Defining strategy and technical means
Technical project's still a poor factor in the implementation
of an ERP project. The importance of its components, architecture and other
operational management isn't perceived with sufficient acuity by the
The various levels that will guide the ERP project are:
- Implementation of technical infrastructure and procedures
support needs of project phase and prepare production environment. This step is
done during the design phase and project execution.
- Scalability of continuous services, which support change under
real conditions. This step occurs during the integration phase and into
- Service continuous, provide needs and carry out any transfer of
competence in the internal teams.
Non-technical context or improperly mastered causes:
- Loss productivity of the project team and a lot of
nervousness. This may represent about 20% of potential team product and
therefore huge sums relative to cost techniques themselves.
- Dissatisfaction or even a rejection of the new information
system by users.
3.2.3. Implementation of the solution
The factor of success on this phase is to avoid external
disturbances. But factor of failure is the modest involvement of user's
resources on integration process.
Key activities are: Coordinate sub-projects
During this phase ERP sub-projects; expansion and integration are
closely linked and must master the synergy between them.
The master of sub-project clarify during this phase management
rules; establish setting sheets, detailed specifications of programs interface
and extensions. It is from this point that the training of implementation is
elaborated. It is built around configuration, specific programs and interfaces.
The master of interactions requires above all a good balance communication
between functional and technical teams. Organize the deployment
When deployment is expected we must build, establish strategy and
launch anticipatory action. A deployment plan
The deployment steps should identify organizational various
entities that is deployed from the driver. The sequence should include:
o Functional constraints (such area must be installed before
another, two areas of different entities have to go into production at the same
o Integration constraints (reuse of existing interfaces, don't
develop temporary
o Constraints of project objectives (project benefits may be more
urgent at any given location).
Functional and technical constraints are identified; we try to
go as soon as possible by establishing multiple deployments and allocate means
to ensure monitoring and supervision of the project. Deployment teams organization
A team should be identified for each deployed unit. This team
is deployed to the entity for which installation of the ERP is a mini-project.
Skills of this local team are reinforced by a specific expertise from initial
project team or experts who have been specially trained for this purpose.
The identification of the local team will need at first to
choose a project manager and representatives of users on functional area.
User's choice depends on the complexity of key functional areas and on the
profile of user's representatives.