3.8. Data processing
Normally, data collected from respondents is in a row form,
which is not easy to interpret and analyse for conclusions. Data processing is
the transformation of respondents' views into meaningful text.
Therefore, time is a need to process it before proper analysis
can be made. On this note, editing, coding and tabulating of the data were done
in order to be able to handle it easily.
3.8.1. Editing
After the collection of data, editing to discover items that
are misunderstood by the respondents was exercised. In case of unclear
responses, the researcher proved more from the respondents so as to make them
clear before taking them.
Editing was done to ensure completeness, accuracy, uniformity
and legibility in questionnaire after data collection, the exercise inspection
followed in order to discover items that were misunderstood by the respondents
to detect gaps and other weaknesses in data collection methods.
3.8.2. Coding
Coding was used to summarise data by classifying the different
responses given into categories for easy manipulation.
Coding was done to summarise data classifying different
responses in categories that are easily understood by using percentages and
frequencies on answers given by respondents from each category of the
population studied.
3.8.3. Tabulation
In this study, after eliminating errors, codes were assigned
to each answer. The spoliation of the questionnaire has been made using the
computer with the software Excel in order to classify under various categories
of information collected in terms of frequencies and percentages.