Edit Plus
Edit plus is an Internet-ready 32-bit text, HTML, and code
editor for Windows. It offers many features for Web page authors and
programmers, including syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, Perl,
C/C++, Java, JavaScript, and VBScript. It is possible to use a seamless Web
browser for previewing HTML pages, and FTP commands for uploading local files
to an FTP
Server. Other features include HTML toolbar, user tools, line
number, ruler, URL highlighting, auto-completion, clip text, column selection,
powerful search and replace, and multiple undo/redo.
In this section, we are going to describe some works which
have similarity with this work. Those we have referred to are; Online
application for residential information system, Management system of rooms and
restaurant, submitted in partial fulfillment of academic requirement for the
award of a Bachelors Degree in Information (Systems and) Management for the
year 2011 at NUR and INILAK .
2.3.1 Online Application for Residential Information
This one have made by NTAWUMENYIKIZABA Abdullah
who worked about residential information to rent and or to sell for people in
Kigali. The similarity between these systems with this system is on the way of
renting a house using an online system, but quit different, while this system
will post houses based on international standard requirement that focus on are
and safety.
2.3.2 Management System of Rooms And Restaurant.
This one have made by KWIZERA Hilaire who worked about on how
a student at KIST may get a room easily. The similarity between these systems
with our system is on the way of finding where to live for a certain period of
time to a person using an online or automated system.
Our contribution is to provide useful data base which contain
information about home, renting home, and relocation of services. Expatriate
will enjoy quick and good services.
This chapter describe the analysis on how new employee for
expatriates gets home for rent and relocation services when they are deployed
in one of international organizations or missions represented in Rwanda. It
also illustrates the problems found on the ways operations on home for rent is
found and how relocation services are delved in those organizations or
Rwanda is a landlocked country situated in central Africa, bordered to the
north by Uganda, to the east by Tanzania, to the south by Burundi, to the west
by the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rwanda is famously known as the scene of
the 1994 genocide committed on Tutsis. Rwanda has tremendous progress in many
areas of social welfare, with the help of the international organizations and
friend countries through diplomatic missions. These international organizations
and diplomatic missions in their activities send experts in different domain
for different mission and purposes.
We have taken some of those international organizations and
diplomatic missions as case of study looking for information and see how new
employees get home rental and how relocation services that related to our
research are operated:
· European Union is an organization for cooperation
between governments. It was born in the 1950s with the aim of bringing together
the nations and people of Europe in the aftermath of World War II. In 50 years,
the European Union has brought together 27 countries, totaling population of
almost 500 million in the year 2008.
In Rwanda European Union and European Union member states, is
the major contributor of the aid provided to Rwanda. Its office is located at
Kacyiru 1807, Boulevard de l'Umuganda in Aurore house opposite Umubano hotel.
Five of 27 Members states are represented in Rwanda: Belgium, Germany, the
Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the Swedish cooperation.
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda was established for
the prosecution of persons responsible for genocide and other serious
violations of international humanitarian low committed in the territory of
Rwanda between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994.
The seat of the Tribunal is located in Arusha, United
Republic of Tanzania in Arusha International Conference Centre, but the Office
of the Prosecutor is located at Kigali in Amahoro Hotel behind Amahoro National
· United Nations Development Program is the United
Nations' global development network, advocating for change and connecting
countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better
In Rwanda the United Nations Development
Program offices are located in Kigali City at Avenue de l'Armee 12