Interpretation and analysis
Based on the findings from official documents scrutinised, it
can be interpreted that MDGs in Rwanda are complemented by various strategies
hence the issue of foreign aid cannot be underestimated at all cost .To this
effect it stands to reason that foreign aid is important. Finally, while good
cooperation is characterised by mutual exchange of ideas about methods and
solutions, development partners too frequently continue to promote their own
objectives and methods at the expense of the beneficiary?s ownership. Much of
the cooperation is still offRwanda?s socio economic development and therefore
not aligned with Government?s Strategic Plan and administrative systems. In
order to make the cooperation more effective, modalities must be designed to
reform and simplify donor policies and procedures to encourage collaborative
behaviour and progressive alignment with Government?s priorities, systems and
procedures. In the final analysis it was felt that aid was
still inevitable but that aid programs must be accompanied by national
productive programs which will eventually sustain the economy without aid.