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Welfare implication of determinants affecting aggregate consumption expenditures in Rwanda( Télécharger le fichier original )par NIZEYIMANA Alphonse Kigali Independent University ULK - BSc Economics 2016 |
KIGALI INDEPENDENT UNIVERSITY (ULK) SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS POBox: 2288 KIGALI-RWANDA AFFECTING AGGREGATE CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE IN RWANDA PERIOD: 1995-2015 WELFARE DETERMINANTS A research thesis submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of bachelor's degree in economics Submitted by: -NIZEYIMANA Alphonse: 31075 SUPERVISOR: Prof. Dr. RUFUS Jeyakumar Kigali, September, 2016 III DECLARATION I, NIZEYIMANA Alphonse hereby declare that this dissertation entitled «Welfare implication of determinants affecting aggregate consumption expenditure in Rwanda: 1995-2015» is my own work and it has not been submitted anywhere for the award of any degree. NIZEYIMANA Alphonse Tel: +250788851921/+250787077701 Email: nzmnalphonse@gmail.com iv APPROVAL This is to certify that this dissertation work entitled «Welfare implication of determinants affecting aggregate consumption expenditure in Rwanda 1995-2015» is original research conducted by Mr. NIZEYIMANA Alphonse under my supervision and Guidance as a University full lecturer. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. RUFUS Jeyakumar Full Professor and Dean of the School of Economics and Business Studies at Kigali Independent University (ULK) Email: deanfebskigali@ulk.ac.rw Tel: +250788303668/+250788620205 To my brothers, sisters, To my parents with my DEDICATION V AKNOWLEDGMENT I would like first to acknowledge and thank God for loving and blessing me since my birth until now. I thank particularly Prof. Dr. RUFUS Jeyakumar who devoted part of his time to the supervision of this work. His invaluable guidance contributed to the successful completion of this research. I would like to expand my thanks to my beloved HABIMANA Canisius's whole family. I would like to expand my thanks to brothers and best friends: Mr. NSABIMANA Amiable, Mr. HATEGEKIMANA Jean Baptiste, Mr. HAREMIMANA Joseph, Mr. NGIRIMANA Benjamin and their families who more contributed to the achievement of this work. Thanks go to my beloved family Mme NYIRAMBARUSHIMANA Alexandrine and my first bone BUSINGYE Thea Isabelle who all encouraged me during my studies. Thanks go to my friends, colleagues and classmates precisely in the department of economics for making my student life enjoyable. vi May God bless them! VII LIST OF ACCRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS %: Percentage AD: Aggregate Demand ADF: Augmented Dickey-Fuller APC: Average Propensity to Consume APC: Average Propensity to Consume AS: Aggregate Supply BNR: Bank National du Rwanda Co: Autonomous Consumption CPI: Consumer Price Index DHS: Demographic Health Survey ?: Change (increase or decrease) e: nominal exchange rate EXCHR: Exchange rate Frw: Rwandan Francs GCE: Gross Consumption Expenditures GDP: Gross Domestic Product GNP: Gross National Product i.e.: It means INF: Inflation rate INT: interest rate LDC: Less Developed Country LM: Lagrange Multiplier MPC: Marginal Propensity to Consume NDP: Net Domestic Product VIII NNP: Net National Product OLS: Ordinary Least square PCE: Personal consumption expenditures PP: Philip-Peron Calculated value R2: R-square SACCOs: Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations U L K: Kigali independent university WWW: World Wide Web X-M: Export minus ImportYd: Disposable income å: Real exchange rate ix |