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Impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and consumers wellbeing in Chad

par Kadidja Sarah Mamadou
IPAG Business School - MSC in Internationational Business Management 2021

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Impact of Oil Export Revenue on Economic Growth and Consumers Wellbeing in Chad

Student Name: Kadidja Sarah Mamadou

Student ID: 208183

University Name:Ipag Business School

Degree Program: Msc in International Business Management


I would like to thank the Almighty God for His countless blessings.

I am very grateful to my lovely parents for their tireless guidance, support and motivation since my childhood till today.

A special thanks to Professor Phillipe Weiss for his understanding, support and guidance throughout this thesis topic.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge all my lecturers, my classmates and friends for making my journey successful. I wish all my classmates good luck in future pursuits!

Table of Contents

Abstract 3

Chapter No. 1:Introduction 6

1.1 Background 7

1.2 Problem statement 10

1.3 Justification/ Rationale 10

1.4 Research objectives 11

1.5 Research questions and hypothesis 11

1.6 Significance of study 12

1.7 Structure of the thesis 13

Chapter No. 2:Literature Review 14

2.1OPEC and Chad 14

2.2 Petroleum industry and oil reserves in Chad 15

2.2.1Annual revenue from non-oil sectors 17

2.3 GDP of Chad 17

2.4 Unemployment rate in Chad 18

2.4.1Workforce of different sectors and minimum wages in Chad 18

2.5 Unemployment rate in Chad 19

2.5.1International reserves of Chad 19

2.6 Governmental Policies 20

2.6.1Level of inflation now and before oil discovery 21

2.6.2Budget allocation to manufacturing, agriculture and education sector of Chad 21

2.7 Oil Export revenue and Economic Growth 22

2.8 Oil Export Revenue and Manufacturing sector 23

2.9 Oil Export Revenue and Agricultural Growth 24

2.10Oil Export Revenue and Per Capita Income and Employment rate 25

2.11Oil Export Revenue and Consumer Wellbeing 26

Chapter No. 3:Research Methodology 27

3.1Philosophy, Methods and Approach of Research 27

3.2 Research Nature 29

3.3 Time Horizon 29

3.4 Sampling and Population 29

3.4.1Sampling Unit and Sampling frame 29

3.4.2Sampling techniques 30

3.5 Data collection procedure 30

3.5.1Collection of Primary Data 30

3.5.2Secondary Data 31

3.5.3Measures 31

3.6 Data Analysis 32

Chapter No. 4:Results and Analysis 32

4.1Primary Data Results 32

4.1.1Demographic Profile 32

4.1.2Survey Results 33

4.1.3Summary of Primary Data Results 39

4.2 Secondary Data Results 40

4.2.1Descriptive Analysis 40

4.2.2Correlation Analysis 41

4.2.3Normality Graphs 42

4.2.4Regression Analysis 43

Chapter No. 5:Discussion and Conclusion 45

5.1Discussion 45

5.2 Conclusion 47

5.3 Implications 49

5.4 Limitation/Future research indications 50

Chapter No. 6:References 51

6.1Website References 57

List of Table

Table 1: Summary table for Chad oil reserves.............................................................................. 14

Table 2: Key economic facts of Chad. .......................................................................................... 15

Table 3: Descriptive Analysis ....................................................................................................... 34

Table 4: Correlation Analysis ....................................................................................................... 35

Table 5: Regression Analysis........................................................................................................ 38List of Figure

Figure 1: Chad GDP per Capita from 2010 to 2018 ....................................................................... 8

Figure 2: Chad Dependence on Oil Export ..................................................................................... 8

Figure 3 Gender Profile ................................................................................................................ 28

Figure 4: Education Profile ........................................................................................................... 29

Figure 5: Results for Question 1 ................................................................................................... 29

Figure 6: Results for Question 2 ................................................................................................... 30

Figure 7: Results for Question 3 ................................................................................................... 30

Figure 8: Results for Question 4 ................................................................................................... 31

Figure 9: Results for Question 5 ................................................................................................... 31

Figure 10: Results for Question 6 ................................................................................................. 32

Figure 11: Results for Question 7 ................................................................................................. 33

Figure 12: Results for Question 8 ................................................................................................. 33

Figure 13: Normality Graphs ........................................................................................................ 37

Impact of Oil Export Revenue on Economic Growth and Consumers Wellbeing in Chad


During just the last few years, one of the most haunting questions is whether natural resources such as oil promote or hamper the economic growth of the countries or not. Indeed, the export of oil is a significant process to earn revenue which enables prosperity for many countries. The following paper investigates the impact of oil export revenue on manufacturing growth, agricultural sector growth, GDP, consumer well being, per capita income and unemployment rate Chad. The complete thesis consists of five chapters including introduction, review of literature, research methodology, research analysis and finally discussion and conclusion. Moreover, to shed light on this question, the researcher used a philosophical direction under the data collection process. Under the following study, the researcher has used the explanatory approach to analyse the impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and well being of Chad. Both primary and secondary approach is being used to collect and analyse the data. The primary data have been collected through questionnaire distribution from the oil consumers. While the secondary data have been collected through the previous reports such as online World Bank reports as well as global economic trends. The population was the local oil consumers and workers in the Chad oil industries. The data collected only from 200 consumers highlights the great impact of oil export revenue on the growth of the country. The overall results and table of findings of the study have concluded that the maximum revenue earned from oil export positively affects the per capita income, consumer well being, growth in the manufacturing and agricultural sector of Chad. In the same manner, the oil export revenue negatively affects the unemployment rate within the country. As the higher revenue will create higher opportunities for employment within the country and vice versa. Finally, some of the limitations and hinders are discussed to provide a useful suggestion for future researchers.

Keywords: Oil export revenue, Economic growth, consumer well being, agricultural growth, manufacturing growth, unemployment rate, per capita income.

Chapter No. 1:Introduction

In this chapter, there is a brief description regarding the Chad economy, its economic, cultural and environmental background which is majorly affected due to its crude oil existence. This is an approach toevaluate the effective way of money-making modes of this underdeveloped country in the current era, where many economic strategies are made by the developed and developing countries in order to upgrade their performance level (Wegenast, Khanna, & Schneider, 2018). This introductory chapterexplores the problem statement of this research work which majorly based on discussing how the impact of the oil export revenue has negativeseffects on the consumer wellbeing and the economic growth of Chad.

It's true that it is an underdeveloped country and majority of its development is based on its agricultural and crude oil extraction sectors. But due to lack of resources and weak technology usage, it becomes quite difficult in front of its management to enhance its export of crude oil to other countries (Somé, Pasali, &Kaboine, 2019; Wegenast et al., 2018). This chapter narrates the objectives, goals, and hypotheses of this research work on the basis of which whole the building of research is generated.

It is an attractive approach to highlight and discuss the hypothesis of this study which is totally based on the relationship between the oil export revenue as an independent variable and economic growth and consumers' wellbeing as dependent variables. In addition to this, the structure of the whole research work is also discussed in this chapter that gives the short summary based description of the upcoming chapters of this research work.All the related research questions are also explainedto enhance the authenticity of this research work

1.1 Background

Chad is a landlocked country in the North-Central Africa, whose border is linked with Libya to the north, Cameroon to the South-west, Niger to the west, the Central African Republic to the South, Nigeria to the southwest and Sudan to the east (Chandrasekhar, 2017a, 2017b). This country has a low economic condition and the majority of its region is based on desert in the north side and fertile Sudanian Savanna zone in the south and Sahelian belt into the center (Ifa&Guetat, 2018; Nattrass, 2018; Syverson, 2017). When its economic situation is critically studied then it comes to the knowledge that in the Human Development Index of the United Nation, Chad is among the seventh poorest country all over the globe because 80% of its population is living below the poverty live (Atkinson, 2019).

The reason is that there is no infrastructural or industrial development occurred within this state, and also the civil war from 1979 to 1982 had scared away this land from the foreign investor. In the year 2000, the foreign direct investment again began that boosted its economy (Kpolovie, Ewansiha, &Esara, 2017). Due to the unequal distribution of power and the global political economy, Chad is neglected for many years, and nobody promoted and encouraged the extraction of its colonial resources like cotton and crude oil, in the global economic system. Due to failure to give them support in their local agricultural production, the majority of the Chadians are living in uncertainty and hunger (Sandýkcý, Peterson, Ekici, & Simkins, 2016).

But if the foreign investment is made on its oil production and extraction sector, then there is a chance that the economic situation of this state become upgraded. In the current situation, the landlocked Chad pays dearly for the important commodities and oil accounts which is approximately 60 percent of their export revenue that badly impact on their economic stability and consumer wellbeing situation (Poverty & Initiative, 2018). In the non-oil based export commodities, they mostly export cotton, livestock, cattle, and gum Arabic in the bulk form. All-around 85% of its economy is based on agriculture like herding of livestock. Due to the traditional sources of trading, their economy is suffering and results in drought, political turmoil, geographical remoteness and lack of proper infrastructure.

In the 2020 index, the economic freedom score of Chad is 50.2 which made it in the 161st position. Its overall score is upgraded by 0.3 points with the improvement in its fiscal health sector (Poverty & Initiative, 2018; Timberlake, 2019). This landlocked situation has a bad impact on the growth rate of its economy. According to the World Bank Report, it is considered as 20th poorest country, so there is a need to make some active actions and reforms in order to improve the property rights, business freedom, integrity of government and the judicial effectiveness (Menegaki&Tugcu, 2016; Odusanya&Akinlo, 2016). In the current era, the latest technology adoption on the crude oil extraction is shown as an effective way to enhance their export level which will make a positive impact on its economic growth and the wellbeing of consumers within a state.

When the economic situation of Chad is critically considered in this highly diverse technology era, then it comes to the knowledge that there is a great fluctuation in its per capita incomes within this state. Like its value reached to its peak position in the year 2013 with 928.6 % and its least position was occurred in 2018 when its value was decreased to 813.3 % in the overall country's income (Castañeda et al., 2018). Its related year per capita incomes are shown in the following figure;

Figure 1: Chad GDP per Capita from 2010 to 2018

According to the above mentioned graphical representation of the local per capita income of Chad, it becomes clear that there is a great fluctuation in its individual income because of their lower employment opportunities and export rates in the international market (Ifa&Guetat, 2018; Nattrass, 2018). That's the reason that its natives are living under the standard rate of livings. Its economy is also majorly relayed on the export rate of oil and other no-oil based agricultural goods, as discussed above (Alloisio et al., 2017; D.-G.

Gadom&Kountchou, 2016). But, its dependence on the oil-related export continuously increases in the last few decades. Its related output figures are shown in the following diagram;

Figure 2: Chad Dependence on Oil Export

According to the above-mentioned figure, it becomes clear that the graph of their dependences on the oil commodity is continuously moving towards its peak position, and there will be more chance in front of this state to upgrade its operational activities in the oil extraction procedure (Malgwi, 2017). According to the above figure, in the year 2015, their oil export was decreased that directly impact on their economy and consumer wellbeing in the local state. Otherwise, they export oil at a large amount in the international market (Alemu & Lee, 2018). This study is an approach to explore the positive impact of such a higher oil export rate in this country's growth.

1.2 Problem statement

The problem statement of this research work is majorly based on the following argument; «In the current situation, an increased oil export revenue made a positive impact on the economic growth and consumer wellbeing in Chad.» This problem statement is informative and challenging in front of the current study because it based on the positive impact of the oil related export rate in the underprivileged state of the world. This statement based research will drive productive ways for the development of the Chad economy. The related research question of this research work is given below, on which the whole dissertation is established; «How the enhanced oil export revenue made a positive impact on the economic growth and consumer wellbeing in Chad?»

1.3 Justification/ Rationale

Researches and studies about the different aspects are related to the different field of life that helps a lot in daily life activities, either they are related to the business world or the other one. In history, the majority of the researches is made on the lower economic situation of the different African countries, but nobody majorly worked onChad and its bad economic situation. There is a research gap in the previous researches regarding how its oil export rate and related revenue made a major impact on its consumer wellbeing and also its economic growth. It's true that many researchers worked on its suffering condition, but nobody worked on exploring different ways to overcome their drought and upgrade their living standards.

This research is important since it is totally based on exploring the positive impact of their oil export's growth on their sustainability factor. It is also more authentic regarding highlighting the natural resources of this state, if majorly considered by the developed states and foreign investors like China, India, the United States and other ones, then there will be a win to win situation for everyone. This research is a positive sign to overcome the economic problem of the third world country by majorly work on the case study of Chad.

1.4 Research objectives

In this research, there are following major objectives that give a direction to this work in order to evaluate and analyse the hypothesis and derive a constructive outcome;

ï To analyse the impact of oil export revenue on the economic growth of Chad.

ï To analyse the impact of oil export revenue on consumers wellbeing in Chad.

ï To check the impact of oil export revenue on agricultural and manufacturing sector growth in Chad

ï To determine the influence of oil export revenue on the unemployment rate and per capita income in Chad

1.5 Research questions and hypothesis

The research question of this dissertation is given below that directly hit the major objectives.

ï How an oil export revenue improved the economic growth of Chad?

ï How an oil export revenue directly effect on the consumer's wellbeing in Chad?

ï How the growth rate of the agricultural and manufacturing sector of Chad is majorly affected by the export revenue from oil?

ï Either the enhancement of an oil export revenue upgrade the per capita income and reduces the unemployment rate in Chad or not?

1.6 Significance of study

This research is revealing because of its scope and implication factor. Many researches are conducted on the developed and developing country's economy. But this poor state is not majorly studied in the previous literature, which gap is critically fulfilled by this research work. This is an acceptable approach to highlight the number of challenges which are faced by majority of countries who have low economic growth and faced many social and environmental issues due to their lower investment projects. In the technological era, only those countries are earning huge amounts of profit and income from their trading who efficiently utilized new tools and techniques in their agricultural and other working activities. But unfortunately, Chad is that country who is ignored for many decades and there is a need to look at their economic, social, political and environmental issues (Castañeda et al., 2016).

This research study is instructive and attractive for the upcoming researchers and other governmental authorities toconsider the side effects of the civil wars and illiteracy on the wellbeing of any nation. Like how much the economy of an underdeveloped country is badly affected due to its lower export rates and weak international relations (Bovin, 2017). This research is conducted in order toevaluate the increased export rate of oil resources on the consumer wellbeing in Chad. The majority of the population are living below the poverty line and mostly are suffering from hunger and drought (Otekunrin, Otekunrin, Momoh, &Ayinde, 2019; Von Grebmer et al., 2017). If Chad's government becomes stable and strong, then it will be able to make some social projects for its citizens that result in the economic development of a large number of local individuals (Syverson, 2017). Also, it is an important study that majorly analysed how the higher oil related export rate enhanced job opportunities for the local individuals in this crude oil extraction sector. Like through the higher export rate, this oil industry becomes developed and more related job opportunities are created for the local ones that will enhance their professional skills and make their life secure in the long run.

The reason is that the unemployment rate of Chad is much higher as compared to the other ones due to its weak agricultural sector and lack of technology influence in their daily activities. The majority of the Chadians are unable to cover their basic necessities like food, shelter and clothes, and result in lower economic growth (Arthur, 2017). This research will highlight all the related points that could justify that the unemployment rate will reduced and the per capita income of the local individuals will be generated due to the efficient development of the oil corporation within this state.

In addition to the above arguments, this study is also an attractive approach to evaluate how the increased export rate of oil commodity also result in the up-gradation of the agriculture and manufacturing sector. The reason is that till now, its working sector is using old means of communication and daily operational activities that slowed down the chances to upgrade itseconomy(Ahmad & Shaikh, 2018). This study is effective to explore the positive impact of the enhanced oil trading on the other sector development. The reason is that such higher export rate results in increasing the country's deposit and dollar value in its economy that result in the upgrading of its currency value in the international market.

These development policies will drive new ways to develop other sectors in order to enhance the export rate of non-oil products in the international market. This study is informatory way to highlight all the pros regarding the oil export revenue and its effective implementation in the growth rate of Chad, its individuals and other business sectors. This is an effective approach in front of its government and other business communities to utilize its cheap labour and drive different ways to extract oil from this land. This will be a win to win situation in front of this country and any foreign investors.

1.7 Structure of the thesis

In order todiscuss the structure of this dissertation,it comes to the knowledge that there are five major chapters of this research work. Each chapter is informative to critically justify the problem statement of this study. The first chapter is based introduction, the second chapter will explore the detailed work of the previous researchers, the third chapter will reveals and highlight the nature and method of this research work and the fourth chapter will edify and analyse the hypothesis and the relationship of the independent and dependent variable through different tests results and their evaluation. Well, the last chapter will be the most important chapter which based on providing a detailed discussion and conclude all the research work on this study in a summary form.

In the first chapter, there is a complete work on the background, research problem and its related statement in order to give a direction of the research work. In this introductory chapter, there is a detailed discussion regarding the research objectives, its related questions and hypothesis, and also explored the significance of this research work. After this, there will be work on the previous literatures and their related studies in order to justify the scopeof this research. In this literature review chapter, all the related authors with theirvalid arguments regarding the impact of the oil export revenue on the economic growth and consumer wellbeing inChad's perspective will bediscussed to enhance the authenticity of this research work.

Then, the research methodology based third chapter will explore the research nature and its approach to justify the hypothesis. Like this is a quantitative research work whose analysis is based on both primary and secondary data. All the participants and the research related questions will be discussed in this chapter which gives a direction to consider the reliability of this research study. After the data collection, the result and analysis based fourth chapter will help toevaluate and analyse the statistical data in order to make a proper analysis of the derived results.

This chapter is considered as one of the most crucial chapters where whole the body of research is based on it. All the variables like oil export revenue, economic growth and consumer wellbeing, and their correlation study is discussed in this chapter which helps to justify or nullify the hypothesis. At the end, the summed up chapter named as discussion and conclusion will explain all the analytical data into the study perspective. All the discussion will be made in the current and future perspective of Chad and its related local individuals, and then the conclusion part will conclude all the variables in a professional way and also highlight the limitations regarding this research.

So that this work will guide the upcoming researchers to evaluate and analyse the related variables and worked on the gap. Also, the productive suggestions will be made towards future researches that increased the acceptability of this research work. In short, the above mention research structure is quite informative and attractive to make a valid analysis based outcome that explores the reality in front of the authorities and foreign investors to look at this state and its natural resources.

Chapter No. 2:Literature Review

2.1OPEC and Chad

OPEC is the «Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries» that was initiated in 1960 and the total number of member countries now are 13 (Dou, Wang, Wang, Wei, & Shrivastava, 2018; Leonard, 2019; Mushemeza&Okiira, 2016; Pantsurkin, Szabo, Kraemer, & Panga, 2019; Zene, Hasan, Ruizhong, &Zhenliang, 2019). Chad is not a member country of OPEC but it is considered as a non-OPEC oil producing country. Chad, although is not a member country of the OPEC but they have a partnership between the OPEC and non-OPEC oil producing countries (Ali, Tchobo, Theophile, &Sakine, 2018; Babatunde, Sikoki, Avwiri, & Chad-Umoreh, 2019; Buono, Gunn, Staddon, & McKay, 2020; Emigh et al., 2017; Leonard, 2019). Chad is added recently in the group of non-OPEC countries that have a public declaration of support.

With the combined efforts and support of the world's 30 countries that produce oil, the aim is to restore the stability in the oil market (Djal-Gadom, Kountchou, Djossou, Kane, &Araar, 2017; D.-G. Gadom, Mboutchouang, NadegeDjossou, Quentin, &Araar, 2017; Hassane, Hauglustaine, & Tahir, 2017; Omeje, 2017). They also have the set target to maintain sustainable performance in terms of producers of oil, the consumers and the impact on the overall global economy (Ali et al., 2018; Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Zene, Hasan, Ruizhong, Zhenliang, & Trang, 2019).

The research studies conducted by Ali et al., 2018; Babatunde et al., 2019; Buono et al., 2020; Emigh et al., 2017; Leonard, 2019, shows that the access to the reserves of the petroleum products has increased the annual oil revenues of the country. Moreover, it is also found that the extraction of oil from the petroleum reservoirs of Chad was done with the aid of World Bank in 2003 (Djal-Gadom et al., 2017; D.-G. Gadom et al., 2017; Hassane et al., 2017; Omeje, 2017). Although Chad has not yet gained the membership of the OPEC but it has applied for it and is trying to have it. This might be possible for the country because of the increasing volume of petroleum extraction from the oil reservoirs of the country (Ali et al., 2018; Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Zene, Hasan, Ruizhong, Zhenliang, et al., 2019).

2.2 Petroleum industry and oil reserves in Chad

According to the research studies (Ali et al., 2018; Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Zene, Hasan, Ruizhong, Zhenliang, et al., 2019), the discovery of the oil fields in Chad have made the petroleum sector as one of the important industrial sector for the economy of the country (Behrends&Hoinathy, 2017; Behrends, Schareika, &Bierschenk, 2019; Kablan &Loening, 2017; Schareika, 2017). But the oil fields in the Doba region were predicted to have the per day oil production of 150,000 barrels through the drilling around 300 shafts. Therefore, for the extraction of petroleum products from the oil fields of the Republic of Chad, a new project was initiated (Behrends&Hoinathy, 2017; Behrends et al., 2019; Kablan &Loening, 2017; Schareika, 2017). This project included the three oil fields that have been discussed earlier, having the capacity of 300 shafts, along with the development of three new storage stations, construction of a treatment station and the electrical center (Djal-Gadom et al., 2017; Leonard, 2019; Mushemeza&Okiira, 2016; Zene, Hasan, Ruizhong, &Zhenliang, 2019).

According to the literature studies (Leonard, 2019; Mushemeza&Okiira, 2016; Pantsurkin et al., 2019; Zene, Hasan, Ruizhong, &Zhenliang, 2019), this project will aid in the extraction and treatment of the petroleum products right around the site (G. D. Gadom, Kountchou, &Araar, 2018; Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Limited, since, &Kshetri, 2020). The construction around 500 km of road was also part of the project that will help in the transportation of the extracted and treated petroleum products (Ali et al., 2018;

Buono et al., 2020; Dou et al., 2018; Emigh et al., 2017). The «Chad Cameroon oil pipeline» is the main project that will be constructed to have access to the one thousand million barrels of the estimated petroleum reserves (Ali et al., 2018; Babatunde et al., 2019; Djal-Gadom et al., 2017; D.-G. Gadom et al., 2017; Hassane et al., 2017; Leonard, 2019; Omeje, 2017).

With time, the annual production of oil from the oil fields in Chad increased and so does the exports of the petroleum products. Previous literature studies (Abakar, 2018; Fathiha, Lo, & Mohamed, 2017; G. D. Gadom et al., 2018; Limited et al., 2020; Macmillan, 2016; Schritt &Behrends, 2018; Sumery,

Lo, & Salim, 2017; Yorbana, 2017) show that the exports of Chad reached to 134 million barrels by the year 2005, with an estimated revenue of $400 million. According to the ( data, there are 1.5 billion barrels of oil reserves present in the Republic of Chad. Moreover, this amount of oil reserves has ranked the republic of Chad as the 37th in the world (G. D. Gadom et al., 2018; Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Limited et al., 2020).

Table 1: Summary table for Chad oil reserves



1.5 billion barrels/ day














2.2.1Annual revenue from non-oil sectors

The economic base of the Republic of Chad has been agriculture, for a long period of time (G. D. Gadom et al., 2018; Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Limited et al., 2020). The main export product of the country was also cotton and was also called as a principle agricultural product. According to the research studies (Abubakar et al., 2018; Colombo, Menna, & Tirelli, 2019; Njikam, 2016; Wegenast, Krauser, Strüver, &Giesen, 2019), 60% of the export revenues of Chad are gained through the petroleum sector. While the remaining 40% export revenue of the country are through the agriculture, livestock and other industrial sectors (Cash, 2012; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Malay, 2019; Nematchoua, Orosa, & Reiter, 2019; Williams, Baek, Li, Park, & Zhao, 2017). It has also been found that the services industry also has an important role to play in the economic condition of the country. Research studies (Abubakar et al., 2018; Colombo et al., 2019; Njikam, 2016; Wegenast et al., 2019) show that about one third GDP of the country has found to attract the foreign investment. In 2017, the annual revenue gained through the agriculture sector of the country is around 1.3 billion.

2.3 GDP of Chad

The GDP of Chad is not completely dependent upon only a single sector, but instead of that, the country has a mixed economic system (Baninla et al., 2020; Chang, Chu, &Ranjbar, 2014; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Jerven, 2014; Nematchoua et al., 2019). Despite this, the major reliance of the country is on the oil sector and upon its export. After the exploration of oil fields in the country, the GDP dependence upon the agricultural crops decreased (Abosedra, Arayssi, Ben Sita, &Mutshinda, 2019; Cash, 2012; Malay, 2019;

Wegenast et al., 2019; Williams et al., 2017). The GDP of the country, according to the ( shows that, 45% dependence of GDP is on the agricultural sector, 38% is on the services sector and 14% on the industries (Cash, 2012; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Williams et al., 2017).

Table 2: Key economic facts of Chad.

GDP in 2018

$ 11.30 billion

Annual GDP growth

2.64% (2018)

% GDP value added by manufacturing sector

2.96 % (2016)

Labor force

6043,611 (2019)

Import of goods and services

$ 4.27 billion (2018)

Export of goods and services

$ 4.06 billion (2018)

2.4 Unemployment rate in Chad

Literature studies show that the percentage of the workers of Chad that are self-employed, are 74 % (Bown

& Freund, 2019; O. S. Mahmood & Ani, 2018; Nwanegbo, Umara, & Ali, 2017; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019). In 2015, the unemployment rate of Chad was 2.17 % that rose to 3.42 % in 2016. But in 2017, the rate of unemployment was reduced to 2.20 % in 2017. This again increased in next year and in

2018, the unemployment rate of Chadians was 2.23% (O. S. Mahmood & Ani, 2018; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019; Profile, 2017). The unemployment rate of the youth of Chad is also increasing with time. In 2014, the unemployment rate of the youth of Chad was 3.9 % and it increased to 4.34 % in 2016 (Cash, 2012; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Williams et al., 2017). After several attempts made, the rate was reduced to 3.95% in 2017 and in 2017, the unemployment rate of the youth of Chad was 3.96% (O. S. Mahmood & Ani, 2018; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019; Profile, 2017).

To deal with the unemployment rate, the governance of the country has learned the importance of SMEs and therefore, has promoted it. Research studies (O. S. Mahmood & Ani, 2018; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019; Profile, 2017) also show that the developmental strategies were made in 2005 in the country so that the unemployment could be reduced. These developmental strategies focused on the promotion of small and medium businesses (Bown& Freund, 2019; Nwanegbo et al., 2017; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019). These measures were done in order to have a significant contribution of small and medium sized businesses in the national economy improvement and in reducing the unemployment rates of the country (Abubakar et al., 2018; Colombo et al., 2019; Njikam, 2016; Wegenast et al., 2019).

2.4.1Workforce of different sectors and minimum wages in Chad

The workforce of Chad varies with the type of sector, for example, the agricultural sector of the country and the livestock sectors have the 80 % workforce of the country (Adelaja& George, 2019; Docquier& Iftikhar, 2019; Leonard, 2019; Oya, Schaefer, &Skalidou, 2018; Pantsurkin et al., 2019). The major exports products other than oil and petroleum products are the cattle products, cotton and the gum arabic. Literature studies (Abubakar et al., 2018; Adelaja& George, 2019; Colombo et al., 2019; Njikam, 2016; Oya et al., 2018; Wegenast et al., 2019) also show that the contribution of industrial sector of Chad is not much high as compared to the other sectors. This is because the industrial sector of chad is not much developed with only 20 % of workforce including the mining industries and also manufacturing industries (Adelaja& George, 2019; Docquier& Iftikhar, 2019; Leonard, 2019; Oya et al., 2018; Pantsurkin et al., 2019).

According to the research studies (Abubakar et al., 2018; Adelaja& George, 2019; Colombo et al., 2019; Njikam, 2016; Oya et al., 2018; Wegenast et al., 2019), the minimum salary in Chad is not much higher. Therefore, the minimum wage depends upon the type of work a person is doing and how much the employer is willing to pay (Docquier& Iftikhar, 2019; Leonard, 2019; Mushemeza&Okiira, 2016; Pantsurkin et al., 2019; Zene, Hasan, Ruizhong, &Zhenliang, 2019). According to, the total percentage of employment provided by the industrial sector in Chad has been found to be 3.098 percent in the year 2019.

2.5 Unemployment rate in Chad

The employment and unemployment situation of the people of a country have a significant impact on their shopping patterns (Docquier& Iftikhar, 2019; Leonard, 2019; Mushemeza&Okiira, 2016; Pantsurkin et al., 2019; Zene, Hasan, Ruizhong, &Zhenliang, 2019). The purchasing power of Chadians before the discovery of the petroleum products was not much good as compared to that of the results obtained after that (Cash, 2012; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Malay, 2019; Nematchoua et al., 2019; Williams et al., 2017). In 2003, the country was included to the list of countries that have the capacity of producing oil (Adelaja& George, 2019; Colombo et al., 2019; Oya et al., 2018). This has increased its dependence of the economy on oil and petroleum products. This dependence has increased the economic situation of the country and has also positively affected the purchasing power of the population(Abubakar et al., 2018; Colombo et al., 2019; Njikam, 2016; Wegenast et al., 2019).

2.5.1International reserves of Chad

According to the data obtained from World Bank Development Indicators, the external revenues of the Chad in 2010 were $ 0.63 billion. In 2011, the value of external reserves of Chad increased to 0.95 billion US dollars (Cash, 2012; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Malay, 2019; Nematchoua et al., 2019; Williams et al., 2017). The level of external reserves of Chad showed an increasing trend for the next years till 2013. After 2013, the external reserve levels of the country started to drop down and in 2015, it reached to 0.37 USD billion (Cash, 2012;

Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Malay, 2019; Nematchoua et al., 2019; Williams et al., 2017). The lowest level of external reserves of history of Chad reached to 0.07 USD billion. Moreover, the research studies shows that the total international reserves of Chad reached to 147,750,166 USD in 2018 (Adeyeri, Laux, Arnault, Lawin, &Kunstmann, 2020; Carmody, 2009; Corsi, Marchisio, &Orsi, 2017; Jahangiri et al., 2019; R.

Mahmood & Jia, 2019; Orsi, De Noni, Corsi, & Marchisio, 2017).

2.6 Governmental Policies

The governmental policies of a country has an important impact on the economic conditions of the country and the business improvement (Cui, Quddus, &Mashuga, 2020; Jackson, 2017; Murrey, 2015; Sovacool, 2011; Utzinger et al., 2005). This is because of the availability of the infrastructure development that will improve the business performance (Cui et al., 2020; Dehkissia, Larachi, Rodrigue, &Chornet, 2004; Jackson, 2017; Murrey, 2015, 2017; Sovacool, 2011; Utzinger et al., 2005). Chad being an underdeveloped country, has to face a lot of social and developmental challenges. Research studies (Dehkissia et al., 2004; Irurzun-Lopez et al., 2016; Murrey, 2017; Orsi et al., 2017) show that because of the developmental challenges faced by the country, they had a high poverty rate. This also increased the deficiency of the infrastructure development, as the funds could not be used on the developmental projects. But after the oil discovery and extraction process, the need to have a good infrastructure increased (Cui et al., 2020; Jackson, 2017; Murrey, 2015; Sovacool, 2011; Utzinger et al., 2005). The lack of development and infrastructure is also attributed to the socio-political instability of the country (Cui et al., 2020; Jackson, 2017; Utzinger et al., 2005). Therefore, after the year 2010, the peaceful era for the Chadians began and legislative government came in position to take actions.

The government took several actions to improve the business environment of the country and also to promote the private sectors (Dehkissia et al., 2004; Irurzun-Lopez et al., 2016; Orsi et al., 2017). Joining of the ECCAS and CEMAC economic communities was also an attempt taken by the government for the trade improvement of the country. Another major drawback in the developmental infrastructure of the country was the lack of roads that will be used for transportation purposes (Dehkissia et al., 2004; IrurzunLopez et al., 2016; Orsi et al., 2017). The gas pipeline project initiated to benefit from the full potential of the petroleum reservoirs of the country also worked on the construction of around 500 km of the roads (Cui et al., 2020; Dehkissia et al., 2004; Jackson, 2017; Murrey, 2015, 2017; Sovacool, 2011; Utzinger et al., 2005). The implementation of these strategies depends upon the different factors which include the cofinancing and partnerships between the investors and the governmental management of the country (Dehkissia et al., 2004; Irurzun-Lopez et al., 2016; Orsi et al., 2017).

2.6.1Level of inflation now and before oil discovery

The inflation rate of the country depends mainly on the agricultural commodities. According to the research studies (Baninla et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2014; Jerven, 2014; R. Mahmood & Jia, 2019), in 2012, the inflation rate of the country was 7.7 percent and this was because of the extreme climatic conditions and environmental factors, the agricultural sector got effected. Thereafter, the inflation rate decreased to 0.4 percent in the year 2013 (trading economics). After that, the inflation rate increased to 1.7 percent in the year 2014. According to the research studies, this number increased to 3 percent in 2015 because of the security conditions in the country and because of the disturbance of the supply routes (trading economics).

After the exploration of oil and its extraction, the inflation rate of the country reduced.

2.6.2Budget allocation to manufacturing, agriculture and education sector of Chad

Literature studies (Baninla et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2014; Jerven, 2014; R. Mahmood & Jia, 2019) show that the oil discovery and exploration improved the economic situation of the country and this also positively impacted the non-oil sectors(Abosedra et al., 2019; Cash, 2012; Malay, 2019;

Wegenast et al., 2019; Williams et al., 2017). The non-oil reserves of Chad increased form the year 2015 to 2018, but a slight decline was observed in the late 2018's. The improvements made in the economic sector resulted in improving the budget allocation in different sectors including the manufacturing, agricultural and education sectors. The spending on the education sector in the year 2019 was 2.9 percent of the total spending and of health sector, the total spending was 11 percent of the total budget. The budget that was allocated to the manufacturing sector of the country had its 80 percent use in the wages of the workers and for the poverty reduction of the country (IMF country report No. 19/259)

2.7 Oil Export revenue and Economic Growth

The resource curse is a term used for countries that have rich natural reserves but the overall economic growth is not good. And as a result the country faces social and political struggles. Countries having a national income which is highly dependent on the oil and mineral resources have a higher chance of facing the resource curse. The list of such countries include Angola, Sudan, Gabon, Libya, Nigeria and Chad. These countries are full of various resources which have led to enormous revenues but have faced political and economic problems along with that. As a result of this the economic growth is slow overall. The main source of economic activities in Chad was livestock and agriculture before the advent of oil production. In 2003 the oil industry of Chad reached the international platforms. At that time the government received a huge amount of revenues from it. Regardless of the huge sum of the amount it was not spent on the educational or the health system nor it was employed to eradicate poverty (Keenan, 2005; Kojucharov, 2007; Pegg, 2006). Thus the country had to face various economic problems in the following years. In 2015 the United Nation Development program recorded that Chad was 185 out of the total 188 on the Human Development Index.

There was a 39.8 percent increase expected in the poverty rate of Chad in 2019. These statistics are taken from the World Bank. Studies have shown that in the early years the oil production had a positive effect on the economy of Chad; this is not true for the recent years. Due to the drop in the oil prices the country had to go through a very low macroeconomic performance. It has been studied that the GDP grew 1.6 % from the year 1990 to the year 2000 (Behrends, 2008; Cash, 2012). This was the period when Idriss Deby became the president and the oil projects for oil extraction were just approved. In 2003 the production of oil started on a large scale. This helped to increase the GDP by 33.6%. Chad had the highest growth rate globally in late 2004. In the start of 2016 the overall oil revenues dropped according to the IMF. This was lower by 80% than the previous year. This caused many problems for the government due to the cut in the annual budget. The country was clearly running out of money and as a result the government had to reduce the budget in 2016. According to the studies the oil production and export revenues have proven to be a disaster for the nation as far as the social and economic growth is concerned (Abakar, 2018; Lopez-Calix &Pitigala, 2019; Nourou, 2020). Regardless of this some experts have argued that the oil production contributed to the economic growth in some ways during the time period from 2010 to 2012. During these years the government had spent a part of the oil revenue on the foundation of various educational institutes. The economy of Chad recovered a little after the drop in oil prices in the year 2018. The growth was recorded as 2.6 % of the GDP in 2018 as there was a little increase in the agricultural production and in the prices of oil (Kablan &Loening, 2017; Omeje, 2017). From then till 2019 a decrease was seen in the national income to 4.7 % from 6.6 %. The government is still working on mobilizing the revenue generated. Oil industry is the main driving factor of the economy. In 2019 moderate growth is expected as the oil prices are again increasing. The economy of the nation is volatile and fragile. Unless the country is able to work on the development of non-oil sectors like education and health there will be risks and threats for the economy of Chad.

2.8 Oil Export Revenue and Manufacturing sector

The non-oil manufacturing sector is not as stable as the oil industry in Chad. Chad's non-oil imports are related to energy, consumption goods, intermediary goods and equipment. The manufacturing base in Chad is small and is only for meeting the needs of the domestic market. It holds a small share of 14 % of the GDP. The industries are manufacturing beverages, materials and construction materials for the domestic market. Textile mills have been set up for years and decades but the production has not been that good. It hasn't been able to keep up with the import standards. The main boost to the economy is through the oil extraction sector. The transportation and energy sectors are very unstable and are considered as the newest industrial ventures. There are however many constraints in these sectors. Chad is considered as one of the poorest countries. Most of the population is poor and there is a huge lack of resources. Basic facilities are not being provided to the people. As a result the industrial sector is underdeveloped. One of the reasons for this is the civil war that is still affecting the country in many ways (Lopez-Calix &Pitigala, 2019;

Mushemeza&Okiira, 2016). Most of the manufacturing sector is based on the agricultural sector. The manufacturing industries include cotton ginning, textile manufacturing and sugar processing. As the oil industry is affecting the agricultural yield. The production is becoming poor with the passing time. The electricity supply and clean water is not easily available. There is a lack of infrastructural development. All these from the base of the manufacturing sector. The industries in Chad have very weak base. Their production is not high. With the oil sector dominating the market the other manufacturing sectors are facing negative impacts. Most of the manufacturing sector comprises of small scale industries that are dependent on the availability of resources. Being poor the resources are mostly not available (Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Omeje, 2017). The people employed in the local manufacturing sector are shifting towards the oil industry because of the revenues it is generating through the exports. The wages in the oil industry are higher. In a poor country higher wages is the most prominent attraction for the population. This high shift towards the oil industry is affecting the non-oil manufacturing sector. There is a lack of skilled workers and the technology required for the manufacturing of high end products. Because of these reasons the manufacturing sector has a negative impact due to the revenue generated through oil exports.

2.9 Oil Export Revenue and Agricultural Growth

As a result of being land locked the transportation costs are high for a country like Chad. Most of the imported goods have to go through the neighbouring countries first thus are dependent upon them. These factors have led to the increased dependability of the Chad's economy on the oil and agricultural industry. The oil has a 60% contribution in the export revenues whereas the rest of the percentage is contributed by the gum arabic, livestock, cattle, white cotton and other agricultural products. Northern half of the country is a dessert. Due to the increased political instability and the internal conflicts the rural population had to face multiple droughts in 1970s and 1980s. Most of the Chad's population is young. More than half of the population is aged 15 or below whereas the percentage of people older than 60 is only 4%. This overall population is settled in the southern part of the country which is very well suited for agriculture. In 2015 the drop in the international oil prices had a huge negative blow on the Chad's economy. In such difficult time trend shifted towards agriculture. The agriculture was then responsible for generating 40 percent of the country's GDP and formed about 80% of the country's exports (Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Omeje, 2017). The agricultural sector is currently employing about 80 percent of the country's workforce.

In the Doba region many villages used to have a good agricultural yield. The families used to own bikes, cars, cattle and metal roof for their houses. Today all this is not possible in the country. The blessing of oil which the region had is a curse now. About 4000 families have been left to face the consequences of it. Greater than 60% of the land that was employed for cultivation has been acquired by the ESSO Consortium for the installations for their projects which happened to be far more than planned. Apart from taking over the farmland they are also playing a role in reducing the living space. Oil infrastructure and fields intermingle. There are about 1,112 wells in the 25 villages along with the rest of the project installations.

The population is disturbed by this because the remaining size of the fields has reduced productivity. Some villages are exactly in the middle of the oil extractions sites. Some of the areas that were taken without compensation include fallow land, marshes, forests and Savana. These lands were used for farming basically before this. The activities performed in these areas include gathering mushrooms, honey, fruits, wood, medicines, grazing, fishing and hunting. Support has not been provided to the people who used to live off the production from these lands (Garba et al., 2016; Miller, 2017). Farmers are bound to keep planting the crops on the land without gap in between and because of that the lands are now mostly exhausted after years of plantation and thus the production has gone down. There is a restriction on the people's mobility on their own lands. Due to the security of the oil installations the farmers are restricted from going out at night. There are numerous cables in the region but regardless of this the small towns and villages are deprived of basic electricity needs and often have to live in black outs. The rural population does not have clean drinking water. Oil extraction has destroyed the agricultural industry and due to a corrupt government the export funds are not being employed for the betterment and growth of the sector.

2.10Oil Export Revenue and Per Capita Income and Employment rate

In 2003 the average salary of a labourer of a month without including the bonuses used to be around XAF 59,995. This is almost double of the minimum amount that the government of Chad had promised which was approximately XAF 30,000. According to studies that various skilled oil field and semiskilled have an average salary of XAF 120,000 in a month. This amount excludes the different bonuses. The employees that are in oil sector have more salaries than the ones employed in the non-oil sector. As a result of this there is a shift in the number of employees in the oil sector from the non-oil sector. For examples the teachers in various institutes are leaving their jobs in order to get employed in the oil sector in order to earn more. This is damaging the overall social environment. Only the people employed in the oil industry are able to benefit from the oil revenues directly. No one else in the nation is gaining any advantage from the oil extraction. On the other hand they are going into a worse condition because of it (Limited et al., 2020; Urbain Thierry, Mallaye, &Araar, 2017). There is a change in the trends of employment rate. The oil industry has the maximum number of employees leaving the other sectors in need of man power and employees. Without the proper resources the other departments cannot function properly or be productive.

2.11Oil Export Revenue and Consumer Wellbeing

For Chad oil is acting as a poison which is destroying the natural environment of the country and is irreversibly tainting the soil, water, flora, fauna, people and health. The oil pipelines are going through the farmer's fields. These pipelines are passing from very close to the rural villages and are going through the rivers that are utilized for fishing. During the dry months the river beds are employed for planting maize, rice and vegetables. The forests that are near the water sources are also in danger of being spoiled. There is a huge risk of the contamination of the water supply of a huge part of the country because of the oil pipelines (D.-G. Gadom et al., 2017). To some context contamination is still existing. Drilling sites are draining in the canals. The surface is being polluted by the quarries. The ground water is also being affected by this. The pipeline ruptures and oil spilling is sullying the lands and the rivers. The overall revenue generated by the oil sector is not covering the damages caused by it. There is no proper mechanism that might detect if new spillages may occur. There is no procedure to detect or report any chemical leaks. The big holes dug in the ground for burying of the waste materials are known as quarries (Limited et al., 2020; Urbain Thierry et al., 2017). Land is taken from the farmers and then quarries are made on it and then it is returned to the people without any treatment or decontamination. Thus the lands become infertile. These untreated quarries sometime gather rainwater and contaminate that as well. The mosquito growth is increased that in return increases the diseases like malaria. Swimming in the lakes and rivers has become a hazard for animals and people. Due to the burning of excess waste and gases the air gets contaminated. The locals are getting ill because of it. The farms are no longer producing the fruits. The income generated through farming has gone way down and the farms are destroyed when it rains. Many issues are arising due to the high tension cables. The death rate in animals and children is increasing because of these dangerous cables. The illnesses caused because of this include anaemia and abortions. There is no point of filing complaints in the courts as they do nothing about ESSO (Brooks et al., 2019; Jaeger, Bechir, Harouna, Moto, &Utzinger, 2018). The plans for the waste management and other project guidelines are not implemented.

A transparent compensation system is not present. It is unjust and inadequate. The complete land is owned by the state and the villagers are only given a right to use it. The Consortium ESSO, takes the lands and when they give it back it is of no use anymore. The land productivity is left to none. The lands that were cultivated, lost their harvests. The farmers were dependant on such lands for their living. No compensation is given to the farmers for the damage to their land. There is no control or supervision of environmental or social aspects (Brooks et al., 2019; Djal-Gadom et al., 2017; G. D. Gadom et al., 2018). The revenue generated through the exportation of oil is used for building universities, hospitals and schools. The money is used for improving the road structure. Though the well-being of the consumers is benefiting from the export revenue the oil sector is doing more damage than benefit. It was planned that 5%of the oil export revenue would be used for compensation for the people but this money is not reaching the people. The lack of management skills has led to the wastage of the funds generated through oil exports.

Chapter No. 3:Research Methodology

3.1Philosophy, Methods and Approach of Research

Philosophical direction is used to define the purpose of the research. Method of data collection process shows how the data was handled, collected and used for analysis for the purpose of satisfying the particular research aims defined by the researcher Bryman (2016); Hughes and Sharrock (2016); (Johnson & Clark, 2006). There are four research philosophies which are usually used by researchers; interpretivist, positivism, realism and pragmatism. Interpretivism is the main philosophy adopted by researchers using qualitative methods of inquiry while positivist philosophy is preferred by researchers that use quantitative research analysis. In the positivism research philosophy, the scientific rules and regulations are followed strictly to ensure that authentic data and information is produced and to ultimately avoid the creation of any partiality in the data (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009), while self-interpretations are used to produce the results in interpretivism research philosophy. Therefore, it can be clearly said that positivism accounts presents a conventional procedure of conducting research which allows the researchers to draw objective inference from the data free from the issues created by personal beliefs. Hence, in this particular research, the researcher has opted to use Positivism research philosophy to ensure minimal prejudices in results and generation of original data from the participants for the generation of genuine data and results.

The degree of logical approach in the theoretical perspectives of a research and the design of the research can be explained in terms of two kinds of research approaches; deductive approach and inductive approach (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009). When a researcher starts from a general theory and goes on to deduce specific inferences about the theory this is called as the deductive approach i.e. developing a theory at the very start of the research by going through past literature and then designing a plan to test the theory in a selected specific population so as to obtain the results from the particular participants of that population to justify the hypotheses of research (Collis & Hussey, 2013). While the researcher goes from specific to general in the case of inductive approach i.e. start is taken from the collection of data and the researcher goes on to generate theory based on this data that will be applied on the entire population (Saunders, Lewis, Thornhill, & Wilson, 2009). Research approach can be Research approach should always be in line with the objectives of a study. The objectives of this study were to find out how the revenue that is generated from oil exports can impact the growth of economy and the wellbeing of the consumers living in Chad. Therefore, the aim of this study was not to propose a new theory but instead explore the factors or ways with which the export revenue affects the economic and well-being aspects in Chad. Therefore the deductive approach has been applied. The researcher didn't aim to introduce any new concept rather existing concepts and theories were used and enhanced to be included in this research study.

Research methods are the processes or procedures that are carried out by a researcher to complete a study (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Three types of research methods exist; qualitative method, quantitative and the mixed method approach. Quantitative approach is a research method that deals with numeric, quantifiable data and results are basically generated using primary data i.e. first-hand information that has been collected for the first time. While the qualitative research design has usually been associated with the theory and research philosophy of interpretivism i.e. of non-numeric natures. In mixed methods, a mix of both kind of researches is carried out which gives an in depth and more comprehensive knowledge regarding the research problem (Almalki, 2016). The present study uses quantitative method. The study uses existing literature and a survey design to attain the objectives of the study. The objectives of the research study support the use of quantitative methods. In addition to collecting primary data through questionnaire, the researcher has also collected secondary data from the reports generated in the past.

3.2 Research Nature

The research natures can be divided into three types which are descriptive, exploratory or explanatory. In a descriptive study, a new perspective or point of view is used for analysing a new concept, in exploratory research the new perspectives about an existing concept are applied to refine previous theories and explanatory studies are carried out to solve some pre-existing problems. In the present research, the researcher has used the explanatory study nature for improving the impacts that the revenue generation in exports can have on the economic growth and wellbeing of the residents of Chad.

3.3 Time Horizon

There are two kinds of research designs in terms of time horizon; longitudinal or cross-sectional.

In longitudinal studies, there are two phases which are used to measure the impacts of variables in before and after aspects of the some phenomenon. In the cross-sectional design data is collected in a single time frame. In this study, the researcher has used the cross-sectional design because there was no need in terms of objectives to conduct study in phases.

3.4 Sampling and Population

Sample is the group that has been selected as the participants of a research from the entire population from which the data will be collected. The data that has been collected from the sample can be used to generalize the response for the entire population. Therefore, the selection of samples should be a careful way.

3.4.1Sampling Unit and Sampling frame

The unit of analysis of a research needs to be defined accurately as it is used to indicate the level of investigation that the study is trying to aim (Malhotra, Hall, Shaw, & Oppenheim, 2006). Research methodologies can only be developed after determining the unit of analysis. The sampling unit is the list of participants from whom the researcher aims to gather data for their research. The sampling unit should be such that can reflect the perspective that is at the root of the researcher's objectives for the research. Unit of analysis is used to determine how the scale of research can be treated (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 1998). The sampling unit in this research is generally a country and specifically on Chad.

The participants for this research are from the local population of Chad. They are all consumers of various merchandise that are used in Chad and can reflect about the perspectives held by consumers about various questions in the survey. The areas, locations, places, firms or industries from where the researcher has collected the primary data are considered as the sampling frame for the research. In the present study, the data has been collected from the local consumers as there is no prior study conducted in this area in the same perspective as wellfor this research.

3.4.2Sampling techniques

There are various sampling techniques that can be generally classified as probability or random sampling and non- probability sampling. Each participant has same chance of participation in probability sampling. Some types of probability sampling include simple random sampling, cluster sampling and stratified sampling. In non-probability sampling technique, however, there is no clear purpose of selection of participants. Types of non-probability sampling technique includes snowball sampling, purposive sampling and convenience sampling (Taherdoost, 2016). In this research, the researcher has appointed the use of purposive sampling technique which is employed in cases where the required information cannot be extracted from random resources but only from a specific group of particular individuals. Data collected from any other respondents beyond the residents of Chad who consume export products is meaningless, hence the deployed technique is purposive.

3.5 Data collection procedure

3.5.1Collection of Primary Data

In this research there are two mediums for the quantitative data collection. One is the use of questionnaires and second one is to use the secondary data collected from various online resources and from past researches. The data is collected by using online as well as self-administered questionnaires. The self-administered questionnaires are solely completed by the participants without any interference of the researcher while the online questionnaire give the researchers and the respondents ease and convenience. In terms of statistical analysis, the data that has been collected through questionnaires is usually easier to analyse. The questionnaires included both demographic and for getting data against this study's scale measure. The researcher distributed around 300 questionnaires through self-administration and about 300 were sent through emails, out of which 20 failed to be sent. The questions were all close ended questions. Out of the 300 self-administered questionnaires, 172 were returned and 122 were approved to be complete and relevant. Out of the 280 questionnaires that were emailed, only 84 were returned and 78 out of these were accepted while rest were rejected. A total of 200 responses were therefore included in the final research.

3.5.2Secondary Data

For the purpose of conducting secondary data analysis, data has been collected from the online reports of World Bank, OECD, Trading economies and The Global economy. The data has been collected for the years 1998 till 2018 for the variables of GDP growth (GDPG), unemployment rate (UER), agricultural growth (AGG), manufacturing growth (MAG), per capita growth (PCIG) and oil export revenue (OER) along with the usage of energy production from oil OUEP and oil production (OP) has been made as control variables.


Multiple-scale items are used to measure the constructs in this survey. The researcher included both demographic and construct based items in the survey. The results were obtained using the Five-point likert type for measuring the items in this study. Eight items in total were developed keeping in view the recent past research in this area of study (Al Rasasi, Qualls, & Alghamdi, 2019; Hassan, Meyer, &Kot, 2019; Kahia, Aïssa, &Charfeddine, 2016; Kozlova &Noguera-Santaella, 2019; Van Eyden, Difeto, Gupta, &Wohar, 2019; Vohra, 2017; Yuzbashkandi& Sadi, 2020). These items were designed to measure the impact that oil export and production has on the social life, buying powers, financial conditions and the employment ratio in Chad. Moreover, one item also checked if the locals believed that the government was fairly using the revenue being generated in oil production and exportation.

3.6 Data Analysis

The data for this research has been analysed using two software applications which are e-views and SPSS. For the purpose of analysing primary data, the researcher used AMOS. The demographic profiling is done along with showing results for each of the questions included in the survey. In the secondary data analysis, the researcher has used e-Views software. The researcher has generated a descriptive, normality, regression and correlation analysis on the secondary data.

Chapter No. 4:Results and Analysis

4.1Primary Data Results

4.1.1Demographic Profile

200 general consumers were selected as respondent sample for this research who belonged Chad, an African country. The purpose of this research is to observe how the generation of revenue through export of Oil products affects the economic growth and the wellbeing of consumers in Chad. The graph 1 given below shows the gender profile for the respondents of this research. The graph depicts that the male to female ratio is almost balance with 49% men and 51% women.








Figure 3 Gender Profile

Graph 3 shows the education profile for the selected sample. The selected education groups are graduate, post graduate and masters, while those having degrees except these are classified in the others group. 55% of the respondents are post graduate, 28% are masters and 13% are graduates, while 4% have other degrees. The education profile shows that the consumers of oil products in Chad have a high education tendency, making them competent for participating in this study.
















Figure 4: Education Profile

4.1.2Survey Results

The survey questionnaire included 8 questions for the purpose of collecting data to reflect the impact of the study variables, in addition to the questions that captured the demographic details of the respondents. The first question was to capture the feelings of the respondents about the impact that oil exportation had on the Chad residents. The question was «Have you noticed any change in your social life before and after the oil exportation?» The results for this question have been depicted in graph 3.







Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree






Have you noticed any change in your social life

before and after the oil exportation?

Figure 5: Results for Question 1

Graph 5 shows that the majority of the respondents agreed with the fact that oil exportation has brought about social changes in Chad. 81 respondents agreed and 42 strongly agreed with this item. The results depict that the social life has improved as a response of oil exportation by increasing the flow of revenue in the market.

The second question was aimed to capture the impact that the oil production has had on the buying powers of the locals in Chad. The question was stated as «Did you notice any purchasing power before and after the oil production?» The responses of this question have been shown in graph 4. 81 respondents agreed to this statement and 42 strongly agreed. The results depict that the buying power of the locals in Chad have improved in response to the production of oil. The results have depicted that the increase of economic growth through production of oil has occurred which has improved the buying powers of the locals.







Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree






Did you notice any purchasing power before

and after the oil production?

Figure 6: Results for Question 2

The third question was aimed to capture the impact that the oil production has had on the rate of employment in the locals in Chad. The question was stated as «Have oil exportation contributed to unemployment rate?» The responses of this question have been shown in graph 5. 84 respondents agreed to this statement and 42 strongly agreed. The results depict that the employment rates of the locals in Chad have improved in response to the export improvement of oil. The results have depicted that the oil export industry has opened new chances of employment for the locals.






Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Have oil exportation contribute to unemployment


Figure 7: Results for Question 3

The fourth question was aimed to capture the impact that the oil generated revenue has had on the buying powers of the locals in Chad, in almost similar context as the second question. The question was stated as «Did the oil wealth has changed your ability to buy things?»The responses of this question have been shown in graph 6. 84 respondents agreed to this statement and 42 strongly agreed. The results depict that the buying power of the locals in Chad have improved in response to the generation of wealth through production and export of oil.






Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Did the oil wealth has changed your ability to buy


Figure 8: Results for Question 4

The fifth question was aimed to capture how well the government is managing oil produced wealth in Chad. The item was stated as «From your point of view is the government managing the oil wealth as it should.» The responses of this question have been shown in graph 7. 68 respondents agreed to this statement and 58 strongly agreed. The results depict that in view of the locals, the government is managing the revenue generated from oil production and export in a good and efficient manner.









Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree






From your point of view is the government

managing the oil wealth as it should.

Figure 9: Results for Question 5

The sixth question was aimed to capture the impact that the oil generated revenue has had on the federal level poverty in the country. The question was stated as «Did you think oil exportation effect the federal poverty status?» The responses of this question have been shown in graph 8. 89 respondents agreed to this statement and 42 strongly agreed. The results depict that the poverty levels have improved in the locals of Chad have in response to the generation of wealth and job opportunities through production and export of oil.

Figure 10: Results for Question 6











Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree






Did you think oil exportation effect the federal poverty


The seventh question was aimed to capture the impact that the oil production has had on the ability of the country to improve its finances. The question was stated as «In your point of view oil exportation increase confidence in ability to achieve a financial goal.» The responses of this question have been shown in graph 9. 69 respondents agreed to this statement and 50 strongly agreed. The results depict that the locals believe that the oil exportation can improve the financial conditions in the country as a whole. 35 out of 200 respondents have shown that they are undecided about the results of this item. This undecided population depicts that some of the locals are yet undecided about the financial benefits of the exportation and production procedures of oil in Chad.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree






In your point of view oil exportation increase confidence in

ability to achieve a financial goal.

Figure 11: Results for Question 7

The eight and the last question was aimed to capture the effects that the oil production has had on

the income volatility of the locals in Chad. The question was stated as «In your point of view oil exportation increases volatility income in the country.» The responses of this question have been shown in graph 10. 82 respondents agreed to this statement and 44 strongly agreed. The results depict that the income volatility of the locals in Chad have improved in response to the production and exportation of oil.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree






In your point of view oil exportation increase volatility

income in the country.

Figure 12: Results for Question 8

4.1.3Summary of Primary Data Results

The above presented graphs and their interpretations for the survey of this research that was used to collect the primary data. The results have shown that the locals of Chad perceive that the oil production and export has led to improving the employment ratio in the country and in response improved the financial conditions of the locals. Moreover, the results show consensus on the idea that the oil export and production have positive impact on the overall economy of the country. Finally, the results have also depicted that the general consumers and locals have a strong confidence in their government that they are efficiently regulating the income that is earned through oil export and production.

4.2 Secondary Data Results

4.2.1Descriptive Analysis

Table 1 given below shows the results for descriptive analysis that has been performed on the secondary data that was collected in this research. Mean and median values for each variable have been given in the table along with the minimum and maximum values for the variables. Mean is the average for the data, median is the middle value between the minimum and maximum values. The dispersion is shown through the value of standard deviation. Skewness and kurtosis are values that show the normality of the data. Results have also been presented for the Jarque-Bera test, which is a test for judging if the data is spread normally or not. This test is based on the difference between the skewness values and the values for kurtosis. For the normality to hold, the probability value of Jarque-Bera should be insignificant, i.e. above 0.05. The values in table reflect that the values for all variables except of GGPG are insignificant ensuring that, overall, the data is normal. Table 3: Descriptive Analysis








Mean 9.864350 1.642500 2.599968 12.16734 6.075366 21.62600 122.0979 2.633871

Median 6.299993 1.550000 3.553921 10.27950 2.749628 21.25236 121.6667 1.607824

Maximum 37.33253 2.417000 16.13473 28.23261 29.12730 34.42414 177.0000 8.078003

Minimum 1.255527 1.047000 -7.641602 1.726397 -9.156966 4.080328 38.33333 0.269488

Std. Dev. 9.667054 0.448229 6.216431 9.549064 10.49218 8.797110 34.36647 2.309501

Skewness 1.804077 0.348988 0.175773 0.412567 1.222962 -0.360360 -0.617386 0.804017

Kurtosis 5.308339 1.658841 2.365637 1.634602 3.700286 2.226888 3.195224 2.516137

Jarque-Bera 16.818272.095388 0.482167 2.333061 5.933537 1.024044 1.432545 2.584907

Probability 0.000223 0.350746 0.785776 0.311446 0.051469 0.599283 0.488570 0.274596

Sum 217.0157 36.13500 57.19930 267.6816 133.6581 475.7720 2686.154 57.94515

Sum Sq.

Dev. 1962.491 4.219098811.5243 1914.877 2311.801 1625.172 24802.14 112.0097


s 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

4.2.2Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis is a statistical method which can be used to test how strongly two variables are related to each other. Correlation analysis results show the strength of relationship between two quantitative variables. If two variables are highly correlated then it means that they have a strong relationship with each other, while weakly correlated variables are those that are hardly related to one another. The table 2 given below shows the results of correlation analysis of the variables of this study. The results are shown in two values, the value written above is the value for correlation and the four digit values given below them show the probability values of each relation. GDP has insignificant relationship with UER, OUEP and AGG, while its correlation with all others is significant. UER has insignificant correlation with AGG and OP, while having a significant correlation with all other variables. AGG is insignificantly correlated to all the variables of this study, showing that it is highly self-correlated. MAG has significant correlations with all but OP, PCIG is insignificantly correlated to the control variables and significant with the independent and all other dependents except AGG. As for OER, the independent variable of this study, it is insignificantly related to the control variables and AGG but significant with all others. OP is significant only for correlation with OUEP and OUEP is significant only for UER and OP.

Table 4: Correlation Analysis














4.2.3Normality Graphs


Quantiles of OP Quantiles of OUEP

Figure 13: Normality Graphs

The normality of data showed that data is well modelled and is normally or evenly distributed. The graph 11 shows the distribution of normality of each of the variables of this study. The red line in each data is the ideal location of the data points. The blue points show the actual position of each data point in the study. The graphs in the following section show that all the data in this study is normally distributed.

4.2.4Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a statistical analysis which allows the researchers to examine the relationship that holds between a dependent and the independent variables that are included in the research i.e. this analysis equips the researcher to examine the relationship between two or more variables of interest. In the table 3, given below the horizontally presented variables are the dependent variables which include GDPG, UNR, AGG, MAG and PCI while the vertical column shows independent and control variables; OER is independent and OP and OUEP are control variables of this research. The table shows that increasing OER by one unit increases GDP by 47.2%, decreases UNR by 1.4%, increases AG by 54.9% and PCI by 58.6%. However, UER does not increases or decreases AGG significantly since its p-value is above 0.05. As for relation with OP, it is significant for GDPG, causing increase of 15.5%, for MAG, increasing it by 13.3% and with PCI by increasing it by 14.7 %. Finally, for OUEP is significantly related with UNR, causing decrease of 12.4%, MAG causing increase of 182 and with PCI increasing it by 180. The C value row is the values taken constants in each relationship.

Table 5: Regression Analysis

Independent variables

Dependent Variable






Coef. P-value Coef. P-value Coef.

P-value Coef.

P-value Coef.



0.472 0.019

-0.014 0.044








0.155 0.007

-0.003 0.849








1.680 0.05

-0.124 0.000








-23.754 0.003

02.383 0.000



-20.83 0.003

-29.34 0.001







Adjusted R-squared






S.E. of regression






Sum squared resid






Log likelihood


















Durbin-Watson stat






The lower portion of the above table show several characteristic values calculated for the variables. Statistics shows the variance values between the mean of sample and the variance in the sample. The squared and adjusted r-squared values are measure for variation proportion in data. Sum squared resid value is the sum of estimated error in the values. The Durbin Watson (DW) statistic is a test which checks the residuals of data for autocorrelation. The values for this test are to lie between 0 and 4. Values from 02 indicate a positive autocorrelation in the variables and values from 2-4 show that a negative autocorrelation is present. The table shows values for all are almost lying around 3, therefore this data is showing positive correlation.

Chapter No. 5:Discussion and Conclusion


The oil sector remains a significant source of energy and revenue for many countries during the past few years and many countries are the participants in this mechanism (Sen & Ganguly, 2017). Currently, there are more than 90 oil-exporting nations around the globe. Increasing and decreasing prices of oil mainly affect both importers and exporters of oil and oil prices also affect the manufacturers and the extent of production costs. Economy growth of many countries mainly relies on oil products and its changing prices.

Therefore, in the past few years' research study on oil export and its impact on the economic development of a country is very significant. According to research by Nambiappan et al. (2018), the oil export factors affect the overall economy of a country and its other revenue generated sectors. In turn, these factors impact the price level, economic growth, and revival, inflation rate, stock market growth, and finance growth as well. However, the main objective of this research study is to investigate the impact of revenue of oil export on the economic development of Chad and also on the consumer's wellbeing in Chad. This research paper also examines the impact of oil export revenue on agriculture, manufacturing, and the per capita income of Chad. According to the initial findings of the study, it has been revealed that a significant increase in oil export revenue positively influences the process of economic growth. Similarly, research by Al-Maamary, Kazem, and Chaichan (2017) explains that the revenue from oil export is of significant value to many countries' economies, given that oil is one of the largest globally traded products, both in value and volume. According to recent statistics, the energy department of Chad states that oil export revenue could help in lowering the prices of gas on a large scale, and it also helps in developing long term benefits for the overall economy of the country. Positive revenue generated by oil export also helps in developing a higher level of investment in the country and it also generates greater energy security that could be advantageous for employees and consumers (Sen & Ganguly, 2017). These factors significantly influence the process of economic development of the country. Therefore, the first hypotheses regarding the direct impact of oil export revenue on the economic development of Chad have been accepted and significantly supported by the results of the study.

Measurements of results from the SEM technique also suggest that oil export revenue positively relates to the agriculture sector and its sustainable development. A study by Rukhaia-Mosemgvdlishvili (2018) illustrates that the high revenue earned from oil export could help the agricultural sector of the country in enhancing the existing system of agriculture. With positive revenue from oil export, a country could facilitate the transport system of its agriculture sector mainly by facilitating the farmers to generate further farms and also enable them to sell their agriculture products in other markets. Positive revenue earned from oil export a country could also develop proper marketing benefits to their agricultural sector. The government could enhance the infrastructure of marketing and strength to help the farmers to sell their goods at a reasonable price (Bammann, 2019). Furthermore, from revenue earned from oil export, a country could also improve the supply chain network of their agricultural sector and also mainly by taking effective steps that are needed to improve the existing systems. That's why the hypotheses related to the direct impact of oil export revenue on the agricultural sector have been accepted.

Further results and findings of this research suggest that oil export revenue could play a significant role in improving the existing operations and functions of the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector has been considered as a significant sector that can help in boosting other sectors of the country. A country could boost the manufacturing sector by revenue earned from oil export mainly by enhancing capacity utilization and provide alternative technologies to different manufacturing sectors of the country at reasonable costs (Solano-Rodríguez et al., 2019). With higher revenue earned from oil export, a country could enable various manufacturing sectors that are unable to replace old machinery which could be expensive for them. So, due to this limitation government can help manufacturing sectors in enhancing their productivity. Therefore, the hypotheses have been accepted and supported by the results of the research. Moreover, other results of the research also suggest that oil export revenue negatively influences the unemployment rate. A higher oil export could also contribute to a lower unemployment rate. In short, Abdlaziz, Naseem, and Slesman (2018) in a study also explains that oil export can enhance the marginal cost of manufacturing in many sectors while minimizing manufacturing and thus decreasing the unemployment rate in the country. That's why the results of the study indicate that oil export negatively impacts on the unemployment rate. The higher is the oil export revenue, the lower will be the unemployment rate.

The results of the study explain that this is a very positive relationship between Per Capita income and the Oil revenue as the result of the previous studies shows that this has a very positive and very significant role in making the economy of the country better and developed by increasing the Per capita Income. The study by Ajibola, Enilolobo, and Theodore (2017) also explains that how this relationship can be made stronger and positive as the revenue of oil Export can bring about the increase in the income of the individual and a rise in the living standard of the people and this change of the income increase can also bring betterment in the economy of the country. The study proves that there is a positive relationship between the Oil export revenue and Common wellbeing. The welfare of the people is the real purpose of the economy of the country and its strength. The money earned through oil export can be utilized in small business and building hospitals, schools, and educational and technical institutions, sports ground and the standard of food and livelihood can be improved by such projects to make a better place to live in. This has a very positive and efficient role in the development and supporting the life of common people. The revenue used for the wellbeing of society and common people generates a more educated and healthy society (Nambiappan et al., 2018). The results of the study also suggest that this relationship makes the common people closer and they trust the economy of their country and try to play their role in making the economy of the country strong.

5.2 Conclusion

The main purpose of this research paper is to investigate the impact of revenue generated from oil export on the economic development of Chad and its consumer's well-being. This research study also aims to identify the impact of oil export revenue on the development and sustainability of the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. This research paper empirically investigates the impact of oil export on the employment rate in Chad. This study also evaluates if there are any changes in the amount of oil export and its effects on economic development with a focus on Chad. Using some significant data from previous years, this research paper attempts to evaluate the effect of oil export revenue on the overall economic condition of Chad via the causality tests and techniques. The tests and findings of this research paper discover that positive revenue earned from oil export can positively influence the process of economic development. oil export on the well-being of consumers in Chad. The initial findings of this paper conclude The main idea that this research put forward is to examine the impact of higher revenues generated from that the economic development of the country favourably related to revenues generated from oil export. This is because higher revenues from oil export generate some significant opportunities for further developments in economic activities. Revenues from oil exports are also significant for acquiring foreign exchange to provide crucial opportunities for sustainable development of the economy. The results of the study revealed that revenue from oil export has a favourable long-term relationship with the sustainable economic development of the country. Similarly, the findings of this research study also indicate that oil export revenue can provide effective opportunities for the government that they improve the existing system of the agriculture sector. With higher revenues from oil, the export government can provide subsidies for cost minimization and the government can also fund the basic infrastructure of the agriculture sector. Therefore, this study concludes that there is a positive and effective relationship between oil export revenue and the agriculture sector. Furthermore, the findings of this paper manifest that oil export revenue also positively enhances the infrastructure of the manufacturing sector. The production sector is one of the most important sectors of the government agenda in many nations because it mainly develops and drives technological innovation and also creates economic activities. A government with higher revenue earned from oil export can easily support enhancements in the manufacturing sector by proving them modern technology and systems.

Moreover, it is concluded that the data has been collected through both primary and secondary techniques. the overall findings of the study have concluded that there is a significant and positive impact of oil export revenue on consumer well being as well as per capita income of the Chad country. There is a positive relationship because the export revenue from oil production causes the production and revenue which further increased the per capita income of the country as well. Additionally, the oil export revenue of Chad negatively affects the unemployment generation. The higher will be the oil export revenue, the less will be the unemployment opportunities. Overall, the complete study has concluded that the role of oil export revenue is very vital for Chad to develop the agriculture, manufacturing, per capita income, GDP and consumer well being. The study has also concluded that the following study is significant and beneficial for Africa and its surrounding places.

5.3 Implications

This study has evaluated the impact of Chad oil revenue on the wellbeing of common people as Chad has revolutionary steps in the development in various sectors and it has impacted the positive influence on the economic growth of Chad as per capita income has increased and this rise of income and the life standard has brought sustainability inChadians life. The agricultural sector hasdeveloped and there is a huge change in the per capita income and this revolution has changed the economic situation of the society. The study also grasps the term of the manufacturing sector of Chad economy and its industries as it has raised its industrial sector and the economy has grown well. The research paper also contributes to explain the results of the oil revenue as a major source in empowering the field of manufacturing. Chad is ranked 22nd among the poorest African countries in 2019 according to the International Monetary Funds(IMF). The oil revenue has a great impact and influenced the lifestyle of Chadians. Oil regarded as the wealth of Chad has brought about a great change in the economy of the country and wellbeing of common people and the rate of employment can be increased and this hypothesis is very positive and very influential. Oil revenue as the source of wellbeing of the common people of Chad has brought a positive change. Previous studies also ensure that the oil revenue is a great blessing in improving the per capita income. But before the existence of crude oil, the Chadians had a very low standard and very minimum per capita .this has a very positive influence and very significant role in doing better and raising a stable lifestyle as Chad has been a French colony and now a change in the economy of the country. This study also suggests that oil revenue has a very positive and significant influence on the living standard of the common people.Most of Chadianlive on agriculture as cotton the primary basic crop, livestock, and fishing for earning and profession. The contribution of oil revenues can improve their education and health sector. The field of agriculture can go on a high rank in working and the level of life can be revolutionized. The study also gives a positive impact overall and opens various doors for future analysts to discuss and suggest various solutions and fields to explore the ways and means to make plans and indicate the use of revenue or money in more positive and beneficial purposes. The research paper also suggests that Chad's community has a very positive and valuable chance to develop its various sectors by using this natural wealth. The development in the agriculture sector, manufacturing sector, and to decline the ratio of unemployment are the advantages that the Chad government can avail.

5.4 Limitation/Future research indications

It is important to discuss that the given study has some flaws and shortcomings that resulted in the unavailability of resources. The given study has also some of the limitations that reflect the lack of transparency in the research. One of the significant limitations of the current study is the sample size. In given research, the data only have been collected from 200 individuals. These individuals belong to oil consumption consumers, exports or managerial employees. The data collected only from these individuals based on the availability of resources. However, it is recommended that future researchers must increase their sample size to make research most investigative and analyse the problem. The future study must have to collect the data from other individuals to make research more comprehensive. As the more will be the sample of research, the more significant will be the results and it helps to make research more favourable. Another significant and important limitation of the current study is the lack of indications of variables. The study has designed to highlights the importance of oil export revenue on growing revenue, consumer well being, per capita income, manufacturing sector growth, agriculture sector growth and per capita income of Chad. It is analysed that there is a lack of independent variables. Future studies and researchers must include other variables to make research significant. For instance, future researches should analyse the role and impact of oil price fluctuation on economic well being as well as the economic growth of the country. This is because; the impact of oil prices is very vital and significant on the economic growth of the country as well as other sectors. It is also recommended that future studies should also be analysed and identify the impact of consumption of oil, economic recession as well as macroeconomic stability on the quality of life of the individuals and well being along with economic growth. As macroeconomic factors can be helpful to analyse and check the impact on well being of the consumers as well as the country. Besides this, the future researcher's can also includes other favourable variables such as the export of natural resources and its impact on the revenue trend of other developed countries. This will also be a helpful purpose to identify the trend of imports and exports as with economic growth. Furthermore, the following study has only focused on Chad's country to identify the relationship of oil export on economic, well being, manufacturing, agricultural economic growth. While, it is recommended that the researchers in future time must have to analyse the impact of oil export on another country's economic growth such as China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and other developed nations. This is because these countries are rich in oil and the export of oil has a significant impact on their economy. Therefore, future studies should be conducting the same study in other developed nations under a time series analysis.

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