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From unplanned settlement to new housing development in Kigali city: the case study of Amahoro cell, Muhima sector

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par John MUGISHA
National University of Rwanda - Bachelor's degree 2011

sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


This dissertation is dedicated to my late father who passed away by the time I had started it (on 30th May 2011),

To my mother,

To my six young brothers and two young sisters,

And to all who, in one way or the other, contributed to my education


Above all I thank the Almighty God that started the work in me and has been my shepherd throughout my life in general, but particularly in my bachelor's degree course and in this research work.

First and foremost I thank the government of Rwanda through students financing agency of Rwanda (SFAR) for granting me the scholarship which helped me to complete my bachelor's degree and this research in particular.

In a special way, I conceive and extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor and mentor at the same time Mr. Jean Pierre BIZIMANA, for all the academic inputs that shaped this work and ultimately shaped myself. Your proper and timely guidance given to me not only when I sought help, but also whenever it deemed necessary to you, is an unforgettable mood in my life!

My growth in academia has been a result of combined efforts from different individuals especially all lecturers in the department of geography. Special thanks go to the former heads of department of geography Prof. Emmanuel TWARABAMENYE and Dr. Theophile NIYONZIMA; the current head of department Mr. Alban SINGIRANKABO, all geography department staff especially Dr. Gaspard RWANYIZIRI, Mr. Charles GAKINAHE, Mrs. Marie Christine SIMBIZI, Mr. S. MUSANGWA and all visiting members of staff.

I also acknowledge both local leaders and residents of Kigali city who sacrificed their time to answering my questions and attending my interviews.

Without contributions of my classmates, I wouldn't have been able to make certain achievements. I thank all my classmates especially Mr. MUNYESHYAKA Jean Pierre who in most assignments made great contributions hence benefiting the whole group.

I cannot forget the happiest moments I shared with Mr. GABINEMA Celse, Mr. BYIRINGIRO Fabrice and Mr. MUNYESHYAKA Jean Pierre whom we stayed together in one room in my final year.

1 Abstract

Resettlement planning is a new kind of planning in Rwanda that was introduced after the approval of the Kigali city conceptual master plan in 2007 as a means of renewing the city and ensuring proper planning. The master plan proposes the extension of the central business district (CBD) in Muhima sector which is occupied by informal settlements on the prime land suitable for vibrant business. As the first phase in implementing the master plan of the CBD, a zone of Ubumwe cell was cleared and residents were resettled in Batsinda housing estate. This attracted the author to do research on the challenges in the transition from unplanned settlement to new housing development in Kigali city by considering Amahoro cell that is targeted in the second phase of implementation of the CBD.

The data was collected using semi-structured and structured questionnaires for Amahoro cell residents and leaders at different levels in Kigali city, to know their perception on the resettlement process in Kigali city through expropriation and the challenges involved therein.

The study was exploratory in nature and combined both descriptive statistics and explanatory methods to analyze quantitative and qualitative data which was collected from the field respectively. Microsoft excel was used to analyze quantitative primary data, and this appears in tabular output frequency tables, and charts were used to analyze the relationships between the variables.

The results show that the main challenges in the transition from unplanned settlement to new housing development are low expropriation prices, reluctance of investors to acquire expropriated land for development, dissatisfaction of constructed houses by Kigali city, large informal settlements and low awareness of the residents about the benefits of expropriation in public interest.

Key words:unplanned settlement, expropriation, relocation, new housing development

sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Ceux qui rêvent de jour ont conscience de bien des choses qui échappent à ceux qui rêvent de nuit"   Edgar Allan Poe