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Comprehensive disaster risk management framework; the case of Haiti( Télécharger le fichier original )par Sadrack-Bertrand MATANDA World Bank institute Earthquakes and Megacities Initiatives Manilla-Philipines - End of Course Certificate 2010 |
IV- Strengths and Weaknesses of the National Disaster Management System
V- Recommendations for Improvement:After all the above analysis and referring to all the training material, discussions debate and Personal research we will have the following suggestion, recommendations for the improvement of disaster management system in Haiti. · Concerning the legislation, the government should think on updating the ORSEC Plan by removing or adding actors in a determine period ...The government should also think to put in place a national platform (Referring to the Hyogo framework of Action) liking together all actors public, private, civil society, National organisation and international organisation working in all areas and aspects of disaster Risk reduction. · On prevision, the scientists need to come together and harmonise their points of views on forecast methods that should not limit theirs targets only on Flood and Hurricanes. An insight should be oriented on other probable disasters... Still on Prevision the collected information like rain forecast or the wind speed should be disseminate on time to the appropriate structures doing early warning in other to help them alert the endanger population . · Talking on Mitigation: local communities and decentralised structured like council have to take in possession this activity in order to properly manage the maintenance, this is the case of water drainage system if well cleaned with a good planning taking in account rainy season calendar, will reduce the impact of Flood... The government in this aspect can think strategically nationwide but provide means to the structure on the field level to apply the adequate measures. · Preparedness should not only be the business of humanitarian agencies, The government at central level can also take appropriate measures to put in place contingency stocks of food and non food items...Warehouses in this case can be decentralised to communities and local councils and the crisis committees who have to be in place before the disaster need to be trained on Sphere minimum standards without forgetting to organised simulation exercises. · Specialised teams have to be ready at local and national levels, to provide adequate Response/Relief ... The government have to think of the customs facilities to reduce the delay of relief goods in case that the international community have to steep in to provide assistance... · After Response/relief, the affected populations are awaiting Rehabilitation/Reconstruction. This aspect has to be taking in consideration and seriously... The fund can be mobilised by the central government, but for the implementation the decentralised structures including the beneficiaries needs to actively take part. A good Rehabilitation/Reconstruction plan been the one putting in priority the population needs not necessary the central government ideas. REFERNCES: 1- http://www.factrover.com/economy/Haiti_economy.html 2- EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, www.emdat.be - Université Catholique de Louvain - Brussels - Belgium. 3- ACTION PLAN FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF HAITI www.haitisantodomingo2010.org/hsd2010/.../haitisantodomingo2010 4- Haïti, les encyclopédies du Voyages /Etranger Guide Gallimard 5- United Nations International strategy for Disaster Reduction(UNISDR) terminology on disaster Risk reduction 2009 6- National Disaster Risk Management Systems Case Studies Disaster Management Systems in Select Countries1: Latin America and the Caribbean 7- National Disaster Risk Management Systems Presentations Session 1 Slide 1 Institutional Arrangements and Organizational Structures of Disaster Management Systems Katherine Kelman 8- The Sphere Project ; Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response 2004 Edition 9- Plan ORSEC (Organisation des secours) Haïti. |