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Design , implementation and management of secured lan

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par Eliud Ir. Eliud Aganze
Jomokenyatta university of agriculture and technology - information technology 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


2.16. 5.0. Definition

Dictionaries generally define design as planning how to create something, or the actual plans themselves. However, when you think of designing something, whether it is a product, an addition to a house, or a network, you likely contemplate a broader use of the word design.

2.17. 5.1. Design principals

Cisco has developed the Plan-Design-Implement-Operate-Optimize (PDIOO) network life cycle to describe the multiple phases through which a network passes. This life cycle phases are briefly described as follows:

ü Plan phase: The detailed network requirements are identified, and the existing network is reviewed.

ü Design phase: The network is designed according to the initial requirements and additional data gathered during analysis of the existing network. The design is refined with the client.

ü Implement phase: The network is built according to the approved design.

ü Operate phase: The network is operational and is being monitored. This phase is the ultimate test of the design.

ü Optimize phase: During this phase, issues are detected and corrected, either before problems arise or, if no problems are found, after a failure has occurred. Redesign might be required if too many problems exist.

ü Retirement phase: Although not part of the PDIOO acronym, this phase is necessary when part of the network is outdated or is no longer required.

Figure 5.1: illustration of PDIOO

Network design should include the following tasks,

· Determine requirements

· Analyze the existing network, if one exists

· Prepare the preliminary design

· Complete the final design development

· Deploy the network

· Monitor, and redesign if necessary

· Maintain documentation (as a part of all the other tasks)

Figure 5.2: illustrate the tasks

Note: The Campus LAN Design addresses four primary wired LAN requirements shared by organizations, including the need to:

· Offer reliable access to organization resources

· Minimize time required to absorb technology investments

· Provide a productive and consistent user experience

· Reduce operation costs

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble comme des frères sinon nous allons mourir tous ensemble comme des idiots"   Martin Luther King