Section I. attitude questions
1. For how many years have you lived and used this area?
2. Rank the following issues or problems currently facing your
community in order of most important to least important.
Most important
More important
Somewhat important
Least important
Limited land
Limited food
Wild animal
damage to
Lack of access
to forest resources/ products
3. Please tell us what kind of change do the conservation
activities have on you? is it an improvement or a detriment?
4. Does your family benefits from the forest? Yes..... No....
5. What does land use change involve? Section II. Resource
1. Do you ever go into the forest and using the forest resources
for your livelihoods?
2. If No why don?t you go there?
a) Fear of rangers d) No time
b) Fear of animals e) Too far
c) No interest f) Other-specify
3. If yes why do you go there?
a) Health related
b) Hunting
c) Building materials
d) Firewood
e) Grazing
f) Mining
g) Worship
h) Other- specify
4. How far (km) was the forest from your village in :
1970 1980 1990 2000
5. Are any of you impacted by the forest change both
directly and indirectly?
Yes No
If yes how (please specify)
6. What were the most changes that have been occurring and
affecting your livelihoods?
7. Are these change environments friendly? Explain how.
8. Are the forest products collected for the market or
household consumption? If for the market, what quantity of the products is sold
and how many do you gain from these products?
9. Discuss the impacts of different land use changes?
10. What do you think about the forest restoration and your
11. What do you think tourism industry will benefit you?
a) Sell handcrafts
b) Act as a tour guide/porter
c) Other- specify
12. Compare the situation before the forest has been settled
and after being settled. Was there any improvement or a detriment?
Section III. Socio-economic questions
1. How big is the size of the land under control of your
household (ha)?
2. What are the main sources of income for your household?
a) Sale of farm produce (specify which crops or animal
b) Sale of household labor (specify where sold, and if male or
c) Sale of forest products
d) Remittances from daughter/son/relative-specify
e) Petty trade (specify type of trade and who in the household
does it)
f) Others (specify)
3. Is there anything you lost because of the forest changes?
Yes No
If yes what and how
4. How do you rate your situation now from the changes were
a) Better off
b) Same as before
c) Worse off
5. Is there any relationship between the forest change and the
erosion and flooding that this region is being experiencing?
6. a. How was the situation before you settled the forest? b.
How did you settle the region? Is it by you or by the government?
District/Sector officers
1. What did you do to save the life of the people installed in
Gishwati and their properties?
2. What were the worst effects of the forest change on your
local population and the environment in general? And why this?
3. Estimate how much did you lost economically and
environmentally from the forest change? Did the economy increases or
4. There must be some conflicts between the forest
restoration and the local communities, what are they and how or what strategies
are in place to reduce these conflicts?
5. In your opinion how do you think the forest should be used
and how should people benefit from instead of being damaged by its use?