The situation of natural resources in the world is alarming
due to demographic growth affects the demand. This seems to make natural
resources, even reproducible ones, rare. Invariant natural resources are
threatened by pollution and erosion.
Africa remains the only continents with resources like
forests, savannas, parks, water the heavy demand for these result in
accelerated consumption.
Mining resources are so overexploited that one may think
humans have discovered another planet where to move after destroying the earth
planet. The DRC, and KIVU area in particular
is looted and dispossessed of its mining natural resources, its hydrocarbon,
its green spaces, its animal and plant species,...while earth is complaining
about the threat of rare species extinction.
So humans are danger, they exploit these natural resources
because they need to survive, but through this overexploitation they are
destroying the ecosystems.
Man risks getting choked by himself, reason why transnational
organizations are exploited to set strict and reserve regulations in order to
slow down human auto-destruction.
1. Hyman, economics, 4th edition, Irwin Mc
Graw-Hill, 1996, Boston,...864 pages
2. Walter Meigs et alii, la comptabilité
3. PETIT MICHEL, géographie physique
tropicale, édition karthala et Acct, Paris, 1990, 351 pages
4. Faucheux S et J.F Noel,
Economies des Ressources Naturelles et de l'Environnement, édition
Armand Colin, paris, 1995, 370 pages.
1. Code forestier Congolais,
2. Code minier Congolais.
1. Ayobangira Samvura, séminaire sur
problématique de la conservation des ressources naturelles en RDC,
école doctorale, sous- Bureau de Goma, 2009-2010
2. Tiker Tiker, cours de géographie du Congo,
2e graduat Sciences Economiques, UNIKIN