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Design , implementation and management of secured lan

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Eliud Ir. Eliud Aganze
Jomokenyatta university of agriculture and technology - information technology 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

6.4 System implementation

After thorough testing by the programmers, the system is then implemented into the working environment, replacing the original system.

6.4.1 System change over

System changeover is the process of putting the new information system online and retiring the old system. There are four strategies that can be used to do this:

(i) Parallel running

(ii) Direct changeover

(iii) Pilot running

(iv) Phased changeover Parallel running

The old system and the new system are run together for a period of time. The old system is stopped only when it is certain that the new system is running correctly.

With this strategy, the old and the new system are both used alongside each other, both being able to operate independently. If all goes well, the old system is stopped and new system carries on as the only system.


i) If there are initial problems with the new system then the old one can still be used.

ii) Both systems can easily be compared.

iii) Easy to train staff by letting they learn new skills on the parallel system.

iv) Easy to evaluate because the new and old systems are both running.


i) Expensive - both systems are being run as fully operating versions so both are doing the same job.  This may mean duplication of staff and hardware.

ii) Risky - there is a greater chance of confusion or errors if the two different systems are being run side-by-side.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"La première panacée d'une nation mal gouvernée est l'inflation monétaire, la seconde, c'est la guerre. Tous deux apportent une prospérité temporaire, tous deux apportent une ruine permanente. Mais tous deux sont le refuge des opportunistes politiques et économiques"   Hemingway