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Knowledge and perception on HIV premarital counseling and testing among unmarried young people of Kintampo town in the republic of Ghana,( Télécharger le fichier original )par Dr Jean Pierre Kasereka Makelele, MD.MPH SPH University of Ghana, Accra - MD.MPH 2005 |
Contact address: drjpkmakelele_m_amos@yahoo.frREFERENCES1 Sally Wehmeier, Oxford Advanced Learner`s Dictionary of Current English, 6th edition, La Tipographica Varese Italia/Oxford University press, Oxford-England, 2000:1422 p 2 BERNARD & PIERRE, G., Dictionnaire médical pour les régions tropicales, Kangu-Mayumbe BERPS, Congo-Kinshasa1984. 3 DOMART, A. & BOURNEUF, J., Nouveau Larousse médical, Paris, Larousse, 1992. 4 Ettie A.Rout, safe marriage: A return to sanity, London, Wood & Sons Ltd, 1922, pp 78, available at http://www.ibiblio.org, accessed on March 26th 2005. 5 FERRIER, P.-E., Précis de pédiatrie, Paris, Doin, 1984. 6 MERGER, R., LEVY, J., MELCHIOR, J., Précis d'obstétrique, Paris, Masson, 1995: 597 pages 7 Christopher J.L Murray & Alan D. 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2 a .Highest educational level reached
3.What is your religion?
4.What ethnic group do you belong to?
* Code : The last right columns contain field names (codes) that will be used in data entry and analysis. * * For every uneducated respondent who does not remember his/her age, the interviewer can look at him/her and estimate his/her age group. |