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From unplanned settlement to new housing development in Kigali city: the case study of Amahoro cell, Muhima sector

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par John MUGISHA
National University of Rwanda - Bachelor's degree 2011

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Annex 2: Questionnaire for local leaders


Questionnaire for local leaders in Kigali city

Dear respondent, my name is MUGISHA John, a student at the national university of Rwanda in the department of geography. I am conducting a research on unplanned settlements in Kigali city with a case study of Amahoro cell, with the objective of `assessing the challenges of the transition from unplanned settlement to new housing development in Kigali city'. Your responses will serve a great deal towards achieving this objective.


a. Position: ...........................................................................

b. Administrative level: .....................................................


1. According to the national housing policy for Rwanda, 80% of Kigali is composed of unplanned settlements. Is this a problem to housing development in Kigali?

a. Yes

b. No

2. If the previous answer is yes, how is informal settlement defined in Kigali city?


3. Is housing development at a good stage in Kigali city?

a. Yes

b. No

4. If yes, how? If no, why?





5. If yes, what are the main factors that are helping housing development to boost?




6. If no, what are the main factors that hinder the housing development industry in Rwanda?


7. In line with the implementation of the KCMP, Kigali master plan implementation projects have been developed starting with immediate developmental zones. Is this redevelopment clearing or relocating the existing informal settlements?


8. If the previous answer is yes, who are the main stakeholders in this redevelopment project?


9. Could you explain the main stages in this redevelopment project implementation and relocation/expropriation of existing unplanned settlements?


10. Are there problems that you faced in redeveloping Ubumwe cell zone?

a. Yes

b. No

11. If the previous answer is yes, which ones?


12. How many households in that were relocated from Ubumwe cell?


13. What have been planned for them?


14. Where are they actually living?


15. What challenges are they facing?


16. According to Kigali conceptual master plan, a bigger part of Muhima sector (150 Ha), and Amahoro cell inclusive, is planned for the central business district (CBD1). Yet, at present there is a large living in informal settlements. What do you plan for them?

a. Expropriating them

b. Upgrading their houses

c. Relocating them

d. Evicting them

17. Is there another site that will receive expropriated or evicted residents from the central business district zone?

a. Yes

b. No

18. If yes, where will be the site?


19. What strategies are you using to implement the new housing development in Kigali city according to the master plan?

a. ......................................................................................................

b. .........................................................................................................

c. .........................................................................................................

20. What challenges do the implementation of these strategies face?

a. .........................................................................................................

b. .........................................................................................................

21. What do you think will be the impacts of implementing Kigali conceptual master plan on the residents in informal houses?

a. Positive impacts

i. .............................................................................................

ii. .............................................................................................

iii. .............................................................................................

b. Negative impacts

i. .............................................................................................

ii. ............................................................................................

iii. ...........................................................................................

22. What does the plan to overcome the negative impacts?

a. ....................................................................................................................................

b. ...................................................................................................

23. What would you recommend the residents or the Kigali city council for decent and socially inclusive housing?

a. ...................................................................................................

b. ...................................................................................................

Thank you for your time!

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il faut répondre au mal par la rectitude, au bien par le bien."   Confucius