AODV Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector
DSR Dynamic Source Routing
EM Exclusion Mutuelle
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
IP Internet Protocol
K-EM K-Exclusion Mutuelle
MAC Medium Access Control
MANET Mobile Ad-hoc Networks MSG MeSsaGe
NbJeton Nombre de Jeton
NAM Network AniMator
NMM Nombre de Messages Moyen
NS-2 Network Simulator 2
OLSR Optimized Link State Routing protocol
RDM Random Direction Model
RED Random Early Detection
RWM Random Waypoint Model
SB Station de Base
SC Section Critique
TAM Temps d'Attente Moyen
TCL Tools Command Language
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TPATT TemPs d'ATTente
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UM Unités Mobiles
ZRP Zone Routing Protocol