I dedicate this research work to
My children Charlotte and Junior,
My Late wife Ruth,
My Dear mother Therese,
My Late father Ladislas,
My sister and brothers,
All Creative Thinkers and Researchers.
The success and accomplishment of this research work stems
from efforts and dedication offered by many individuals and institutions whose
support was either direct or indirect. I thank all of you for your devotion,
generosity and mercy to complement my labours in making my education
Esteemed acknowledgement is attributed to Rwanda Revenue
Authority, my employer for allowing me to further and diversify my studies
while performing my usual duties.
I acknowledge the Kigali Independent University (ULK)
particularly the Faculty of Law for the quality training accorded to me for the
past four years. The efforts of both academic and non-academic staff in
organisation and implementation of the faculty agenda are much appreciated. I
acknowledge the support and guidance that was offered by the Dean of Faculty of
Law whenever I approached him. The skills attained will facilitate perfection
in my professional career.
Special thanks go to Mr. ABIJURU Emmanuel, the Supervisor of
this research work for his wise and kind guidance. His genuine cooperation,
encouragement and simplicity enabled me to accomplish my work in a calm and
convenient environment. I wish to thank him sincerely for his precious
availability. His assistance and his advices have been particularly helpful.
His devotion and commitment towards the success of this work will always be
With much regard, I thank late Dad and loving Mother for their
endless love. I equally thank my Loving Sister and brothers who were always by
my side when things turned the other way round. Thank you indeed for being
there when I needed you. You have been special friends to me.
Special consideration is accorded to all my classmates and
Special thanks also go to my colleagues at work for being so
friendly and supportive during this period.
Above all, I owe much tribute to the Almighty God who gave me
a life worthy living and I thank Him for giving me the strength to accomplish
this project.
KABERA Charles
RRA: Rwanda Revenue Authority
PAYE: Pay as You Earn
RIEPA: Rwanda Investment and Export Promotion Agency
MAGERWA: Magasins Généraux Au Rwanda
RFR : Rwanda Francs
TPL : Law on Tax procedure
Commissioner General: Commissioner General of RRA
Customs Law: Law N° 21/2006 Of 28/04/2006 Establishing The
Customs System
EAC CMA: East African Community Customs Management Act
Table of Contents
General Introduction
i. Background of
the study
ii. Statement of
the problem
iii. Research
iv. Research
v. Research
vi. Objectives of
the study
a. General objective
b. Specific objectives
vii. Scope of the
viii. Significance
of the study
c. To the researcher
d. To ULK
e. To Taxpayers
Overview on Tax offences
I.1. Definition of
Tax and Tax Offences
I.1.1 Introduction
I.1.2 Definition of Tax
I.1.3 Elements of Tax
I.1.4 Classification
I.2. Justification
of tax
I.2.1 Economic Stability
I.2.2 Increase of government revenue
I.2.3 High employment level
I.2.4 Fair distribution of income
I.2.5 Protection policy
I.2.6 Optimum allocation of Resources
I.2.7 Restriction of consumption of certain
I.2.8 Controlling Inflation
I.3. Tax
I.3.1 Definition
I.4. Main tax
offences under Rwandan tax law
I.4.1 Consumption Tax Offences
I.4.2 Income Tax offences
I.4.3 Value Added Tax violations
I.4.4 Customs offences
I.5. Causes of tax
I.5.1 Historical
I.5.2 Lack of civic sense
I.5.3 Cash economy
I.5.4 Complexity of laws
I.5.5 Complexity of tax system
I.5.6 Tedious procedures
I.5.7 High rates of taxes
I.5.8 Limited resources and capacity of tax
I.5.9 Government regulations and
I.5.10 Tax offenders are not named and
I.5.11 Attitudes and perceptions towards
I.5.12 Corruption among some tax
I.5.13 Low literacy and lack of tax
I.5.14 Poor economic development and
I.5.15 Technological developments
I.5.16 Unemployment in border areas
I.6. Negative
impacts of Tax offences
I.6.1 Cost of non compliance to tax
offenders and the government
I.6.2 Honesty loses and offender wins
I.6.3 Additional costs to honest tax
I.6.4 Loss of Government Revenue
I.6.5 Distortion of market prices
I.6.6 Collapse of local industries
I.6.7 Unemployment
A critical Analysis of Tax Offences Control and
II.1. Rules and
Procedures in tax offences control
II.1.1 Customs Department
II.2. Powers to
investigate tax offences
II.2.1 Powers to get information from the
II.2.2 Powers to information from the third
II.3. Contradictory
and Assessment without notice
II.3.1 Contradictory procedure
II.3.2 Assessment procedure without notice
II.4. Sanctions in
case of tax offences
II.4.1 Sanctions based on the law on tax
II.4.2 Additional sanctions
II.4.3 Administrative Sanctions provided for
by Customs law
II.4.4 Other sanctions not mentioned in the
II.5. Settlement of
II.5.1 Administrative Appeals
II.5.2 Judicial Appeals Phase
Recommendations for improvement
III.1. Legislative
III.1.1 Simplifying and amending the law
III.1.2 Strong investigative powers
III.1.3 Powers to seize of remove
III.1.4 Application of adequate
III.1.5 Prosecution, Sanctions and
III.1.6 Tax amnesties
III.1.7 Access to third party records and
the power to issue summonses
III.1.8 Indirect Methods of Assessment
III.1.9 Introducing invoicing/receipting
III.1.10 Introducing record keeping and
accounting codes
III.1.11 Taxpayer assistance and
III.1.12 Providing information, tools to
help taxpayers
III.1.13 Informing taxpayers of high risk
III.1.14 Educating taxpayers to seek
invoices from suppliers
III.1.15 Publicising prosecution cases and
III.2. Providing
opportunities for voluntary disclosure
III.3. Using
informants and tax evasion referral hotline
III.3.1 Involving taxpayers in consultative
III.3.2 Intermediary assistance and
III.3.3 Establishing task force of experts
to advise tax RRA
III.3.4 Cross border activity
III.4. Stamping out
corruption and tackling inefficiency
General Introduction
i. Background of the study
With the growth and increasing globalisation of businesses
(including the increased mobility of capital and rise of e-commerce), the
opportunities for taxpayers to commit tax offences are expanding, prompting the
need for the tax administration to continually update and broaden the
strategies it uses to deal with these offences.
Rwanda has had a tax system since the earliest days of
colonial settlement. Today, the government collects over RFR 252.5841(*) billion in taxes and duties.
These taxes fund vital public services, like hospitals, the police, and our
schools, to mention but a few. Taxes also have powerful effects on the size and
shape of the Rwandan economy. They make an impact directly and indirectly on
how, where and when Rwandans save, work and invest. Yet, we realize that every
year a lot of revenue escapes national treasury due to tax evasion and related
offences. A good tax system needs to be robust and efficient in terms of
revenue collection, compliance improvement and control of tax offences.
Indeed over forty percent (40%) of the country's budget is
financed by «foreign partners». This tends to put undue pressures on
the government when the expected foreign funds are not forthcoming. To minimize
the foreign dependency, it is imperative for the government and the Tax
Administration to redouble their efforts in domestic tax revenue maximization.
Before 1997, Tax and customs in Rwanda used to be managed by
two different and under-staffed departments in the Ministry of Finance. Within
these departments, the same people were responsible for both generating tax
policy and organizing the collection of taxes. This gave rise to problems such
as tax evasion and the special treatment of friends of senior officials and
ministers. In addition, unqualified and corrupt revenue officers, and out of
date systems, meant that taxes were not being collected efficiently enough.
Rwanda has made a substantial effort to adjust all its laws
and regulations to best serve its national interests and to respect
international priorities. Since 1997, many new laws have been enacted to meet
the contemporary need of public regulation. One of the most cumbersome and
problematic issues Rwanda has been consistently working on is the tax
legislation of this country.
This research paper addresses the issues connected with the
current problems in Rwanda tax legislation, especially in the area of tax
offences and the legal responsibility for related unlawful activity. The paper
critically analyzes the notion of how tax obligation and tax offence are
currently interpreted as well as how the tax authority and other state
authorities address any breach of tax law. Further, the paper briefly discusses
different types of legal responsibility for tax offences and legal punishment
foreseen in various laws of Rwanda.
One difficulty encountered with research analysis is that the
relevant provisions concerning responsibility and punishment for tax offences
are distributed throughout different legislative acts, i.e. in Criminal Code,
Administrative Code as well as in other Financial and Tax laws and bylaws. A
second difficulty lies in determining the necessity for rigorous penalties that
ensure effective prosecution of committed tax related offences and their
adequacy to the type of tax infringements. This paper attempts to ascertain
whether it is feasible to reach a compromise between the above-mentioned
conflicts of interest.
This paper first of all, attempts to determine what the
notions `tax obligation' and `tax offence' entail and what are the most
recurrently committed tax offences. Secondly, this paper scrutinizes what
Criminal, Administrative and Civil-Financial liabilities are envisaged for the
infringement of tax legislation in Rwanda.
Finally, the paper discusses the effectiveness and
acceptability of these types of punishments and attempts to offer some
recommendations towards their improvement.
ii. Statement of the
People talk about tax matters, complain about them and try to
dodge them when they can2(*). Some always pay; some always cheat; and some cheat
when they think they can get away with it3(*). Businesses also react to taxes, both in how they
organize their activities and, perhaps, in where they carry them out. How
people and businesses react in turn affects the level and structure of
Tax offences give rise to several legal questions; Whether
Penalties and fines are well executed when tax offences are committed, Whether
the Rwandan tax law fully addresses the problem of tax offences, whether
Rwandan courts are strong enough to prosecute tax offenders, whether a
`prevention is better than cure' approach is applied by the tax administration
to prevent tax offences before they are committed.
iii. Research questions
This research is intended to find the possible solutions for the
following questions:
1. How effective are Rwanda legal instruments and
administrative measures in addressing tax offences?
2. What improvements needed to control tax offences
iv. Research
v. Research Methodology
1. Documentation
This involved Analysis Secondary data which textbooks on
taxation, Taxation Law, tax administration, Rwandan legal texts, Legal texts of
other, Documentation from RRA, RRA website, Websites of other tax
administrations, papers presented in national and international seminars,
conferences and workshops and Electronic data related to taxation.
2. Interviews
In order to obtain data related to the objectives of this
research, selected taxpayers were interviewed to know their perception
towards taxation and what they expect to be done to improve their tax
compliance levels.
3. Observation
This method was used in order to scrutinize things that cannot
be easily sported out such as the activities and attitudes of tax
administrators and taxpayers respectively. For example, using this method, the
researcher observed the attitude of taxpayers towards tax administration and
vice versa. The researcher mainly used observation method when he attended the
Appeals Committee meetings to observe how tax appeals process is conducted and
establish whether the taxpayers' rights and obligations are considered.
vi. Objectives of the
a. General objective
Objective of the study is to analyse the current measures to
control tax offences under Rwanda tax system and recommend measures that the
Rwandan tax administration can use to minimise commitment of tax offences.
b. Specific objectives
The research study will highly focus on specific objectives
particularly which will be to:
1. identify the concept of Taxation under Rwandan tax Law;
2. Investigate the causes and consequences of tax offences;
3. Identify legal and administrative measures used to address
tax offences;
4. Identify existing loopholes in addressing tax offences;
5. Recommend measures to address the problem of tax offences
in Rwanda.
vii. Scope of the study
This study covers taxes that are mainly exposed to tax
offences; customs, value added tax, income tax and excise. Other taxes and
non-tax revenue are beyond the scope of this research work.
The scope of the study is:
1. Existing tax offences control provisions of different Acts
and their implementations,
2. Administrative, institutional, legal and other constraints
in tax compliance and enforcement of tax laws,
3. Recommendation of policy instruments to control leakages
viii. Significance of the study
c. To the researcher
As a student who took Law option, the research will help the
researcher to accumulate practical knowledge and competent skills in the area
of study from the research findings and possible recommendations through
research findings thus being able to solve practical problems related to tax
d. To ULK
The research findings will be useful to ULK as a centre of
Higher Learning; the university will benefit from the results of this study to
help present and future researchers at the University.
e. To Taxpayers
Through this research study, the tax base will be widened
hence easing tax burden on all taxpayers. This research study will also be of
significant importance to taxpayers who choose to comply by providing them with
convenient ways to undertake transactions with the tax administration as well
as providing taxpayers and their advisors with the information they need to
understand and meet their tax obligations.
CHAPTER I. Overview
on Tax offences
`For the impositions that are laid down on the people by
sovereign power are nothing else but the wages due to them that hold to public
sword, to defend private men in the exercise of their several trades...'
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, 1651.
I.1. Definition of Tax, Tax Offence and related terms
I.1.1 Introduction
Taxes are levied in almost every country of the world. It has
been suggested that the tax system has become the `maid' of all work5(*). This description emphasizes the
range of functions that taxes and tax systems might perform or be asked to
perform. These functions often include a combination of a management, a
redistributive function and general need to raise revenue.
I.1.2 Definition of Tax
A tax may be defined as any leakage from the circular flow of
income into the public sector, excepting loan transactions and direct payments
for publicly produced goods and services up to the cost of producing them. It
is in effect a contribution designed to reduce private expenditure in favor
public expenditure to enable the government to obtain funds in order to provide
social and merit goods and services, redistribute income, clear market
imperfections and stabilize the economy6(*). A tax may also be defined as an imposition of
compulsory levies on individuals or entities by governments.
Tax is generally referred to as a compulsory levy by the
government upon assessment of various categories. It is a compulsory levy
payable by an economic unit to the government without any corresponding
entitlement to receive a definite and direct quid pro quo from the
A tax is a non penal but compulsory transfer from the private
sector to the public sector levied without receipt of a specific
A tax is a compulsory contribution imposed by a public
authority, irrespective of the exact amount of the service rendered to the
taxpayer in return9(*).
Also professor Seligman suggests that tax is a compulsory
contribution from a person to the government to defray the expense incurred in
the common interest of all, without reference to special benefits conferred.
A tax is defined as a compulsory levy imposed on the nationals
and residents to meet expenses which are incurred by a government for the
common cause10(*).
Tax may further be defined as a compulsory contribution of
wealth of a person or body of persons for service of public powers. It means
taxes are a portion of the produce of the land and labour of a country placed
at the disposal of the government.
Taxation can as well be defined by as a system where by the
government imposes compulsory contribution for public purpose.
The above definitions points out or encompasses three main
characteristics of the tax and the following deserves mention;
1. Tax is not levied for a return for a specific service
rendered by government to tax payers. An individual can not ask for any special
benefit from the government in return for the tax paid. It is referred to as a
non-quid-proquo payment11(*).
2. It is a compulsory contribution imposed by the government
on people or companies. Because of its compulsory nature, those who do not pay
it are reliable to being punished but it is to be paid by those who come under
its jurisdiction12(*)
3. It is a payment by taxpayers which is used to benefit all
the citizens whereby the government uses the collected revenues to establish
infrastructures such as hospitals, schools as well as other public utility
It is believed that tax may be of different kinds as
1. There is sales tax that is imposed on sale of commodities
but in Rwanda it can be paid after sale such as VAT on some goods that may be
2. Also there is also income tax that is imposed on incomes of
individuals and among others there is Pay as You Earn (PAYE) on employee's
3. Custom duty is another kind of tax that is imposed on
imports or exports, though in Rwanda, the exports are exempted from this tax
4. Exercise tax which is imposed on production or importation
of some commodities
5. Further still, there are fees that are paid for services
rendered by the government directly such as import license, road license and so
I.1.3 Classification
Taxes are classified on the basis of their form as either
Direct or Indirect.
1. A direct tax is a tax whose incidence of the tax burden
rests upon the person paying the tax. Direct taxes affect the individuals or
firms directly through a deduction from their earnings. An example of a direct
tax is PAYE and tax on income.
2. An indirect tax is said to be a tax whose incidence of tax
burden can be shifted. They are paid to the government by an intermediary and
can be passed on the consumer by including the tax in the final price. An
example of an indirect tax is VAT and Consumption Tax.
I.2. Justification of tax
The development of different sections of the economy is not
possible without the state help. The government should develop irrigation,
transport and communication, industrial and agricultural systems of the country
for the rapid increase in the rate of economic growth13(*). Therefore, Taxation is
necessary because it is not possible or desirable to obtain all resources
needed for the government programs from prices, licenses, and fees. Certain
services, such as national defense and general public administration, can not
easily be sold to individuals. This is because if these services are provided,
the benefits are generally available to all individuals, irrespective of
whether or not they pay, and one person's enjoyment of them does not diminish
the benefits available to others. Similarly, it would not be socially
acceptable to provide certain services, such as education and police protection
only to those who are able to pay full costs because, then, only the `rich'
would be able to enjoy these services.
The points stipulated in the following subsections give an
outline to justify of taxation.
I.2.1 Economic Stability
Firstly taxes are imposed to maintain economic stability in
the country. When it is a period of inflation, the state imposes more taxes so
as to discourage the useless expenditures of the individuals and the same
applies to deflation where taxes are reduced to enable the citizens spend more
money. It is from here that indirect taxes may automatically stabilise the
economy as much as goods having high income elasticity of demand are taxed more
I.2.2 Increase of government revenue
The main reason of imposing taxes is to raise revenue for
financing public activities such as building schools, roads, and hospitals,
maintain security of nationals, and safeguard territorial integrity thus
playing a pivotal role in maintaining a political, social and economic
environmental stability14(*)
I.2.3 High employment level
When the revenue collected is used into developmental affairs,
individuals get employed due to more employment opportunities created.
I.2.4 Fair distribution of income
There is also another reason which is fair distribution of
income (Reduction of income inequality). Here the government imposes taxes to
achieve equality in the distribution of national income where by the rich are
taxed highly that will improve the welfare of the poor and taxing the poor less
or giving subsides. This has already been done in the Rwanda context such as is
PAYE system.
I.2.5 Protection policy
The policy of the government must be protected by enhancing
local industries through imposing high taxes on imported commodities from other
countries but of the same type (damping). The government can also subsidize
home industries so that the cost of production is low. This will enable these
industries to compete with other regional ones especially now that regional
integration may not allow imposition of taxes on goods from neighbouring
countries. Protecting home industries also solves a social problem of
unemployment as local gain capacity they absorb unemployed skilled manpower.
I.2.6 Optimum allocation of
Taxes may bring about a balanced national development. This
means that out of revenues collected, government may decide to allocate
resources to areas or sectors where development is highly needed so as to have
balanced productive results.
I.2.7 Restriction of consumption of
certain commodities
The government imposes taxes for the element of social welfare
by imposing high taxes on harmful goods to human health and these include
alcoholic drinks, cigarettes and other harmful chemicals.
I.2.8 Controlling Inflation
Taxes are used to check on inflation by reducing the
purchasing power
of the people. This can be done by increasing taxes on their incomes so that
there is a reduction on disposable income15(*).
I.2.9 Tax offence
Rwandan Tax law does not define a tax offence. However under
article 106 of the Russian Tax code, a tax offence is defined a tax offence as
` an unlawful (in violation of tax legislation) act (action or inaction) of
a taxpayer, tax agent or other persons entailing liability under the present
In other words, this article ensures that the act cannot be
regarded as tax offence unless four elements of tax offence exist: (i) The act
should be unlawful; (ii) there must be guilt in the composition of the act;
(iii) the act should have been committed by one of the subjects mentioned in
the article and (iv) Tax Code foresees a responsibility for such an act.
The notion of tax offence under Rwandan tax law slightly
differs from the Russian definition. The academics depict `tax offence'
«as an unlawful, culpable action or inaction, that results in
non-fulfilment or inappropriate fulfilment of tax obligations foreseen in the
tax legislation and such action or inaction breaches the rights and legal
interests of participants of tax relations and legislation foresees legal
responsibility for that17(*)»
I.3. Main tax offences under Rwandan tax law
I.3.1 Consumption Tax Offences
According to consumption tax law on some imports and locally
manufactured products, the following are some of the offences that may be
committed by Oil products dears:
· Failure to allow the Authority easy access to all
premises and petrol stations for evaluation and inspection purposes;
· Failure to make a declaration to the Authority before
any petrol station is started up so that its premises may be inspected first;
· Failure to affix a standards certificate as required by
an authorized officer;
· Failure to present any document providing details as to
what is required by the Authority's inspection;
· Failure to report beforehand to the Authority and in
writing any changes, damage, increase or decrease of tanks and pumps;
· Failure to make a declaration to the Authority as
regards any premise used for the sale oil products;
· Failure to have underground tanks be tested;
· Failure to have pumps be inspected and present their
related standards certificate;
· Failure to store and sell oil products that are
contained in tested underground tanks or any other tested types of store;
· Failure to have standards certificates for meters of
pumps meant for oil products selling;
· Failure to allow easy access for experts or those
representing the Agency endowed with expertise in testing whether underground
tanks, pumps or meters respect standards;
· Failure to allow easy access to an authorized officer
sent by the Commissioner General to carry out relevant inspection in a given
petrol station;
· Failure to authorize any qualified person to carry out
any activity or check whether legal provisions are respected.
I.3.2 Income Tax offences
According to Law on Tax Procedures18(*) the following are provided as
VAT offences:
· Failure to pay tax within the period set forth by the
· Failure file a tax declaration on time;
· Failure to file a withholding declaration on time;
· Failure to withhold tax;
· Failure to provide proofs required by the Tax
· Failure to cooperate with a tax audit;
· communicate on time the capacity or appointment the
taxpayer has been given;
· Failure to register as described by article 10 of this
· comply with articles 12, 13 and 15 of this Law;
· Failure to pay on time the profit tax advance.
I.3.3 Value Added Tax violations
The following administrative fines are imposed to persons who
do not comply with provisions of Value Added Tax:
· Operation without VAT registration where VAT
registration is required,
· Incorrect issuance of a VAT invoice resulting in a
decrease in the amount of VAT payable or in an increase of the VAT input credit
or in the event of the failure to issue a VAT invoice
· Issuing of a VAT invoice by a person who is not
registered for VAT
· Failure to pay tax withheld
· Aiding, abetting, obstructing or
attempts to obstruct the activities or duties of the Tax Administration in the
exercise of its powers.
I.3.4 Customs offences
(i) Offences by Taxpayer
According to article 215 of Customs law, the general
principles of Criminal Law apply to Customs offences, unless provided otherwise
by this Law19(*).
Article 216 of Customs law lists the following as the Customs
· smuggling of goods subject to duties;
· smuggling of prohibited or restricted goods;
· importation under declaration of prohibited or
restricted goods using false or fraudulently obtained documents;
· incorrect declaration of goods aimed at reducing import
duties, established subsequent to clearance of the goods;
· incorrect declaration of goods established subsequent
to clearance of the goods;
· use or issue of false documents in view of evading
· smuggling or incorrect declaration of goods not subject
to duties;
· incorrect declaration of goods or use or issue of
incorrect documents in view of obtaining refund or drawback of duties;
· unauthorized removal of goods from customs
· use of goods for purposes other than those for which
favourable tariff treatment, suspension or total or partial exemption of
customs duties and taxes is granted;
· unlawful removal of goods from the customs procedure
under which they were placed;
· failure to discharge a customs procedure within the
prescribed time limit;
· unauthorized handling of goods in a bonded
· removal of seals or of any other distinctive signs,
affixed for control purposes by Customs officers on means of transport,
packages, containers, etc;
· breach of quality and packing standards at importation
or exportation;
· non-compliance with requests or orders of Customs
officers and resistance or obstruction to Customs officers in performing their
· failure to keep mandatory documents, or to produce them
on request by a Customs officer;
Under Rwandan customs law, Customs offences are sanctioned
with imprisonment, fines, confiscation. In addition to these Penal sanctions,
customs offences may be subject to administrative measures.
(ii) Offences by Officers
Unfortunately, Rwandan tax laws do not give provision for
offences by tax officers. However the According to EAC CMA provides the
following offences:
· A person who directly or indirectly asks for, or takes,
in connection with any of his or her duties any payment or other
reward, enters into any agreement to do, abstain from doing, permit,
conceal, or connive at, any act or thing whereby the Customs revenue is or may
be defrauded, or which is contrary to the provisions of this Act or the proper
execution of his duty, commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.
· A person who directly or indirectly offers, or gives to
any officer any payment or reward, Proposes or enters into any agreement
with any officer in order to induce him/her to do, abstain from doing, permit,
conceal, or connive at, any act whereby customs revenue is defrauded or which
is contrary to the provisions of this Act or the proper execution of his duty,
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three years. A person who discloses, except for the
purposes of this Act or when required to do so as a witness in any court or
with the approval of the Commissioner, any information acquired by him or her
in the performance of his or her duties relating to any person, firm,
or business of any kind commits an offence and shall be liable on
conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both such fine and
I.4. Causes of tax offences
There are many causes of tax offences to the extent that one
can not cite them all. It would, therefore, be difficult to establish the
causes which are more significant than others. I will however, cite some of the
causes of tax offences as follows.
I.4.1 Historical
Rwanda, like Most of other developing countries was colony of
European powers. Their independence was preceded by a struggle for liberation
from the foreign rulers. In this struggle, people were politically taught to
disobey the laws to fail the foreign government. Not paying taxes was one of
such measures. Habits are easy to form but difficult to give up especially when
these are beneficial for one's own interest.
I.4.2 Lack of civic
In Rwanda, like any other developing world, people lack civic
sense. Laws have no sanctity in their eyes. People are all the time thinking
about their rights and privileges. Little attention is paid to the obligations.
In this frame of mind, parting with money becomes much more difficult.
I.4.3 Cash
In an economy like Rwanda, which is predominantly cash based,
it is not only easy but also safe to conceal income. In such economies, evasion
has a very conducive atmosphere to thrive on. It, therefore, spreads very
I.4.4 Complexity of
It is well known that tax laws are often complex, confusing,
and arbitrary20(*). To
some degree this complexity is probably unavoidable since tax laws deal with
commercial transactions and has to cover a very wide variety of transactions.
This complexity provides ample justification for the ordinary people to evade
At the same time, complexity of the tax law also encourages
large companies, high wealth individuals and their advisors to look for ways to
minimise their tax. In such a case, the government may react by resorting to
the retrospective patching up of loopholes in the law and this can create even
more inconsistencies and more advantages for them to take advantage of. This
has resulted into taxpayer being with an upper hand to evade taxes, and at
times, through the help of some individuals that are expelled from the tax
administration organ.
I.4.5 Complexity of tax system
A highly complex tax system also makes the taxpayer compliance
burden and costs high, so taxpayers have less (or even no) incentive to comply
with the laws. For example, there is a high cost of compliance due to the
different kinds of forms to fill and uncoordinated due dates. If taxpayers do
not understand how their taxes are calculated and when these should be paid,
they will not be comfortable in paying them! This may also prevent the
expansion of overseas companies in Rwanda and restrict capital investment.
In addition, in some countries, the penalties for delaying the
payment of taxes are so ridiculously low that the taxpayers simply do not
bother to send the tax payments at the time they fall due, thus creating tax
arrears and administrative problems. For them borrowing from the government
becomes the cheapest source of credit21(*)
I.4.6 Tedious
If the law is difficult, the procedure for assessment is even
more complex. People would therefore like to stay away from the tax net as long
as they possibly can through commitment of different tax offences.
I.4.7 High rates of
High tax rates may persuade some individuals to non
compliance. Therefore, it would be counter productive and the people complain
that VAT rate of 18 percent is very high and it has induced commitment of tax
offences and has diverted trade from official routes to non official routes.
However, low rates may not promote payment of taxes but high rates are
definitely ill-conducive for tax compliance.
I.4.8 Limited resources and capacity of
tax administration
Unfortunately, the limited resources and capacity of tax
administration is a reality and often means that Tax offences activities remain
unchecked. Limited resources and capacity can take the form of inadequate
numbers of staff or inadequate staff with the required skills and knowledge
(e.g. audit and investigation skills); poor infrastructure or systems; and lack
of support, funding or autonomy from the government.
With the tax administration unable to adequately carry out its
role of enforcement and education/assistance effectively and efficiently, this
often translates into taxpayer perceptions that there is a low risk of getting
caught and/or there are minimal consequences of non-compliant behaviour.
I.4.9 Government regulations and
This factor is related to the complexity of the tax
laws/system discussed above, but also encompasses the rules and regulations
imposed by other government agencies. In this case, the costs associated with
formalising a business such as registration costs, permits, yearly costs for
accounting and secretarial services may discourage formalisation and provides
disincentives for taxpayer to be compliant and resort to commitment of
different tax offences. Excessive amounts of regulation can also encourage
corruption, as taxpayers try to bribe their way through the red-tape.
The lack of coordination between government agencies also
exacerbates this problem. Therefore, a considerable degree of the ease which
the informal sector can bloom and grow is attributable to the extent to which
business activity regulatory rules are enforced by the relevant authorities and
the extent to which these authorities cooperate with the tax administration in
dealing with the problem.
I.4.10 Tax offenders are not named and published
Persons committing breaches of tax laws in Rwanda have not
been described as criminals. In international tax literature, they have been
described as "white collar criminals" and evasions and avoidance acts as "white
collar crimes". Since they are not named they are not demotivated to commit tax
Lack of publicity (naming and shaming) of tax offenders is one
of the reasons for widespread of tax evasion and other tax offences. Even when
the tax offender is caught and punished for committing a tax offence is not
publicised. Therefore, this has encouraged tax offenders to evade tax just
because they are not exposed to the public.
I.4.11 Attitudes
and perceptions towards taxation
Among some taxpayers, tax morality is low and there is a
strong culture to evade and avoid tax. In other words, there is no social
disapproval or reprimand for commitment of tax offences. Often, this is
exacerbated by the evasive actions of friends, relatives, co-workers and
business colleagues. The perception of Tax offences as a crime is also low.
This is not the view of only general taxpayers but also includes members of the
judiciary who are inclined to pass lenient fines and sentences.
Some taxpayers do not also realise what the government is
doing for them as a result of tax revenues and it is from here that the
taxpayers escape from paying taxes in conformity to what they are due to
I.4.12 Corruption
among some tax officials
Corruption is present when public officials abuse their
positions of public authority for private gain.23(*) Such corruption undermines confidence in the tax
system, negatively affects willingness to pay taxes, and reduces a country's
capacity to finance government expenditures.24(*) There is considerable potential for corrupt practices
in revenue administration involving tax officers, taxpayers, importers and
customs clearing agents.
Corruption in revenue administration can take many forms
ranging from systematic - where individuals act together, to systematically
support evasion (usually driven by senior staff) - to individual corruption,
where staff either have `clients' whom they facilitate illegally or where they
simply exploit their positions for financial gain. In addition, those involved
in corrupt activities continually seem to be very inventive in finding new
loopholes as some doors are being closed. Examples of corrupt activities
· Charging for services that should be free
· Speeding up of services (especially charging for
faster clearance of goods)
· Charging for help to overcome complicated
procedures and to qualify for exemptions or duty free treatment
· Turning a blind eye to non-registration for
taxation, smuggling, and fraud (in customs, for instance, the declaration of
false values supported by fraudulent invoices)
· Overstating values, over-assessing tax to instigate
corrupt deals with importers and taxpayers
· Aiding taxpayers and importers in understating
income and value of goods
· Selling insider information about competitors,
profits, purchase costs, etc.
· Receiving payments to impede a competitor's
business activities
· Diverting of cash, including issuing cheques for
false repayment claims, for instance, value added tax (VAT) refunds
· `Losing' files that contain evidence of tax
· Facilitating or organising the smuggling of
· Receiving payment to complete tax returns for
taxpayers or customs entries for importers
Our understanding of the nature of fiscal corruption has
improved significantly over the last decade but it is still limited in several
ways. Similarly, our understanding of the relative effectiveness of policy
responses and anti-corruption strategies has also improved but is far from
I.4.13 Low literacy
and lack of tax education
In Rwanda, the rate of literacy is rather low and there is
limited tax education. For an uneducated person, it is difficult to understand
the need for payment of taxes. Taxes are treated as punishment.
Low literacy level makes it even more difficult for tax
administration to educate taxpayers about their obligations and for taxpayers
to complete the necessary forms.
Many of the options available to the tax administration to
educate taxpayers, such as brochures, booklets and information on the web
become irrelevant when a large proportion of the population is illiterate.
Some unscrupulous taxpayers exploit the general low literacy
perceptions by not maintaining any business records or accounts when in reality
many of them are fully capable or literate enough to do so. RRA needs to think
of other methods to disseminate information such as running face-to-face
seminars and workshops.
I.4.14 Poor
economic development and poverty
The bottom-line is that if taxpayers are struggling to stay
alive, paying their taxes would be the last thing on their mind! They do not
see taxes as an investment that might improve their future living standards.
Technological developments
The rise of e-commerce and internet communication is changing
the nature of business (for example, it can involve intangible goods such as
downloadable music) and makes it even harder for tax administrations to track
and account for transactions. The deletion, hiding or encryption of electronic
records by businesses also makes it difficult for tax administrators to uncover
and follow the audit trail.
I.4.16 Unemployment in border areas
In some cases, the unemployed are used to smuggle goods, for
example, high level of unemployment in border areas induce individuals to
smuggle goods and evade customs duties and other taxes collected at customs.
And there may be traders who involve in tax offences due to likely failures of
their business and other individuals with marginal income who are not able to
meet their expenses from their earnings. Otherwise the motive to commit tax
offences is excessive enrichment.
I.5. Negative impacts of Tax offences
I.5.1 Cost of non
compliance to tax offenders and the government
Expenses incurred by tax offenders to commit tax offences are
high. Also efforts to prevent detection and conviction are high and a burden to
the government.
I.5.2 Honesty loses
and offender wins
Tax evasion may drive some firms out of business as they are
unable to compete with owners that successfully evade taxes.
I.5.3 Additional
costs to honest tax payers
Additional compliance cost is borne by honest taxpayers in
terms of record keeping etc in view of the possible investigation.
I.5.4 Loss of
Government Revenue
Tax evasion deprives government of revenue for public
Also Government revenue is spent on the enforcement side
including investigation, prosecution and punishment of tax offenders.
I.5.5 Distortion of
market prices
Goods sold by tax offenders are often sold a lot cheaper than
goods brought onto market through the right procedures. Tax evasion therefore
deprives traders of free competition.
I.5.6 Collapse of
local industries
A country achieves better economic growth by developing its
own industrial base. Tax evasion in form of Smuggling undercuts prices of the
locally manufactured goods, thus destroying the market for local products.
This leads to collapse of local industries.
I.5.7 Unemployment
When there is unfair competition in the market due to tax
evasion and other related offences, compounded by the collapsing of industries,
the labour market (employment base) is eroded. Many professionals, skilled and
unskilled personnel remain jobless.
A critical Analysis of Control and Prosecution of Tax Offences
II.1. Rules and
Procedures in control of tax offences
II.1.1 Introduction
Although Rwandan Tax Law clearly asserts which acts are
accepted as clear violation of tax legislation, there are other frequently made
violations of tax legislation similar to ones mentioned in the Rwandan Tax Law.
Professor Shaulov and professor Cann (2000) provide some examples of such
offences, which include tax evasion26(*), creation of illegal organizations and violation of
cash payment disciplines27(*). Hence, in practice there are more cases, which can
be determined as tax offences.
Another contemporary problem in the field of responsibility
for tax offences involves provisions regarding procedural matters of proving
violation of tax law. More specifically, there are no appropriate rules that
distinguish breach of tax law by an individual from a breach of tax legislation
by a legal entity. For example, in the case of a trainee accountant who makes a
minor error and mistakenly overstates or understates the accounting information
in Rwandan tax law there is no clear response to the question of who is
responsible: The legal entity or the accountant?
Another aspect of the current tax law of Rwanda is the absence
of some fundamental conceptions like theoretical composition of tax offences.
More precisely, very few academics have ever discussed the elements of tax
offence. Therefore, the such conceptions of Tax Law are mainly based on other
branches of law such as Administrative Law and Criminal Law. Consequently, tax
authorities and other law enforcement organs usually need to apply an analogous
system of the determination and proof in tax law28(*).
There is a misconception that tax offences are not treated
with the same seriousness as other offences of fraud or dishonesty, and that
tax offences are somehow «victimless» crimes. That is incorrect. A
conviction for tax evasion can carry the very distinct risk of imprisonment as
well as heavy fines29(*).
The threat of long imprisonment may create some amount of fear and induce
offenders to pay their taxes30(*)
Finally, tax offences may be specified in tax law covering
matters such as late filing, late payment, and failure to declare taxable
income or transactions, and negligent or fraudulent misstatements in tax
II.1.2 Current rules applied in control
of tax offences
Examples Issue oriented audits handled were 32 and the
comprehensive audits were 423. In SMTO, additional assessment (tax and
penalties) raised as a result of audits an amount equivalent to Rwf 3.2 billion
or 8.3% of total amount collected by the office as shown in the table below:
Amount of additional assessments and penalties by tax in SMTO
(Values in RFR)
Type of Tax
Additional taxes
Profit tax
Source: RRA, 2007
Comparing amount recovered from audits and that collected
through self assessment, the compliance ratio in this segment is 91.7%. This
figure however good it is does not mean that informal sector has reduced. The
reason is that the Authority has focused its efforts to the existing taxpayers
in this segment in order to improve its compliance.
In Large Taxpayers Office, 266 cases were audited
comprehensively against 256 cases planned, thus an achievement of 103.9%. Out
of 266 cases audited, 191 were finalised contributing an additional amount of
Rwf 12.8 billion. The table below shows in details the additional assessment
raised as a result of audits for 2007 in LTO. This makes it 88.8% compliant.
Additional assessments and penalties by tax in LTO (Values in
Type of Tax
Additional taxes
Profit tax
Excise duty
Withholding Tax
Source: RRA, 2007
In Customs and Excise Department, 43 post clearance audits
were conducted against 208 planned for 2007, thus an achievement of 20.7% and
revenues recovered totalled to Rwf 353.2 million. This underperformance was due
to restructuring that was going on and shortage of staff in the department.
II.1.3 Customs
Efforts have been made in fighting importers who use forged
invoices, dumping and monitoring international transit malpractices which had
developed especially in paper work. Special attention was also given to
operations aimed at fighting smugglers of some sensitive products such as
liquors and wines, offenders of value added tax and users of forged documents.
Also, operations were carried out in markets and trading centres where several
smuggled goods were seized32(*).
During the course of the year 2007, 17 investigation cases out
of 48 planned were finalised with a total assessment of RFR 1.065 billion and
14 cases were in progress at the end of the year.
RRA encountered various forms of VAT refund and credit fraud,
such as false claim on exports, overstated input tax, understated output tax
and illegitimate businesses registered for the sole purpose of defrauding the
government. On average, 18 percent of VAT refund claims lodged were
In addition, many seizures of fraudulent cases led to recovery
of taxes that would have otherwise been evaded. The total revenue recovered was
RFR 256.9 million. Other violations recorded in 2007 were undervaluation,
misclassification, and transit violations.
Other efforts to eradicate or minimize customs fraud and tax
evasion have been made by RRA. Information exchange with sister Revenue
Authorities on imports destined and transiting through Rwanda was enhanced.
Information and documents exchanged with other authorities are composed of true
costs for the major exports and imports to our country and will enable RRA
create a database capacity for disqualifying fake invoices declared at customs.
This has been the most practice used by a majority of non compliant
During the year 2007, RRA continued to monitor the application
of the tax laws in order to identify any areas of difficulty that may require
legislative amendment. In this respect, a document containing areas of possible
amendment to the tax laws was prepared. This document has been updated since
then and was used as a basis for proposing the amendments to both the Law on
Direct Taxes on Income and the Law on Tax Procedures33(*).
The changes proposed in this draft cover the following:
Clearer presentation of the provision on depreciation34(*) on Plant and Equipment, which
poses ambiguity as to whether the rate for depreciation of heavy plant and
machinery falls under the 5% straight line bracket method or if it falls in the
depreciation method of pooling at 25%.
§ The tax treatment of finance leases which is missing in
the current tax legislation.
§ Clarity on Thin- capitalisation rules.
§ Review of Tax procedures law on the procedure of
estimated assessments.
§ Sanction against non-compliance to VAT invoicing: The
requirements for items that should be shown in a VAT invoice are specified in
the law on Tax Procedures. However, this provision is not supported by
sanctions for non-compliance.
For example in 2006, Customs law of 1968 which was complicated
and outdated was abrogated and replaced by law no 21/2006 on customs systems,
with a view to simplifying it and making it more taxpayer friendly.
Also in 2007 RRA participated in the policy initiative of the
law modifying law no 26/2006 of 27/05/2006 determining and establishing
consumption tax on some imported and locally manufactured products. The tax on
airtime was dropped from 10% to 3%.
II.2. Powers to
investigate tax offences
The declaration of tax is made when the declaration form with
the supporting documents is submitted to the tax administration. However this
does not constitute the only sources of information for the tax administration
because the tax administration has powers to carry out investigations to get
additional information. This investigation is conducted in case the tax
administration is in doubt of the information furnished by the taxpayer and
suspects that a tax offence has been committed. The tax administration can
either get the necessary information from the taxpayer or from the third
II.2.1 Powers to
get information from the taxpayer
A. Powers to access to the taxpayer's books of
accounts and records
According to articles 12 and 13 of law on tax procedures35(*) all persons engaged in business
activities must keep books of accounts and records. However, it is necessary to
distinguish three (3) categories of taxpayers:
1. The physical persons (not business companies) with
annual turnover less or equal to 1.200.000 Rfr: Taxpayers falling
under this category are not required by the law to keep the books of accounts
and records.
The taxpayers with annual turnover less than twenty
(20) million Rfr: This category of the taxpayers is obliged by the law
to keep the books of accounts only related to their tax liability. It is mainly
the sales, wages and salaries paid by the taxpayer;
The taxpayers with annual turnover more than or equal
to twenty (20) million Rfr: These taxpayers are obliged by the law to
keep a detailed set of books of accounts and records composed of:
· A record showing business assets and
liabilities(Balance sheet);
· Records showing daily income and expenses and to the
taxpayer's business activity;
· Records showing purchases and sales of goods and
services related to the taxpayer's business(Purchases and sales accounts);
· Records showing trading stock at the end of tax period
(Annual stock inventory).
All the books of accounts, documents and record are required
to be kept in the premises of the taxpayer or any another place located within
in Rwanda36(*) at least for a period
of ten years. The obligation to keep these sets of accounts is made in order to
facilitated the authorised tax officer have access to them and conduct
verification and establish whether any tax offence has been committed.
Once the books of accounts and records are produced and
provided to the tax authorised officer, they are verified to establish whether
they comply and are in conformity to the reality of the business activities
under investigation.
B. Access to the taxpayer's business
The authorised tax officer has the right to enter into the
taxpayer's business premises as well as the houses of dwelling or residence
(private buildings). The authorised officer can have access to and enter into
the taxpayer's premises (both business premises and private premises) without
issuing any written notification. The authorised tax officer can carry out this
activity between 7.00 am in the morning and 6.00 pm in the evening)37(*). However this entry should be
conducted in application of the constitutional principle of the respect of the
private life.38(*) In the
case where the taxpayer refuses the authorised officer the access to his
premises, the tax administration can request search warrant from the
prosecution. When the tax administration gets the above mentioned permission,
it may seek the assistance of the governor of the province, the Mayor of City
of Kigali, the Commander of Police or the mayor of the District or Town to in
order for the search to be conducted 39(*)
II.2.2 Powers to
information from the third party
Based on the seriousness of tax fraud, the tax administration
has the powers to get information from third parties during the investigation
of possible tax offences. These third parties include administrative
authorities, physical persons as well as moral persons; that is, The
administrative services include Prosecution service, the registries of
tribunals and courts, the subordinate as well as all the public institutions
that the State holds shares or has governance over40(*). These services must provide
the authorised tax officer with all information and documents that they
possess. However In the case these information or document concerning or
related to judicial procedure, they can neither nor shown to the tax
administration without the authorization of a competent Prosecutor.
Contradictory and Assessment without notice
Contradictory procedure
This procedure is applied when the Tax Administration
discovers a miscalculation, an omission, a misrepresentation, an understatement
of income or any other error in the tax declaration or an assessment. In such a
case, the tax administration has the right to issue an adjusted assessment
through submission of rectified declaration form to the taxpayer.
In case the tax declaration form is rectified, the Tax
Administration sends a rectification note to the taxpayer. The note contains a
draft of the adjusted assessment and all the elements leading to the adjusted
assessment. The rectification note contains fines determined by the Tax
Administration in case of non-compliance with the tax laws.
The taxpayer has the right to give his or her written opinion
on the rectification note within thirty (30) days. The taxpayer may also
transmit additional evidence or information to indicate that the adjusted
assessment is incorrect. The taxpayer has the right to a hearing on condition
that he or she requested for it in his or her reply.
The rectification note may be issued in a period of three (3)
years, starting from the day of the filing of the tax declaration. A
rectification note has to be issued at least on the last day of the three year
period. The prescription period is interrupted if the taxpayer has been
informed to be audited by the Tax Administration, when there has been an
affidavit thereof or by other deeds of acknowledgement by the taxpayer
concerning the tax liabilities and all other provisions provided in the other
A rectification note is definitive after:
· a period of thirty (30) days, in case the taxpayer has
not replied to the rectification note;
· the Tax Administration has sent a notification to the
taxpayer declaring that none or a part of the observations or remarks of the
taxpayer are uphold;
· the hearing of the taxpayer followed by a written
notification by the Tax Administration to the taxpayer declaring that none or
just part of the observations or remarks of the taxpayer are upheld.
II.3.2 Assessment
procedure without notice procedure
The law on tax procedure provides different case when
assessment procedure without notice can be started; that is when:
· no tax declaration has been made;
· a tax declaration was filed after the day mentioned in
the Law on Taxes and there was no proof given of «force majeure»
justifying the delay in filing;
· the tax declaration was not signed by a competent
· the tax declaration was not accompanied by all
necessary documents;
· the taxpayer was unwilling to cooperate with a tax
audit officers or did not provide the information requested;
· books and records were not kept as provided by law;
· there are serious indications of tax fraud.
In the event of the assessment procedure without procedure,
the Tax Administration sends a note of an assessment procedure without notice
to the taxpayer. The note contains all reasons why the assessment procedure
without notice was conducted. It may also contain fines in case of
non-compliance with the tax law. All proofs available to the Tax Administration
can be used to carry out an assessment procedure without notice.
The taxpayer has the right to give written observations and
remarks to the note of an assessment without notice in a period of thirty (30)
days. He may also transmit additional evidence to the Tax Administration to
prove that the assessment procedure without notice was not effectively
The assessment procedure without notice may be conducted in a
period of five (5) years, starting from January 1st, following the tax period.
A notice of assessment procedure without notice has to be issued at least on
the last day of five (5) year period.
If there are serious indications of tax fraud, the Tax
Administration can issue an immediate assessment without notice.
An assessment without notice is definitive:
· after thirty (30) days, if the taxpayer does not reply
the assessment procedure without notice;
· After the Tax Administration has sent a notification to
the taxpayer declaring that none or part of the observations or remarks of the
taxpayer are upheld;
· After written or verbal explanations of the taxpayer of
which the tax administration notified the taxpayer that none or part of the
observations or remarks of the taxpayer are upheld;
· After the conduct of an immediate assessment without
Finally, it should be noted that in case of assessment without
notice, the burden of proof lies with the taxpayer. In other words, the
taxpayer should give the proofs that contest the elements appearing in the
assessment without notice41(*).
II.4. Sanctions in
case of tax offences
II.4.1 Sanctions
based on the law on Tax procedure
In case of an administrative tax offence, the taxpayer cannot
be prosecuted through tribunal because there is no criminal law that has been
violated. On the other hand, the tax offence will be liable of administrative
sanctions provided by the fiscal law. These sanctions are the pecuniary
sanctions and the accessory sanctions.
1. Pecuniary sanctions
The pecuniary sanctions are of three: the stationary fines,
the proportional fines and the interests for late payment.
a) Fixed amount fines
The fixed fines are the amounts that constitute an
administrative sanction for a noncompliant taxpayer. According to article 60 of
LTP, the administrative offences which lead to fixed amount fines are applied
to a taxpayer who fails to:
· file a tax declaration or late tax declaration,
withhold tax;
· cooperate with the tax administration;
· provide information requested by the tax
· register with the tax administration, pay on time
profit tax advance;
· keep books of accounts and records or to file on time;
· file a withholding declaration on time;
Fines related to violations of above provisions are set as
· one hundred thousand (100,000) Rwanda francs if the
taxpayer's annual turnover is equal to or less than twenty million
(20,000,000)Rwanda francs;
· three hundred thousand (300,000) Rwanda francs if the
taxpayer's annual turnover exceeds twenty million (20,000,000) Rwanda francs;
· five hundred thousand (500,000) Rwanda francs if the
taxpayer was informed by the Tax Administration that he or she is in a large
taxpayer category42(*).
The fixed amount fines apply only to one tax offence. This
means that if the taxpayer commits several offences mentioned above, he will be
liable to pay as many fines as the number of committed offences.
Finally, it should be noted that that in case the same
violation is committed twice within (5) years, the fine is doubled. In case the
same violation is committed again within such five (5) years, the fine is four
times the original fine43(*)
b) Proportional fines
The proportional fines are the administrative sanctions that
constitute percentages calculated on the tax due. These fines take place in
three (3) situations: late payment of the tax, misrepresentation of the due tax
and non-payment of VAT.
In case of late payment of tax, the taxpayer is subject to tax
increased by ten percent (10%) of the tax payable. The taxpayer is not subject
to this fine if the Commissioner General provides the taxpayer with an
extension for filing of the declaration. The proportional fine is calculated
based on the tax excluding the fines and interests of late payment44(*).
Concerning the understatement of a tax due through
understatement of received income, overstatement of deductible expenses or
understatement of tax rate, the taxpayer is subject to the following
· ten percent (10%) of the amount of the understatement
if the understatement is equal to or more than five percent (5%) but less
than twenty percent (20 %) of the tax liability he or she ought to have
· fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the understatement
if the understatement is twenty percent (20%) or more but less than fifty
percent (50%) of the tax liability he or she ought to have paid;
· one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the
understatement if the understatement is fifty percent (50%) or more of the tax
liability he or she ought to have paid.
However, if the taxpayer rectifies his tax declaration before
he is notified that he will be audited he is not subject to the above fines.
Finally, concerning VAT violations, the following
administrative fines are imposed to persons who do not comply with provisions
of law on Value Added Tax46(*):
· in the event of operation without VAT registration
where VAT registration is required, fifty percent (50%) of the amount of VAT
payable for the entire period of operation without VAT registration;
· in the event of the incorrect issuance of a VAT invoice
resulting in a decrease in the amount of VAT payable or in an increase of the
VAT input credit or in the event of the failure to issue a VAT invoice, one
hundred percent (100%) of the amount of VAT for the invoice or on the
· for issuing of a VAT invoice by a person who is not
registered for VAT is assessed a penalty of one hundred fifty percent (150%) of
the VAT which is indicated in that VAT invoice and is due to pay the VAT as
indicated on that VAT invoice.
Concerning decentralised taxes violations, where declaration
has either not been made, is made late, is fraudulent or incomplete, the
taxpayer pays a surcharge equal to 40% of the amount due47(*).
c) Interests for late payment
In case of late payment, the taxpayer is required to pay
interest on the amount of tax.
The interest rate is fixed at the inter bank offered rate of
the National Bank of Rwanda increased by two (2) percent and which is set every
year on January 1st. Interest is calculated on a monthly basis,
non-compounding, counting from the first day after the tax should have been
paid until the day of payment, which is included. Every month started will
count for a complete month. The interest is always payable, even when the
taxpayer has started an administrative appeal or a judicial appeal against the
assessment. However, interest accrues can not exceed one hundred percent (100%)
of the amount of tax. This is to avoid the case where the interest payable can
be greater than the main of the due tax.
For the decentralized taxes, Taxes not paid in the specified
time shall bear such interest for the District or Town as is determined by the
District or Town Council. However, this interest cannot exceed 1.25% per each
month late payment, and is calculated from the date 'the taxes were due to the
date they are paid. A late payment interest is calculated as follows48(*):
· days that are less than one month are considered as a
full month;
· the computing base for interest is rounded up to
hundred francs;
· the interest is stated in Rwanda Francs;
· late payment interests is calculated from the basic tax
plus surcharges and fines due.
d) Sanctions for Tax offences
The law on tax procedure states that `A taxpayer who commits
fraud is subject to a fine of two hundred percent (200%) of the evaded tax.
With exception to that penalty, the Tax Administration refers the case to the
Prosecution service if the taxpayer voluntarily evaded such tax, like use of
false accounts, falsified documents or any other act punishable by law. In case
of conviction, the taxpayer can be imprisoned for a period between six (6)
months and two (2) years49(*)'.
Further more, the same law states that `In case a person
intentionally fails to deliver the tax withheld to the Tax Administration, he
or she is subject to a fine of two hundred percent (200%) of the unpaid tax. In
addition, the Tax Administration refers the case to the Prosecution service. In
case of conviction, the taxpayer can be imprisoned for a period between three
(3) months and two (2) years50(*)'.
II.4.2 Additional sanctions
Apart from administrative sanctions provided by tax laws, any
person who commits offences provided for by the tax law may be subject to two
categories of additional sanctions: those taken by the Commissioner General of
RRA and those taken by the competent tribunal51(*).
a) Sanctions taken by the Commissioner
Sanctions taken by the Commissioner General of RRA include
closure of business activities for a period of thirty (30) days and publishing
the tax offender in nationwide newspapers.
b) Sanctions taken by Courts/Tribunals
The additional sanctions taken by courts/tribunals include
barring the tax offender from bidding for public tenders and withdrawal of a
business register. The sanctions taken by tribunals/courts are based on the
gravity of the offence committed.
Administrative Sanctions provided for by Customs law
According to article 226 of the n° 21/2006 of 28/04/2006
establishing the Customs System, Customs may take one or more of the following
administrative measures against one or more of the offenders of the Customs
· Temporarily deny access to Customs offices, bonded
warehouses, or temporary storage facilities;
· Temporarily suspend or terminate authorization to act
as a clearing agent;
· Temporarily suspend or terminate his/her authorization
for a customs procedure with economic impact;
· Temporarily suspend or terminate access to Customs
electronic network.
II.4.4 Other
sanctions not mentioned in the law
Other administrative sanctions taken by the tax administration
but not mentioned in the tax law include:
· Refusal to benefit from tax clearance certificate
(quitus fiscal);
· Refusal to benefit from facilities of payment in
instalments of their tax arrears;
· Refusal to allow the certificate giving right to a
public tender;
· Refusal of automatic refund (refunded after audit);
· Non renewal of the of clearing agencies' license due to
poor performance record
· Denial of pre-clearance facility
According on law on tax procedure, A person who obstructs or
attempts to obstruct the activities or duties of the Tax Administration in the
exercise of its powers, aids, abets or conspires with another person to commit
a violation of tax Law, is subject to penalties as those provided to the
II.5. Settlement
of disputes
The application of the tax laws is source of a lot of
litigations and disputes between the tax administration and the taxpayer. This
is because in many cases these parties are in disagreement as each party
believes that it has been injured by a decision taken the other party.
Settlement of these disputes has two phases; namely, Administrative appeal
phase and judicial appeal phase.
Administrative Appeals
When a litigation concerning application of tax law occurs,
the taxpayer has the right to introduce the case before the competent tribunal.
However, the case cannot be lodged in the courts unless the case has not been
settled on administrative level.
1. Appeal to the Commissioner General
The taxpayer, who has a period of seven (7) days from the
receipt of the note of assessment in order to pay for the tax due to the
National Treasury, has also thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of this
note a right to appeal to the Commissioner of RRA if he is not satisfied with
the contents of tax assessment notice53(*). The objective of this appeal to the Commissioner
General is to contest the amount of tax assessed. It should be noted that this
appeal does not suspend the obligation to pay tax, interest and penalties.
However, upon the written request by the taxpayer, the Commissioner General may
suspend the disputed amount of tax for the duration of the appeal54(*).
The Commissioner General makes a decision on the appeal within
a period of thirty (30) days and sends it to the taxpayer. The Commissioner
General may extend this period once for another thirty (30) days and informs
the taxpayer. When no decision is taken within this period, the appeal is
assumed to have a basis. When the appeal is found to have a basis, the
Commissioner General discharges the taxpayer from the respective tax liability,
interest and penalties55(*).
Concerning decentralized taxes, the law provides that `If the
taxpayer is not satisfied with the decision taken by the Council, he/she refers
the matter to the courts. In that case, the confiscation of assets is suspended
until the courts have given their verdict56(*)'. However, this law does not specify the period for
2. Appeal to the Appeals Commission
The taxpayer who is not satisfied with the decision of the
Commissioner General may appeal to the Appeals Commission (formerly appeals
council) within thirty (30) days after receipt of the decision of the
Commissioner General57(*).
This Commission is instituted by the Prime Minister's Order No 08/03/2007 on
Establishment, Composition and Functioning of Tax appeals Commission.
The tax Appeals Commission is responsible for settlement of
disputes between the tax administration and taxpayers who are not satisfied by
the decision of the Commissioner General58(*).
The Tax Appeals Commission shall be composed of the Minister
having Finance in his attribution or his delegate who is also the Chairman, a
representative from Rwanda Revenue Authority, who is the Secretary, and three
other members appointed from amongst persons with reputable integrity that have
been proven to be highly knowledgeable in commercial, financial and legal
matters as well as in any other relevant field, nominated by the Minister
having Finance in his attributions.
The taxpayer who is not satisfied with the decision of the
Commissioner General appeals to the Appeals Commission within thirty (30) days
after receipt of the decision of the Commissioner General59(*). The Appeals Commission makes
a decision on the appeal within a period of sixty (60) days (after receipt of
decision of the Commissioner General) and sends the decision to the taxpayer in
writing. When no decision is taken within this period, the appeal is assumed to
have a basis60(*).
When the appeal has been fully or partially accepted, the
Appeal Commission will discharge the taxpayer from the respective tax
liability, penalties and interest accordingly. The Appeals Commission will
notify the Tax Administration of the decision in writing.
II.5.2 Judicial
Appeals Phase
The option for judicial appeals cannot be resorted to unless
the dispute is not settled during the administrative appeals process. If the
taxpayer is not satisfied with the decision of the Appeals Commission, he can
make a judicial appeal and take the case before the competent tribunal within
thirty (30) days after the receipt of the decision of the Appeals
Commission61(*). Also Law
Organic Law modifying and complementing the Organic Law n°07/2004 of
25/04/2004 determining the organisation, functioning and jurisdiction of Courts
States that `in matters related to government tax, cases shall be heard by
specialized tax chamber of a Higher Instance court situated where a tax
collection bureau is located.62(*)' Actions related to tax disputes are governed by the
organic law n° 07/2004 of 25/04/2004 determining the organisation,
functioning and jurisdiction of courts63(*)
CHAPTER III. Recommendations for improvement
III.1. Legislative measures
Legislative control has to do with the nature and design of
the tax laws, and the legal provisions and specifications that can be used to
help RRA carry out its duties effectively and efficiently. Legislative control
includes such things as anti-avoidance provisions; powers of access; review of
the tax laws; penalties and sanctions; and tax amnesties.
III.1.1 Simplifying and amending the
A well-drafted tax law spells out with precision the matters
that are within its scope. But precision is not enough. A law should not be
precise at the expense of being complicated and impossible to understand. The
easier a tax law is to understand, the lower will be the compliance costs, both
for taxpayers and for tax administrators.64(*)
It is commonly known that good compliance outcomes begin with
good legislation. Law that is clear and unambiguous with regards to its intent
and interpretation provides a solid base upon which to build administrative
compliance programmes and compliance risk management. Difficult or ambiguous
law creates increased opportunities for taxpayers to behave in ways that were
unintended by the law. In many ways, good law underpins the tax authority's
ability to deliver procedural fairness in the conduct of its administration. If
taxpayers perceive the law to be unjust or inappropriate, inevitably, there is
an increased risk of non-compliant behaviour.
RRA should continue to propose reviewing tax laws with the
intention of reducing complexity and burden on both taxpayers and the tax
administration. Simplified legal instruments [should be put] in place and
accessed through multiple channels65(*)
However, it should be noted that simplification are often
taken over by the piecemeal amendment of the tax laws to close loopholes that
taxpayers have taken advantage of to avoid tax. This may actually lead to
increased complexity rather than simplification and in some cases further
increases the opportunities for Tax offences.
It is also important to remember that it is not just
simplification of the tax laws in isolation that can encourage compliant
behaviour. There are other regulations and restrictions imposed by other
Government agencies such as RIEPA, RBS, etc that can also be simplified to
provide incentives for taxpayers to comply. For example, even if the tax laws
are simplified, if processes required to register a business are still onerous,
taxpayers will not have an incentive to register their business in the first
III.1.2 Strong investigative powers
Strong powers of access to buildings, places, files and
documents are highly important to the efficient and effective operation of tax
and Customs inspectors. In fact, strong powers of access are rated as one of
the most effective measures they use to combat Tax offences. These powers of
access are stipulated by the tax and customs laws
III.1.3 Powers to seize of remove
Often access powers are not sufficient to enable Tax and
Customs Auditors to carry out their duties. For example, where the investigator
may wish to access large documents which require lengthy periods to read or
copy, or where the investigator fears that materials or documents may be
destroyed or altered if they are not copied or removed immediately. In
response, Tax and Customs auditors should seize or remove materials or take
possession of books and other relevant items where the officer is of the
opinion that the records:
· Cannot reasonably be inspected without taking
possession of them; or
· May be interfered with or destroyed unless possession
is taken; or
· May be needed as evidence.
III.1.4 Application of adequate
Penalties for non-compliance are an essential element of a
robust tax system67(*).
The tax system can be expected to function smoothly and yield anticipated
revenues only if adequate penalties are imposed for violations that strike at
the heart of the tax system, such as failure to file returns and to pay on
time. It is important that the interest provisions for late tax payment
compensate the government for the time that the taxpayer has use of the
government's revenue. The total interest cost for late tax payment should
exceed the interest rate for borrowing should be less costly for the
taxpayer to borrow to pay taxes rather than to delay paying taxes as a way to
obtain cheap financing from the government. In addition, if registration and
other requirements critical for a smooth functioning tax system are adopted,
adequate penalties should be applied for violation of these requirements as
Probably the most traditional measure that has been used by
the tax administration to deal with tax offenders is the application of fines
or penalties, both administrative and criminal. For example, interest can be
charged on tax owed; penalties can be levied for providing incorrect/false
information; penalties can be imposed if an employer fails to withhold tax; and
fines can be issued for late lodgement or non-lodgement. Penalties can also be
issued on advisors. The idea is that the imposition of heavy penalties, coupled
with the increased risk of detection and strong enforcement, reduces Tax
The general view is that for penalties to act as effective
deterrents, they need to be compelling and applied consistently and quickly. At
the same time, the penalty structure also needs to be realistic so that
administrators are not actually reluctant to use them. For example, if the
penalties are so severe and inflexible, they are hardly ever used! The clarity
and fairness of penalty structures is also important. If a taxpayers make an
honest mistake in their tax returns or if they could not pay their tax on time
due to severe personal circumstances, there should be flexibility in the
penalty structures to allow the tax administration to take these issues into
account and either waiver the penalty and/or work with the taxpayer to arrange
for ways the tax debt can be repaid. In both these circumstances, an inflexible
penalty structure may have the effect of alienating the taxpayer and
encouraging them to disappear altogether from the tax net, resulting in
revenues that will never be recovered.
The structure, severity and coverage, of penalties should
increase with: (1) the potential revenue loss due to the tax offence; (2) the
difficulty and cost of detecting the offence; (3) the effect of the offence on
other taxpayers; (4) the offender's state of mind-a higher penalty should apply
if the offence is deliberate and pre-planned; and (5) recidivism. Penalties for
non-compliance should be inversely related to the ease of compliance.
Best practice for promoting compliance Model68(*)
Different attitudes to paying tax may require different
responses to collecting tax. The tax administration should use this model to
show how it meets different attitudes with different responses designed to
encourage and support tax compliance. The model represents best practice in
this area internationally.

The aim for this model is to move people who are not complying
into a position where they are. The points discussed here are intended to help
ease the transition to compliance for those willing to change. For those not
willing to change, the full force of the law should then be applied, with the
hardcore of offenders attracting the severest penalties.
III.1.5 Prosecution, Sanctions and
Where criminal conduct is involved, it shouldn't be dealt with
administratively by the tax office" and "If people are engaging in illegal tax
evasion, getting them to settle up without criminal proceedings means the wrong
message is being sent to the tax-paying public69(*)"
The effective application of penalties needs to be coupled
with firm and timely prosecution of cases. The high cost and lengthy duration
of prosecutions minimises the deterring effect of sanctions and leads to
negative taxpayer perceptions.
Tax offences, however, have been treated as a special form of
offending, quarantined from the general types of criminality, in that the
non-enforcement of the law, together with the use of civil rather than criminal
penalties has, in the past, allowed the taxation system to decay and fall into
disrepute. Further, by allowing major illegalities to go unsanctioned,
enforcement authorities have allowed the development of endemic cynicism and
general disrespect for the law that may take years to reverse70(*).
Since the goal of the tax system is overall tax compliance,
the penalties are properly viewed as incentives for compliance or,
alternatively, disincentives for non-compliance. The tax system imposes civil
(monetary) penalties for non-compliance and criminal (incarceration, fine and
other punishments) penalties for non-compliance. On a scale of culpability, the
criminal penalties are viewed as the punishment for conduct deemed more
offensive to the tax system71(*).
The government's objective in tax prosecutions is to get the
maximum deterrent value from the cases prosecuted. To achieve this objective,
the government's tax enforcement activities must reflect uniform enforcement of
the tax laws72(*).
The criminal tax enforcement system must be understood in the
context of the role it plays in the overall tax system. The tax system raises
revenue for the Government. The Government could not function if it could not
raise revenue73(*).
It is possible, in theory, to prosecute an offender for
evasion of any amount of tax or duty. However, there is an obligation of tax
administration not to waste Government money on prosecuting cases where the
revenue evaded is likely to be less than the cost of prosecuting. It is
important to bear this in mind when selecting cases for prosecution.
Another important aspect of improving compliance is the
provision of effective sanctions for failure to comply. Typically, sanctions
can be of a civil or a criminal nature, and most jurisdictions provide for
both, although in some jurisdictions criminal sanctions would be included in a
separate criminal code74(*). The tax administration should `... appropriate
sanctions to non compliant' taxpayers75(*)
Penalties should be applied to tax offenders in an escalating
nature and range from the administrative and criminal penalties, to
imprisonment for the most serious of cases based on taxation law.
However, the main purpose of penal policy is to provide an
opportunity for the offender to reintegrate himself or herself into society and
to rectify the damage both to the victim and to society caused by the
Other research evidence suggests that a tax system that
combines both penalties and rewards is more effective in maximizing compliance
than a system that focuses solely on sanctions77(*).
Imprisonment frustrates these objectives and should be
reserved for habitual serious tax offenders and for grave offences that do not
readily lend themselves to alternative sanctions.
Putting primary reliance on alternative sanctions should
produce considerable savings in costs and in manpower, alleviating some of the
pressure now experienced by an overburdened criminal justice system.
To help achieve more efficient and effective prosecutions, the
Tax administration should set up an independent and purpose-built prosecution
liaison unit. This unit should be fully equipped with the expertise to
successfully investigate cases for prosecution and also execute care in the
cases they select for prosecution to ensure sufficient return on investment and
positive impact on wider taxpayer perceptions.
Tax evasion is a
crime in almost
all countries and subjects the guilty party to
imprisonment -
in China the punishment can be as severe as the death penalty. In
many acts that would amount to criminal tax evasion in other countries are
treated as civil matters. Even dishonestly misreporting income in a tax return
is not necessarily considered a crime. Such matters are dealt with in the Swiss
tax courts, not the criminal courts. However, even in Switzerland, some
fraudulent tax conduct is criminal, for example, deliberate falsification of
records. Moreover, civil tax transgressions may give rise to penalties. So the
difference between Switzerland and other countries, while significant, is
limited. It is often considered that extent of evasion depends on the severity
of punishment for evasion.
To put it broadly, society needs the reassurance that serious
tax evasion is viewed with the utmost gravity and that all tax paying citizens
are expected to comply with what is a principal obligation of citizenship, the
payment of tax due. The prosecution of an accused tax-offender in a criminal
court is by no means the only serious sanction which may be imposed, yet it is
the most visible and formal way in which society can show its disapproval for
such anti-social and illegal conduct. Furthermore, it is likely (although not
quantifiable due to lack of data) that an increase in prosecutions will lead to
increased tax compliance which in the long run should result in an increase in
the amount of revenue collected78(*).
Other research evidence suggests that a tax system that
combines both penalties and rewards is more effective in maximizing compliance
than a system that focuses solely on sanctions79(*).
Unfortunately, some judges do not see tax evasion as a serious
crime and perpetrators are often let off with lenient penalties or sentences,
which further encourage Tax offences behaviours. Hence, Tax Administration
should look to form stronger links to Prosecution Department and include
education initiatives aimed at that segment to help them recognise the
detrimental effects weak enforcement can have on Tax offences behaviours.
The prosecution of any particular
tax crime has the purpose of not only punishing the offender, but more
importantly of sending a message to the entire population of taxpayers (or
should be taxpayers) to give them the incentive to get right on their
`Appropriate sanctions should be consistently applied to
taxpayers who falsely claim refunds, or do not comply with record-keeping
requirements. Refund-related fraud should be prosecuted through the criminal
justice system81(*)'.
III.1.6 Tax amnesties
The practice of tax amnesty is not a new phenomenon; its
history goes as far back as to ancient Rome. In the contemporary period, many
developed as well as developing countries all over the world have increasingly
conducted tax amnesties as part of their fiscal programs. Some countries have
made repeated use of amnesties and sometimes the repetition of amnesty took
place at an interval as short as every two years82(*).
Tax amnesty is a limited-time opportunity for a specified
group of taxpayers to pay a defined amount, in exchange for forgiveness of a
tax liability (including interest and penalties) relating to a previous tax
period or periods and without fear of criminal prosecution.
Tax amnesty is a good and positive move to allow taxpayers to
come back into the tax system. A tax amnesty should give tax offenders the
opportunity for voluntary disclosure and to lift the burden of waiting for tax
administration discover them through audits and investigations accompanied by
heavy penalties with interests and criminal prosecutions.
The purpose and objective of the tax amnesty will be to
provide tax offenders with an incentive to stop evading tax permanently and
improve the tax compliance culture.
Generally, Tax amnesty will be one opportunity for targeted
taxpayers to come forward and disclose their past evasion. It will offer an
attractive advantage for offenders to disclose evaded taxes and duties. The tax
amnesty will also be backed up by intensive audit activity focused on those who
within the taxpayers in question do not come forward under an amnesty offer.
In fact, it is important to ensure that a proportion of
businesses using an amnesty are subjected to subsequent scrutiny to ensure that
the amnesty is not used to deflect...attention away from serious
III.1.7 Access to third party records and the power to issue
The tax administration should have access to the records of
anyone who has financial dealings with taxpayers and who can provide relevant
information on taxpayers' income and the accuracy of their tax declarations and
books and records
III.1.8 Indirect Methods of Assessment
The law should specifically authorize the tax administration
to use alternative methods to establish or verify the amount due, whether the
tax involved is income, VAT, or another tax. The taxation authority should be
permitted to use these alternative forms whenever the taxpayer fails to provide
the records otherwise required in a complete and accurate form.
III.1.9 Introducing invoicing/receipting
Requirements for invoices and receipts should be emphasized
with the goal of improving the quality of the audit trail and increasing
transparency for consumers by enforcing prescribed documentation and record
maintenance by businesses. Taxpayers should ensure that tax invoices:
· Show Taxpayer identification number
· Clearly identify each taxable supply
· Show the total amount of VAT payable
· The total amount payable.
Introducing record keeping and accounting codes
Poor recording keeping is one of the key barrier that RRA
meets when reviewing or auditing businesses.
The law or regulations should specify taxpayers' obligations
to keep books of account and other records necessary for determining tax
liability. These would include the content and form of invoices, what taxpayers
must use them, and under what circumstances.
The tax administration should compel businesses to keep better
records by providing assistance and information on record keeping; providing
recording keeping tools; and/or by using the law to make certain reporting,
record keeping or accounting standards mandatory.
III.1.11 Taxpayer
assistance and education
Assisting taxpayers by improving the flow and quality of
information or educating them into becoming more responsible citizens (eg TV
campaigns) might yield greater revenue rather than if it were spent on
enforcement activities. Some Anglo-Saxon revenue authorities support taxpayers
through a range of easily accessible explanatory leaflets and provide a useful
site on the Internet85(*).
Tax administration should recognise that the traditional tax
infrastructure of law, auditors, penalties, debt collectors and court cases
needs to be supplemented by measures to boost taxpayers' commitment to pay tax
and their trust in the tax administration.
The tax administration should use different measures to assist
and educate taxpayers, such as providing information and tools to help
taxpayers comply; providing rewards and incentives for good compliance; and
involving taxpayers in consultative forums. At the same time, taxpayers will
also help the tax administration by acting as informants and establishing good
taxpayer behavioural norms.
In 2007, taxpayers' education continued especially on the new
tax and customs laws with a view to enhance taxpayers' compliance. Several
seminars, workshops and consultative meetings with taxpayers, both small and
large were organised in all provinces and Kigali City. Also three seminar
sessions on new fiscal laws with lawyers were organized in collaboration with
the Supreme Court. Sixty meetings at district level were also organised through
Tax Advisory Councils86(*).
RRA has taken ground breaking initiatives to sensitise the
business community on Value Added Tax (VAT) collection. Some taxpayers are not
informed about the law while others lack financial accounting skills and end up
committing mistakes unintentionally. In this regard, VAT campaigns were
organised in different venues of Kigali City. RRA has come closer to help
taxpayers understand the law and train them to handle financial accounting
matters so as to avoid fines. Also RRA wanted to hear the concerns of taxpayers
to enable it tailor make solutions.
During the year 2007, RRA continued to give relevant
information to taxpayers to enable them comply with their tax obligations. In
this regard, the design and content of the RRA's website was upgraded to
provide easily more comprehensive and targeted information to our customers.
III.1.12 Providing information, tools to
help taxpayers
The provision of information, tools and guidance to help
taxpayers comply is very important. If taxpayers do not understand what their
obligations are, any intervention to enforce compliance will be perceived as
unfair. Thus, a first step in considering how to address a specific
non-compliant behaviour should be to review whether or not the appropriate
steps have been taken to make obligations clear -- meaning transparent, easy to
understand, simple and non-confusing guidance. Such a process should include
consideration of the following issues:
· Are the authority's administrative requirements
· Are there clear information products available, at
relevant levels of detail, in the language of the taxpayer? Are these products
accessible in the taxpayers' channels of choice (e.g. web-based, paper-based,
· Has there been adequate communication and marketing of
the information available? Has this included publication in relevant industry
or community vehicles?
· Are effective support services available to meet
taxpayers' needs? (e.g. telephone enquiry services, web services, educational
field visits, etc.)
· Have opportunities been taken to remind those
potentially at risk of what their obligations are?
Other measures include expanding a range of electronic
services provided (such as RRA website, online registration, e-filing and
portals). It is believed that there will be an increase in the number of
taxpayers and tax advisers taking advantage of the ease and convenience these
services provided.
The administrative burden of tax compliance has been shown to
fall more heavily on small businesses than on large businesses. From this
context, a specific program should be implemented to help those new to business
to get established. A pilot program should be conducted where those new to
business will be given a personal phone-call from a tax officer to check if the
business operator had any questions about his tax obligations. The objective of
this study will be to establish whether those who were contacted will be more
compliant (i.e. lodge on time and have smaller debts) than those who have not
been called.
There is also importance of tax consciousness and the tax
administration is introducing a strategy of increasing public awareness amongst
the younger generation. This is being done through series of debates and
essay-writing competitions at school level. It is hoped that this effort will
generate tax consciousness among the younger generation who will then become
law-abiding citizens.
Visits to business premises are also helpful because they
offer a personalised and direct approach to assistance, but these visits need
to be carefully pitched because they could be viewed as an enforcement
approach, leading to more angst and fear! It is more common to establish shop
fronts or call centres where taxpayers can access to seek assistance or
information to help them comply, or to conduct seminars or workshops for groups
of taxpayers
III.1.13 Informing
taxpayers of high risk areas
Letters advising taxpayers that the authority is aware of a
specific risk and inviting a specific response should be sent to high risk
taxpayers. Such letters have dual utility - they prompt compliant behaviour
from the potentially non-compliant (deterrence) and they support the perception
among the compliant that their compliance is not in vain, that is, wrongdoers
are being pursued (reinforcement). The tax administration should also publish
the entire programme of compliance activities on the on the website. This
programme will serve to raise the awareness of taxation compliance.
III.1.14 Educating
taxpayers to seek invoices from suppliers
To help improve the quality of the audit trail, the tax
administration should conduct educational campaigns to encourage taxpayers to
seek invoices/receipts from businesses/suppliers. The main argument being used
to sell the idea to taxpayers is consumer protection - consumers will be
informed that they have very little recourse if they pay cash for the goods and
services when the goods and services turn out to be unsatisfactory. They should
be encouraged to ask for invoices and receipts which are important evidence for
the purchase and after-sale service. «Get it in Writing!» campaign is
a good example of such an initiative. «Get it in Writing!» is a
campaign to warn consumers of the risks involved in dealing with contractors
who offer `under-the-table' cash deals and to explain why it is important to
insist on a written contract and get receipts.
Publicising prosecution cases and penalties
The component of transparency that constitutes the strongest
incentive for tax compliance is clearly the publicity given to prosecution and
conviction of individual tax offenders87(*). Not only can publicity be used to heighten the
perception that the likelihood of detection is high and hence encourage
voluntary compliance, it also helps to improve the credibility of the tax
administration by showing taxpayers that it can and will actively pursue those
who choose to evade/avoid the law. Even company boards will realise that
publicity, namely `naming and shaming' attacks on alleged tax avoiders will
damage their reputations in the eyes of important stakeholders, which can lead
to sharp short-term share price falls and the unwelcome attention of tax
III.2. Providing
opportunities for voluntary disclosure
In some cases, taxpayers may not pay their tax on time because
of severe personal circumstance or have unintentionally provided incorrect
information or made an honest mistake on their tax return. In these situations,
if the tax administration came down heavily on the taxpayers with punishments
and penalties, the taxpayers are likely to `rebel' and lose respect for the tax
authority - this is likely to have an impact on future compliance behaviour as
well. Therefore, the tax administration should provide taxpayers with the
opportunity to voluntarily disclose. For example, RRA Voluntary Disclosures
Policy allows taxpayers to come forward and correct inaccurate or incomplete
information or disclose material they did not report during previous dealings
with the RRA, without penalty or prosecution.
A valid disclosure must meet four conditions. These conditions
require that the disclosure be voluntary, complete, involve the application or
potential application of a penalty, and generally include information that is
more than one year overdue. If the tax administration accepts the disclosure,
the taxpayer will have to pay the taxes or charges owing, plus interest.
However, the taxpayer should not be subject to penalty or prosecution for those
amounts accepted as a valid disclosure88(*).
III.3. Using
informants and tax evasion referral hotline
RRA provides avenues for taxpayers to report incidents of tax
evasion (usually anonymously), with a number offering rewards in cases where
information provided leads to a legitimate discovery of tax evasion.
Article 4 of the Ministerial order No 002/07 of 09/05/2007
governing the implementation of the law No 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
procedure states that «an amount equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the
value of fines and penalties prescribed in Chapter XI of law No 25/2005 of
04/12/2005 on Tax Procedures should be given as an award to any person who
denounces a taxpayer who engages in the tax fraud.»
Also Article 143 of the Ministerial decree No 003/07 of
09/05/2007 implementing the law No 21/2006 of 28/04/2006 establishing the
Customs System provides that «persons providing information outside their
areas of responsibility that contributes to establishing customs offences that
leads to subsequent recovery of duties and taxes should be granted a reward
equivalent to ten percent (10%) of duties and taxes recovered.»
III.3.1 Involving taxpayers in
consultative forums
By consulting with taxpayers, RRA designs processes, systems
and legislation that are likely to be better accepted by taxpayers, hence
increasing voluntary compliance. RRA should provide opportunity for taxpayers
to voice their opinion on any changes and new initiatives. Also RRA should, or
regular basis, conduct formal taxpayer surveys to gather taxpayer feedback.
III.3.2 Intermediary assistance and
The tax administration should acknowledge the important
contribution that intermediaries make in assisting the tax authority to combat
Tax offences and encourage voluntary compliance. Intermediaries do not only
include tax practitioners (i.e. accountants, tax and clearing agents,
book-keepers) but also lawyers, auditors, banks, post offices, transporters,
industry associations, professional bodies, etc. Intermediaries can be used to:
· Identify new areas of risk (e.g. by reporting
suspicious transactions or practices)
· Act as distribution channels for the tax administration
(e.g. taxpayers can make payments via banks; tax practitioners can disseminate
information on new legislation or new initiatives to their clients)
· Help inform or test new policy/legislation or
initiatives to ensure they will resonate with the proposed target audiences -
intermediaries are often in a better position to understand the business
realities faced by operators
· Identify new ways or options for dealing with emerging
issues or better meeting the needs of client groups
· Help promote and encourage compliant behaviour (e.g.
tax agents may advise their clients of areas of risk).
Given the importance of intermediaries, it is important that
RRA should pursue measures to ease the burden on them, particularly for tax
advisors and tax and clearing agents who frequently liaise with the tax office.
Many of the customer service initiatives that RRA is currently pursuing for
taxpayers, such as the development of electronic services and provision of
information, can also be undertaken for intermediaries.
III.3.3 Establishing task force of
experts to advise tax RRA
Independent task forces, comprising of external experts and
representatives, should be established, to advise RRA on certain strategies or
initiatives. Task forces can add value by offering different perspectives and
alternative strategies to deal with emerging issues.
For example, The Technical Committee can be established with
the following objectives:
· Simplifying the taxation of business income to
facilitate compliance by taxpayers and administration by RRA.
· Enhancing fairness in the tax system by ensuring that
all businesses share the cost of providing government services.
· Encouraging the taxpayers to play a greater role in
ensuring the integrity of the tax system
· Implementing new strategies to encourage
self-regulation within industries
· Working with other agencies to help educate new
businesses about their taxation obligations
· Making taxation payments easier
· Relaxing reporting requirements for businesses with
good tax records whilst making reporting obligations more onerous for those
with bad tax records.
III.3.4 Cross border activity89(*)
Complex international arrangements increase tax risk because,
often, a small part only of the arrangement can be identified in one country
but can significantly reduce taxes across multiple jurisdictions. The lack of
information exchange amongst revenue agencies means that these activities often
go undetected.
The most effective countermeasure against such arrangements is
to work closely with counterparts in neighbouring countries as well as other
major trade partners, by sharing information on specific arrangements or
taxpayers and undertaking coordinated, simultaneous audits where appropriate.
In order to share information, exchange of information provisions in agreements
for the avoidance of double taxation or in Customs MOUs is required. Therefore,
it is important to expand the existing network of treaties, especially with
major trading partners. Cross border arbitrage involves the use by large
businesses of complex structuring and hybrid financial instruments to obtain
benefits, such as duplicate deductions or credits, not intended by law, or
designed to take advantage of inconsistencies between the laws of different
jurisdictions. Transfer pricing on the other hand revolves around outcomes that
are not in line with the «arm's length principle».
III.4. Stamping out corruption and tackling inefficiency90(*)
As long as the revenue departments remained in the public
sector, it was felt that the myriad problems of Rwanda's tax system were
unlikely to be solved. Tax policy needed to be separated from tax
administration, employees required incentives for improving their performance
(and penalties for misconduct), and more investment had to be put into
equipment and infrastructure.
Integrity is a key requirement for revenue administration and
considerable effort is needed to tackle the challenges encountered. These
challenges relate to (1) the external environment, (2) staff management, (3)
facilities and equipment for staff, (4) business procedures, and (5) internal
investigation. What follows are some examples of practical steps that can be
taken to combat corruption:
Salaries: Personnel policies have a bearing on the propensity
of staff to engage in corrupt behaviour. Obviously salaries are a factor. If
staff is paid a wage that they cannot live on, they will, almost certainly,
`help themselves' to survive. If the wages within the revenue administration
are substantially lower than in comparable positions outside, yet little staff
turnover occurs, that should be reason for management concern.
Welfare: Addressing staff welfare is also important in
reducing staff's inclination to corrupt practices. One practical step is to
recognise that staff may experience periods of financial difficulty, for
instance caused by family medical bills. An accessible staff loan facility may
help overcome this. Staff welfare is a particular issue in customs, as officers
are often required to work either during anti-social hours (shift work), or at
remote stations away from their families where offices are often rudimentary
with poor living accommodation and harsh conditions.
Codes of conduct: RRA should be adamant to its code of code of
conduct. This might include rules about and declarations of outside business
activities that present a possible conflict of interests, including those of
close family members. Likewise, regular declarations of assets should be
emphasised and regularly cross-checked. Gifts and hospitality are a common
issue of concern for revenue collectors, as they, by definition, have regular
dealings with clients. Practices vary widely between countries and cultures,
but the key is to define clearly what is permitted and what is not. A gift
register should be introduced to record gifts received by tax officials.
Management: Managers can obviously have a marked influence on
corruption. Staff may tend to follow the good or bad examples set by managers.
Managers should be encouraged to design and institutionalise checks and
balances so that individual lapses are both more difficult to perpetrate and
easier to detect. They should also require record-keeping of decisions,
particularly in exercising discretion. The deployment of staff needs to be
actively managed. Staff should not be permitted to switch shifts, alter days
off, or change their work location without the agreement of management.
Managers must be alert to staff seeking to be `in the right place at the right
time' in order to facilitate illegal acts (e.g. smuggling by arriving friends
or relatives).
Work relations: At a practical level, there are many steps
that can be taken to `disrupt' corruption, such as the regular rotation of
staff from risky locations and posts. In the office, access control systems
(e.g. key pads or swipe cards) can be introduced to prevent staff from visiting
areas where they do not work. Restricting the access of unofficial visitors is
also good practice. It is important to channel interactions between the client
and the officer and to have designated contact points for enquiries. Importers
and customs clearing agents should
Submit customs entries electronically (Direct Trader Input).
Risk assessment methodologies should be used to modify procedures so that staff
sees only those documents that they need to review. In customs, such selection
methods can be employed either to identify goods for checking or to specify the
checks that are to be carried out. It is also effective to have random
selections or reselections for quality control purposes.
Payment mechanisms: Payment mechanisms should be transparent
and made public. If possible, officers should not be permitted to accept cash
tax payment in the field. Ideally, all payments should be made by taxpayers
directly to banks or by electronic means. Where cash payments are accepted,
they should be made to a dedicated cash office. Where cheques are accepted as
payment, they should be marked immediately upon receipt in order to avoid
recycling (stating the client's name as well as the tax identification number
or customs entry number).
Information: Many internal frauds rely on taking the correct
payment from the taxpayer or importer and only banking part of the remittance,
typically in collusion with company employees, bank officers, and/or a revenue
accountant. To make this harder to perpetrate, secure receipts are required. A
further measure is to send electronic confirmations (or periodic account
statements) directly to clients to verify the amount of remittance received. IT
systems are becoming more prevalent in revenue administration and require
careful design to help reduce the opportunities for corruption. Systems must
have facilities for retrieving or monitoring records of queries made by
individual members of staff. Information held by the administration, whether on
paper or electronically, must be safeguarded. Managers should be aware of the
possibility that information on business competitors might be sold to taxpayers
or misused in other ways. Access to information should be controlled and
records kept showing who accessed the information and when.
Service delivery: Opportunities for malpractice are likely to
be reduced by publishing procedures, rules, costs, and charges for services, by
establishing service charters, and by making help-line facilities and enquiry
centres available, as well as by establishing appeal procedures in case of
complaints. Simplification of payment procedures and greater efforts on
educating those involved in the transactions (taxpayers, importers, agents) are
also important.
If clients know what is required, and can do it unaided, they
will be less motivated to pay revenue officers for assistance. An accessible
and well-publicised channel for handling complaints on revenue administration
is also important - this may be an independent adjudicator or ombudsman outside
the administration, or a designated office within the administration itself.
Audits: Fertile ground for the payment of bribes is provided
when irregularities are discovered by auditors. It is important for managers to
deploy teams to undertake specified tasks rather than to allow staff to select
their `targets'. For customs, there should be a programme of post-importation
audits by staff not involved in entry processing, with audit cases being
assigned at random. Further, there must be risk-based management controls over
the conduct of the work, including accompanied or follow-up visits, and
thorough checking of reports. It may also be necessary to have a programme of
follow-up visits by an effective, risk-based, internal audit team supported by
external audit controls.
Important anti-corruption measures within the tax
administration include updating and modernizing tax administration procedures;
restructuring the internal organization based on function (identification,
assessment, billing, etc.) rather than by type of tax; limiting the
discretionary power of tax officials; reducing number of clearances that are
required from taxpayers to complete the compliance process (i.e., the number of
forms, certifications, signatures, stamps, etc.), exploring the use of
electronic filing and tax liability self-assessment.
Tax officials must therefore be adequately compensated, so
that they do not need to steal to live. They should be professionally trained,
promoted by merit, and judged by their adherence to the strictest standards of
legality and morality. To remove temptation, the money should be kept out of
the tax administration and channelled through banks. Officials should have
relatively little direct contact with taxpayers and even less discretion in
deciding how to treat them. How they behave in such contacts must be monitored
in some way91(*).
This paper has briefly explored the many contemporary issues
connected with the infringement of tax legislation in Rwanda. It would be
natural to ask whether any definitive resolutions can be predicted in order to
construct a more effective and equitable system of addressing tax offences
under Rwandan law.
Unfortunately, many other countries are wrestling with similar
problems although most have a much longer legislative history in comparison
with Rwanda. The common solution is gradual improvement of tax legislation
accompanied by elimination of systemic problems. The Tax Law of this country
has the potential to become more elaborate but systematic and fair, transparent
and predictable in the future. Accordingly, the forthcoming plan of the Rwanda
government to substantially modify the Tax Law in pursuit of these goals is
welcomed as a long-awaited universal remedy to the current situation. One can
only wait and observe what the future holds for this field of law.
In the words quoted by Richard Bird, Wallschutzsky (1989) has
suggested that the key elements in such a strategy must be summarised as
follows: «Keep the tax laws as simple as possible; aim for a global tax
with few exemptions, rebates, or deductions; Do not try to use the tax system
to achieve too many social and economic goals; Continually monitor the tax
system; Concentrate on basic tasks such as collection of taxes at source and ID
number system; Do not collect more information than can be processed; actively
encourage good record keeping; and, Aim, as a long term goal, for self
assessment.» 92(*)
Therefore in order to improve the level of tax compliance and
minimise the level of tax offences, the tax administration should: Provide high
quality services to their clients, reducing the cost of compliance through
simplification of the laws; Provide a level-playing field to all the taxpayers
by securing registration with a safe TIN, enhancing the penalty system, and
working to combat stop-filers, late filers, and delinquents; Increase the
overall efficiency of the tax system and improve the effectiveness of the tax
administration by prioritizing its activities, and concentrating its scarce
resources on highly productive tasks- A focus on the large taxpayers is
essential because of their critical importance to the revenue base; Bring the
small business sector into the tax net effectively. While recognizing that the
tax administration has only a limited number of skilled staff to deal with the
large number of small business taxpayers operating in the community, it is
important that a tax compliance culture be developed within this sector;
Undertake effective audits to build a long-term compliance ethos among the
taxpayer population;
The Tax system should be managed in an open and accountable
way, that it is balancing education and enforcement functions. This reflects a
`prevention is better than cure' approach.
RRA should actively communicate areas of risk and concern so
that taxpayers understand the Authority's position and the response they can
Whilst there are many things that Tax administration can do to
prevent, detect and deal with different kinds of tax offences, it should be
acknowledged that the effective combating of such practices needs to be
approached at the whole of government level. Those who evade or avoid taxes
are probably committing frauds against more than one government department or
agency. Hence, the Local authority, the immigration Authority, the Police,
Rwanda Bureau of Standards, the central bank, Social Security Fund, the Army,
and many others, need work together. These government Agencies should work
together to demonstrate to taxpayers how their money is being spent to benefit
the population. If taxpayers cannot see any benefits of paying taxes, they
will be more inclined to evade or avoid their taxation responsibilities.
Similarly, effective control and monitoring of corruption across the board is
equally important in encouraging compliant tax behaviour.
The opportunities to achieve success in addressing tax
offences are facilitated by an environment which embraces the rule of law, a
political commitment to public sector reform, a political commitment to combat
corruption, and rational tax policies. Given this environment; adequate
resources; an information management system based on a unique TIN; technical
assistance by experienced consultants; and a reasonable timeframe, success will
be achieved.
A well functioning tax administration, perceived as treating
all taxpayers fairly and with respect, and concerned with collecting only the
proper amount of tax, will go a long way towards achieving the goal of
voluntary compliance which benefits everyone.
While no one enjoys paying taxes, seeing others escaping the
tax net while you are attempting to pay your fair share is even less appealing.
The preventive measures should be given priority over punitive
measures while tackling fraudulent activities. This should be the principle of
legislation and enforcement. Fraud can be curbed by making tax laws less
complex and leaving less scope for subjective decision.
Establish separate investigation unit and investigate
taxpayers who fall in high revenue risk area. Start criminal proceeding against
the offenders. Tax Administration needs to set annual target of investigations
in both Customs and domestic taxes. Improvements in tax administration,
however, are never final, and reform efforts need to be continuously updated.
Otherwise gains in effectiveness can easily be reversed93(*).
The goal of taxpayers is to maximize their financial position;
as such they will continue to evade taxes as long as benefits from delinquency
outweigh the risk of detection and punishment.
Application of severe penalties is of no help if many tax
evaders do not get caught. Therefore Rwanda Tax administration needs to
continually review its systems, strategies and skills to keep pace with the
problem of tax evasion.
1. Legal texts
1.1 Ministerial Order N°001 of 13/01/2003 Providing
For Value Added Tax Rules and Taxation Procedure
1.2 Law N° 21/2006 Of 28/04/2006 Establishing the
Customs System
1.3 Law n° 06/2001 of 20/01/2001 on Value Added
1.4 Law n° 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on Tax
1.5 Law n° 21/2006 of 28/04/2006 Establishing
Customs System
1.6 Ministerial order No 002/07 of 09/05/2007
governing the implementation of the law No 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
2. Textbooks
2.1 Tax Law Design and Drafting (volume 1;
International Monetary Fund: 1996; Victor Thuronyi, ed.)
2.2 The Law and Theory of Income Tax; Kirkbride, James
& Olowofoyeku, Ambimmbila A., 2001
3. Course notes
4. Internet

* 1 RRA Annual Report, 2007
* 2 An introduction to the
Design and Development of Tax Policy in Developing and Transitional Countries,
Richard M. Bird and Eric Zolt.
* 3 Administrative dimensions of
Tax Reform, Richard M. Bird, April 2003
* 4 An introduction to the
Design and Development of Tax Policy in Developing and Transitional Countries,
Richard M. Bird and Eric Zolt.
* 5 J.Kirkbride and A.A
Olowokkufu, The Law and Theory of Income Tax, p.2, 2001
* 6 Nicholas, T., Taxation in
Kenya(Principles and Practices), 5th Revised Edition, 3003
* 7 H.L Bhatia (1999:37)
* 8 Ray A, Sommerfield,
University of Texas.
* 9 Saleemi N.A (1981)
* 10 NA Saleemi 1991:2-4
* 11 Saleemi 1998.
* 12 Cooper, Krever and
Vann's income taxation, commentary and Materials; 5th edition 2005.
* 13 Tayebwa. M Bernard,
simplified economics 2nd edition (1991)
* 14 Living stone and
Odd,(1980) health economics 1st edition
* 15 Tayebwa M Benard, Basic
economics, 3rd edition (1992)
* 16,
cited on 24/12/2008
* 17 Shaulov D.I. and Cann U.T.
(2000) «Foundations of tax legislation», «World of economics and
law» publishing house, 2000, Tashkent p. 71
* 18 Law n° 25/2005 of 04/12/2005 on tax
* 19 Law number 28/04/2006 -
law n° 21/2006 establishing the customs system
* 20 Tax Law Design and
Drafting (volume 1; International Monetary Fund: 1996; Victor
Thuronyi, ed.)
Chapter 4, Law of Tax Administration and Procedure, p. 96
* 21 The Reform of Tax
Administration, Vito Tanzi and Anthony Pellechio, IMF, Feb 1995 P. 2
* 22 Study For the measures of
Tax Compliance habit and Leakage Control, October, 2006
* 23 Corruption, Fiscal policy
and Fiscal Management: Fiscal Reform in Support of Liberalisation, June, 2006,
P. 9
* 24 An introduction to the
Design and Development of Tax Policy in Developing and Transitional Countries,
Richard M. Bird and Eric Zolt.
* 25 Corruption, Fiscal policy
and Fiscal Management: Fiscal Reform in Support of Liberalisation, June, 2006,
P. 12
* 26 Rwandan Tax Law does not
definition of tax evasion neither does it mention the term.
* 27 Ibid at p. 76
* 28 For further details refer
to the General Provisions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Rwanda.
* 29,
cited on 24/12/2008
* 30,
cited on 29/12/2008
* 31 Barry Larking,
International Tax Glossary, IBFD Publications, 1996
* 32 RRA Annual Report, Kigali,
March 2007
* 33 RRA Annual Report for
2007, Kigali, March 2008
* 34 Article 24, paragraph one,
of Law No. 16/2005 on the Law on Direct Taxes on Income
* 35 Law no 25/2005 0f
04/12/2005 on tax procedures
* 36 Article 13 of LTP
* 37 Article 25 of LTP
* 38 Article 22 of the
Constitution of the Republic of Rwanda
* 39 Article 25 of LTP
* 40 Article 24 of LTP
* 41 Article 45 of LTP
* 42 The large taxpayers are
designated by the tax administration on basis of the different criteria of
which the most important criterion is having the annual turnover equal or more
than 150.000.000 Rfr.
* 43 Article 60 of LTP.
* 44 Article 61 of LTP
* 45 Article 63 of LTP
* 46 Article 63 of LTP
* 47 Article 28 of law no
17/2002 of 10/05/2002 establishing the source of revenue and its management
* 48 Article 31 of law no
17/2002 of 10/05/2002 establishing the source of revenue and its management
* 49 Article 64 of LTP
* 50 Article 65 of LTP
* 51 Article 67 of LTP
* 52 Article 66 of LTP
* 53 Article 30 of LTP
* 54 Article 31 of LTP
* 55 Article 31 of LTP
* 56 Article 33 of law no
17/2002 of 10/05/2002 establishing the source of revenue and its management
* 57 Articles 34 of LTP
* 58 Article 1 of Prime
Minister's Order No 08/03/2007 on Establishment, Composition and Functioning of
Tax appeals Commission
* 59 Article 34 of LTP
* 60 Article 37 of LTP
* 61 Article 38 of LTP
* 62
* 63 See article 80.1 of
Organic law n° 07/2004 of 25/04/2004 Determining the Organisation,
Functioning and Jurisdiction of Courts
* 64 Law Design and
Drafting(Volume I; IMF; 1996, Victor Thuronyi, ed)
* 65 RRA Strategic Plan,
2009-2010, P. 14.
* 66 The Reform of Tax
Administration, Vito Tanzi and Anthony Pellechio, IMF, Feb 1995 P.
* 67 Tax Compliance:
Report to the Treasurer and the Minister of Revenue by Committee of Experts on
Tax Compliance, December, 1998
* 68 Source: The way forward -
achievements and future direction, Inland Revenue Department, August
* 69,
cited on 31/12/2008
* 70 A Freiberg, `Enforcement
Discretion and Taxation Offences' (1986) 3 Australian Tax Forum 55,
* 71 Federal Tax Crimes, John
A. Townsend, Houston Law School, 2007 ed
* 72 Federal Tax Crimes, John
A. Townsend, Houston Law School, 2007 ed
* 73 Federal Tax Crimes, John
A. Townsend, Houston Law School, 2007 ed
* 74 Tax Law Design and
Drafting (volume 1; International Monetary Fund: 1996; Victor Thuronyi, ed.)
* 75 RRA Strategic Plan,
2009-2010, p. 14
* 76
Cited on 30/12/2008
* 77 J Falkinger and H Walther,
`Rewards verus Penalties: On a New Policy on Tax Evasion' (1991) 19 Public
Finance Quarterly 67-79.
* 78 The Ireland Law Reform
commission, Report on a Fiscal prosecutor and Revenue Court, 2004
* 79 J Falkinger and H Walther,
`Rewards versus Penalties: On a New Policy on Tax Evasion' (1991) 19 Public
Finance Quarterly 67-79.
* 80 Federal Tax Crimes, John
A. Townsend, Houston Law School, 2007 ed
* 81 IMF Report 2007, Next
Steps in RRA Modernisation, p. 63.
* 82 Hari Sharan, Essays on
Value added and Tax Amnesty programs, West Virginia University, 2005
* 83 Designing a Tax System for
Small Businesses: A guide for Practitioners, The World Bank group, October ,
* 84 Tax Law Design and Drafting (volume
1; International Monetary Fund: 1996; Victor Thuronyi, ed.)
* 85 Ken Devos, Penalties and
Sanctions for Taxation offences in Selected Anglo-Saxon Countries: Implications
for Taxpayer compliance and Tax policy,
* 86 RRA Annual Report for
2007, March 2008
* 87 United States practices in
Estimating and Publicising Tax Evasion, African Economic Policy Discussion
Paper No 15, May 1995, P.9.
* 88,
* 89 Next Steps in RRA
Modernisation, IMF Report, October 2007, P 27
* 90,
* 91 Administrative dimensions
of Tax Reform, Richard M. Bird, April 2003
* 92 Administrative Dimensions
of Tax Reform, Richard Bird, April 2003, P.32
* 93 Designing a Tax reform
Strategy: Experience and guidelines, Carlos and Katherine Baer, IMF, March
1997, P.5