4.2. Presentation of the variables and their sources
As endogenous variable, one takes GDP/capita in logarithm
Ln(y).The basic and control variables are respectively, labour force
(n), the accumulation of physical capital in logarithm Ln(k) obtained by the
variable ``Gross fixed capital formation" in logarithm. The institutional
variables are obtained from two sources: Kaufmann, Kraay, and Mastruzzi (2006)
and the ICRG (2007). The indicators of governance of Kaufmann selected are
defined in the first part of this work and are respectively; voice and
accountability, political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory
quality, rule of law, and control of corruption. We then held from ICRG, five
institutional variables which are: government stability (GS), corruption (COR),
laws and orders (LO), bureaucratic quality (BQ) and the Democratic
Accountability (DA).