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Obama and The U.S.A self image( Télécharger le fichier original )par kawther tradi institut superieur des etudes appliques en humanites de Gafsa-Tunisie - maitrise en langue et literature englaise 2009 |
III-Aspects of the Deterioration of America self-image:1-Anti-Americanism: Anti-Americanism is a term which appeared in the McCarthy era referring to the non Americans' rejection of the American culture. Paul Hollander defines it as: a hostile predisposition" by stating that:"the term has been employed to denote a particular mindset, an attitude of distaste, aversion or intense hostility the roots of which may be found in matters unrelated to the actual qualities or attributes of American society or the foreign policy of the United States...Anti-Americanism refers to a negative predisposition, a type of bias which is to varying degrees unfounded...I regard it as an attitude similar to its far more thoroughly explored counterparts, hostile predisposition such as racism, sexism, anti-Semitism. (Paul Hollander, pviii) As a matter of fact, Anti-Americanism is a 31(*)global phenomenon which includes not only the Islamic World but also the European allies since favorable attitudes towards the U.S.A declined from 78% in 2000 to 37% currently in Germany, similar in France and even worse in Spain where only 23% still hold positive views toward America according to 1999/2000 survey trends provided by the Office of Research, US Department of State. Although Anti-Americanism is a universal phenomenon, 32(*)it is clearly strongest among Muslim people who perceive the U.S.A as a potential military threat. Besides, Anti-Americanism becomes an unchangeable idea based mainly on seeing America as the main source of danger on the world peace, especially through the US presence on Iraq which endangers not only the world peace but also the regional security. And today, Anti-Americanism is getting deeper and deeper into people's minds. It is established very firmly now by holding negative attitudes not only toward the U.S.A as a nation but also toward the American people in general who are seen today-according to 2006 Pew Poll as violent, rude, and immoral people. This anti-Americanism which has been described by Moises Naim in his book as "an allergic reaction to anything American" is manifested through many aspects. As far as the European world is concerned, the European nations today are rejecting the fact that they are seen as subordinate to the U.S.A and they are seeking more freedom. they wanted to set their nations free from the influence that the made-in America concepts conquering the world today like 33(*)Coca-Cola, Nike shoes and McDonald; the universal emblem of fast food... and so many other concepts which prevailed the world so rapidly due to globalization and the techno-communicational progress which is increasing. This Europeans rejection is shown through decline in favorable views that Europeans used to hold about America. A poll made in March 2003 by the Pew Research Center showed that favorable views toward the U.S.A in Great Britain declined from 83% in 1999-2000 to 48% in 2003 mainly because the Iraqi War. America used to be a destination for tourists who were fascinated by its image and were longing to discover what makes this nation exceptional from the rest of the world. But now, the U.S.A no longer has this shiny image and tourists no longer want to travel there simply because-according to what Erick Krish said -"they don't like what Bush is doing". Another aspect of this anti-Americanism is34(*) boycotting the American goods like Coca Cola, Mars bars, Gap Jeans and even the American films. This phenomenon is found not only in the European countries but also in the Arab world who justifies this boycott by the refusal of the American unlimited support for Israel. 35(*)Arabs started to substitute the made-in America products with other products like for example Mecca Cola; a new soft drink launched in France in November 2002, with more than million bottles in the Middle East and Africa. Muslims also boycotted the American business found in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan whenever violence erupts between Palestinians and Israelis. And today, anti-Americanism in the Muslim world takes a more violent form. In fact, these strong feelings of hatred and rejection are manifested 36(*)through suicidal attacks against Americans and it seems that a lot of Muslim people agree with these attacks. According to 2005 Pew Poll, just over Half of Moroccans and 49% of Jordanians think such attacks are justifiable. This is the combustible atmosphere that the Americans' obsessions with growing military power, along with its unilateral policy have created, an atmosphere full of tension and hatred and no one to blame for all this but the U.S.A. 2-From unipolarity to multipolarity: America has been always perceived as the strongest nation militarily and economically speaking, thus, creating a unipolar world where the U.S.A is the core. But with the unilateralism that characterized Bush's policy in one hand, and the Global opposition to the Iraqi war on the other hand,37(*) America's position in the world should be falling back. The other nations lurking for their opportunity to emerge in the international scene were aware that this the moment that they were waiting for. they realized that they should take advantage of the fact that U.S.A self-image is eroding and compete to gain predominance .these great powers which returned to the scene of competition are: China, Russia and the European Union. In fact, these great powers are trying to get as much importance as America. China for example believed that military power is the key to restore its image as the preeminent power in East-Asia. Russia is trying to revive the lost glories of the Soviet Empire, while the European Union is longing for playing a crucial role in the world politics and economics. This competition or what Robert Kagan calls in his article "End of Dream, Return to History" "the jostling for status and influence among these ambitious nations" is a proof about America's vulnerability. Even the Islamic world started asserting his identity. It is true that Islam is not a nation; yet, Muslims still can develop a kind of religious nationalism. This is what Iran today is trying to implement in the international scene. The Iranian attempts to possess nuclear weapons and its stubbornness to this idea despite the global refusal are very emblematic. Iran wants to deliver a certain message- a very challenging message- that even the Islamic world which has been always portrayed as underdeveloped is able to compete with America; the superpower. It would be easy now to draw an over- all mutilated image about the United States of America; an image whose main features are hatred and resentment, an image in which America is standing alone in the global, order after being abandoned by its allies and friends as a result of its notorious policies. Here comes the question: Is it possible to beautify this ugly image especially that Bush who was blamed for all this damage is no longer the president of the U.S.A. Now, with Barrack Hussein Obama who was the first black in the American history to be elected for the American presidency, there are new speculations and new expectations. What can he do to repair this damaged image? Is he able to restore the American position within the international scene through the promises that he made in his presidential campaign? * 31 Andrew Kohut, America's image, Findings from the Pew Global Attitudes Project. * 32 Andrew Kohut, America's image, Findings from the Pew Global Attitudes Project. * 33 Stefan Halper and Robert Kagan, America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order, Camdridge, p 259. * 34 Fred Barnes, Our Friends the French-Really! The Daily Standard, March 12, 2003. * 35 James Cox, « Arab Nations See Boycotts of US Products; West Bank Action Ignites Grassroots Activity in Region «, U.S.A Today, June 25, 2OO2, p.B 3. * 36 Andrew Kohut, America's Image in the world : Findings from the Pew Global Attitudes Project.. * 37 Robert Kagan, End f Dreams, Return to history, Policy Review. |