3.5 Data collection
3.5.1Collection of Primary
In this research there are two mediums for the quantitative
data collection. One is the use of questionnaires and second one is to use the
secondary data collected from various online resources and from past
researches. The data is collected by using online as well as self-administered
questionnaires. The self-administered questionnaires are solely completed by
the participants without any interference of the researcher while the online
questionnaire give the researchers and the respondents ease and convenience. In
terms of statistical analysis, the data that has been collected through
questionnaires is usually easier to analyse. The questionnaires included both
demographic and for getting data against this study's scale measure. The
researcher distributed around 300 questionnaires through self-administration
and about 300 were sent through emails, out of which 20 failed to be sent. The
questions were all close ended questions. Out of the 300 self-administered
questionnaires, 172 were returned and 122 were approved to be complete and
relevant. Out of the 280 questionnaires that were emailed, only 84 were
returned and 78 out of these were accepted while rest were rejected. A total of
200 responses were therefore included in the final research.
3.5.2Secondary Data
For the purpose of conducting secondary data analysis, data
has been collected from the online reports of World Bank, OECD, Trading
economies and The Global economy. The data has been collected for the years
1998 till 2018 for the variables of GDP growth (GDPG), unemployment rate (UER),
agricultural growth (AGG), manufacturing growth (MAG), per capita growth (PCIG)
and oil export revenue (OER) along with the usage of energy production from oil
OUEP and oil production (OP) has been made as control variables.
Multiple-scale items are used to measure the constructs in
this survey. The researcher included both demographic and construct based items
in the survey. The results were obtained using the Five-point likert type for
measuring the items in this study. Eight items in total were developed keeping
in view the recent past research in this area of study (Al Rasasi, Qualls,
& Alghamdi, 2019; Hassan, Meyer, &Kot, 2019; Kahia, Aïssa,
&Charfeddine, 2016; Kozlova &Noguera-Santaella, 2019; Van Eyden,
Difeto, Gupta, &Wohar, 2019; Vohra, 2017; Yuzbashkandi& Sadi, 2020).
These items were designed to measure the impact that oil export and production
has on the social life, buying powers, financial conditions and the employment
ratio in Chad. Moreover, one item also checked if the locals believed that the
government was fairly using the revenue being generated in oil production and
3.6 Data Analysis
The data for this research has been analysed using two
software applications which are e-views and SPSS. For the purpose of analysing
primary data, the researcher used AMOS. The demographic profiling is done along
with showing results for each of the questions included in the survey. In the
secondary data analysis, the researcher has used e-Views software. The
researcher has generated a descriptive, normality, regression and correlation
analysis on the secondary data.