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Machine learning for big data in galactic archaeology

par Loana Ramuz
Université de Strasbourg - Master 2 Astrophysique  2020

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.1 Neural network vocabulary

In this paragraph, we explain the basic vocabulary needed to understand Machine Learning algorithms or neural networks. All of this explanation will refer to Figure 2, which shows a visual example of a neural net based on the data used for our first net, explained in Subsection 2.2.

As a first step, a neural network, also called a net, can be considered as a black box algorithm, feeding on input data in order to predict output data. Machine learning is almost always used for images and computer vision but it also works on other data types like words, time series or tabular data. The aim of a neural network is to train on a known set of inputs and outputs to adjust itself, and finally to be used for predicting unknown outputs based on known inputs. Physically, this technique extrapolates the links between inputs and outputs within the black box and gets to extend it to all inputs coming in a same way. For a net to work well, data must be normalized between 0 and 1 (otherwise the huge number of matrix multiplications can blow up values beyond the numerical precision range), and well organized: there must be a training set, which contains inputs and associated outputs and is used for adjusting the net predictions to those outputs, and a test set, which is used to check the performance of the adjusted net on a dataset it didn't train on. Furthermore, a net has to deal with a huge amount of data but it cannot deal with everything at the same time: it works on what is called a batch. The batch size is a hyperparameter usually set to 64 (or another multiple of 2) but it is to be set by taking into account other parameters. For this reason, it can be useful to renormalize each batch before using it. This process is called batch-normalization and is made by hidden layers called BatchNorm.

A net is structured in layers. The inputs are contained in the input layer, the outputs in the output layer, both layers represented in blue on Figure 2 and the black box is composed of layers referred to as "hidden". Those hidden layers vary in number, size and complexity according to the situation it is applied to. There are two types of hidden layers: the parameters in yellow on Figure 2 and the activation functions in purple on this same Figure. One can also speak about activations (in red), the layers that don't require computing, which help comprehension of what happens in the black box but is not used in the process. The parameters can be considered as matrices that contain the weights of the net, which are initially defined randomly or set to arbitrary values and then adjusted in the training session. They can be for example linear or convolutional layers. The activation functions are used to help convergence during the training, and always keep the

Figure 2: Explanatory scheme of a neural network for linear regression (see Equation 2.2.1). The net feeds on a N × 8 dataset composed of 7 inputs (in our case photometric colours) in the input layer and one output in the output layer. It has several hidden layers (yellow and violet elements) whose number and type depends on the needs of the situation, and obtains a prediction of the output. The activation functions can be ReLu (maximum function), sigmoid or more complex if needed. The loss function can be mean square error or otherwise, it helps compare the predictions to the expected values and adjust the weights and bias (values of parameters matrices) as needed.

dimensions of the activations they apply to. For example, the ReLu layer is basically a maximum function helping the predictions to stay positive (since data inside the hidden layers are supposed to be between 0 and 1), the sigmoid layer is often used as the last activation function as it allows to project the predictions between 0 and 1, ensuring the respect of normalization, or between expected minimum and maximum if one wants to denormal-ize within the algorithm.

The adjusting part we have been talking about is what is called training. It is a step during which the net feeds on the training set inputs, which is called the forward pass, computes a prediction and compares it to the expected outputs. This comparison can be done using different techniques called loss functions. The type of loss function is to be chosen in line with the situation for which one wants to develop a neural network. For classification there is for example the cross entropy loss function which turns the predictions into probability of belonging to different categorical classes. For regression, one of the simplest examples is root mean square error, but one can use more complex functions that are less prone to bias from outliers. After obtaining the loss, i.e. the difference between expectation and prediction using the loss function, the weights in the hidden layers are adjusted so as to decrease this loss. This is called the backward pass and is done by a method called an optimizer. For all our nets, we will use the default setting which is the Adam optimizer, a gradient descent technique using adaptive learning rate from moment estimates. The learning rate is the rate at which the adjustment goes, a very important

and useful hyperparameter which also has to be adjusted during training. It is highly dependent on the batch size, so those two have to be taken into account together. Once the backward pass is done, the whole process starts over. One fitting loop is called an epoch, and the number of epochs is another hyperparameter to choose and adjust carefully.

During one epoch, there is not only training but also a validation part. This part consists of doing just a forward pass on the test set, i.e. a set which is not used for training and so is unknown by the net, to test its efficiency on real conditions. Thus, at the end of each epoch, one gets two important pieces of information: the training loss and the validation loss. One way to check if a net is learning is to get the predictions and compare them visually with the expected outputs, thus showing the evolution of the efficiency of the net during training. The training process is supposed to tend to decrease the training loss

Figure 3: Illustration of dropout from Srivastava et al. 2014 [1]. Up: a neural net with 2 hidden layers. Down: the same net but thinned using dropout.

but sometimes it doesn't happen. This phenomenon is what is called underfitting: the net doesn't catch the intrinsic links in the training set and so can't improve itself. The validation loss doesn't take part in the training process so it normally has no reason to decrease with the number of epochs. If it does, everything is going well and the net is learning. If it gets bigger, the net is overfitting: it becomes too specific to its training dataset and is not able to extend to new data. One type of hidden layer that can prevent the net from overfitting is Dropout. In fact, overfitting can be seen as the net taking too much information from the training dataset. So as to prevent from that, it is useful to skip some parameters in the matrices as shown in Figure 3, an illustration of dropout by Srivastava et al. 2014 [1], one of the first to develop this technique. The upper net is fully connected, i.e. all of its parameters are active, and in contrast, the second one has dropout. Dropout layers come with a dropout probability, meaning a probability of dropping out a parameter in the following layer. This quantity is another hyperparameter to optimize to improve the performance of a net.


Therefore, creating a neural network requires one to organize the data it will train on, decide of what type of net will be the most efficient in this situation and adapt progressively all the hyperparameters to get satisfying training and validation losses. Some of the hyperparameters will of course depend on the situation, in particular as shown in Figure 2, the sizes of the first and last parameter matrices depend respectively on the input and output sizes. But basically, all other internal (number, types and other sizes of hidden layers, loss function) and external (number of epochs, learning rate) hyperparameters are to be adjusted by trial and error.


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