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Design , implementation and management of secured lan

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par Eliud Ir. Eliud Aganze
Jomokenyatta university of agriculture and technology - information technology 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.4 LAN Installation

These are in term of ease of installation, total cost, reliability, performance and security as state from Mitchell (2007). The article said that wired LAN use Ethernet cables and network adapters. Although two computers can be directly wiredto each other using an Ethernet crossover cable or different devices can be connected using straight through cable, wired LAN generally also require centraldevices like hubs, switches, or routers to accommodate more computers. In term ofinstallation, wired LAN used an Ethernet cables. The cable must be run from eachcomputer to another computer or to the central device. It can be time-consuming anddifficult to run cables under the floor or through walls, especially when computers sit inDifferent rooms.

3.5 LAN Security

Without adequate protection or network security, many individuals, businesses, and governments are at risk of losing that asset. Network security is the process by which digital .Network security is the process by which digital information assets are protected, the goals security are to protect confidentiality, maintain integrity, and assure availability. (Salah Alabady, 2009)With the current increase number of LANs and personal computers security has become very critical issues when it comes to protect users, asserts and privacy of users.Security has one purpose, to protect assets. With the advent of personal computers, LANs, and the wide-open world of the Internet, the networks of today are more open.


2. Introduction

A system analysis involves evaluation of the current system using the gathered facts or information. System analysis involves understanding and specifying in detail what the system will do. One should evaluate whether the current and projected user needs are being met. If not, he should give a recommendation of what is to be done. Analysis involves detailed assessment of the components of the existing system and the requirements of the system.

The objectives or aims of system analysis are:

Ø To determine information needs of an organization and the users of that information.

Ø Determination of the current activities of the system i.e. functions involved in conversation of inputs to outputs.

Ø Determination of the intended systems output.

Ø Determination of the resources required for the intended system.

Ø Determination of capabilities required in the system to meet information needs of the organization.

4.1 System analysis activities

i) Analysis of the organization environment. The analyst should evaluate in details information needs of the organization environment e.g. information needs of the consumers, suppliers, competitors, government departments etc.

ii) Analysis of the present system. The analyst should study the current system and identify its weaknesses and its strengths. He should establish the ability of current system in meeting the stated information needs. This guides a decision to be made on whether the existing system stands to be improved, changed or done away with altogether. Some aspects of the existing controls, files, user interaction, methods, procedures, functions and existing hardware and software.

iii) Requirement analysis - involves determination of user requirements e.g. tasks performed, output expected, proposed system development cycle and user goals.

The following are also determined:-

ü Maximum, minimum and average levels of activities.

ü Labor intensive tasks - the tasks that are manual and can easily computerized.

ü Activities or tasks that involve complex or repetitive computation.

ü Procedures that have become obsolete.

Once all the facts are analyzed and documented a formal report is written called statement of requirements.

4.1.0 The importance of system analysis:

i) It helps the analyst or system developer to gain understanding of the existing system.

ii) It allows the analyst or system developer to record existing system information in a standard form to aid design of a new system. It also facilitates understanding of the system by the user staff.

iii) Enables the analyst or developer to define existing system procedure into a logical model.

Helps the analyst to write or produce statement of requirements, which guides the development team throughout subsequent stages of the development life cycle.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Entre deux mots il faut choisir le moindre"   Paul Valery