South-south cooperation,
A case study of agreements on cooperation between the
Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco.
Prepared by ISSAKA Hanif Bazunu
Supervised by Prof. Abdel Majid EL COHEN
at the request of His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic
South-South cooperation is an important complement for the
development of international cooperation. The two resolutions on international
support for the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) adopted by the
United Nations General Assembly at its fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth sessions
(Assembly resolutions 57/7 and 58/233) recognized the important contribution
that South-South cooperation could make to the implementation of NEPAD and
encouraged Africa's development partners to support it.
South-South cooperation is traditionally viewed as
encompassing technical cooperation among developing countries, with a focus on
sharing of experiences or exchanges in capacity building, technical assistance,
and economic cooperation among developing countries. Hence,
«South-South» is often used as a synonym for economic and technical
cooperation among the developing countries. Over time, the nature and scope of
South-South cooperation has evolved, extending to non-traditional areas such as
peace and security, including human rights and electoral assistance.
It is in line with these facts that I have written on the
topic south-south cooperation, with a case study of cooperation agreements
between the Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco.
Through this essay, I have been able to take a look at the
economic and bilateral relations between the Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom
of Morocco while making a critical analysis of the agreements and memoranda of
understandings signed by the two countries.
Based on these analysis and observations, I assessed the
agreements that have already been signed, taking into consideration the
achievements made and the challenges that the two countries have to overcome in
order to draw the full benefits of their cooperation.
Finally, and based upon the Analysis, observations and
assessment of the agreements on cooperation signed by the two countries, and
also based on practical observations and comparisons, I made some
Recommendations and proposals and explained why these proposals were necessary
towards the reinforcement and the development of bilateral and economic
cooperation between the Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco.
ECA - Economic Commission for Africa
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization
JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency
MAB - Man and the biosphere programme
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
NEPAD - New partnership for Africa's Development
NGO - Non-Governmental organisation
SPFS - Special programme for food security
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, scientific and cultural
UNCTAD - United Nations conference on trade & development
UNU - United Nations University
This document is a reduced report on my Essay entitled
South-south cooperation with a case study of the agreements on cooperation
between the republic of Ghana and the kingdom of Morocco.
It is an essay presented at the end of my undergraduate
studies in Economics and Management.
This report regroups facts on a short research undertaken on
South-South cooperation, with an in-depth look into Ghana-Morocco relations.
In short, this report will not be as detailed as the original
essay written in French. The aim of this report is to highlight the most
important parts of the original essay which entailed a complete analysis of the
agreements between the two countries and their outcomes, followed by some
recommendations and proposals.
The Structure of my essay1(*) involved two sections. The first section took a
complete and general look at South-south Cooperation. This includes the
definition of concepts, the origin and general trend of south-south cooperation
over the past years. It also took a look at its aims, objectives as well as
international organizations involved in activities concerning the promotion of
south-south cooperation. JICA, the United Nations and the group of 77 and china
are some good examples mentioned.
This first part also includes some recommendation made in a
report published by the UNDP and the special programme for assistance towards
the promotion of south-south cooperation in developing countries.
The Second section takes a careful and separate look at each
of the five agreements signed between the Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of
This second part ends with a personal evaluation of all the
agreements (i.e. whether they have reached their objectives or not) including
some recommendations and proposals which I believe should be considered with
much attention if actually there is the need for the two countries to continue
their efforts towards a much better cooperation in the near future.
However, this second section is preceded by a brief history on
Ghana-Morocco relations and also takes a brief look at the political, Economic
and Geographical situation of both countries. This section also makes very
important and pertinent remarks on the roles of the two Embassies; that of the
republic of Ghana (in Rabat) and that of kingdom of Morocco (in Accra). It also
underlines the efforts of His Excellence the Ambassador Kobina Annan and the
hard-working staff of the Embassy towards the promotion of the Good name of
Ghana in this country, as well as the promotion of cooperation between Ghana
and Morocco. Undoubtedly all the achievements mentioned by this essay as part
of the results of good relations already existing between the two countries
would not have been possible without such a dynamic and hard-working
South-South cooperation has been recognized as an effective tool
for the strengthening of cooperation. It has also been recognized as an
effective instrument for the support of regional and sub regional efforts
towards integration and also as an effective platform for the mobilization of
resources for the benefit of less developed countries.
South-south cooperation has also been recognized as an effective
mechanism for the improvement of dialogue at the sub regional, regional and
international levels and better directs Financial, human, organizational and
technological resources where they are most needed.
According to a recent report published by the UN, South-South
cooperation has been taken into account in major national and regional policies
for the period (2003-2004) and this is basically due to a general increase in
regional integration under the framework of South-south cooperation.
Presently, there are over 210 agreements on regional
integration in force. More than half of these agreements concern world trade
and about 40% of them concern Developing countries. This is primarily due to
the fact that developing countries, whether large or small, recognize the fact
that they need regional interdependence, to enable them catch up with
The report also acknowledges that Africa is the most dynamic
continent in the promotion of South-South cooperation, making reference to the
work of African Union and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). However,
and with reference to African Union, Most of its plans and strategies towards
the reinforcement of cooperation amongst its member states is been done within
the framework of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD).
Thus the Total cost of short-term projects in the fields of
sanitation and water resources, Information technology and communication, as
well as capacity development has been estimated to about 8 billion ,120 million
US dollars (half of which would be financed by the private sector).
Other stake holders apart from States or Governments have over
time, developed lots of interests in activities concerning South-South
cooperation, some of which include academic and research institutions, the
civic society and other NGOs.
Within the framework of the United Nations, activities towards
the promotion of South-South cooperation are very many and still increasing.
Some examples include:
· The UNDP, which has decided to make South-South
cooperation a driving force for development in its Multi-Year Funding
· FAO, on the other hand, is developing South-South
cooperation in the context of its Special Program for Food Security (SPFS);
· The UNEP, is also developing south-south cooperation in
its activities relating to cross-border programmes or the management of Shared
natural resources;
· UNESCO, Places South-South cooperation at the heart of
its programme on «Man and the Biosphere(MAB)»;
· The United Nations University (UNU), particularly
interested in activities concerning south-south cooperation, recently expressed
it's commitment through training programmes in forest management and the
analysis of Sustainable development.
At the inter-regional levels, the group of 77 and China is one
of the promoters of South-South cooperation. The high-level conference of the
Group of 77 and China, held in December 2004 in Marrakech, Concluded that
South-South cooperation "is not just an option but an imperative" supplementing
North-South cooperation and which is an important contribution towards the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Recently, members of the Group of 77 and China have adopted
the Doha Declaration and A Plan of Action which focuses on South-South
cooperation, development and poverty alleviation. They also decided to create a
special fund for Development and Humanitarian situations. 40 million US dollars
in donations has been pledged for the creation of this fund, out of which 20
million has been pledged by Qatar and 2 million by China.
The World Bank in recent years has been very interested in
South-South initiatives and organized in May 2004 in Shanghai a major
international conference to see how to extend to other developing countries,
the successful experiences of some developing countries in their fight against
poverty. This initiative falls within the framework of the Millennium
development Goals of halving the world's poverty by 2015.
Developed countries also support South-South cooperation,
especially through programmed and coordinated cooperation. The European Union,
Japan, the Netherlands, the Nordic countries and the United States of America
have all supported activities of South-South cooperation while Japan has made
it a priority in its programme of Assistance for Development. Most developed
countries also believe that the reinforcement of South-South cooperation and
triangular cooperation can improve the effectiveness of aid by focusing on the
creation of Partnerships.
The expansion of South-South cooperation is also part of a
dynamic global review of principal methods and procedures for financing
development, as defined in the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals
adopted in 2000 by the international community and by the international
Conference On Financing for Development, held in March 2002 in
Indeed, in recent years, there has been much awareness at the
highest levels internationally, the need for profound changes in the procedures
for the allocation of resources and partner countries must exercise a real
control over their development policies and strategies and ensure a coordinated
action in support of Development.
This new approach to aid for development, in its first step,
empowers the developing countries concerned and secondly accustoms them to the
spirit of South-South cooperation, whose main aim is the mobilization of
resources and human capability from the developing countries concerned. It also
aims at the establishment and the strengthening, of good political and economic
governance in the countries concerned. Thus, and undoubtedly, cooperating for
development has now been understood in all its complexities and is not limited
only to financial or Technical decisions, but also considered as an integral
process which includes issues in various domains namely political, social and
Bilateral relations between the Republic of Ghana and the
Kingdom of Morocco were renewed following the election of His Excellency John
Agyekum Kuffour into office as President of the Republic. It is only under his
administration as President of the republic, that bilateral relations between
the Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco have seen massive improvement
and has since continued.
Since 2002 an Embassy of the Republic of Ghana has been
established in the Kingdom of Morocco (at Rabat) and has since been headed and
directed by His Excellency the Ambassador, Kobina Annan, who has played very
important and strategic roles towards enhancing cooperation between the two
countries. This report includes details of what he and his Hard working Staff
at the embassy have done over the past years towards the promotion of bilateral
cooperation between the two countries, (economic and political)
The first memorandum of understanding on consultations between
the Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco was signed on Thursday,
19th April 2001 by the Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Republic
of Ghana and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation for the Kingdom of
Morocco. Both parties signed this MOU being mindful of the traditional friendly
relations between their countries and are most willing to develop and
strengthen this relation. They also considered their cooperation and the
mutuality of their agreements as a contribution to the promotion and protection
of international peace and security.
The two Ministers, being very mindful of the importance of
regular consultations and exchanges between the two countries at various levels
of bilateral relations and international issues of common interest, reaffirmed
their adherence to the purposes and principles of the United Nations
This MOU, signed on 19 April 2001, between the Republic of
Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco, led to the signing of five other agreements (
some of which are provisional) in various fields namely, Marine fisheries
co-operation, Tourism, Air service agreements, Investment promotion agreements
and co-operation in the fields of mining and geology.
The agreement on the promotion and protection of investment
was the second agreement to be signed between Ghana and Morocco, after the MOU
on consultations between the two countries The delegations of the Kingdom
of Morocco and the Republic of Ghana met in Accra on 23rd February,
2003 for the second round of negotiations on the signing of the agreement for
the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments.
Mr. Najib Mohammed Bouhlal, head of the Division of funding
and Bilateral relations at the Treasury Department and External Finance,
Ministry of Finance and Privatization, was at the head of the delegation of the
Kingdom of Morocco while Ms. Ruth Nyakotey (Investment Promotion Centre,
Ghana), was the head of the delegation of the Republic of Ghana, and signed the
agreement on behalf of the Republic of Ghana.
The negotiations were conducted in a constructive and friendly
atmosphere and both delegations reached complete agreement on the provisions of
the agreement. The delegations agreed that they would proceed with due
diligence in order to complete the formalities for early signing of the
This agreement, signed in Rabat on 10th October
2003, was the third of its kind to be signed between the two countries. It
was signed by Mr. Edward Martey AKITA Minister of State for Fisheries
Maritimes, and representing the Government of the Republic of Ghana and Mr.
Tayeb RHAFES, Minister of Maritime Fisheries and representing the Government of
the Kingdom of Morocco.
This agreement not only aims at strengthening the good and
friendly relations between the two countries but also to serve as a channel
through which the two countries could further develop mutually their Maritime
fishery industry as well as the preservation and management of living resources
in their waters, knowing the important role that this sector plays in the
socio-economic development of both countries.
It also aims at boosting
cooperation between the two countries in the fields of technical and scientific
training in marine fisheries as well as the processing of marine products.
The Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Ghana and
the Kingdom of Morocco in the fields of tourism was signed on 20th
January, 2004 in Rabat. It is the fourth among the five agreements signed so
far. However, the agreement on cooperation in air transport and aviation are
still provisional pending a final signature. This section will be divided into
2 parts.
The first will involve the agreement on co-operation in
tourism and the second will be devoted to the air service agreement.
With regards to the agreement on cooperation in tourism, it is
an agreement that has actually been signed and under implementation. Several
steps have been taken during the last few years all in an attempt to achieve
the objectives of this agreement.
Concerning the agreement on Air service, it is an agreement
that is supposed to come into force provisionally, pending final signature.
Upon entry into force, it shall supersede the air transport agreement of
28th January, 1963 between the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco
and the Government of the Republic of Ghana.
However, the agreement of 1963 had not been effective, and for
a good number of years there was virtually no direct air transport service
between the two countries. However the air transport agreement, even though
provisional, has yet been functional since January 2007.
This agreement was the fifth to be signed between the Republic
of Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco. Still regarded as a memorandum of
understanding between the two countries, much remains to be done in order that,
this agreement reaches its objectives (entry into force and implementation).
This MOU was done on 22nd July, 2004 at Rabat after
consultations between Mr. Mohammed BOUTALEB, Minister of Energy and Mines for
the Kingdom of Morocco and Mrs. Cecilia BANNERMAN, Minister of Mine for the
Republic of Ghana.
The Two ministers representing respectively the Kingdom of
Morocco and the republic Of Ghana, Made this MOU, while taking into account
discussions held between them and recognizing that, their countries will
mutually benefit from collaborations regarding the development of mining and
geological fields.
Since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between
Morocco and Ghana, several events followed the efforts of the two countries
towards the promotion of their cooperation.
The First was the re-establishment of the Embassy of
Ghana in Morocco (Rabat).Then there was the establishment of a programme
between Moroccan agency for international cooperation and the Ghanaian Ministry
of Education to jointly fund Ghanaian students who wish to pursue their studies
in Universities and other educational institutions in Morocco.
Since September 2002 till present, about 208 Ghanaian students
are currently pursuing their studies in Morocco. Some of whom have already
completed their studies and have returned to Ghana.
Other significant events in the field of sport and culture
were held between the two countries all these events being within the framework
of the promotion of bilateral co operations.
Some examples include friendly games organized between the
Moroccan and Ghanaian National teams. Also, the embassy of Ghana in
collaboration with the Moroccan Ministry of Culture organized several cultural
and artistic exhibitions in Rabat, all in an effort to further develop
relations between the two countries as well as to familiarize the Moroccan
public with Ghanaian cultures.
Concerning the agreement on the reciprocal promotion and
protection of investment, a number of initiatives have been undertaken
primarily by the private sector. Most investment initiatives have been and are
still been made by private companies.
One of the most important initiatives that can be mentioned is
that of the largest Moroccan telecommunications company Known as Maroc Telecom,
which is preparing to invest in the Ghanaian telecommunications sector.
Some supermarkets like Koala (in Ghana) also import goods from
Morocco for its supplies. However, a lot still needs to be done within the
frame work of this agreement in other to attract the private sector to make use
of these agreements to further develop the climate of business between the two
The agreement of cooperation in the field of tourism and
that of the air service agreement can be considered the most effective among
the five existing agreements, even though the air service agreement is still
provisional , it has however been operational since January 2007.The Moroccan
Air company,(Royal Air Maroc) began direct flights between
Casablanca(Morocco)and Accra(Ghana).
Concerning the agreement on tourism, ever since its entry into
force on 20th January 2004, three different groups of trainers in
the field of Ghanaian tourism have undertaken some training in various Tourism
institutions in Morocco under the framework of technical cooperation between
Ghana and Morocco. A total of eighteen trainers have undertaken these courses
funded by the Moroccan authorities. But with respect to provisions made by the
agreements on cooperation in tourism, much remains to be done especially for
the creation of institutes of tourism in Ghana and on the help of Moroccan
experts in assessing the social and economic impact of tourism in Ghana.
It is only the agreements on maritime fisheries and the MOU
concerning mining and geological fields that has not seen that much
improvement. A lot still remains to be done by the two countries in other to
strengthen their cooperation in this area. Both countries have a lot of
experience and technical know-how to share especially in these two sectors
mentioned above. And their experience can be attributed to the fact that Ghana
has a long experience in the Mining of gold, diamonds and bauxite where as
Morocco, has extensive experience in phosphate mining. Together, both countries
could share their experiences while taking advantage of the benefits that could
be derived.
On the other hand, the cooperation agreement in Marine
Fisheries has unfortunately not seen much progress. Even though this agreement
is one of the most detailed.
I finally conclude that, for the five years of cooperation
between the two countries, a lot of initiatives have been undertaken by Ghana
and Morocco. These initiatives could be attributed to the Ghanaian Government's
desire to strengthen its relations with Morocco. A desire that has been
supplemented by the efforts and good works of the Embassy of Ghana here in
Morocco as well as that of Morocco established in Ghana.
On the other hand the efforts of the Moroccan government and
the willingness of His Majesty King Mohammed The VI especially in all matters
relating to the development of South-South cooperation have contributed to the
acceleration of all initiatives towards the promotion of cooperation between
the Republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco.
To conclude this essay on South-South cooperation, I must
admit that it is an effective tool for the promotion of subregional and
regional efforts towards integration as well as the mobilization and
optimization of the use of resources for the benefit of less developed
countries. This is one of the best ways through which Ghana and Morocco could
exchange and share ideas toward a sustainable development and co-operation.
The study and analysis of the agreements on cooperation
between Ghana and Morocco shows that, the republic of Ghana has a lot to gain
through its cooperation with Morocco. Particularly in the areas mentioned in
the agreements.
Morocco, on its part, could better benefit from the Ghanaian
economy and its competitiveness to do more Business. Besides, Ghana's economy
is counted among the most stable in Sub-Saharan Africa with a trend towards
better growth and is proud to be ranked among the best in Africa with a good
Climate for Business and also among the best 10 emerging countries for the
period 2006/072(*).
Among some of the sectors that Ghana could derive the Moroccan
expertise are Town and country planning, National Security, Water resource
Management, energy, tourism, agriculture and Fisheries, and information
technologies, just to mention a few.
Based on the following conclusions, I made certain
recommendation. These include:
1) The creation of a special group/unit for
cooperation between the republic of Ghana and the Kingdom of Morocco.
This group would consist of Diplomats, University researchers, businessmen,
entrepreneurs, investors, specialists on South-South cooperation (preferably
representatives from UN's Special Unit for South - South cooperation), NGOs,
and a representative or organizers of "Challenger3(*)".A TV program designed and sponsored by the Moroccan
TV channel called 2M. This is for the wonderful work they did
during their TV show for young Moroccan graduates of various fields of studies.
This means that, they would be able to propose and help young Ghanaian
graduates in the same situation either through similar programs or through
workshop trainings or discussion forums.
This special unit/group for cooperation will
be in charge of the conception, the direction and the implementation and assure
a follow up of all activities concerning the promotion and development of
South-south cooperation between Ghana and Morocco.
2) I also recommend the implementation of a similar Program as
This program could help create jobs among young graduates in Ghana and thus
help reduce the unemployment problem that the country is facing. This
initiative could further be adjusted in other to correct some of the
difficulties that the Moroccan Government faced during the implementation of
this program. A technical and financial support could be requested from the
United Nation's special unit on south-south cooperation, ECA, JICA or other
International Organizations through Triangular cooperation since these
organizations are specially created to support and promote activities
concerning south-south cooperation.
I also mentioned some proposals that could
help improve partnership projects between Ghana and Morocco.
1: Develop a plan of an action
It is necessary to put in place especially, after the signing
of partnership programs or agreements a new process aimed at identify clearly
the scope, objectives and the strategy to adopt, this could be done through a
concerted dialogue on the contents of the program by Ghana and Morocco.
This new process will lead to a common awareness of both
parties on the content of their partnership programs and through this process,
it will be possible for both countries to reach a common awareness and a more
detailed content of their partnership programs as well as agree on the most
advanced method for their cooperative activities.
2: Identify clearly the roles of the two
countries (Ghana and Morocco) in every cooperative
There is the need to clearly identify the roles and means of
intervention of officials of both countries in the conception and
implementation of partnership projects.
3: Mutually agreeing on the financial
contribution of each party with regards to the financing of partnership
projects between Ghana and Morocco.
It is clear that the economies of both countries are still
developing; as a result, the financial burden related to projects within the
framework of south-south cooperation is sometimes difficult to define. In this
case, the formation of a special group for cooperation could help in the
mobilization of funds to support to facilitate all activities of cooperation.
Given the fact, a trust fund has specially been created by the United Nations
to finance activities aimed at promoting south-south cooperation.
4: Provide information on the resources of both
countries for the implementation of cooperation projects.
In order to derive the positive effects of South-South
cooperation for both countries, it is necessary to mobilize the resources
(natural and financial) of both countries to carry out cooperation projects. In
this way, it is important to clearly convey all information on the availability
of resources necessary for the implementation of all projects.
1) Guidelines-themes of the Japanese Agency for International
Cooperation. (South-south cooperation, January 2005).
2) South-south Trade Geography Matters - CEPII-No. July
2004-08(By Souleymane Coulibaly and Lionel Fontagné.
3) A Report to the Committee for South-South cooperation
(Fourteenth session.New York, 31 May-3 June 2005.
4) South-south co-operation in support of New Partnership for
Africa's development. (Experience of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean)
Published by the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa at the United
5) A Programme for South-south cooperation between sub-Saharan
countries through the implementation of the CCD (Sol Arid Version 01-06.
6) A Guide to UNCTAD's technical cooperation. Published by the
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
7) Doing business 2008.
8) Cooperation agreements between Ghana and Morocco.
i. Memorandum of understanding on consultations between the
Republic of Ghana through the Ministry of foreign affairs and The kingdom of
Morocco through the Ministry of Foreign affairs and cooperation
ii. Agreement between the Government of The Kingdom of Morocco
and The Government of the Republic of Ghana on the Reciprocal Promotion and
protection of investments
iii. Agreement on Marine fisheries co-operation between the
Government of the Republic of Ghana and the Government of the Kingdom of
iv. Agreement of cooperation in the field of tourism between the
Government of the republic of Ghana and the Government of the Kingdom of
v. Air service agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of
Morocco and the Government of the Republic of Ghana.
vi. Memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Energy
and Mines Representing the Kingdom of Morocco and the Ministry of Mines
representing the Republic of Ghana concerning cooperation in the mining and
geological fields.
* 1 Ref. to the Original version
written in French.
* 2 According to a report by
* 3 A Program designed to aide
young graduates create and develop their own small businesses.
* 4 It is a government program
that aims at the creation of 30 000 small businesses (with the Total amount of
investment less than or equal to 250 000 DHS) in all the regions of Morocco by
the year 2008.