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The Union for the Mediterranean: a rescue plan for Europe an opportunity or an opportunity for the Maghreb

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Sadok AYARI
Institut Superieur des Sciences Humaine de Tunis, Tunisie - Maitrise, Anglais. Specialité; Relations Internationales. 2008

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


· Conclusion:

In a time when states gather into groupings to face economic and financial hazards, partnerships and alliances are crucial especially for developing states. However, the dilemma over partnership is always subject to skepticism when the partnership is held with an ex-colonizer or a former enemy. The Maghreb region seems to be in this situation. Indeed, this tendency got increasingly important when the European Union became the dominant power in the northern shore of the Mediterranean. Therefore, the European block's position of force cannot prevent people in the Maghreb to ruminate the colonial past. Consequently, the European initiative (i.e. UfM) is spontaneously depicted by some Maghreb leaders as a neocolonial attitude to keep the European dominion over the Maghreb region. Therefore, Maghreb states will get enrolled in a vicious circle of economic dependency in stead of with Europe and furthermore in an alliance which is supposed to overwhelm equal benefits over both entities.

It is true that Europe is for much in consolidating South-Mediterranean economies through up-grading and sustaining programs. However, certain measures, such as, the rapid integration of South Mediterranean economies in the European Market and the nullification of customs barriers, cannot be totally safe as a way to achieve economic development. In fact, each state should adopt its own way to develop.

Economically speaking, there are currently great pressures on developing countries to adopt a set of «good policies» and «good institutions» such as liberalization of trade and investment to foster their economic development. However, according to historical facts, the rich countries did not develop on the basis of the policies and the institutions that they now recommend to developing countries. Indeed, almost all of today's rich countries used tariff protection and subsidies to develop their industries. For instance, Britain and the USA, the two countries that are supposed to have reached the summit of the world economy through their free-market, free-trade policy, are actually (i.e. in crisis conjuncture) the ones that had most aggressively used protection and subsidies.

Personally I believe that each state should choose its own path towards improvement. So, either economically or politically, decisions should be sovereign. But, In the case of the Euro-Maghreb partnership disparities between the two entities are wide. This feature cannot be neglected since both entities aspire to instate an equitable partnership. If there will be no respect for disparities, the partnership could turn into a dominion of the stronger over the weaker. Therefore, instead to develop, Maghreb states would be enclosed in vicious circle of dependency, where the only respected voice is that of the stronger. Thus, the «win-win» partnership retorted by the French president would be translated into a neocolonial initiative that would make out of the Maghreb region an eternal dependent to the old continent.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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