3.3 Data presentation and analysis
Borgdan and Biklen (1992) define data analysis as a process of
systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts and other
materials that the researcher accumulates to increase his/ her understanding
of them and enable him/her to present what he/she would have discovered
to them. The data collected using questionnaires will be
analysed using a statistical computer package. For sorting purposes,
questionnaires will be coded by way of giving each completed one a unique code
on receipt from the respondents. All responses will thus be considered
pre-coded since the computer package (SPSS) has the capability to assign codes
and values to each response entry. Frequencies, cross-tabulations, means and
analysis of variances (ANOVA) obtained from the results will be analysed and
summarised into tables and graphs that reflect patterns and relationships. The
qualitative aspects of the questionnaires and other qualitative data from
interviews and focus group discussions will be analysed using thematic content
analysis. Details of the analysis will be presented in Chapter 4 in the form of
graphs, tables and descriptive comments.
3.4 Chapter summary
This chapter has outlined the research design adopted in this
study and has further justified the methodologies used. The research
instruments that were employed have been exposed and efforts have been made to
explain how the data was collected. The next chapter deals with the
categorization, presentation, interpretation and analysis of findings.