Sahel, Jatropha curcas, MDP, crédits carbone,
This master thesis is a proposal to emphasize comparative
advantage of the Sahelian countries in terms of vast tracts of arid land by
developing industrial Jatropha curcas crops. To ensure the economic
feasibility of such very risky initiatives, our first approach is to seek
funding from Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) which remains an abstract
framework for the majority of African states. Moreover, the concept of jatropha
system also allows sustainable projects by more small investments which aimed
to enhance the untapped potential on the basis of social entrepreneurship.
Methodologically we first apply the Pression-States-Response
P-S-R model of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD). This formula has enabled us to diagnose environmental status and
realities of Sahel then to demonstrate the relevance of jatropha
popularization. finally, analysis of encouraging results of some sahelian
experiments reinforces our choice by demonstrating that the environment and
social aspects are really favourable for jatropha system with fewer risks in
comparison with others African regions.
Thus, whether one is dealing with industrial projects or
smaller initiatives involvement in jatropha production sees itself as a
response to desertification but also to the larger energy gap in rural areas of
the Sahel. In fact, an intensification of this crops in dry-lands is solution
for a contribution to protecting the global environment by reforesting land
among the most barren planet that account. Our schematic also provides to meet
the needs of investors mainly in carbon credits while developing a die of
proximity ideal for revitalizing the Sahelian agriculture.
Sahel, Jatropha curcas, CDM, carbon credits,
Liste des acronymes et abréviations
- AIE : Agence Internationale de l'Energie ;
- CER : Certified Emissions Reductions ;
- CEDEAO : Communauté Economique des
Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest ;
- CILSS : Comité Inter-états de
Lutte Contre la Sécheresse au Sahel ;
- CO2 : Dioxyde de carbone ;
- FABER : Fond Africain des Biocarburants et
des Energies renouvelables ;
- FAO : Organisation des Nations unies pour
l'agriculture ;
- FMI : Fond Monétaire International ;
- GES : Gaz a Effet de Serre ;
- GEXSI : Global Exchange for Social
Investissements ;
- GIEC : Groupe d'Experts Intergouvernemental
sur l'Evolution du Climat ;
- Ha : hectare ;
- ICRISAT : International Crops Research
Institute for the Semi-arids Tropics ;
- IUCN : Union Internationale pour la
Conservation de la Nature ;
- MBSA : Mali Biocarburant SA ;
- MDP : Mécanisme de Développement
Propre ;
- M F C : Malifolkecenter ONG ;
- OCDE : Organisation de Coopération et
de Développement Economiques;
- OMD : Objectifs du Millénaire pour le
Développement ;
- ONG : Organisation Non Gouvernementale ;
- P-E-R : Pressions-Etats-Réponses ;
- PIB : Produit Intérieur Brut ;
- PK : protocole de Kyoto ;
- PMB : Produit Mondial Brut ;
- UE : Union Européenne ;
- UEMOA : Union Economique et Monétaire
Ouest Africaine ; - WWF : World Wide Fund for nature.