeur »

117 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 30 October 2007, n° 05 --17.882, Bulletin Civil 2007, IV, n° 231

118 Cour de cassation, 21 March 2006, 02--19.236, Dalloz 2006, IR page 950

119 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 30 November 1955, III, n° 351

120 See for instance Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 3 Mai 2006, n° 04--20.432, Bulletin civile 2006, I, n° 217

121 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

122 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

123 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

124 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 14 May 1959, Bulletin Civil 1959, I, n° 245

125 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 30 March 1981, Bulletin Civil 1981, IV, n° 165

126 See for instance : Cour d'Appel de Colmar, Troisième Chambre civile, 24 November 1997, n° 1997--057288

127 Article 1150 of the Civil Code; Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 25 January 1989

128 Article 1151 of the Civil Code; Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 8 January 1985, Bulletin Civil 1985, I, n° 2

129 Les vices cachés dans la vente ; responsabilités et garanties, P. Langlet, La revue experts, n° 28, Octobre 1995

130 Article 1641 of the Civil Code states: "Le vendeur est tenu de la garantie à raison des défauts cachés de la chose vendue qui la rendent impropre à l'usage auquel on la destine, ou qui diminuent tellement cet usage que l'acheteur ne l'aurait pas acquise, ou n'en aurait donné qu'un moindre prix, s'il les avait connus"

131 Article L. 211--1 of the Consumer Code: « Les règles relatives à la garantie des vices cachés dans les contrats
de consommation sont fixées par les articles 1641 à 1648, premier alinéa, du code civil reproduits ci--après (...) »

132 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente ; see for instance Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 31 January 1966

133 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 24 November 1983, Gazette du Palais, Mai 1994, pages 31 and 32

134 See for instance Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 15 January 1980, Bulletin Civil 1980, IV, n° 22

135 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 11 May 1965, Bulletin Civil 1965, III, n° 306

136 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente

137 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 12 March 1980, Bulletin Civil 1980, I, n° 85 where the dog was affected by dysplasia

138 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente

139 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente

140 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente

141 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente

142 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente

143 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 19 February 1973

144 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 9 février 1965, Bulletin Civil 1965, III, n° 103

145 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente

146 See for instance Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 28 November 1979, Dalloz 1979

147 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente; see for instance: Cour de cassation, Deuxième Chambre civile, 30 November 1988, Bulletin Civil 1988, II, n° 240

148 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

149 Former article 1648 of the Civil Code; see Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Régime de la garantie - Parties à la garantie - Action en garantie et délai pour agir, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 40 : Vente

150 er

Conformité et garantie légale , M. Bruschi, revue des contrats, 1July 2005, n° 3, page 710

151 Article 1648 of the Civil Code as amended by the ordinance of 2005

152 Article L. 211 --12 to the Consumer Code, c reated by the Ordinance of 2005, which states: " L'action résultant du défaut de conformité se prescrit par deux ans à compter de la délivrance du bien"

153 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 24 May 1967, I, n° 183: in this case, the building has been sold by the previous owners a couple of year before the discovery of the defect. Thus, there had been a new delivery and no statute of limitation was applicable

1 5 4 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Régime de la garantie - Résultats de l'action en garantie - Moyens de défense du vendeur, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 50 : Vente

155 Article 1643 of the Civil Code: "Il [le vendeur] est tenu des vices cachés, quand même il ne les aurait pas connus (...)"

156 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Objet de la garantie : le vice caché, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 30: Vente; see for instance Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civil, 17 May 1988, Bulletin civil 1988, I, n° 148

157 Article 1644 of the Civil Code : "Dans le cas des articles 1641 et 1643, l'acheteur a le choix de rendre la chose et de se faire restituer le prix, ou de garder la chose et de se faire rendre une partie du prix, telle qu'elle sera arbitrée par experts"

158 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 22 July 1953, Dalloz 1953, page 587

159 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Régime de la garantie - Parties à la garantie - Action en garantie et délai pour agir, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 50 : Vente

160 Obligation de délivrance -- Sanctions, M. Mignot, LexisNexis, Fascicule 20 : Vente

161 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 7 January 1982

162 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Régime de la garantie - Résultats de l'action en garantie - Moyens de défense du vendeur, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 50 : Vente

163 Cour de cassation, 16 November 1965, Bulletin Civil 1965, III, n° 581

164 Cour de cassation, Chambre mixte, 9 July 2004, n° 2004--024656, Bulletin Chambre mixte 2004, n° 2

165 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 8 March 2005, n° 2005--027432, Bulletin Civile 2005, I, n° 128

166 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Régime de la garantie - Parties à la garantie - Action en garantie et délai pour agir, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 50 : Vente

167 Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 3 May 2006, n° 2006--033295

168 See Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 4 January 1979

169 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Régime de la garantie - Résultats de l'action en garantie - Moyens de défense du vendeur, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 50 : Vente

170 Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Régime de la garantie - Résultats de l'action en garantie - Moyens de défense du vendeur, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 50 : Vente

171 Cour de cassation, 12 December 1984, Bulletin civile 1984, IV, n° 349

172 Cour de cassation, Chambre commerciale, 16 October 1972, Dalloz 1973, page 290

173 Cour d'Appel de Paris, 15 December 1987, Dalloz 1987, page 212

174 Article 1646 of the Civil Code: « Si le vendeur ignorait les vices de la chose, il ne sera tenu qu'à la restitution du prix, età rembourser à l'acquéreur les frais occasionnés par la vente »

175 Article 1646 of the Civil Code : « Si le vendeur connaissait les vices de la chose, il est tenu, outre la restitution du prix qu'il en a reçu, de tous les dommages et intérêts envers l'acheteur »

1 76 Cour d'Appel de Versailles, 31 March 1989, Dalloz 1989, Infos rapides, pages 186; see also Garantie légale contre les vices cachés - Domaine de la garantie, J. Huet, LexisNexis, Fascicule 10 : Vente

177 EC Consumer Law Compendium -- The Consumer Acquis and its transposition in the Member States, H. Schulte--Nölke, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and M. Ebers, European Law Publishers, page 407

178 Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR : JUSX05000050

179 Article L. 211--3 of the Consumer Code: « Le présent chapitre est applicable aux relations contractuelles entre le vendeur agissant dans le cadre de son activité professionnelle ou commerciale et l'acheteur agissant en qualité de consommateur »

180 Article L. 211--1 of the Consumer Code: «Les dispositions du présent chapitre s'appliquent aux contrats de vente de biens meubles corporels (...) »

181 Article L. 211--13 of the Consumer Code

182 La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Pa isa nt, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, août 2005, étude 8

183 Less educated consumers have been proved to have a lower understanding of their right: The Psychology of Consumer Detriment - A Conceptual Review, Prepared for the Office of Fair Trading by P. Lunt, L. Miller, J. Körting, J. Ungemah, January 2006, OFT792

184 Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR: JUSX05000050; La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Pa isa nt, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, août 2005, étude 8

185 EC Consumer Law Compendium -- The Consumer Acquis and its transposition in the Member States, H. Schulte--Nölke, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and M. Ebers, European Law Publishers, page 421

186 Article L. 211--5 of the Consumer Code

187 Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR : JUSX05000050

188 Article L. 211--5 1° of the Consumer Code

189 Article L. 211--5 2° of the Consumer Code

190 Article L. 211--5 1° of the Consumer Code

191 Article L. 211--5 2° of the Consumer Code

192 La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Pa isa nt, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, août 2005, étude 8

193 Article L. 211--8 of the Consumer Code: «L'acheteur est en droit d'exiger la conformité du bien au contrat. Il ne peut cependant contester la conformité en invoquant un défaut qu'il connaissait ou ne pouvait ignorer lorsqu'il a contracté. Il en va de même lorsque le défaut a son origine dans les matériaux qu'il a lui--même fournis »

194 Article L. 211--8 of the Consumer Code: «L'acheteur est en droit d'exiger la conformité du bien au contrat. Il
ne peut cependant contester la conformité en invoquant un défaut qu'il connaissait ou ne pouvait ignorer

lorsqu 'il a contracté. Il en va de même lorsque le défaut a son origine dans les matériaux qu'il a lui--même fournis »

195 Article L. 211--6 of the Consumer Code

196 Article 2(4) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

197 See § 434 of the BGB, as referred to by G. Paisant in La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, août 2005, étude 8

198 Garantie de Conformité des Meubles Vendus aux Consommateurs -- Garantie Légale de Conformité -- Garantie Commerciale, L. Leveneur, LexisNexis, Fascicule 1060

199 Garantie de Conformité des Meubles Vendus aux Consommateurs -- Garantie Légale de Conformité -- Garantie Commerciale, L. Leveneur, LexisNexis, Fascicule 1060

200 Article 5(1) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

201 Article L. 211--12 of the Consumer Code: « L'action résultant du défaut de conformité se prescrit par deux ans à compter de la délivrance du bien »

202 La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Pa isa nt, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, août 2005, étude 8

203 La transposition de la directive du 25 Mai 1999 sur les garanties dans la vente de biens de consommation, G. Pa isa nt, Contrats, concurrence, consommation, n° 8, août 2005, étude 8

204 Article L. 211--4 of the Consumer Code: «Le vendeur est tenu de livrer un bien conforme au contrat et répond des défauts de conformité existant lors de la délivrance (...) »

205 Article L. 211--7 of the Consumer Code: «Les défauts de conformité qui apparaissent dans un délai de six mois à partir de la délivrance du bien sont présumés exister au moment de la délivrance, sauf preuve contraire (...) » ; for an application as regard a horse, see Cour d'Appel de Bourges, 10 January 2008, n° 2008--370902

206 Article L. 211--7 of the Consumer Code: «(...) Le vendeur peut combattre cette présomption si celle--ci n'est pas compatible avec la nature du bien ou le défaut de conformité invoqué »

207 See for instance: Cour de cassation, Première Chambre civile, 15 July 1999, n° 1999--003082

208 Rapport au Président de la République relatif à l'ordonnance n° 2005--136 du 17 février 2005 relative à la garantie de conformité du bien au contrat due par le vendeur au consommateur, NOR: JUSX05000050; see Articles L. 211--9 and L. 211--10 of the Consumer Code

209 See Articles L. 211--10 and L. 211--11 of the Consumer Code

210 L'ordonnance du 17 février 2005 sur la garantie de conformité: aux regrets s'ajoutent les regrets, D. M a i nguy, Revue des contrats, 1er juillet 2005, n°3, page 947

211 The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations, 2002, n° 3045

212 Section 48 of the SoGA

213 Sale of Goods and Supply of Services, LexisNexis, Volume 40

214 Section 48F of the SoGA

215 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 114

216 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 121

217 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, from page 157

218 See for instance Arcos Ltd v EA Ronaasen & Son [1933] AC 470

219 Section 15A(1) of the SoGA

220 Section 6 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977

221 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 127

222 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 128

223 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 128

224 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 128

225 Mash and Murrell v Joseph I Emmanuel [1961] 1 All ER 485

226 Section 13 of the SoGA

227 Section 14 of the SoGA

228 Section 14(3) of the SoGA

229 See in particular: Varley v Whipp [1900] 1 QB 513 and Grant v Australian Knitting Mills [1936] AC 85

230 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 116

231 Ashington Piggeries v Christopher Hill [1972] AC 441

232 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 118

233 Harlingdon and Leinster Enterprises v Christopher Hull Fine Art [1991] 1 QB 564

234 Re Moore and Landauer [1921] 2 KB 519; see also: Arcoos v. Ronaasen [1933] AC 470 and Reardon Smith v Hansen--Tangen [1976] 1 WLR 989

235 Section 15 of the SoGA

236 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 119

237 Sale and Supply of Goods, Report, the Law Commission (No 160) and the Scottish Law Commission (No 104), 1987

238 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 119

239 Section 14(2) of the SoGA

240 Section 14(2A) of the SoGA


Section 14(2B) of the SoGA


Section 14(1) of the SoGA


As regard the price, see BS Brown v Craiks [1970] 1 All ET 823


Consumers remedies when buying goods or services, Practical Law Company, found on this website:


Section 14(2C)(a) of the SoGA


Section 14(2C)(b) and (c) of the SoGA


A Trader's Guide: The Law Relating to the Supply of Goods and Services, Department of Trade and Industry, April 2005


Section 14(2E)(a),(b) and (c) of the SoGA


Kendalll v Lillico [1968] 2 All ER 444 ; Ashington Piggeries v Christopher Hill [1972] AC 441


Slater v Finning Ltd [1996] 3 All ER 398


Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 156


See for instance Motor Oil Hellas (Corinth) Refineries S.A. v. Shipping Corpn of India (The Kanchenjunga) [ 1990] 1 Lloyd's Rep. 391 at 398; Buyer's Right to Withhold Performance and Termination of Contract in A Comparative Study Under English Law, Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980, Iranian and Shi'ah Law, M. Jafarzadeh, Published on the website of the Institute of International Commercial Law and available on: mjafarzadeh/3.html


See Lakshmijit v. Faiz Sherani (P.C.) [1974] A.C. 605 at 616


See for instance Graanhandel T. Vink B.V. v. European Grain and Shipping Ltd. [1989] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 531


See M.S.C. Mediterranean Shipping Co. S.A. v. B.R.E--Metro Ltd [1985] 2 Lloyd's Rep. 239 at 240

256 Section 15A(1) of the SoGA


Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, pages 160 and 161


Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 30


Section 30 of the SoGA


Section 30 of the SoGA


See for instance Perkins v Bell [1893] 1 QB 193, quoted in Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 34


See Manifatture Tessile Laniera Wooltex v J B Ashley Limited [1979] 2 Lloyd's Reports 28 for all buyers and Bernstein v Pamson Motors (Golders Green) Limited [1987] 2 All ER 220 for consumers in particular, both

quoted in Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 34


Kwei Tek Chao v British Traders and Shippers Ltd [1954] 2 QB 459


Section 35(6) of the SoGA


Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 14


Section 35(1)(a) of the SoGA; see Saunders v Topp [1849] 4 Exch 390 or, more recently, Clegg v Andersson [2003] EWCA Civ 320


Section 35(6) of the SoGA; J & H Ritchie Limited v Lloyd Limited, [2007] 2 All ER 353, commented in contract: sale of goods -- buyer's remedies, S. Foster and N. McKay, Coventry law Journal, 2007 and in Sale of Goods in Scotland -- A Second Tender: J&H Richtie Ltd v Lloyd Ltd, M. Bridge, Journal of Business Law, 2007; Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 33


Section 35(1) and 35(4) of the SoGA; see Morrison and Mason Ltd v Clarkson Bros [1898] 25 R 427 and Bushel v Wheeler [1844] 15 QB 442n where the buyer retained the good for five months without saying anything to the seller


Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 41; Sale of Goods -- Remedy of Rejection -- How Quickly is the Right Lost? S. Hedley, Cambridge Law Journal, 2001


Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 25


Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 41


Section 59 of the SoGA; see Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 33


The Right to Reject, G. Dehn and R. Cranston, Journal of Business Law, 1990


Kwei Tek Chao v British Traders and Shippers Ltd [1954] 2 QB 459


Section 35(5) of the SoGA


Truk (UK) Limited v Tokmakidis GmbH [2000] 2 All ER (Comm) 594, see Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 37


Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 42


Buyer's Right to Withhold Performance and Termination of Contract in A Comparative Study Under English Law, Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 1980, Iranian and Shi'ah Law, M. J afa rza d e h, Published on the website of the Institute of International Commercial Law and available on: mjafarzadeh/3.html


Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 20

280 Section 36 of the SoGA

281 Section 28 of the SoGA

282 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, page 157

283 Total Oil (Great Britain) Ltd v Thompson Garages (Biggin Hill) Ltd [1972] 1 QB 318

284 Section 52 of the SoGA

285 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, from page 165; see Cohen v Roche [1927] 1 KB 169 and Bronx Engineering [1975] 1 Lloyd's Report 475

286 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, from page 165

287 Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 15

288 Section 51 of the SoGA

289 Section 53 of the SoGA

290 Sale of goods: arrangements for repairs, Practical Law Company, found on this website:

291 Sale and Supply of Goods, M. Furmston, Third Edition, Cavendish Publishing Limited, from page 172

292 Sale of goods: arrangements for repairs, Practical Law Company, found on this website:

293 Section 53(2) of the SoGA

294 Section 53(3) of the SoGA

295 Sale of goods: arrangements for repairs, Practical Law Company, found on this website:

296 The Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations, 2002, n° 3045

297 Section 48F of the SoGA

298 Implementation of the Directive 1999/44/EC on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees in the United Kingdom, J. Jirkal, found on this website: ky/implementation--of--the--directive--199944ec--on--certain--aspects--of--t he--sa l e--

of--con su m e r--goods--and--associated--guarantees--in--the--united--kingdom--18869.html

299 Section 48B(1) of the SoGA

300 Section 48B(2) of the SoGA

301 Section 48B(3) of the SoGA

302 Section 48A(3) of the SoGA

303 Section 5 of the Limitation Act 1980

304 A Trader's Guide: The Law Relating to the Supply of Goods and Services, Department of Trade and Industry, April 2005

305 The term «Acquis» is borrowed from the French word acquis which means «that which has been acquired» - see Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 4

306 Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis, Commission of the European Communities, COM (2006) 744 final, page 3

307 An Ambitious Consumer Rights Directive: Boosting Consumers' protection and helping businesses, V. Reding, Vice--President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Speech pronounced during the European Consumer Day 2010 in Madrid, 15 March 2010: «The proposed law must balance businesses' need for legal certainty with a guarantee for the highest level of consumer protection»

308 Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis, Commission of the European Communities, COM (2006) 744 final, page 3 and 4

309 Directive 85/577/EEC of 20 December 1985 to protect the consumer in respect of contracts negotiated away from business premises; Directive 93/13/EEC of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts; Directive 97/7/EC of 20 May 1997on the protection of consumers in respect of distance contracts; Directive 99/44/EC of 26 May 1999 on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees

310 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Consumer Rights (Explanatory Memorandum), Commission of the European Communities, COM (2008) 614/3, pages 2 and 3

311 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 5

312 Green Paper on the Review of the Consumer Acquis, Commission of the European Communities, COM (2006) 744 final, page 6

313 Harmonisation of Remedies for Lack of Conformity in Consumer Contracts - A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis on the European Commission's Proposal for A Directive on Consumer Rights, Ch. Svanholm, page 30

314 Article 2.2 of the Treaty of Lisbon: «The Union shall establish an internal market» ( http://eur-- lex. e u ropa .e u/LexU riSe rv/LexU riServ.d o?u ri=OJ :C : 2007 :306:00 10 :0041 : E N : P D F)

315 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Consumer Rights (Explanatory Memorandum), Commission of the European Communities, COM (2008) 614/3, page 2

316 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Consumer Rights (Explanatory Memorandum), Commission of the European Communities, COM (2008) 614/3, page 2

317 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Consumer Rights (Explanatory Memorandum), Commission of the European Communities, COM (2008) 614/3, page 2

318 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

319 Article 114(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

3 20 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 3

321 The proposed Consumer Rights Directive - less haste, more thought?, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and D. Metcalfe, page 3; Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 14

322 The proposed Consumer Rights Directive - less haste, more thought?, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and D. Metcalfe, page 16

323 Davidson Review - Implementation of EU Legislation, Final Report, November 2006, Better Regulation Executive (BRE), page 22

324 Article 4 of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights: «Member States may not maintain or introduce, in their national law, provisions diverging from those laid down in this Directive, including more or less stringent provisions to ensure a different level of consumer provisions»

325 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 17

326 Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 36

327 Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 46

328 Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 58

329 An Ambitious Consumer Rights Directive: Boosting Consumers' protection and helping businesses, V. Reding, Vice--President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Speech pronounced during the European Consumer Day 2010 in Madrid, 15 March 2010

330 Article 24(1) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

331 This is inferred from article 24(2) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

332 Article 22(1) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

333 Article 22(2) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

334 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 21

335 See Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 21 and 22

3 3 6 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights', H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich, page 506

337 Article 24(3) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

338 Article 2(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

339 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 26

340 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights' , H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich

341 Article 35(3) of the United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sale of Goods (1980), usually referred to as the «Vienna Sales Convention»

342 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 31

343 Article 28(5) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

344 Article 5(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

345 See article 22 and 23 of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

346 The suggestion is supported by the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission in Consumer Remedies for Faulty Goods, Joint Consultation paper of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission, page 109. For an opposite view, see Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 31

347 Article 28(4) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

348 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights', H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich

349 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 34

350 Article 5(1) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

351 Article 28(1) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

352 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 28

353 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 27

354 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 29

355 Article 28(2) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

3 5 6 Article 28(2) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

357 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 30

358 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights' , H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich

359 Article 3(3) of the Directive 1999/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspect of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantee

360 Article 26(2) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

361 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 37

362 Consumer Sales Law i n the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 40

363 Consumer Sales Law in the Proposal for a Consumer Rights Directive, M. Loos, page 40

364 Article 26(4) of the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights

365 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights', H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich

366 Consumer policy strategy 2002--2006, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM (2002), page 12

367 Directive 2002/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2002 concerning the distance marketing of consumer financial services; Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 concerning unfair business--to--consumer commercial practices in the internal market; Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on credit agreements for consumers and Directive 2008/122/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 January 2009 on the protection of consumers in respect of certain aspects of timeshare, long--term holiday product, resale and exchange contracts, OJ 2009, L 33/10

368 The proposed Consumer Rights Directive - less haste, more thought?, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and D. Metcalfe, page 3

369 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights', H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich, page 517

370 Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 concerning unfair business--to--consumer commercial practices in the internal market

371 ECJ, 23 April 2009, Joined Cases C--261/07 and C--299/07, VTB--VAB NV v Total Belgium NV and Galatea BVBA v Sanoma Magazines Belgium NV

372 ECJ, 14 January 2010, C--304/08, Zentrale zur Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs e.V. v. Plus Warengesellschaft GmbH

373 An Ambitious Consumer Rights Directive: Boosting Consumers' protection and helping businesses, V. Reding, Vice--President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Speech pronounced during the European Consumer Day 2010 in Madrid, 15 March 2010

3 74 ECJ, 4 July 2006, C--212/04, Konstantinos Adeneler and Others v Ellinikos Organismos Galaktos (ELOG) [2006] ECR

375 Harmonisation of Remedies for Lack of Conformity in Consumer Contracts - A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis on the European Commission's Proposal for A Directive on Consumer Rights, Ch. Svanholm, page 24

376 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 2

377 As stated by Wilhelmsson in «Full Harmonisation of Consumer Contract Law», quoted by Ch. Twigg--Flesner and D. Metcalfe in The proposed Consumer Rights Directive - less haste, more thought?

378 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 15

379 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 2

380 Harmonisation of Remedies for Lack of Conformity in Consumer Contracts - A Comparative Law and Economic Analysis on the European Commission's Proposal for A Directive on Consumer Rights, Ch. Svanholm, page 24

381 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on Consumer Rights (Explanatory Memorandum), Commission of the European Communities, COM (2008) 614/3, pages 2 and 3

382 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits; Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 8

383 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 8

384 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits

385 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits

386 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights', H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich

387 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights', H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich

388 An Ambitious Consumer Rights Directive: Boosting Consumers' protection and helping businesses, V. Reding, Vice--President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Speech pronounced during the European Consumer Day 2010 in Madrid, 15 March 2010

389 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits

390 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits; Full
harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the

Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 10 and 11

391 G. Low, The (Ir)Relevance of Harmonization and Legal Diversity to European Contract Law: A Perspective from Psychology, European Review of Private Law 2010/2, quoted by M. Loos in Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 8

392 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 8

393 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits; Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 8

394 See in particular: The proposed Consumer Rights Directive - less haste, more thought?, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and D. Metcalfe, page 4 and Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights', H--W. Micklitz and N. Reich page 477

395 The proposed Consumer Rights Directive - less haste, more thought?, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and D. Metcalfe, page 4

396 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights' , H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich, page 477

397 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 17

398 L. Froòkova, The new Directive on consumer protection: objectives from the perspective of the EU and the Member States, in: H. Schulte--Nolke, L. Tichy (eds.), Perspectives for European Consumer Law. Towards a Directive on consumer rights, Munich: Sellier, 2009, p. 91, quoted by M. Loos in Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 18

399 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 17

400 Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada: The Commission Proposal for a 'Directive on Consumer Rights' , H--W. M icklitz and N. Reich; Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits

401 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits

402 As highlighted by J. Myard in the debate which followed the presentation of the report of Mme Karamanli: Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 73

403 Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 60

404 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits

405 Full Harmonization of Consumer Law? A Critique of the Draft Directive on Consumer Rights, Jan Smits

406 Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 61

407 Full harmonisation as a regulatory concept and its consequences for the national legal orders -- The example of the Consumer rights directive, M. Loos, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series No. 2010/03, page 26

408 EC Consumer Law Compendium -- The Consumer Acquis and its transposition in the Member States, H. Schulte--Nölke, Ch. Twigg--Flesner and M. Ebers, European Law Publishers, page 502

409 An Ambitious Consumer Rights Directive: Boosting Consumers' protection and helping businesses, V. Reding, Vice--President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Speech pronounced during the European Consumer Day 2010 in Madrid, 15 March 2010

410 Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 65

411 Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 65

412 Droit des consommateurs: une harmonisation pragmatique pour une protection efficace, Mme Karamanli, Commission des Affaires Européennes, Assemblée Nationale, Rapport d'information n°2099, December 2009, page 65

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