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Chomsky, Brzezinski and the allegation of terrorism in the american strategy for the global primacy( Télécharger le fichier original )par Mohamed Youssef LAARISSA Université Cadi Ayyad - B.A of English Studies 2010 |
2- Sticking to the American Habits.Considering Latin America as their Private Hunting Ground, and being sure of their supremacy in the zone, USA will accord more importance to zone where their supremacy is not as strong: namely, Eurasia in general and the middle east in particular. This negligence is going to have as a main consequence, the «proliferation» of leftist governments all around the subcontinent, Chavez in Venezuela, Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, Evo Morales in Bolivia, Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Lula da Brazil, the Kirchners in Argentina, Michelle Bachelet in Chile, Fernando Lugo in Paraguay...That situation is going to aware the American establishment about the loose of hegemony in the zone within the first G.W. Bush mandate. Faithful to their methods, Interventionism, aggression, violence and animosity will be the remedy used by US to stop, the dissidence within Latin America. The American foreign policy is going to depend on one of his most strong and faithful allies in the zone: namely, Colombia. The Colombian bowing to the American Empire is so marked and claimed that in one of his speeches, Hugo Chavez defined the Colombian President as the «Pup of the Empire». Fact that is not really false. The Colombian political class has always been linked to the US establishment, but it has never been as it is during, Alvaro Uribe Velez administration. Tacking advantages of the Colombian dramatic situation (Armed Conflict and Drugs Traffic), the American establishment is going to increase its military Aids to the Colombian authoritarian and bloody regime. Those Aids begun with the president Bill Clinton under the name of «Plan Colombia» and will get increase radically by G.W. Administration under the Name of «Plan Patriota» (Patriot Plan). The First plan has as an objective to fight drugs traffic in Colombia. With the second, and an international context influenced by the war on terror, all the dissident movements either armed or not, will be considered as terrorist groups. So, the «Plan Patriota» took the form of American military Aid to fight the terrorist groups, which in the eyes of Washington are the only responsible of Drug Trade. One of the main antagonist and radical measure, was taken in august 2009 by the US and Colombian Government. The measure consists of increasing military cooperation between Colombia and USA, by opening 8 American military bases in the country (21). The official aim of these bases is to fight narco-terrorism. But Colombia's neighbor saw that initiative with different eyes, and as a menace of their own national sovereignty. For them, that measure has been taken to allow US (21) http://www.semana.com/noticias-nacion/fin-conoce-texto-del-polemico-acuerdo-militar-ee- (22)uu/130894.aspx http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/media/ALeqM5h6mOOuLizSWihJu_CVnyDJ8BVNzA?size=l armed forces to have a military control of the zone. The military cooperation agreement plans the opening of 8 permanent military bases for at least 10 years, where more than 800 American military personal and more than 600 contractors be placed. Contractor is the politically correct term to define the mercenaries of the Private Military Companies. Near these agreements, Washington signed with Bogota, «BIA's» (Bilateral Immunity Agreements), that gives the American military personal and contractors Carte Blanche, and jurisdictional warranties to not to be judged in a case of committing extreme Human Rights Violations. USA has recourse to contractors to avoid any control by its Congress concerning the presence of American troops abroad. This is really a few democratic behavior, from the world's greatest Democracy. When we consult the «White book on National Security of USA 2009» in pages 21 and 22 related to the Us Army policy in Latin America, we can read that setting up American military bases in Colombia will allow the US armed Forces to lead and manage military operations within the whole continent, against governments that might be dissident toward its policies or interests. (23) Then, according to such statement, the Colombian neighbors, notably Venezuela have many reasons to think that they are in a potential position to be the following Iraq and Yugoslavia. This statement is strengthened when we consult the report of the «Latin American Commission on Drugs and Democracy» 2009. The report states that nowadays an average of 208 million people uses drugs around the World. The consumption is leaded by Marihuana (16O millions people), then it's followed by cocaine and heroin (24). The report shows that the demand is growing year (23)(The Intellectual and Leadership Center of the Air Force) / http://www.au.af.mil/au/ ; (Us department of defense) http://www.defenselink.mil (24) http://www.drogasedemocracia.org/Arquivos/livroespanhol04.pdf, p19. after year, and so the production does. Despite all the efforts that have been done, the production could not be controlled and stabilized. The commission criticized strongly the choice of certain countries that have tried to deal military with drugs trade. Analyzing the achievement of «Plan Colombia», the commission observed that after its application, far from reducing the production, it has grew up about 70%, and that the axis of drug trade has changed from Colombia to Mexico. Actually, that dramatic situation has surrounded Mexico in a wave of violence that made from it one of the most dangerous countries in the world. The commission says that drugs, being a product in a market, obey to the law market of offer and demand. So, it's impossible to reduce the production, while the demand from the developed countries, notably USA and Europe is growing more and more. That hypocrite attitude of Western represents the major obstacle to a real solution of such problem. If we take another example of a major drug producer, Afghanistan, we will see that the production of «opium» exploded after NATO's commitment. Such a case, shows really the ambiguity of the American interventionism within drug production region, which seems to have more a purpose of control that a purpose of eradication. To sum up, we can say that USA has really no interest to fight drugs traffic, rather than maintain its political, economical and military control on its private hunting ground. All those policies show that its policy toward the Latin American sub-continent does not change, had never changed and might never change, as long as its interest will related with. |