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Problematic of liquidation and dissolution of companies under rwandan law: case study of Rwandatel

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par Ernestine Numukobwa
Université du Rwanda - Bachelor of Law 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


After learning the course of company law, and did the internship in a commercial company in the office of its legal advisor, I felt interested in things related to commercial law, and I am seeking for understanding how company can be dissolved and liquidated, and what Rwandan laws provide about it. Hence, I decided to make dissertation on this subject basing on the case of Rwandatel SAand analyze whether it was lawful and fair.


After learning the commercial law module specifically, the Company Law, I felt interested to know what happenswhen a company is dissolved and liquidated and the impact which occurs to the staff, to the customers and its impact to the Rwandan trade in general.

Hence, I asked myself whether there is no gap in Rwandan Company Law so that I contribute in writing a dissertation .Therefore, I did it basing on the below questions:

1. What the company law provides on dissolution and liquidation of a company?

2. If there is no provision about that, what was the interest of the legislator while making this law?

3. Is there any legal framework of dissolution and liquidation of the company in Rwanda?

4. What is the impact of not providing the provision on the company itself, customers and the Rwandan commercial law?

5. What law did the court based on in making a judgment on the case of Rwandatel?


The main objective of the study is to understand the way dissolution and liquidation of companies is done under Rwandan law.


In this research, Iused different techniques such as documentary technique where legal texts, books, dissertations and online sources will be consulted. This helped me to consult various literatures that are related to the topic.

Through interviews different ideas were gathered from commercial court personnel to gather different ideas from them and this helped me analyzing the liquidation of Rwandatel

I also used different methods such as analytical which concerns of making analysis of the subject which includes its functioning and limitations and analyze what other scholars said about it.

Comparative methodenabled me making a comparison with other countries commercial jurisdictions(Kenya) and Canada to see differences and similarities.

Exegetical method based on making my interpretation, and asking myself different questions to see if there is any problem with the subject and in order to know what the legislator meant, and adding some commentaries


This study was limited to the commercial law in general and specifically to the company law of Rwanda. Basing on the comparison of the law No. 07/2009 0f 27/04/2009 relating to Companies with the abrogated law No. 6/1988 of February 12,1988 relating to organization of Commercial Establishments. I also checked what laws of other countries provide about it concentrating on Kenya and Canada as my comparative method is concerned on them.


Apart from the general introduction and general conclusion,the research is divided into two chapters: The first chapter concerns the presentation of the topic and an overview on dissolution and liquidation of Companies under Rwandan. The second chapter bases on the analysis of problems related to dissolution and liquidation of companies in Rwanda and how to solve them; thus, I took Rwandatel as case study.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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