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Circuit imprimé : Coté composants
Circuit imprimé : Coté liaisons














What is MPLAB PM3?
The MPLAB PM3 is a Microchip microcontroller device
programmer. Through interchangeable programming socket modules, MPLAB PM3
enables you, to quickly and easily program the entire line of Microchip
microcontroller devices.
MPLAB PM3 may be used with MPLAB IDE running under supported
Windows OS's (see "Readme for MPLAB PM3 . txt" file for support list) or as a
stand-alone programmer.
What MPLAB PM3 Does
MPLAB PM3 can be set up on the serial (COM 1-4) or USB
communications port on your PC. With MPLAB PM3 you can perform the following
· Program memory, configuration bits, EEPROM data memory,
ID locations and calibration data into devices.
· Program devices using ICSPTM (In-Circuit Serial
ProgrammingTM) on the target board and user GO, PASS and FAIL signals to
interface with the MPLAB PM3.
· Verify that microcontrollers are blank.
· Verify that code in the target microcontroller matches
your firmware.
· Read code from an unprotected microcontroller into the
MPLAB IDE's program memory window for debugging and programming into other
· Program unique serialized ID numbers into your firmware
using Serial Quick Turn Programming (SQTPSM) files.
· Store environments on an MPLAB PM3 Card.
MPLAB PM3 System Components
The MPLAB PM3 device programmer system consists of the
· MPLAB PM3 device programmer
· Module sockets
· RS-232 Interface cable to connect to any standard PC
serial port
· USB Interface cable to connect to any standard PC USB
· ICSP cable
· Power supply
· MPLAB IDE software - an Integrated Development
Environment including a text editor, project manager and simulator for
debugging. Also included are the MPASM assembler, MPLINK object linker and
MPLIB object librarian.
How MPLAB PM3 Helps You
With the MPLAB PM3 device programmer, you can program Microchip
devices from a PC Host, or you can use the device programmer as a stand-alone
· MPLAB PM3 is easy to use and flexible in programming
Microchip devices and package types.
· MPLAB PM3 will expand to support future Microchip
devices always providing the latest programming algorithms to support Microchip
PIC microcontroller devices and other Microchip parts, via the Microchip web
site (
· With an optional MPLAB PM3 Card inserted, you can store
and transport device settings for programming.
Installing MPLAB PM3 Hardware
The MPLAB PM3 hardware is simple to set up:
· If you are using MPLAB IDE:
o Attach the communications cable.
o Connect the power supply to the MPLAB PM3.
o Install the socket module (or attach the ICSP cable).
· If you are using MPLAB PM3 in stand-alone: o Connect
the power supply to the MPLAB PM3.
Installing the Communications Cable
MPLAB PM3 provides communications with the host PC via an RS-232
9-pin D type connector or a USB connector.
MPLAB PM3 is supplied with two 6-foot data cables: one with
DB-9 connectors and one with USB connectors. All lines on the serial cable are
wired straight through. The serial cable is NOT a null modem cable.
Installing a Socket Module or ICSP Cable
Socket modules are sold separately. The MPLAB PM3 comes with an
18-inch ICSP cable for ICSP programming.
Socket Module Installation
Socket modules are available to accommodate each device
package. The Product Selector Guide (DS00 148) lists Microchip's
devices, tools and socket modules. The Development System Ordering
Guide (DS30 177) describes the available socket modules.
For MPLAB PM3 Socket Modules
1. Align the connectors on the socket module with the connectors
on the MPLAB PM3.
2. Push the socket module down evenly mating the connectors.
It is always a good practice to insert a known blank device and
do a blank check whenever the socket module is changed.
ICSP Cable Installation
1. Connect the ICSP cable connector to the ICSP socket on the
2. Leave the individual leads unconnected at this time..



Type of power supply
The input voltage is converted into a lower output
Buck Converter
The input voltage is converted into a higher output
Boost converter
The input voltage is converted into a negative voltage.
Buck-Boost converter
Several isolated output voltages, up to approx. 250
are possible.
Flyback converter
One electrically isolated voltage, up to approx.
100 Watts.
Single Transistor Forward converter
One electrically isolated voltage, up to approx. 1 KW.
Two-Transistor Forward converter
One electrically isolated voltage, up to few KW.
Half-Bridge Push-Pull Converter
One electrically isolated voltage, up to many KW.
Full-Bridge Push-Pull converter
Switch mode power supply for sinusoidal mains current.
Power Factor Pre- regulator (PFC)
Réalisation d'un régulateur solaire
à base de microcontrôleur pour le contrôle de l'état
de charge et la protection des accumulateurs
