2.11. Existing network Management
a. Difficult to troubleshoot and maintenance because it required
to shut down the network and required physical presence and there is no remote
b. No help desk, support was provided by calling technician
physically using
IP telephone which needed physical and it consumes time to be
c. Limited number of IP address in some location due to the
problem of VLANs. Some VLANs was assigned less IP address and other location of
the network there is no VLANs at all. This problem makes hard to connect to the
network or access to service is not available to all user everywhere.
4.4.6 System analysis of the current
Network Management How the
current network is managed
a. In case there is a problem encounter by the user the need to
call the IT technician
b. 1st assessment is physically, the IT technician go
to the site/location/building where the problem was reported.
c. The technician checks the problem and provide solution
immediately if possible, if not the problem will be solved after a particular
d. All types of assistance is physical which required times Flowchart
of the current network management
In case there is a problem encounter by the user the need to call
the IT technician
e. 1st assessment is physically, the IT technician go
to the site/location/building where the problem was reported.

Figure 4.8: flowchart diagram of existing system Weakness of the current system
ü There is no reference of the previous problem occurred
in the past.
ü Though the manual system, it takes a considerably long
time to move from one building to another for solving network issue.
ü Slow response time which result in inefficiency and
ineffectiveness of flowof daily activities.
ü Technician keeps on repeating the same task for common
for common problem
ü There is no permanent help desk service to deal with
daily problem and queries of user/client. Proposed Solution to the current system problem:
ü The new system allows user/client to post their problem
and queries.
ü The system help user to check their problem solution
online without help desk assistance
ü User can request for online assistance
ü It will save time and resources
ü It allows to generate a report weekly report of user
ü This system allows the network administrator and
technician to track down the problem based on the location of request.
ü The queriestracking will first of all computerize the
process of managing the client/user's problem and queries.
ü The administration will be in a position to store
client/user queriesonline and track them from any location.
ü Through the use of a database each problem/query will
be uniquely identified hence there will be no problem of problem sharing the
same Ids and the process of retrieving patient files will be faster.
ü Since the system is online, the administrator have
access to querieshistory from any location provided that there is internet
connectivity and that they have the appropriate login credentials.
