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Impact of family conflict in love affairs through romeo and juliet by William Shakespeare

par N'dimonté Bienvenue Sekou
Université de Parakou - Licence 2020

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Table of contents



Abstract v




1-1- Background of the novel 3

1-2- Characters 3

1-3- Historical Context 4

1-4-Time of Action 5




2-1 Theoretical Framework 13







3-2- Shallow Love 28

3-3 Friendly Love 29

3-4 Romantic Love 29






References 42


I dedicate this work to my senior brother Kouagou N'tcha Jean and my dear mother Massi Kanti Georgette.


Firstly, I would like to express my special thanks to God to have given me the inspiration to complete this project with success. Secondly, I would like to thank my humble supervisor Dr Alidou R. Ibourahima Boro whose valuable guidance has been one that help patch this project and make it full proof success his suggestions and his instructions has served as the major the contributor towards the completion of the project and his colleagues Doctors in British specialty: Dr.Towa Sello Joiny and Dr.H.A.Seguedeme. Thirdly, I would like to thank my parents and friends who have helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance has been helpful in various phrases of the completion of this project. Last but not the least I would like to thank my classmates who have helped me.May God keep all of you still strong and bless you everlasting he reigns.


This study is conducted to show the impacts of family conflicts in love affairs in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare through a critical analysis. Romeo and Juliet tells the story of Romeo and Juliet who meet and fall in love with each other, but as pure as their love was everything goes wrong at the end because of thebitterness, quarrel between the two families (Capulet and Montague).Next, the conflicts between those two families has led six death in five span days and finally both family have decided to put end their war by conciliating themselves. Romeoand Juliet is not only a play that people enjoyed in earlier time, but its joyful is still remaining for today because of the story inside the play can be still applied on the love of many couples of today at this time.

Key words: conflict, love, affairs, Romeo,Juliet

Cette étude est menée pour montrer les impacts des conflits familiaux dans les relations amoureuses dans Rome et Juliette par William Shakespeare à travers une analyse critique. Romeo et Juliette raconte l'histoire de Romeo et Juliette qui se rencontrent et tombent amoureux les uns des autres, cependant aussi pure que leur amour soit tout fini mal àla fin à cause del'amertume, les querelles entre ces deux familles (Capulet, Montague).Ensuite, lesconflits entre ces deux familles a conduit six morts en Cinq jours et finalement, les deux familles se sontréconcilié en mettant fin à leur guerre. Romeo et Juliette n'est pas seulement la pièce dont jouis les gens plus tôt, mais sa joie demeure pour aujourd'hui, car l'histoire à l'intérieur de la pièce peut encore être appliquée sur les amours de nombreux autres couples en ce moment.

Mots clés : conflits,amour,affaires,Romeo,Juliette


Love raises a lot of questions. People point of view differ on this theme and depend on the context in which it is used. Love was the foundation upon which God created the universe, He created man and woman in his own image to be together, to love, to be attached to each other and to strengthen themselves too at the time of sorrows. This love which normally should constitute a source of peace, tranquility, happiness and especially of uniqueness within the human beings living in the company its absence leads to conflicts between people of the same or different clans and an entire given community. This is the observation made in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

Despite the message conveyed by William Shakespeare on this phenomenon in his theater play Romeo and Juliet this does not cease to be still relevant today. This phenomenon has grown in the history of the European continent for example Great Britain during Elizabethan period. During this time the African continent has not been spared. This is what William Shakespeare, the great poet, writer emphasize in his various theatrical pieces. In Romeo and Juliet; the document under study he is telling the tragedy of two lovers who met and havefallen in love with each other. At the end, everything goes wrong because of the quarrels between the families of the two lovers (Montagues and Capulets).Through this novel not only the author has spoken of love, conflicts between families in the Italian city, but also has spoken of hatred and forced marriage. Among the themes developed, I decided to focus on the impacts that family conflicts would have on romantic relationships for an entire community and the generation to come. For the realization of this work, I first used the document under study. Then I took into account some documents having a link with my subject. Apart from the books I went to internet for the collection of information in certain articles. I also had additional information through a series of questionnaire that I addressed to some wise men living in Parakou in order to establish a link between the past and the present through the message of William Shakespeare.

My research work is divided into four chapters. First of all, the first chapter encompasses the study background consisting of: background of the novel, summary of the work and the developed themes followed by a commentary on some of them; secondly, chapter two highlights the review of the literature through which I appealed to the authors who developed the same theme as the one under study, chapter three is the subject itself means that the clarification of the theme. Finally, chapter four is based on the critical analysis of the subject and personal stand.


1-1- Background of the novel

The play takes place in the town of Verona The Montagues and Capulets are two opposed families. They are involved in a family feud that goes back years before any of the members were born. Yet the feud still continues due to the fact that neither family is ready to forgive and forget the past. Even the townspeople are involved because the families do not keep the feud in the privacy of their own home but have been seen fighting in the public streets and displaying violence. They disrupt the peace of Verona and even Prince Escalus personally had to break up a fight, where the family members were heavily fined. They were also given a warning that another public fight could result in death. While this is occurring Romeo, the main character, is getting over his last love, Rosaline, and was very upset. Juliet of the Capulet household has just been introduced to a wealthy young man, Paris, who her parents wish her to marry. Yet she does not love him.

Setting: The play takes in the town of Verona

1-2- Characters

Romeo is a Montague. He falls in love with Juliet and proceeds to marry her. He is a tragic character. He is characterized as hasty and emotional. He is young.

Juliet- She is a Capulet. She falls in love with Romeo. She believes marriage should be for love. She is also characterized as hasty. She is young

Lord Capulet: He is Juliet's father. He is strict, harsh, not understanding. He wants her to marry Paris.

Lady Montague -She is Romeo's mother. She is very busy and strict.

Lord Montague -He is Romeo' father. He is stubborn and not willing to forgive.

County Paris - He is kinsman of Prince. He cares about Juliet and wishes to marry her.

Prince Escalus - He is Prince of Verona. He wants to call a truce and end the family feud.

Friar Lawrence - He is the Priest in Verona. He weds Romeo and Juliet hoping it will unite both families. Instead it causes fighting. He later gives Juliet sleeping potion. He helps Romeo out.

Friar John -He was supposed to deliver a letter to Romeo about Juliet, but Romeo did not get it.

The Nurse - She cared for Juliet during childhood. She wants Juliet to be happy. She is very talkative.

Mercutio: He is a good friend of Romeo

Balthazar: He is a servant and a friend of Romeo.

Benvolio: He is a friend of Romeo

Tybalt: He is a nephew of Lady Capulet. He has a bad temper.

Samson: He is a Capulet servant

Gregory: He is a Capulet servant

1-3- Historical Context

The Date and Source of the Play Romeo and Juliet is one of the early plays of Shakespeare. It was probably written in 1594 or 1595, for it is similar in language to A Midsummer's Night Dream and Richard II. Some scholars, however, date the drama to 1591, for there is a reference made by the nurse in the play to an earthquake that happened eleven years earlier. The actual earthquake in Italy occurred in 1580. The majority of scholars today place the play after 1594.

Shakespeare drew most of his plots from European stories that had been translated into English. Romeo and Juliet was probably based on an Italian romance.

1-4-Time of Action

There is no clear indication within the play of the time setting, but it seems to be around 1200 or 1300. In history, rival noble houses existed within that time frame, and their actions disturbed the local peace. People were divided, and a lot of jealousy and tyranny existed. In the play wealth, culture, rivalry, and enmity are all displayed, reflecting this historical time frame.

The time that passes within the play is very clear. Only five days go by from the opening street fight to the death of Romeo and Juliet. On Sunday morning, the brawl in the town square occurs; that same night Romeo meets Juliet at the Capulet feast, and they declare their love for one another. On Monday afternoon, Friar Lawrence marries the couple; later in the day, Romeo kills Tybalt. On Tuesday, Romeo flees from Verona to Mantua, the Capulets announce Juliet's engagement to Paris, and she drinks the magic potion that makes her appear to be dead. On Wednesday, Juliet's body is discovered and taken to the Capulet tomb. On Thursday, Romeo hears of Juliet's death, hastens back to Verona, and commits suicide in her tomb. When Juliet awakens later in the day and finds him dead, she stabs herself. The play ends on Friday morning. (Pink Monkey) 1(*)


Romeo and Juliet tells the story of their cursed lovers who meet and fall in love. As pure as their love is in the end everything goes wrong because of the bitter quarrel between the two families (Capulets and Montague). And then in the streets of Verona brawl breaks out between the servants of the feuding noble families of Capulet and Montague. Benvolio, a Montague, tries to stop the fighting, but is himself embroiled when the rash Capulet, Tybalt, arrives on the scene. After citizens outraged by the constant violence beat back the warring factions, Prince Escalus, the ruler of Verona, attempts to prevent any further conflicts between the families by decreeing death for any individual who disturbs the peace in the future.

Romeo, the son of Montague, runs into his cousin Benvolio, who had earlier seen Romeo moping in a grove of sycamores. After some prodding by Benvolio, Romeo confides that he is in love with Rosaline, a woman who does not return his affections. Benvolio counsels him to forget this woman and find another, more beautiful one, but Romeo remains despondent.

Meanwhile, Paris, a kinsman of the Prince, seeks Juliet's hand in marriage. Her father Capulet, though happy at the match, asks Paris to wait two years, since Juliet is not yet even fourteen. Capulet dispatches a servant with a list of people to invite to a masquerade and feast he traditionally holds. He invites Paris to the feast, hoping that Paris will begin to win Juliet's heart.

Romeo and Benvolio, still discussing Rosaline, encounter the Capulet servant bearing the list of invitations. Benvolio suggests that they attend, since that will allow Romeo to compare his beloved to other beautiful women of Verona. Romeo agrees to go with Benvolio to the feast, but only because Rosaline, whose name he reads on the list, will be there.

In Capulet's household, young Juliet talks with her mother, Lady Capulet, and her nurse about the possibility of marrying Paris. Juliet has not yet considered marriage, but agrees to look at Paris during the feast to see if she thinks she could fall in love with him.

The feast begins. A melancholy Romeo follows Benvolio and their witty friend Mercutio to Capulet's house. Once inside, Romeo sees Juliet from a distance and instantly falls in love with her; he forgets about Rosaline completely. As Romeo watches Juliet, entranced, a young Capulet, Tybalt, recognizes him, and is enraged that a Montague would sneak into a Capulet feast. He prepares to attack, but Capulet holds him back. Soon, Romeo speaks to Juliet, and the two experience a profound attraction. They kiss, not even knowing each other's names. When he finds out from Juliet's nurse that she is the daughter of Capulet--his family's enemy--he becomes distraught. When Juliet learns that the young man she has just kissed is the son of Montague, she grows equally upset.

As Mercutio and Benvolio leave the Capulet estate, Romeo leaps over the orchard wall into the garden, unable to leave Juliet behind. From his hiding place, he sees Juliet in a window above the orchard and hears her speak his name. He calls out to her, and they exchange vows of love.

Romeo hurries to see his friend and confessor Friar Lawrence, who, though shocked at the sudden turn of Romeo's heart, agrees to marry the young lovers in secret since he sees in their love the possibility of ending the age-old feud between Capulet and Montague. The following day, Romeo and Juliet meet at Friar Lawrence's cell and are married. The Nurse, who is privy to the secret, procures a ladder, which Romeo will use to climb into Juliet's window for their wedding night.

The next day, Benvolio and Mercutio encounter Tybalt--Juliet's cousin--who, still enraged that Romeo attended Capulet's feast, has challenged Romeo to a duel. Romeo appears. Now Tybalt's kinsman by marriage, Romeo begs the Capulet to hold off the duel until he understands why Romeo does not want to fight. Disgusted with this plea for peace, Mercutio says that he will fight Tybalt himself. The two begin to duel. Romeo tries to stop them by leaping between the combatants. Tybalt stabs Mercutio under Romeo's arm, and Mercutio dies. Romeo, in a rage, kills Tybalt. Romeo flees from the scene. Soon after, the Prince declares him forever banished from Verona for his crime. Friar Lawrence arranges for Romeo to spend his wedding night with Juliet before he has to leave for Mantua the following morning.

In her room, Juliet awaits the arrival of her new husband. The Nurse enters, and, after some confusion, tells Juliet that Romeo has killed Tybalt. Distraught, Juliet suddenly finds herself married to a man who has killed her kinsman. But she resettles herself, and realizes that her duty belongs with her love: to Romeo.

Romeo sneaks into Juliet's room that night, and at last they consummate their marriage and their love. Morning comes, and the lovers bid farewell, unsure when they will see each other again. Juliet learns that her father, affected by the recent events, now intends for her to marry Paris in just three days. Unsure of how to proceed--unable to reveal to her parents that she is married to Romeo, but unwilling to marry Paris now that she is Romeo's wife--Juliet asks her nurse for advice. She counsels Juliet to proceed as if Romeo were dead and to marry Paris, who is a better match anyway. Disgusted with the Nurse's disloyalty, Juliet disregards her advice and hurries to Friar Lawrence. He concocts a plan to reunite Juliet with Romeo in Mantua. The night before her wedding to Paris, Juliet must drink a potion that will make her appear to be dead. After she is laid to rest in the family's crypt, the Friar and Romeo will secretly retrieve her, and she will be free to live with Romeo, away from their parents' feuding.

Juliet returns home to discover the wedding has been moved ahead one day, and she is to be married tomorrow. That night, Juliet drinks the potion, and the Nurse discovers her, apparently dead, the next morning. The Capulets grieve, and Juliet is entombed according to plan. But Friar Lawrence's message explaining the plan to Romeo never reaches Mantua. Its bearer, Friar John, gets confined to a quarantined house. Romeo hears only that Juliet is dead.

Romeo learns only of Juliet's death and decides to kill himself rather than live without her. He buys a vial of poison from a reluctant Apothecary, then speeds back to Verona to take his own life at Juliet's tomb. Outside the Capulet crypt, Romeo comes upon Paris, who is scattering flowers on Juliet's grave. They fight, and Romeo kills Paris. He enters the tomb, sees Juliet's inanimate body, drinks the poison, and dies by her side. Just then, Friar Lawrence enters and realizes that Romeo has killed Paris and himself. At the same time, Juliet awakes. Friar Lawrence hears the coming of the watch. When Juliet refuses to leave with him, he flees alone. Juliet sees her beloved Romeo and realizes he has killed himself with poison. She kisses his poisoned lips, and when that does not kill her, buries his dagger in her chest, falling dead upon his body.

The watch arrives, followed closely by the Prince, the Capulets, and Montague. Montague declares that Lady Montague has died of grief over Romeo's exile. Seeing their children's bodies, Capulet and Montague agree to end their long-standing feud and to raise gold statues of their children Side-by-side in a newly peaceful Verona2(*)


In the novel Romeo and Juliet many theme have been developed such as:

The Abiding Quality of Romantic Love

Although presented as a short-term expression of youthful passion, Romeo and Juliet's love for each other ultimately wins over every form of social constraints. The abiding quality of their selfless love is an essential theme of the play. It serves to reinforce the claim that if authentic lovers cannot be united in this world, they can certainly be together in the life hereafter.

Individual against Society

The conflict between individual desires and social institutions is a recurrent theme in «Romeo and Juliet». The young lovers' struggle against their respective families is the most important theme. By opting for individual fulfillment as opposed to social traditions, both Romeo and Juliet refuse to follow the commands of their families. They illustrate the triumph of an individual's will over social customs. On a metaphorical level, this courage highlights the threat that young love poses to the absurd social traditions.


The theme of violence also plays a significant role in the play. Usually, blind passion, hatred and desperation are some instances of violence given throughout «Romeo and Juliet». Tybalt kills Mercutio though it was not intentional. In order to avenge Mercutio's death and in a moment of desperation, Romeo kills Tybalt and Paris. Both murders are classic examples of violence. The blind love of Romeo and Juliet that motivate them to commit suicide is another example. These examples show that violence has a vital role in this tragedy.

The Overarching Power of Patriarchy

In «Romeo and Juliet», most of the significant decisions are made by the men of the two families, the Capulets, and the Montagues. Lady Capulet and Lady Montague's views are not important. It is clearly displayed by their silent assertion of their husbands' ideas in the play. It is Lord Capulet who selects Paris as his daughter's future husband. Then forces Juliet to abide by his decision. Perhaps the most blatant example of the rule of men in the play is the feud between Lord Capulet and Lord Montague. Although their wives don't harbor any ill-will toward each other, the two Lords force their families to support them in their pointless dispute and keep up their enmity against each other.


Death is a theme that lurks throughout the play. In many ways, «Romeo and Juliet» shows the journey of the two lovers from their initial, love-filled meeting up to their death. Thus, death serves as the tragic resolution of various conflicts. For instance, Romeo's conflict with Tybalt ends with the latter's death. Moreover, the two young lovers' conflict with the hostile social conformity ends with their untimely deaths. These tragic losses make the entire play as if it is only a play of deaths.


The institution of marriage is another important theme in the play. Contrary to popular beliefs, marriage is not shown as a good institution in the play. The play emphasizes the idea that though marriages of the Capulets and Montagues are socially approved, it lacks a soul. On the other hand, the union of Romeo and Juliet is authentic and yet condemned. Moreover, the political motive behind Friar Lawrence's approval of Romeo and Juliet's marriage highlights that in the Shakespearean era, marriage was seen as a means to ensure political strength.

Ideological Divide between the Young and the Old

The ideological divide between the younger and the older generation is also a repetitive theme underlying the play. The impulsivity and youthful exuberance of Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, and Paris serve as a strong contrast to calculating, the political foresight of Lord Capulet, Lord Montague, and Friar Lawrence. The tragedy of the play is in the fact that both the older and younger generations are unwilling to compromise and end the disagreement for good. They are not willing to resolve their pointless dispute.


2-1-Theoretical Framework

The novel Romeo and Juliet published in 1597 has been an important work of William Shakespeare during the sixteenth century. This movement is used to describe how Europeans moved away from the restrictive ideas of the Middle Ages and the ideology that dominated the middle Ages was heavily focused on the absolute power of God and was enforced by the formidable Catholic Church to belief on God existence. In effect, the renaissance movement did not necessarily reject the idea of God, but rather questioned humankind's relationship to God - an idea that caused an unprecedented upheaval in the accepted social hierarchy. It was characterized by the innovations of thing in arts in literature where people were promoting the renewal of Greeks tradition.

Aftermath, during this period, rival nobles houses exited within that frame, and their actions disturbed the local peace in Italy. People were divided, and a lot of jealousy and tyranny existed. In the play culture, rivalry and enmity are all displayed, reflecting this historic frame and conflicts, war between families were pushing people to commit crime by killing their fellow human being. People were also dying from plague and this has led William Shakespeare to emphasize on the relevance of it for his audience by using it in Rome and Juliet to prevent Friar Laurence's message for reaching Romeo. The reading of this novel allowed me to compare the way that love in context of marriage were perceived at that time and today love in context of marriage in order establish the link between the message conveyed by the author since 1597 and 2020's realities.437 years ago that this novel has been written. William Shakespeare in his tragedy, is narrating today realities that happen most of the time between some families by portraying the different conflicts and love lived by the main characters.

In psychoanalysis, love is viewed as utterance of a psychic inflexible and almost impervious to external world. To achieve this work I found necessary to use psychoanalytic theory because it could assist to identify the different kind of love mentioned in the novel and the way that it's manifest through the characters such as: Romeo, Juliet, Friar Laurence and Rosaline. According to some psychologist point of view like Sigmund Freud's, Georges Simmel, Hegel, Nietzsche "people involved in a conflict or living in a conflict within their own their own psychic strong emotion state: anger, frustration, sadness sometimes aggression and violence. While psychic is the study of the mind and human behavior, study of mental and emotional process «It said that in the article of

Dr Seguedeme, H., & Towa-Sello, K. (2017). Machiavelli's in William Shakespeare's Macbeth: A Critical Study. IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies (ISSN 2455-2526), 6(2), 170-180, doi: 3

"Sigmund Freud was the first psychoanalyst and a right innovator in the recognition of the importance of unconscious mental activity. His theories on the inner workings of the human mind, which seemed so revolutionary at the turn of the century, are now widely accepted by most schools of psychological thought. In 1896, Freud coined the term psychoanalysis?, and for the next forty years of his life, he worked on thoroughly developing its main principles, objectives, techniques, and methodology"3(*)

More importantly, the mind and human behavior theory could help me to illustrate in the novel Romeo and Juliet the different conflicts lived by both Montagues and Capulets family through the behavior of some characters like Tybalt, Mercutio and Juliet and their consequences at the end of the play known as tragedy.



Romeo and Juliet is the most famous novel written by William Shakespeare who stood out in the period of renaissance a great poet and playwright and has written plays in a variety of genres including histories, tragedies, comedies etc. In this novel he relates the hatred, love conflicts between families in ancient times based on some reasons .But let's know that Romeo and Juliet relationship is not the conflicts' cause between their family .The hate, the conflicts have been existing for a long time and .we really don't know the main cause only Romeo and Juliet relationship has raised or woke up their anger.

And then apart from Romeo and Juliet many articles, novels, documents have dealt with the issues of conflict and love affairs even if they do not directly develop the same theme, they point out the notion of love and conflict as we noticed in <<under the Storm<<sous l'orage>>. In the storm where the triumph of love features a couple of young literature whose reciprocal love confronted with the projects of Father Benfa; father of Kany who intends according to custom to make his daughter marry a rich and old merchant Famagan. Faced with Kany's reluctance, Father Benfa exiles him to his uncle Djigui's village. This is the opportunity for the young girl to reconnect with certain forgotten ancestral traditions and to plead her case with Djigui, who ultimately decides to intervene in her favor. Before the authority of his older brother, Benfa bowed and the two young people could finally get married.

Through the characters, a central theme emerges that of the conflict between generations. Of all of the above the author uses the preposition "under" to show that said disturbance hovers above us all, above our heads. In the artwork, this Kany marriage affair, the storm is the disturbance, the source of division for all of Father Benfa's family members, the parents on one side and the children on the other. The storm, it is this matter of marriage of Kany which shakes the whole family, causing a break within it.

Not only does this novel show love but also show conflict in father Benfa's family. At the start there was harmony in father Benfa's family but his decision for the marriage of his daughter Kany led to the division between family members to the point where conflicts between them had become a fix of the day.

«That I see you together you will have the husband I would like to give to you».4(*)

Affirmed Benfa when he learned that his daughter was in company with the boys of class that she attended. Through this affirmation of Benfa we could already understand that he does not agree at all that his daughter walks with the boys. And once while walking with these young people will fall in love for other and which could compromise his project of marriage to his daughter to the rich merchant of the village Famagan which will be responsible for all the conflicts. Such a reaction from father Benfa already maintains a conflict between his daughter and him. Under his words the Muezzin declares.

«My daughter to me will never see the doors of this place»5(*)

For the Muezzin, the school is a place of formation of practices which go against the tradition because the educated woman can oppose the decisions of her husband and therefore she will have the authority to choose a man of her choice; which would be, a shame, disrespectful, frowned upon by his neighbors especially since he knew that the marriage had been preparing for a very long time. All this opens more to Father Benfa to remain firm on his decision.

When we love someone we really love and this can be demonstrated through several ways of doing. We do everything for the person this can be through songs, adorations, we prophesy better things for that person. Warning about the young boys of whom he spoke without already knowing that among them Kany dreamed of love, of the future, saw a better future embellished by the presence of Samou and often we heard him singing the song of the oath that young girls say when they have chosen through a poem written in 11 verses as follows:

«Oh may my head be between two swords

I will remain faithful to him.

The shepherd thinks of his star'

The prisoner remains faithful to the murmurs of the river,

The bird greets the sunrise,

The child laughs on the ancestor's lap,

And I think about him

That I sing with these words all the time.

To throw my hands tied

Deep in the water,

I will sing it»6(*)

Through this poem, it really shows that Kany loved Samou and had always thought of him and would like to spend the rest of his life with him. This part is from the evidence which shows that the theme "love" is addressed in this book in theextend where the words and expressions used in the poem such as: faithful, think of him are most of the time love terms.

Kany was doing all this without his father knowing which all necessary business was because if his father knew so soon it could have had huge consequences. Father Benfa still in his decision and said of Muezzin still discussing conflict with his daughter without knowing what could be the impacts of his decisions on his daughter. He said in these terms.

«My father and my father's father did so; if you feel bad, go with the whites. I put you in school so that you could read. I never wanted you to become white»7(*)

This statement from Benfa shows that the school through education has had impacts on the way that marriage was doing.As proof, the school through education has totally destroyed a large part of culture within the framework of marriage within the African community to the detriment of modern marriage in the extent where, it has made the majority of our senior executives forget almost all the principles of African marriage process. It has also transformed our young girls today.

Formerly in Africa and more precisely in Mali, it is the parents who took care of the marriages. For them it was a question of taking into account some criteria going to the social class of the future bride and groom. The parents directly proposed the woman to the child boy at marriage. Without any dispute, the young boy is satisfied with the choice of the parents. But before proposing the woman, the parents find out about her social situation, that is to say her ethnicity and her education. There was understanding and cohesion and the number of divorces was counted at your fingertips. At that time, women were victims of all kinds of violence, and despite everything they remained submissive and obedient because, at that time there It was believed that an obedient woman will have blessed children. In the old days young girls were in their parents' houses, at that time our parents thought that marriage was very important and should not be taken away the slight.

Today it is the opposite we observe the principles of marriage are flouted. Today, the school through women emancipation in our African societies has had positive and negative impacts on the way that marriage was previously perceived. In terms of positive impacts, it has allowed girls to choose and to create their own future rather than that imposed by families and community. This allowed young girls to say "No" to arrange marriages and to marry according to their own tastes, their own desires. Regarding the negative impacts, infidelity and betrayals have become the favorite pastime of our young couples. They get married, saying that they love each other and end up tugging, martyring each other to end up in front of the judge. Bars and night clubs and in public places they line up. Some young girls even wish to remain voluntarily without a husband which was not observed in the past. Weddings have become those of interests only.

The tension thus already born in the family following the decisions taken for the marriage project of Kany leads to conflicts, misunderstandings between his brothers. Sibiri who is on his father's side began by making malicious remarks towards his brother Birama who is on the side from his sister Kany which led to a discussion in the form of a dialogue presented as if.

«I knew you were insolent, Birama, I just found out that you are crazy. You have to be crazy to tell me what I just heard. What does Kany's point of view do in this case? We decide, as is customary. It's up to Kany to follow. Since the world is world, marriages have been made as we do. You are too small to show us the wayBirama's eyes shone with anger, her face hard. Ah, that's it! He yelled. Well! Since the world is world, marriages were bad facts! By the way, it's not a marriage, he said, but an auction. You act as if Kany was not a person, but a common sheep. What interests you is how much you get out of it. You deliver it to the highest bidder and you no longer worry about what happens to it. Let her be Famagan's slave, relegated to the bottom of a hut in the middle other slaves, you don't care. What matters to you is what you receive! -I think you've lost your mind. Besides, everything you just said fits well with your conduct, to you who deny your environment, to you who are ashamed of your origin, to you who dream only of imitating your masters, the Whites. Yes, we have the right to tax whoever we want to Kany because Kany has something of us: it bears our name, the name of our family. Let her behave badly and shame falls on our family. It's not a person, but from everyone. Are you talking to me about your comrade? Let's see, who chose it? Kany, will you tell me; but, tell me, do you think that Kany alone can judge better than all of us reunited? Marriage is no joke, it cannot be settled by those who only dream movies, cigarettes and balls. We know Famagan. We inquired on him. He has his place among us. That's why Kany will marry her. You tell me about the money he gave us. You know very well that long before Famagan we lived and we did not beg. And then you have to be Birama to believe that a man can be rich enough to pay a soul. The money symbolizes the effort that Famagan makes to access our family»8(*)

This short dialogue sums up, among other things, what Birama and Sibiri have said and really shows that there is conflict.


Love in the novel the ghosts of Brazil Brazil, is manifesting between Pierre Kuassi Kpossou and Anna-Maria Dolores Do Mato, two young people from two different world, from two families that nothing brings together except prejudices social and racial. Anna-Maria is an Agouda, a beautiful descendant of slaves with rich parents and Pierre is from slave traders. Their love is therefore considered indecent on the part of the girl's parents. As proof from page 9 to 14, Peter and Anna Maria have been surprised by Eugenio, Octaviano, Fulgencio, the brothers of Anna-Maria in a bungalow at the beach enjoying their carnal antics. They tied Peter up, abandoned him and then went home with their sister. Pierre, after having regained his strength and his spirits, returned home. He is received by his uncle Kpassè in the forest while Anna-Maria, unable to bear the punishment inflicted on her, runs away. In this flight, she did not know where to go and took the direction of the forest. Heavy rain fell on her and stopped her in her race against the clock. She was kidnapped by a group of bandits in which was Adado, the cousin of Pierre. At the same time, his brothers were looking for him, but without success. Adado escaped with her and brought her to her fiancé in the forest at Uncle Kpassè's. He brought them back to town and left them to their fate. Conflicts in this novel are manifesting between both families and most observed mainly through Anna Maria's brothers anger on Pierre. Page 9 to 96 reading shows that there are cultural conflicts between Pierre's Family and the one of Anna Maria. The different colors used by the author on the cover page of the novel have a link with all events happened and helped me to illustrate some of them having a link with the topic under study.

On the cover page we can see two hands: the yellow one and the black one, in chains that are held back by the index and middle fingers. The use of the left hands which are those of the heart and the way in which the fingers are held back testifies to a strong love between two beings who want to unite and who refuse a separation. The broken chain of the Black Hand symbolizes liberation; the many obstacles, the many adventures crossed by the lovers. This shows that the story takes place on African soil. A blue sky indicates tranquility and to warn them of spirituality, it is the paradise: This part of the novel takes into account the last pages of the novel where the two lovers saved their love by throwing themselves into the sea. The book's red color conveys the many issues raised in the novel. As proof taking into account the novel towards the end of novel on Saturday, during the funeral of Manuel Luis da Gonceiçao, the entire Agouda community went to support the widow Bébédicta and during the bourignan marking the reception phase, Anna-Maria was unmasked by her brother Eugenio. Pierre then came to his rescue by throwing himself on the brother. Octavio and Fulgencio joined Eugenio for a merciless fight. But Pierre and Anna-Maria got the better of them by going to throw themselves into the sea to savor their eternal love


William Shakespeare in midsummernight has raised the same problem that happened in Romeo and Juliet. It put as an example of two couples who wanted to marry themselves. But this hasn't been the case. In this novel, Theseus and Hippolyta were planning their wedding festival when one of the Theseus's subjects Eugeus arrive seeking his support and was wanted his daughter Hermia to marry Demetrius, but arguing that another man Lysander's has stolen his hurt. Hermia his daughter didn't want to marry the one whom her father has chosen for her.

It's at that time Theseus reminds her the cost of disobedience according to Athenian law dictate if Hermia disobeys her father, she will be a turn than marry Demetrius and ask her final decision before his wedding in four days. Afterwards, Hermia and her lover Lysander after deciding what they are going to do run away the next night. We can talk here about conflict in the extent where Hermia father was telling her to marry Demetrius and she was refusing what her father said .As there is a misunderstanding between them the conflict is already set up. And this should not be the case (this is what we call forced marriage). Her father should not do it like that, he could call her firstly and discuss with her in order to have her point of view. But he wanted to do it according to Athenians' law and then she broke from home with the one she wanted. As we can see while talking about conflict and love the notion of hate always occurs seen that love and hate still go together.


Theophile de Viau has illustrated the same scenario which happened in Romeo and Juliet, the ghosts of Brazil And this novel, is talking about Thisbe and Pyramus.

In this novel there are conflicts lived by the main characters and this as we can notice through the following brief explanation. Thisbe loves Pyramus but the hatred of their families prevents their relationship from appearing in the day. His mummy Bersiane tries to reason. The father of Pyramus. Nabal judge that this love is madness, but his adviser Lidias tries to make him understand that it is a love of unconditional youth. Meanwhile, the king confided to Syllar that he was ready to assassinate Pyramus to obtain the love of Theseus, of which he is in vain. In Act 2, Pyramus assures the purity of his love to his friend Disarque, then he joined Thisbe and talk with her departure and other of the wall adjoining their houses. In act 3, Syllar convinces Deuxis to obey the king and assassinate Pyramus. This one dying and repentant warns his murderer against the king. Pyramus then decides to escape. The king learns the failure of the assassination and resolves to kill Thisbe and his lovers if he cannot 'to have.

In Act 4, Pyramus and Thisbe agree to flee together during this time, the case of Thisbe tells her confidante the bad omens of a dream that she did when she saw her dead daughter reproach her with her fate of no longer opposing this. She arrives at the appointment place. She sees a lion hiding, and drops her veil. In act 4 Pyramus arrives and perceiving the veil in the midst of the footsteps of the lion he believes that he is dead. He commits suicide with his dagger. This be arrives and observes the death of his lover stabs himself and dies too. This is a brief summary to better understand what happened in this novel. The opposition of families to the Union of their son and daughter led to their suicide. From this, I think that it is not good to impose on our children those whom they must marry because this can lead to negative consequences on their lives.

Theophile de Viau in his era has analyzed and has judged important to raise this problem so that this is not observable and continual.



The issue of love is so vast and complex that I find it necessary to clarify the concept according to my understanding and specify the limit of my paper. In fact there are many definitions of the concept «love».

According to Merriam Webster:love is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties like for instance a maternal love for a child. It can also be an attraction based on sexual desire, finally love could be an affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests9(*) as Dr Alidou R.Ibourahima Boro quoted it in his article entitled: The Paradox of Love as a Downfall of Man and as a Symbol of Unity through William Shakespeare'sRomeo &Juliette Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019www.ijsr.netLicensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BYAccording to Oxford advanced learner's dictionary 8th edition, love is a very strong feeling of liking and caring for somebody/something, especially a member of your family or a friend For instance. She has earned the love and respect of many people. Love for somebody/something a mother's unconditional love for her children. But here we are dealing with romantic love which is seen between two people in the novel: Romeo and Juliet.

Conflict: is a situation in which people, group or countries disagree strongly in a serious argument. In our context conflict is between two families.

Impact: The powerful effect that something has on somebody as we can motive it through the different characters of the novel.

Love affairs: is a romantic and usually sexual relationship between two people who love each other but who are not married or living yet together; case of Romeo and Juliet the novel under study.

Family conflicts: refers to active opposition between family members or between two different family member's .It may be between parents and children or sibling. But the one developed is most observed between two different families (Montages and Capulets).

In effect love and conflict are the main themes developed in RomeoandJuliet by William Shakespeare. However conflict between family members or different members is not a good thing while living together. It leads families' destruction and even all a given community. It leads war between countries, family as we can see conflicts between Montage's family and Capulets led in six death in five days. There are some passages in the novel illustrating the various conflicts that have existed between the two families and lived by the main characters .Thus the conflict that the author is speaking can be emotional, psychological or even physical. It is that he emphasizes in the act 4 scene 3 through the conflict of traumatic, emotional lived by Juliet when she was asserting in these words.

"God knows when we will meet again".10(*)

Through this assertion, she's doubting on drinking the potion that will lead her into a deep asleep .These words of Juliet shows that she will never see her mother and nurse, she fears to die and that why she is doubting such a decision. Secondly the discussion between Mercutio, Romeo and Tybalt has lead a physical conflict. Through this discussion one can read the following paragraph.

"Mercutio. - O cold, dishonorable, vile submission!

A shock to fix that! (He puts the sword in his hand.) Tybalt,

Rat killer, would you like to take a ride?

Tybalt. - What do you want from me?

Mercutio. - Nothing, good king of cats, just one of your nine

Lives; this one, I intend to enjoy it, reserving myself, according to your future conduct towards me, to chop the other eight.

So quickly draw your sword by the ears, or, before it is out of the case, your ears will smell mine.

Tybalt, sword in hand. - I'm yours.

Romeo: My good Mercutio, put your sword back.

Mercutio, in Tybalt. Come on, sir, your best Past! (They fight.)

Romeo. Quick draw, Benvolio, and let us cut down their weapons.

Gentlemen, out of modesty, retreat from such an outrage: Tybalt!

Mercutio! The Prince expressly prohibited brawls in the

Streets of Verona. Stop it, Tybalt! Dear Mercutio! (Romeo extends

His sword between the fighters. Tybalt reaches Mercutio under Romeo's arm and flees with his followers.) "11(*)

Through this paragraph we notice that conflict is not good thing because it brings human being sometimes to misbehave as an animal and leads us to commit a crime as observed. Mercutio through their discussion was murdered by Romeo.Apart from conflicts developed in the novel the play "Romeo and Juliet" has become forever associated with love. It's a truly iconic story of romance and passion even the name «Romeo» is still used to describe enthusiastic young lovers. But while the romantic love between the titular characters is often what we think of when we consider the love theme in "Romeo and Juliet,"Shakespeare's treatment of the concept of love is complex and multifaceted. Through different characters and relationships, he portrays some of the various types of love and the different ways it can manifest. These are some of the expressions of love Shakespeare threads together to create the play.

3-2- Shallow Love

Some characters fall in and out of love very quickly in "Romeo and Juliet." For example, Romeo is in "love" with Rosaline at the start of the play, but it is presented as an immature infatuation. Today, we might use the term «puppy love» to describe it. Romeo's love for Rosaline is shallow, and nobody really believes that it will last, including Friar Laurence:

Romeo: «Thou chides me oft for loving Rosaline.

Friar Laurence: For doting, not for loving, pupil mine».(Act Two, Scene Three)12(*)

Similarly, Paris' love for Juliet is borne out of tradition, not passion. He has identified her as a good candidate for a wife and approaches her father to arrange the marriage. Although this was the tradition at the time, it also says something about

«Friar Laurence: On Thursday, sir? The time is very short.

Paris: My father Capulet will have it so;

And I am nothing slow to slack his haste.

Friar Laurence: You say you do not know the lady's mind:

Uneven is the course, I like it not.»

Paris: Immoderately she weeps for Tybalt's death,

And therefore have I little talked of love.

(Act Four, Scene One)»13(*)

Paris' staid, unpassionate attitude toward love. He even admits to Friar Laurence that in his haste to rush the wedding, he hasn't discussed it with his bride to be:

3-3 Friendly Love

Many of the friendships in the play are as sincere as Romeo and Juliet's love for one another. The best example of this is in Act Three, Scene One, where Mercutio and Romeo fight Tybalt. When Romeo attempts to bring peace, Mercutio fights back at Tybalt's slander of Romeo. Then, it is out of rage over Mercutio's death that Romeo pursues and kills Tybalt:

«Romeo: In triumph, and Mercutio slain!

Away to heaven, respective lenity,

And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now.

Now, Tybalt, take the «villain» back again

That late thou gives me, for Mercutio's soul

Is but a little way above our heads,

Staying for thine to keep him company.

Either thou or I, or both, must go with him.

(Act Three, Scene One)»14(*)

It is out of friendly love for his companion that Romeo acts out.

3-4 Romantic Love

Then, of course, is romantic love, the classic idea of which is embodied in "Romeo and Juliet." In fact, maybe it is "Romeo and Juliet" that has influenced our definition of the concept. The characters are deeply infatuated with one another, so committed to being together that they defy their respective families.

We can say that Romeo and Juliet's love is fate; their love is given a cosmic significance, which suggests that the universe plays a role in the creation of deep romantic love. Despite their love being disallowed by the Capulet and Montague households, they inevitably and irresistibly find themselves drawn together.

«Juliet: Prodigious birth of love it is to me.That I must love a loathed enemy»15(*)

Amongst the different loves described, we are dealing with the romantic one All in all, Shakespeare presents romantic love as a force of nature, so strong that it transcends expectations, tradition, and through the combined suicides of lovers who cannot live without one another life itself.

Apart from William Shakespeare, many Africans writers such as Florent Couao Zoti, Adetundji S.Ogundimu and Seydou Badian being in different countries have raised the same problem in their novels. The Malian writer (Seydou Badian) while making hi contribution to his friend the British put as an example of two generations fighting <<Under the storm<<Sous l'orage>>"in which he pointed out the notion of love and conflict lived by the characters.

Father Benfa's daughter loved Samou so much or a point where one cannot measure this degree of love. As proof she has demonstrated it through several manners. Despite his first warning about the young boys of whom he spoke without already knowing that among them Kany dreamed of love, of the future, saw a better future embellished by the presence of Samou and often we heard her singing the song of the oath that young women say when they have chosen through a poem written in 11 verses as follows:

«Oh may my head be between two swords

I will remain faithful to him.

The shepherd thinks of his star'

The prisoner remains faithful to the murmurs of the river,

The bird greets the sunrise,

The child laughs on the ancestor's lap,

And i think about him

That I sing with these words all the time.

To throw my hands tied

Deep in the water,

I will sing It 16(*)

This poem shows that Kany really loves Samou and would like to stay all her remains time with him. Kany was doing this without her father knowledge, because this could create a lot of consequences as quick as possible. The analysis of conflict and love in the novel under the storm shows that the custom in Africa requires that young people must always respect accept what adults say. While western school ,the arrival of the white allowed the creation of the school which trained the young generation the freedom of expression and this against the tradition because it leads young people to oppose their parent's decisions.

Despite the conflicts that exist between the old and the new generation in under the storm, communication remains essential to find solutions. So the message conveys is that Young people must respect people of the older generation, in exchange for which they must also respect these young people and ask their opinion especially when it's about their future.

To better understand my research work, I found necessary to investigate and find out the information's apart from the ones delivered by some scholars on the subject under study. During my investigation I established some open-ended and close- ended questions in order to get some wise people point 's view about the issue of conflicts and love seen that these two issues are still realities in our societies.

The open -ended questions are the first resumed in the following table with theirs corresponding answers.

Table 1





Why do some people choose the husband to their girls?

Because of tradition, to be well seen by your relatives, to maintain families relationship that their ancestors were sharing before, for families continuity from generation to generation. In one word is to promote African culture.


What are the causes of conflicts between families in context of love affairs?

Social rank, religion, ethnicity, conflict lasted the refusal of any parent of the girl who is supposed to be married according to her choice.


Why do some people are against to the relationship between their girls with any boy of certain families?

Because of the abusive repeated deaths between the two families in ancient times. Other take into account social status, religion and ethnic.


What are the impact of family conflicts in love affairs?

It leads total division between parents and children, children feel isolated, the stress, deception, anxiety and sometime to death.

Table 2

The close-ended question are secondly resumed in the following table with their corresponding answers







Is it good for a girl to choose herself her husband?








Is it good to still live according to tradition?








Is forced marriage a good thing?








Let us make hypothesis before the interpretation.

People will say that forced marriage leads conflicts and consequences for the people involved.

After collecting some answers from people and their different point of view on the topic family conflicts in love affairs, these are the results below I got.

Firstly for the question why do some people choose the husband to their girls? People said: It is to promote African culture

Secondly I asked the following close-ended questions: Is it good for a girl to choose herself her husband? To get their point of view in order to establish the Link between the first one question and the second one and draw a conclusion. For this question 95% out of hundred said yes because once married she will be free and if in her marital family does not works she can move and look for the right one that is reserved to her by God, the man of her fate and 5% out of hundred said no. From there I saw a large contradiction between both questions I might conclude that marriage in some societies is based on tradition and others no. You are free to choose who you want.

Thirdly For the question is it good to still live according to tradition? 85% out of hundred said no and 15% out of hundred said yes. From there I saw that the majority of people reject the idea of still living within tradition.

Moreover, for the question is forced marriage a good thing?? 95% out of hundred said no and 5% out of hundred said yes. From there I noticed that people are not agree with forced marriage.

In addition, for the question what are the causes of conflicts between family I found information's according to which the major causes are: Social rank, religion, ethnicity, conflict lasted the refusal of any parent of the girl who is supposed to be married according to her choice. From there I was agreed.

Before the last question is to know why some parents are against to the relationship between of their girl to any boy from a family.

People said that some are against because of the abusive repeated deaths between the two families in ancient times. Other take into account social status, religion and ethnic. From there I noticed that most marriage is based on religion.People are still living in those conflicts without knowing the result consequences.

For the question what are the impacts of family conflicts?I found the answer according to which it leads total division between parents and children, children feel isolated, the stress, anxiety and sometime to death. By analyzing I noticed that it true because conflicts between Montages and Capulets lead six deaths in five days.

After the analysis of these questions two important points are to know. The first one is marriage according to modern life linked to expression of freedom and; the second one arranged marriage linked to customs and tradition. And I saw that the majority of people are not agree with forced marriage .As far as I'm concerned It's good to live according to time I mean by marrying according to your choice not by force .

To end, these results confirm my hypothesis that I made before the result's interpretation.



After the different analysis made on love through Romeo and Julietin «Romeo and Juliet», I noticedthat love has power to control one's actions, feelings, and the relationship itself through the bond between a destined couple in the extent where none could accept to live alone without his second that why after Romeo death, Juliet bas decided to die too bysaving their love.William Shakespeare has therefore showed that love that people had between each other was so strong.But today it is the contrary we can see.AsDr. Alidou R.Ibourahima Boro said in his article untitled :The Paradox of Love as a Downfall of Man and as a Symbol of Unity through William Shakespeare's Romeo & JulietVolume 8 Issue 1, January 2019www.ijsr.netLicensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Love has taken or has another face nowadays. Many people no longer see it as an intense feeling for someone or self-sacrifice for the other; one seeks his interest through love. And sometimes this love is measured by the degree of his armor's wallet. Strange but true thing. The world is going backwards and the real reason for love has lost its meaning.

This shows that, nobody is ready to sacrifice himself for somebody. I also through the novel saw that the different conflictslived by the two families have had disastrousconsequences yes it is true and as the author showed it in the novel. Not only, those conflicts impact children relationships in love affairs but also constitute a mean of education for them while living within the families, between families, people living within hate. Being in the family, close to one another, in communities would be difficult not to observe conflicts as far as there is exchange between parents and children, and people surrounding you but these conflicts should not be sources of obstacle for their future this must be observed in a moderate way.

Having a look on children shall teach them how to grow and argue positively. That is what. Legrand philosopher was saying. I want to point out Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Dans Du contrat social)

"The man was born good may it is the society that corrupts him" 17(*)

By entering into our context we can say that the author wants us to understand that the child once in the world is holy but if the latter is poorly educated in the condition that he receives bad advices they divert the faculties of their children. Thus, parents are the guiding vectors that must bring their children on a good path. I am witness of such a subject addressed by the author where parents have imposed a husband on their daughter but I assure you today the girl is in paradise while being on earth or she has been there with restraint. It is often thought that the conflict between people is a bad relationship. However many sociologist like Georges Simmel, philosopher like Hegel, Nietzsche psychologist have a positive view of the conflict related to families, romantic relationships as a mode of relationships between individuals. Psychologists: Dominique Picard and Edmond Picard consider that:

«Conflicts are not communication errors, but are as normal and commonplace to argue as to get along well. «Relationship problems are inherent in the nature and dynamics of a relationship because living together without communicating is complicated and difficult.»18(*)

However conflict is often lived in suffering and contrary to good understanding, it prevents the relationship from progressing and being productive and the partners of flourish.As proof ,the relationship between Romeo and Juliet accentuated tensions between the two families and beyond families both clans. It doubled the existed tensions and conflicts between the two clans. Love which should be a source of peace, happiness and above all unity breaks out in war and in conflict and this leads to the death of Romeo and Juliette a fatality, a scandal and a terror that breaks out on the younger generation. That is why it is often necessary to regulate and solve it. From a psychological point of view, people involved in a conflict or living in a conflict within their own psyche experience strong emotional state: Anger, frustration, fear, sadness, grudge and sometimes aggression and violence. It is this reality which is at the origin of the negative connotation of the word conflict.

The conflict is not necessarily destructive it is normal to meet conflicts or problems relational as it is immense the diversity of the human beings of the history of the peoples of their culture, their individual journeys. Rather than the conflicts themselves it's the way to approach them that can be destructive. It comes now we know how to conduct ourselves everything depends on the degree of freedom of expression and equality between individuals. At the origin of a conflict we always find divergent interests, feelings hurt where different desires. In fact the conflict raises the question of the other who sometimes has the bad idea of ??not wanting what we want. Everybody is animated to live conflicts. Moments of crisis are inevitable and often necessary to make the bonds shift to a new equilibrium. Of all the above that is how conflict impacts in romantic relationships. We cannot avoid conflict, but we must know how to go about it when we are in conflict. Conflicts have both negative and positive impacts in love affairs. When parents live in conflicts in love affairs with their children, this impact the whole community in the extent where none of girls could accept to be married. They will stay without husband. Either she kill herself or she gets away from home, and start by involving herself in prostitution, and maybe have children without knowing their own fathers, its led five deaths in six days in Montagues and Capulets. But as far as the positives ones are concerned, its lead to Montagues and Capulets reconciliation after have registered death in the two families. Each family has paid back the evil done to his second one. As we can see children most of the time are the medium for the families living in conflicts. The sacrifice for love leading to death is sometime indispensable for families' reconciliation. In the novel Romeo and Juliette deaths has led to Montague and Capulets Reconciliation. In under the storm of Seydou Badian Africans people have mastered the conflict and we didn't register death it thanks to conflicts lasted so long old Benfa was convinced later and therefore let his daughter choose the man of his life. Those Africans have played a great role in this novel because of their consciousness they have. If not we were going to notice the same happened in others novel.


After having collected information's from different novels and people point's view about families' conflicts in love affairs I saw that conflicts are the necessary evil we can avoid it. It helps sometimes to resolve problems between people, families while living in war, misunderstanding but I think people mustn't still live in conflicts by focusing on the past. From the all collected information's family conflicts and the husband's choice to their girls are responsible from the impossible love between the lovers .That's we call forced marriage and this is banished by the law.

After the different analysis made on the topic, the fact to choose a husband to your girl or let her choose herself, I think the good way is to let her makes her choice because it's question of her future, fate. The fact to choose her husband is to live according to tradition that's bad because some of the principles that tradition requires is the opposite of what we are living today.

However, after making her choice it's good to give her some tips, or guide her from time to time so that she maintains her marital family Good. If she falls it's mean that you failed also. So Parents and children must sit together and discuss when it concerns their children future in order to reduce conflict in families'


To sum up, Shakespeare presents conflict in Romeo and Juliette by showing how conflicts between the characters can affect events in the play. The family feud between the Montague and the Capulets is the main reason for all the conflict and it responsible for six death in the span five days. Shakespeare shows that loyalty to one side. This can cause tension between the characters. He also shows that language is powerful tool and verbal conflict and lead to physical conflict. Romeo and Juliet shows that love and passion can lead to hate and conflict and the two most power full forces of nature are love and hate. Overall Shakespeare shows that the effects of conflict can have disastrous consequences for the people involved. The message conveyed by the author is that Romeo and Juliet is not only a play that people enjoyed in earlier time but its joyfulness is still remaining today because of the story inside the play can be still applied on the love of many couples of this time. All in all, both Florent Couao Zoti and Seidou Badian in their show that the different problems raised are still reality. In effect when we read and reread it's we can see that these behaviors are observed in our towns and cities where marriages continue being based on religion ethnic, social rank or misunderstanding between families yet in love affairs and later lead to conflicts.


1-Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako.

2-Rousseau, J.J.Du contrat social

3-Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona.Pages:Actes4 scene3

4- Shakespeare, W (1600).Midsummer night dream's, London.

5- Théophile DE Viau (1623).Pyramus and Thisbe, Paris.

6- Zotti, F.C.(2015).les fantomes du Brazil (The ghosts of Brazil), UBD.


1->Oxford advanced learner's dictionary 8th edition /meaning of lovelove. visited on Saturday,August 08th,2020 by 9h 07min)

2- on Saturday August 08th,2020:by 9h 34min)

3- Friday, July 25th, 2020 by:11h10min 48s


1-Alidou R.Ibourahima Boro .The Paradox of Love as a Downfall of Man and as a Symbol of Unity through William Shakespeare'sRomeo & Juliet Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019www.ijsr.netLicensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 2-Edmond Picard, Edmond Marc, petit traité des conflicts ordinaires .Le seuil p8/(

3-Seguedeme, H., & Towa-Sello, K. (2017). Machiavelli's in William Shakespeare's Macbeth: A Critical Study. IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies (ISSN 2455-2526), 6(2), 170-180, doi: 3

* 1

* 2

* 3 Dr Seguedeme, H., & Towa-Sello, K. (2017). Machiavelli's in William Shakespeare's Macbeth: A Critical Study. IRA International Journal of Education and Multidisciplinary Studies (ISSN 2455-2526), 6(2), 170-180, doi: 3

* 4Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako.

* 5Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P7

* 6 Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P7-8

* 7 Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P8

* 8 Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P17

* 9Alidou R.Iourahima Boro:The Paradox of Love as a Downfall of Man and as a Symbol of Unity through William Shakespeare?s Romeo & Juliette

* 10 Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona. Act 4 scene 3, p 106

* 11Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona. Act 4 scene 3, p 69-70

* 12Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona. Act 2 scene 3, p 48-49

* 13 Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona. Act 4 scene 1.

* 14 Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona. Act 3 scene 1. P 99-100

* 15 Shakespeare, W (1957).Romeoand Juliet, Verona. P 30

* 16Badian, S(1964).Sous l'orage, Bamako. P7-8.

* 17Rousseau, J.J. Du contrat social

* 18Edmond Picard, Edmond Marc, petit traité des conflits ordinaires .Le seuil p8.

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Entre deux mots il faut choisir le moindre"   Paul Valery