précédent sommaire
Fraser-Sampson Guy, Private Equity as an asset class. Wiley Finance, 2002
Bodie, Kane, Marcus. Investments, 7th edition. Mc Graw Hill, 2007
Felix Barber & Michael Goold, «The Strategic Secret of Private Equity». Harvard Business Review, September 2007
Bruce Nolop, «Rules to Acquire By». Harvard Business Review, September 2007
Eun, Resnick, International Financial Management, 4th edition. McGraw Hill, 2007
Tuller Laurence W., The Small Business Valuation Book. Adams, 1994
Brunner Robert F., Case Studies in Finance, Managing for Corporate Value Creation fifth and last edition. Mc Graw Hill, 2007
Wunnicke Diane B. & Wilson David R., Corporate Financial Risk Management, Practical Techniques in Financial Engineering. Wiley Finance, 1994
Pereiro, Luis E, Valuation of Companies in Emerging Markets. Wiley Finance, 2002
Ernest & Young Global Research, Risk Management in Emerging Markets Global Study & Survey, 2007
Mishkin, Eakins, Financial Markets + Institutions, 5th edition. Pearson, 2005
Erhardt, Brigham, Financial Management, 12th edition. Thomson Southwestern, 2006
McDonald Robert L., Derivatives Markets, second edition. Addison Wesley, 2006