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Environmental and socio-economic impact of land use change. Case study of Gishwati forest in Rwanda

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Jean de Dieu TWAYIGIRA
National University of Rwanda - Bachelor's degree 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


To structure the data collection, the following research questions were formulated:

1. What are the major changes occurred in Gishwati?

2. To which extent has Gishwati been changed and what are the driving forces behind? ? These two questions concern the main changes, their location and their corresponding causes.

3. What are the tremendous socio-economic effects/consequences of those changes to the environment including local population?

4. How these changes have affected the livelihoods of local population?

? These questions relate to outcomes of those land use changes on the environment and local population.

5. What are the possible solutions to those changes with regard to the forest sustainability and improved local livelihoods of population?



The following hypotheses will be tested:

? Settlement development in Gishwati forest was the worst land use on the population around.

? Local population are being affected by soil erosion and flooding resulting from the forest changes.

? The integration of socio-economic, educational and environmental benefits to the human population around is necessary for double sustainability of Gishwati and human?s livelihoods.


This research is limited to Gishwati forest. And the focus is put on the changes of Gishwati forest land use from 1970s up to now because it is during this time that many adverse changes have occurred and impacted the forest and the surrounding population.


This research is organized under four chapters and the following sections outline each chapter. Chapter one outlines the general background information on the land use change that natural forests encountered as a result of poor or absent management. This includes objectives and hypotheses pertaining to the study and the key guiding research questions were set out in order to get answers that assist to reach the main objective of the research. Research motivation and limitation also are included in this chapter.

The second Chapter gives an overview of the study area and details for the methods and materials by which the study was conducted. It presents also details on the instrumentation, data collection methodology and analysis techniques, which were used in the whole process. The chapter ends up by highlighting limitations that were encountered in the research.

The third chapter presents and discusses the detailed results of the research. Data from the survey questionnaires were computerized, tabulated and analyzed with the aid of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft word and statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics such as mean and percent distributions were generated to summarize the property of the dataset.


Data processing using GIS software have been also carried out for data analysis and presentation in order to generate maps. The major patterns in the observations, relationships, trends and generalizations among the results have been shown. Also some information on the hypotheses test has been provided.

The last chapter, chapter four highlights the general conclusion derived from the results and some recommendations or actions to be taken as a solution from what were found in the research to improve the protection and management of natural resources specifically Gishwati forest.



This chapter describes how the study was carried out. It therefore presents the research design, sources of data, various data collection techniques and methods, data processing and analysis appropriate to this research.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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