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Design , implementation and management of secured lan

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par Eliud Ir. Eliud Aganze
Jomokenyatta university of agriculture and technology - information technology 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.22. 5.3.2Designing Models for Addressing and Numbering

A structuredaddressing means that addresses are meaningful, hierarchical, and planned. IP addresses that include a prefix and host part are structured. Assigning an IP network number to a campus network, then subnetting the network number and subnetting the subnets, is a structured (hierarchical) model for IP addressing.

A clearly documented structured model for addressing facilitates management and troubleshooting. Structure makes it easier to understand network maps, operate network management software, and recognize devices in protocol analyzer traces and reports. Structured addresses also facilitate network optimization and security because

2.23. Static and Dynamic Addressing for End Systems

Dynamic addressing reduces the configuration tasks required to connect end systems to an internetwork. Dynamic addressing also supports users who change and automation of station or LAN. DHCPprotocol have minimize configuration tasks for IP end system .In our network we are using both static and dynamic addressing IP. Static addresses are used for servers, routers, switches,and printers.

Comparison between static versus dynamic addressing include the following:

ü The number of end systems devices: When there are more than 30 systems, dynamic addressingis usually preferable.

ü Renumbering:If it is likely you will need to renumber systems in the future andthere are many end systems, dynamic address assignment is the better choice.Renumbering for public addresses will become necessary if a new ISP is selected. Inaddition, you might plan to renumber because the current plan is not well structuredor will run out of numbers soon.

ü High availability: Statically assigned IP addresses are available anytime. Dynamicallyassigned IP addresses have to be acquired from a server first. If the server fails, anaddress cannot be acquired. To avoid this problem, you can deploy redundant DHCPservers or use static addresses.

ü Security:With dynamic address assignment, in most cases, any device that connectsto the network can acquire a valid address. This imposes some security risk.

ü Address tracking: If a management requires that addresses betracked, static addressing might be easier to implement than dynamic addressing.

ü Additional parameters: If end systems need information beyond an address, dynamicaddressing is useful because a server can provide additional parameters to clientsalong with the address. For example, a DHCP server provides a subnet mask, a default gateway,

2.24. Hierarchical Routing

Hierarchical routing means that knowledge of the network topology and configuration is localized. No single router needs to understand how to get to each other network segment.

Hierarchical routing requires that a network administrator assign addresses in a hierarchical fashion. IP addressing and routing have been somewhat hierarchical for a long time, but in recent years, as the Internet and enterprise intranets have grown, it has become necessary to add more hierarchy.

Identifies a block of host numbers and is used for routing to that block. Traditional routing, also known as classful routing, does not transmit any information about the prefix length. With classful routing, hosts and routers calculate the prefix length by looking at the first few bits of an address to determine its class.

Classless routing protocols, on the other hand, transmit a prefix length with an IP address. This allows classless routing protocols to group networks into one entry and use the prefix length to specify which networks are grouped. Classless routing protocols also accept any arbitrary prefix length, rather than only accepting lengths of 8, 16, or 24, which the classful system dictated.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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