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Home rental and relocation services system

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Alphonse Minani
INILAK - Bachelors 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


This project of home rental and relocation services system is composed with six chapters with what:

The first chapter, «General introduction» introduces the project and the background of the county which one play the major role in our project while it is studied case. Generally and specifically with this chapter we will introduce the objectives of our project. The difficulty and methods in problem solving will be found out. We will show condition in which the solution we are proposing could be applicable. As every work done our project is delimited in this chapter.

The second chapter, «Literature Review» will state specification terminology, comparative studies of works done on home rental and relocation services. Here the difference of our project with other similar works or projects done will be shown.

The third chapter, «Analysis of Existing System» shows all analysis we have made on home rental and relocation services at, and how that system would work currently. We will also analyze all features and characteristics that will be adopted by our system.


The fourth chapter, «Analysis and Design of the Proposed System» will describe the engineering specifications and target critically evaluating the existing benchmarks and specifically identifying the gaps which our project is intended to fill. We will show how concepts evolved and what will be the requirement specifications, the block diagram, the system architecture indicating various modules and entity relation diagram, data flow diagram, data dictionary .

The fifth chapter, «Implementation of System» will reflect the development of our project, technology tools we have chosen to use, important modules' interfaces that our system will show, and finally testing result and discussions.

At the end of our work there will be the last chapter, «Future Enhancement» which will summarize key aspects of our project and state conclusion that we have been able to draw. We will outline our future work and identify the benefits from our project.




In this chapter three main part are developed and discussed on the Specific terminology, the Comparative study of home rental and relocation services and our personal contribution.

The purpose of the first part is to provide a brief description about terms that are used during development of this project. It deals with theoretical concepts and fundamentals that support this project. It provides definitions and characteristics of technologies used.

The second part of this chapter will be focused on the comparative study of our work done in attempt to solve the home rental and relocation services problems.

The last session of this chapter is my contribution to solve home rental and relocation services problems but through the different ways from consulted works.


Before developing the information system, basic concepts must be illustrated for developer or user. Definitions and characteristics of technologies used are described below.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous voulons explorer la bonté contrée énorme où tout se tait"   Appolinaire